Trailer for Kong Ergou’s ‘Once Upon a Time in Northeast China’

"Love Song to the Days Forgone" Theatrical Poster

“Love Song to the Days Forgone” Theatrical Poster

China will soon see the release of Love Song to the Days Forgone (previously known as Once Upon a Time in Northeast China), a crime thriller directed by Kong Ergou, who is mostly known for producing John Woo’s epic The Crossing saga, and The Three-Body Problem: I.

The film stars Zhang Jingchu (Sky on Fire, The Adventurers), Xia Yu (Birth of the Dragon, Mojin: The Lost Legend), Hu Jun (Bodyguards and Assassins, Firestorm) and Wu Yue (Cold War 2Bruce Lee, My Brother)

According to AFS, Love Song to the Days Forgone follows a nightclub manager whose entanglement with a beautiful girl in the northeast of China leads to exile, murder, imprisonment and eventually redemption.

Love Song to the Days Forgone hits domestically on May 1, 2019. Take a peek at the Trailer below:

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Is that a Threat? – An Interview with Jesse V. Johnson

Jesse-V-Johnson-Triple-threatThere’s an old adage that goes ‘too many cooks spoil the broth’, and Jesse V. Johnson’s latest action extravaganza, Triple Threat, comes loaded to the brim with cooks, and ones that can fight at that. Thankfully though, Johnson runs a tight kitchen, and against the odds the British stuntman turned director has delivered a dish that gives a plethora of martial arts talent their own individual moments to shine – amongst them Iko Uwais, Tony Jaa, Tiger Chen, Scott Adkins, Michael Jai White, and plenty more.

Jesse V. Johnson

Jesse V. Johnson

So when the opportunity came up to interview Johnson, it was too good of an offer to pass up (and, in all honesty, I’d already made that mistake once with Accident Man). So it was I set about noting down the many questions I wanted to ask about the making of Triple Threat, and the inevitable challenges that must have come up along the way.

While it may pale in comparison to the rigours of making an action movie, my own challenge was that living in Sydney, Australia, meant that speaking to Johnson at his Californian residence on a Friday afternoon, involved me waking up at 6:00am on a Saturday. I’m not a morning person, even less so on a weekend. Thankfully though, any initial drowsiness was soon cast aside by Johnson’s infectiously energetic demeanour, and obvious passion for talking about all things related to the action genre.

Vic Armstrong doubling for Harrison Ford in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

Vic Armstrong doubling for Harrison Ford in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

Born in the UK, Johnson is the nephew of legendary stuntman Vic Armstrong (who also directed the 1993 Dolph Lundgren vehicle Joshua Tree). Like his uncle, he also started off in stunts (and continues to do stunt work to this day), however has gradually carved out a name for himself as a director. Initially gaining attention with his 2005 underground fight flick Pit Fighter, Johnson continued to work with the likes of Don ‘The Dragon’ Wilson on 2007’s The Last Sentinel, and Mark Dacascos on Alien Agent from the same year. However it’s his recent collaborations with British martial arts star Scott Adkins which have really put him on the map, directing the likes of Savage Dog, Accident Man, The Debt Collector, and the soon-to-be released Avengement.

Despite being limited to talking over the phone, Johnson’s enthusiasm for action, and his ambitions to deliver the best movie possible, are blatantly apparent. Prone to going off on entertaining tangents, and with a disarming humbleness around his own errors in judgement on past endeavours, his insights are never anything less than engaging. I also owe him a debt of gratitude for allowing our 30 minute timeslot to turn into a whole hour, and yet despite that, I was still only able to cover half of the questions I wanted to ask. I’ll save the rest for another time, but until then, enjoy the full interview below, which took place on March 8th, 2019.

* Anything in brackets denotes additional context.
* Note the interview contains a minor spoiler regarding the death of a supporting character.

"The Last Sentinel" Japanese Theatrical Poster

“The Last Sentinel” Japanese Theatrical Poster

Paul Bramhall: Hi Jesse, thanks for taking the time to speak to us! In the 10 years between 2005 – 2015, you made 7 movies. In the past 3 years, you’ve equalled the output of what previously took you a whole decade. Is there a driver behind this sudden burst in productivity as a director?

Jesse V. Johnson: You’re welcome Paul! Well I try to work as much as possible and I don’t like time off, so I’ll always be working on developing, lighting, shooting, or editing. What people don’t realise is that these films shoot very efficiently and quickly, a really long one would be 6 weeks, so that leaves a lot of time in the year for more shooting, editing, and what have you. 

The development process on these films, in terms of the actual physical pre-production, is very rarely longer than 2 months, so you need to complete your casting, scripting, and everything else all in those 6 to 8 weeks, then the money drops and you have to start the principal photography. In terms of the editorial process, you’ll be supervising it say every couple of days, and then more frantically as it gets closer to delivering the picture. So my input as such will usually be that I’ve already started to develop another film during this process, or working on something else at the same time, because one film in today’s climate won’t be a yearlong endeavour, from start to finish you’ll be 6 months tops. 

Scott Adkins, Jesse V. Johnson and Louis Mandylor on the set of Avengement.

Scott Adkins, Jesse V. Johnson and Louis Mandylor on the set of Avengement.

That final phase of overseeing aspects like color correction and visual effects is not a full time job at all, it can take up 1 to 2 days a week, so that allows me to give my full heart and soul to 2 or 3 films a year. That’s the ideal process, because these type of films also don’t pay very much and come with a high overhead, so when you have a family and a daughter in film school who also wants to become a director, it becomes a matter of necessity to have multiple irons in the fire. In what you could call my prior career, it was very very tough to get films going, so I was very lucky and was working more than most of my peers who were also independent directors. 

PB: Thanks for the insight! Of course in 5 of those 7 movies, you’ve been working with Scott Adkins. I’ve made reference in at least one of my reviews for your collaborations together, that it feels like you bring out the best in his performances the same way Isaac Florentine does. What I particularly like about your collaborations though, is that you utilise Adkins’ English accent the way it always should have been, and you don’t always feel the need to showcase his aerial repertoire. How would you describe your working relationship now that you’re 5 movies in?

Scott Adkins, Jesse V. Johnson and Marko Zaror on the set of Savage Dog.

Scott Adkins, Jesse V. Johnson and Marko Zaror on the set of Savage Dog.

JVJ: With Scott, I found myself in a situation with an actor who was like minded and who I got along very well with, and I believe we do good work together, you know we don’t let the other person get away with half assed stuff, so it’s good to have a partner like that who’ll look across to you and say, “that sucks”. I’ve never really had that relationship with an actor before. Equally, I’ll also look to him and say come on, I know you can do better than this mate, and I can say I’ve never been in a situation before where I’ve felt comfortable enough with a lead actor to talk to them that way. So the 2 of us really motivate each other and kick each other’s butts, swear at each other, and generally push the others level of work to the next level, quite often by the most basic means. 

You know we’re both very blue collar, Scott’s the son of a butcher and my mother was a single parent school teacher, so we have a very basic way of working together that’s not highfalutin or intellectual. We’re like a couple of a cabinet makers who are polishing our technique and trying to make the best quality cabinets out there that look beautiful, well finished, and chosen with the best wood possible, and in and of themselves will someday hopefully be looked at as works of art. Right now we just really want to entertain and do stuff that, you know, is a little different. 

Now of course this is a challenge as well, because the genre we’re in is not really a money making one, and there’s a lot of very very poor quality films out there, but also the people that watch these movies in the past 3 decades have now become avid video game players, and are no longer interested in going to the movies. So we have to shift the perception and realise that you can no longer get away with only having good fight scenes. You need to have that good story, you need to have some humor in there, you need to have outrageous action, and yes also violence if you want to move the needle in that direction, stronger female characters both protagonists and antagonists, and you know, just stories that are different and push the envelope. 

Adkins with director Jesse V. Johnson.

Adkins with director Jesse V. Johnson.

At the end of the day, you’re coming up with a film where 2 people need to hit each other in the face, and you have to come up with a valid reason for that. I mean I don’t know about you but I haven’t hit anyone in the face for a long time, since I was a teenager, and even then it was more silly than it was vicious. So you need to come up with a legitimate reason to validate that kind of physical interaction, and that takes some serious sitting down to think about, and when you watch a lot of action movies today you realise they haven’t taken that time to sit down, you know, there’s a reason a lot of these films don’t work. 

So that being said, something like Triple Threat presented enormous challenges, we’ve got 8 or 9 high level martial artists that we want to give some time to, some really good time to, and we need to validate those moments with a story. Not only that, but we also need to highlight each of those unique marital styles, and the individual performers of those styles that have dedicated their lives to perfecting their craft. So the challenges are there, but I think as long as you take the time to be creative and are very careful with it, this can be a highlight of the genre.

"Triple Threat" Theatrical Poster

“Triple Threat” Theatrical Poster

PB: I think it is, and what was it like to work on a movie with this much talent and this many expectations?

JVJ: It’s exciting stuff making these movies, in the moment your heart’s in your throat a lot of the time, and being a stuntman for 20 years I’m very conscientious of keeping everyone safe, especially the cast and crew. But also the stunt people as well, you don’t want to hurt people, that’s not the challenge, the challenge is to make it look like they got hurt. But every once in a while you’ll have one stunt where there’s always room for error, so everyone has to be thinking, and as long as everyone’s thinking you’re good. But if you have just one person in the room, be that a stunt person or actor, that has a lapse of attention, that’s where things go wrong, and the more people you have in the room the more the odds are against you. But I will say it’s a very exciting way to make a living, voiding that risk factor and still making it look exciting.

Tony Jaa, Tiger Chen and Iko Uwais in Triple Threat.

Tony Jaa, Tiger Chen and Iko Uwais in Triple Threat.

It was a great challenge on Triple Threat and we had fantastic people. Seng (Kawee – the stunt coordinator), who’s a master and has worked with my uncle (Vic Armstrong) doing stunts on some huge huge movies and acted as a supervising coordinator. Kazu (Patrick Tang – the stunt coordinator assistant) was his right-hand man and did a lot of our hands-on stunt coordination, he’s phenomenal. The stunt team from Thailand where top notch, and then you have Tim Man whose very very good, he is doing more and more choreography now including his own, and Scott is particularly good with choreography and camera placement. Then you have Tony, who’s obviously like a walking deity, like a God on earth when it comes to knowing this stuff and his knowledge is incomprehensible. You know to have made all of the martial arts sequences look bad, we would have to have been doing something really really wrong, these guys are just so good.

Scott Adkins, Jeeja Yanin, Michael Bisping and Michael Jai White in Triple Threat.

Scott Adkins, Jeeja Yanin, Michael Bisping and Michael Jai White in Triple Threat.

PB: Before filming rolled, where all of the fights in Triple Threat already scripted, or was it a case of as more of the cast came onboard, you realised “we have to have these 2 guys fight each other!”?

JVJ: Such a simple question, but I’m going to give you a really complex answer! (laughter) I don’t have action written into my scripts unless it’s an absolutely key plot point. There’s nothing I hate more than “he threw a left hook & then he threw a suplex”, you know I don’t want to read any of that crap unless it involves the story in a certain way, otherwise its fine to say, “they fight, one of them wins”, you know keep it simple in the script. With this script, it was Joey O’Bryan who wrote the version that we took to Thailand, and then our local producer there Mike Selby and I obviously had to adapt it for Thailand and the actors as we cast. Joey didn’t know who or how many people were going to be in it when he wrote it, but the basic script is his and he did a very good job with that. 

Tim Man with the Threats.

Tim Man with the Threats.

We had to at that point manipulate it to make it work for the environment, so we would write the plot points into the script, then very much leave it to Tim Man and the team to design the choreography. I would look at the set and say “Look I think they fight in here, moonlight behind them, keeping this side of the table in shot, and at that point, we’re going to kick Tony through the wall. That’s going to knock him out, which takes him out of the fight, and that’s the only way we can do this, otherwise he’s knocked out and he’s lying to one side of the set, and the audience is going to be continuously wondering why he doesn’t open one eye to check out what’s going on.” (laughter) 

So things like that, I’ll have those conversations with Tim, and he’ll say, “You’re nuts, you can’t kick Tony through the wall, how’s that going to work!?” So I told him we’ll get this stuff that I know called pyrocell (a plaster made from foamed gypsum powder), and we’ll build some up so we can ratchet him through the wall which will look really violent, and that’s how we would come to an understanding. Then he’ll work the choreography based on my direction, and come up with the artistry. You know just as a dance choreographer or any other martial arts choreographer knows, you don’t want your first unit director doing that, it’s not what he wants me doing. He wants me dealing with the actors and dealing with the story, and he doesn’t want me spending my nights figuring out what kick works better, that’s the position of the choreographer.

"Triple Threat" Chinese Theatrical Poster

“Triple Threat” Chinese Theatrical Poster

So I oversee it, and I’ve done it dozens of time myself in shows like Walker, Texas Ranger, I’m very aware of what goes on and I’m fine with letting somebody else do it, especially when they’re of a very high quality like Tim is. He would design those fights, and the actors would then come in and look at his choreography and say, “No no, it’s Silat, it would be better if I took hold of his wrist and hit him with the back of my hand.” So Iko would say that kind of thing, and then Tiger would add his 2 cents, and you know for the most part they’re very onboard, because Tim has such a consummate sort of knowledge when it comes to fight scenes, he’d really given them interesting stuff to do anyway even before their input.

We used Mike Bisping very very well, surprisingly good at choreography, and you know I talked to him about it afterwards and explained normally I get real fighters and they’re a pain in the ass to choreograph. (laughter) So he said to me, “You have to remember Jess that, before I did MMA, before I did UFC, I was a martial artist, I had to do my sets the same as everyone else in order to get my various rankings and belts.” It’s almost identical to film choreography to learn some of that black belt stuff, you know you have to learn every single one of those sets, and people don’t realise that, there’s a tremendous amount of choreography that you have to remember. 

The Threatened: Michael Bisping, Scott Adkins and Michael Jai White.

The Threat-ened: Michael Bisping, Scott Adkins and Michael Jai White.

So he was very adept at fight choreography, he got to do some really fun stuff as well, which was great considering I’ve had some disastrous experiences with UFC guys in the past. You know where literally their memory, because they’ve been pounded in the head so many times, was 1 or 2 or 3 beats then you’ll have to cut, then its monkey see monkey do for the next 2 or 3 beats, and it’s very limiting when it comes to choreography because every exchange is very short. Then you get to the inevitable point where they yell, “Just let me fight him for real!” But it’s not going to look very good because the stunt man won’t be expecting the hits, and they’re not going to look like very big hits because we don’t want him to be knocked out. Even the most gung-ho of stunt performers isn’t going to want to be hit by a UFC guy many times, so it can be frustrating.

Bisping was particularly good and I thought he did great, I really enjoyed working with him, I think we built a really good screen image with him, a really scary looking cat. I particularly thought him and Scott did well with their brotherly banter, you know a lot of that was kind of improvised and we had to poke them a bit off camera to make them keep going, and I thought Scott was very brave with all the names he called him. It got very colorful and I asked Scott if he wasn’t worried about insulting the hell out of him, and he said, “Naah, I’m a much faster runner than he is.” (laughter)

The fall of Jesse V. Johnson.

The fall of Jesse V. Johnson.

PB: I recall an onset photo that Scott posted, in which you were demonstrating how to stage a fall, and you’ve already spoken a bit about how you collaborate with the fight choreographer Tim Man. Can you talk a bit more about that, and how your relationship has evolved in the short period of time since working together on Accident Man in 2017?

JVJ: So Tim I didn’t really know and wasn’t familiar with his work at all until Accident Man. Scott made an enormous case to bring him in and allow him to be the choreographer, and I trust Scott immensely, he’s a very good judge of character, and he’s a hard working guy that wakes up very early, and there’s not too many people like that. So the fact that Scott was recommending him as the right guy for Accident Man meant a lot. Once we started working together, I found that he had no ego, which is absolutely what you require of your choreographer and action director, because they have to work so closely with the director, so if there’s ego issues it can cause challenges. I have an enormous ego because I’m the director and we have to have that, it’s part of the job description, and you don’t want those clashes, it’s just not something that you need.

The fall of Scott Adkins.

The fall of Scott Adkins.

Tim is one of those guys who’ll spend 2 weeks putting together a fight, then if I see the fight and approve it, but then let’s say onset I realise oh shit, we needs to cut a few seconds out of this, if I go to him and say sorry dude, we need to cut 30 seconds from this fight, he nods his head and does it, and there’s no kind of precious, “Oh my God this isn’t going to be good for my reel!” So there’s none of that kind of ridiculousness, he understands and he’s experienced, and yes he’s disappointed and I’m disappointed too, but these are scenarios we have to deal with every single day, almost every hour when you’re making a movie, you have to make these compromises, so to have someone like that is brilliant. 

"Accident Man" DVD Cover

“Accident Man” DVD Cover

Beyond that, he’s very creative, very very knowledgeable, and very good with the actors, so they like him and they get along well with him, and he’s not one of those action directors who’s trying to impose himself upon them, instead listening to what they have to say and then working with that. He has this very calm and very quiet demeanour, and I have an enormous amount of respect for him. So I worked with him on Accident Man, then was offered the job of Triple Threat, so I’m sitting in Thailand thinking oh my God how the hell am I going to do this, the clocks ticking and we’re about to start filming. I made a very passionate case to have Scott come on and play the bad guy, because I knew I needed guys who had the moves and that we wouldn’t need to double, because that would take too long, and I wanted guys that were real kickers that could go up against real kickers. 

It’s the worst thing in the world to have to shoot over the shoulders of stunt doubles and then come around to make it look like the actors have done it, you know just a horrible cheap cheap way of shooting action. So I made the case for Scott, and he was hired as the key bad guy, and he then made a passionate case for me to hire Tim Man, and was telling me, “You have to do this Jess, he’s the only guy who can do this for you.” Now when it comes to martial arts choreography there’s no one that knows it quite like Scott, period, end of story, and I get it as I’ve worked with them all. So I took his advice, hired Tim Man and it was the best decision we made. 

Adkins and Tim Man in Accident Man.

Adkins and Tim Man in Accident Man.

He got straight to work, was shooting pre-viz’s in Finland which is where he lives before he even got on the plane, and then when he got off the plane I think we went out for dinner once, then the next day he was straight into the gym putting stuff together with the local stunt guys, who he knew because he’d worked there as a stuntman himself. He’s actually half Thai, doesn’t speak Thai but definitely knew Kazu and Seng, and all of our key performers which was awesome because they accepted him straight away. They liked his demeanour, as I said he’s quiet, and isn’t a screamer who tries to assert his ego over anyone, and he’s a world-class player. 

I watched these pre-viz that he came up with which were extraordinary, they were really really good, and I think I made probably like 3 adjustments to the fights over the whole movie. I told him where I needed the guys to be, where I needed the men who they were fighting, what acting points I’d want to come in and film myself, and that was it. From there he did the pre-viz with the stuntmen, and the pre-viz with the performers themselves, who would give their 10 cents of input. Because obviously every performer has their own input which they want to put in, whether it’s his own style or a technique that they’re having trouble with, or if they know there’s something they can do which will look good on film. Tim incorporated those inputs into the choreography, then I watched the pre-viz’s again and gave him the thumbs up, and those were verbatim what we shot on the day and are in the movie. 

"The Debt Collector" Japanese DVD Cover

“The Debt Collector” Japanese DVD Cover

So it was all pre-planned, it was all laid out, and he’s a terrific guy that I’d love to work with again because he’s one of the best, and he deserves an enormous amount of credit for this movie which I try to remember every time I talk about it. But you know once in a while I forget and try to take all the credit myself, then feel terrible afterwards. (laughter) Another great choreographer who I like to work with is Luke Fontaine, he did the choreography on The Debt Collector, and also worked on some of the choreography for the fight between Tiger and Bisping on Triple Threat. Fontaine is my choreographer in the U.S., and I took him to England for Avengement, so it’s good to mix it up because Tim’s not always available, Luke’s not always available, so I go to whom I trust and who I like and who I know can do the job. 

It’s so important to have that trust, because when I first started out I gave a lot of people a break, people I didn’t know, and in the end it back fired on me, it didn’t back fire on them. So now I’m a lot more careful, and it’s sad to say because experimentation is good, but I can’t afford it on these budgets and these schedules. You have to be very very together and you have to approach it like a military operation. You go in and you only really have one shot at everything, and if you don’t set your explosives in the right place you get a damp squib, and the whole operation was a waste of time, so you have to be very careful with the team you put together. Did you enjoy the choreography?

PB: I did! Knowing the time constraints and the budget this kind of genre is limited by in the era we’re in, I thought some of the choreography that you guys pulled off was amazing. Especially considering we get some flashes of 2 vs. 1 brilliance, which is exceptionally difficult to choreograph even when you have weeks at your disposal. So for me it was a worthy representation of everyone involved.

JVJ: That’s great to hear, and you know these guys are fantastic, you watch what’s going on and you realise that you’re basically dealing with world class athletes performing at the very very top of their game doing stuff that, you know, you can’t do with actors. (laughter) They’re not qualified, they can’t do it, they’d look at it and read “a back flip into a split into a double front kick”, it’s impossible. This is Gene Kelly doing a dance routine at the very height of his abilities, and I hope people get that. 

Triple Take.

Triple Take.

For me the fights are good, I think they galvanize in the third act, that’s when you really get your money’s worth to a point where you realise “Ok, this was worth my attending, this was worth sitting down and watching this film”. It works very very well and I’m very impressed by what Tim and the boys pulled off in there, and I mean they wrecked themselves doing this. You see the product of blood, sweat, tears, broken bones and noses, bruises, blood spilt on the floor of the stage, what you’re looking at when you see Triple Threat is the end result of that, not to mention the 20 years of learning their craft ahead of that. It’s a rare thing, and it’s such a shame that the audience these days is playing video games and that we’re not able to make more of these pictures. But we got lucky here, we got someone to finance it and we got it out there and it’s having a short run in theaters so I’m very very happy. 

PB: There’s plenty of fight action on display, but I wanted to talk about one standout stunt in which Adkins, or his stunt double, launches himself onto the front of a car while it’s moving. Can you tell us about how the scene was achieved, and how as a professional stuntman you mitigated the danger of it?

Car vs. Adkins.

Car vs. Adkins.

JVJ: Yeah, it was an absolutely hair-raising sequence in every manner of the word. We were in a very narrow street with cars and potential stabbing instruments everywhere and all over the place, and it was, you know, a dangerous stunt. There was a double involved, the jump itself was Scott, the impact of the hit was probably, probably a double, I won’t go into too many details. The most exciting thing from that day, I’d say my standout anecdote, was that we had a stunt double for Celina Jade. Now her sequence was driving the car as Scott punches through the windshield, so we’d given him a special metal plating in the glove, Scott could probably punch though it anyway, but just in case we didn’t want him to break his knuckles or anything like that. 

Celina Jade and Michael Bisping.

Celina Jade and Michael Bisping in Triple Threat.

So we have Scott safety harnessed to the hood of the car, and we have a double for Celina who we’re going to be shooting over the shoulder of. When it comes time for the stunt performer, she gets in the car, looks at the gearbox and looks at me and the producers, and says “I can’t drive stick.” Well I mean we absolutely panicked, because we suddenly realised we’d shot all of the sequence except for this one insert which means that, without that one insert of having Celina driving it and having Scott punching the windshield, it literally didn’t work anymore. It would look funky and look like something we put together in the edit room, so Celina Jade overheard this, walked over and said, “I can drive a stick, I’d love to do this!” 

Now everyone onset was like, “No we’re not going to let an actress do this”, and of course since then we’ve heard the Uma Thurman story, these horrible stories, but she insisted, “No no, I’m serious and I’m qualified, this is something I can do, let me do it.”  So, you know, we had the stunt coordinator drive with her for a bit, and when they came back he was smiling and said, “She’s a better driver than I am.” 

The aftermath.

The aftermath in one of Triple Theat’s most memorable stunts.

So we put her in the car and put some goggles on, and she drove that car like a fanatic. We’re going about 20 miles per hour, not terribly fast, but it looks a lot faster than it is because the camera is inside the car. Regardless, at 20 miles an hour with Scott attached to the hood, if you make a mistake you’re going to hurt him very very badly, and that’s nothing anyone wants. So Scott punches through the windshield, she slowly pulls over to the side, we cut camera, and the shot was done. So when you see it in the movie that’s actually Celina driving, and she’s awesome, absolutely phenomenal. You know she’d come to me every morning with lines and she’d say, “I was thinking about this part of it last night, and I’ve made a few suggestions”, then I’d look at it and be like “Well, fantastic, yes actually let’s go with this.” (laughter) 

It happened every day that we worked, so she really created that character from scratch, built it, and made the character breathe. She’s brilliant, I’m a huge fan of hers and I hope she comes back for the sequel, I think it’d be a miss not to have her, and it’d give us a little more action as well. The big thing was not to have her as a damsel in distress, and while yes theoretically she is, she never acts like that and never takes on that role.

Tiger Chen and Celina Jade.

Tiger Chen and Celina Jade in Triple Threat.

PB: Speaking of Celina Jade, she obviously shares a few Mandarin language sequences with Tiger Chen, and the opening minute of production companies and distributors also makes it clear that Triple Threat has at least partly been funded with Chinese money. With so many restrictions to adhere to in order to be granted distribution in China, how much did you feel the influence of the Chinese investment as the director, and were there any stipulations of elements that had to be in there?

JVJ: It was tricky. I delivered a film which we were all very happy with, including the producers, but then we heard that it hadn’t passed muster with the Chinese censorship group. Now it’s an independent body and has nothing to do with the quality of the movie, it’s whether your film ticks certain boxes with regards to nationalistic issues, and you know, that’s just the way it is if you want a film released in China. So we had to make some changes that would make it acceptable for them, because the film was semi-financed by a Chinese group, and that was part of the deal when I signed the contract to become the director – I was to deliver a film that would play in the Chinese market. I didn’t know how much of a challenge that was going to be, and it did become a little bit of a challenge in the editorial. We had to bounce backwards and forwards a bit, there were some additional shots added, and that’s just the nature of modern movie making, so I did the best we could.

More of a Treat, than a Threat: Michael Wong

More of a Treat, than a Threat: Michael Wong

I worked with some Chinese actors, and we put them into the film, and we tried to keep it still as entertaining and rip roaring a story that didn’t get too bogged down, but still managed to satisfy those guys. So I heard that we passed, then we watched the film, and I was satisfied that it still had enough of me in there that it was acceptable, and you know I’m very happy with the movie. I think those moments skip by relatively quickly, and everyone’s aware of them (laughter), and that’s just as I say a part of modern movie making, where certain things sometimes have to be addressed. So do you fight against that? You can if you’re powerful enough, but if it means not getting the film released in China or having someone else take over the editorial of your movie, then you are probably making a mistake. 

"Triple Threat" Chinese Theatrical Poster

“Triple Threat” Chinese Theatrical Poster

So these are the balances that you have to make. When I was first starting out in film, I had to hire producer’s girlfriends and wives, so I’ve done far far tricker things that I’ve had to get my head around to get a film made, it’s just a part of it. The artfulness comes in maintaining your vision while still being able to jump through those hoops, and to be honest, there’s always been a set of regulations that result in the best work anyway. The greatest artistic works where not born out of absolute freedom, never, I defy anyone to bring me an example, you know from the Sistine Chapel through to modern filmmaking. If you can point out a film where you think the director had absolute freedom that ended up being successful artistically, and I’ll point you out a film that had myriad restraints put on it that you simply don’t know about, from the likes of Sam Spiegel working with David Lean through to the Catholic Church and Michelangelo. 

It’s always that set of boundaries that causes the artist to do his best work, because it forces you to work as hard as possible. The key for us, and I should say I’m not making any kind of claims to being like those guys, they’re geniuses, but my challenge is to make the best film possible within this framework, and still have it represent something that looks like it’s authored by Jesse Johnson. That’s the challenge, so you go out there and you do it, and if you don’t think you can you have to sign off that job and back out. So with this one I felt that we still managed to make, you know, a really bloody good movie. In many cases the fact that they were putting these boundaries on me actually caused us to use our wits even more, and come up with even cooler ways of addressing them, so I hope people enjoy it.

Johnson with JuJu Chan in Savage Dog.

Johnson with JuJu Chan in Savage Dog.

PB: Now while we’re talking about challenges, in previous interviews you described the hell of working on Savage Dog in the Vietnam jungle, and this time you were in the Thai jungle. Has the past 3 years made a big difference to the conditions you have to film in, or did you at least feel that the conditions in Thailand were less strenuous than Vietnam?

JVJ: Well let me say the nightmare that was Savage Dog was not about the location, I love travelling and I love locations that are arduous, you know the tougher and more dangerous the better. The problem with Savage Dog was that we hired a key crew member who said that he could deliver something, but who we found out very very quickly was absolutely unqualified for what we’d hired him for. You know, and this was basically the most key position on set below the director, and we realised that we had to replace him on the second day of filming. He ended up lasting until the end of the initial week, because when that particular crew member left, he also took all of his subordinates with him, you know the gaffer, the key grip, the assistants. So it became a matter of not only replacing him, but replacing about 15 people, and that was traumatic, the stuff he shot was just a nightmare.

So I tried my very best to move the camera and set up frames that would help, but you know I’m not a DP (director of photography). I tried to know where to put the camera and I chose the lenses, but I realised I rely very heavily on my crew, and we found ourselves in a remote location with the wrong man for the job. So the nightmare was watching this incredible cast that I’d put together being shot in such a way that it didn’t show them at their best. You know we had one scene with 6 guys in it, including Marko (Zaror), Keith David, Scott (Adkins) and Cung (Le), then when I played back the footage it was like, you know, something that had been shot as part of a student film. That was traumatic for me, but it was my fault ultimately because I chose the guy, he showed us his reel and talked a good talk, the price was right and he was bringing his camera. 

"Savage Dog" Retro-style Poster

“Savage Dog” Retro-style Poster

I found myself being seduced by thinking I could do this cheaply and deliberately, and could put the money elsewhere on things like visual effects, more stunts, extra stuntmen. So you could say I was seduced by that opportunity, and I made a huge blunder, and that’s why you’ll notice that I now continuously work with the same crew members and cast who I know I can trust and I like to bring back. Now Jonathan Hall (the cinematographer), who I work with and have worked with on my past 6 or so movies is key, he’s such a great talent and such an incredible incredible collaborator. He’s brought so much to the table with Triple Threat, with Avengement, with The Debt Collector, with Charlie Valentine. The pictures that I’ve done with him are so head and shoulders over those that I’ve done with people I haven’t really been in sync with, so right now I’d be willing to take money out of my fee to make sure Jonathan gets his rate and turns up.

With Triple Threat I think he gave something really special to the picture, and I hope that people like it, but for my part I feel like he gave something very classic and something that really fits the cinematic form. You know we looked at Sicario an awful lot, and that was one of our guides for filming, so the camera should never be completely static, it should always be pressing either inwards or outwards, and just those kind of subtle techniques. I hope people notice that whenever we’re with the boys, the 3 heroes, it would be very organic with bamboo showing and everything is kind of held together naturally, with lighting coming from either candles or by funky old flickering lights. Then with the bad guys everything is very crisp and clean and metallic, so they’re lit by neon and blue gun metal colors. Jon just got that straight away, and he was very enthusiastic about bringing that look to the picture, and it’s done so well that it’s almost subtle, but you still feel it. 

Johnson with the Triple all-stars.

Johnson and his Triple all-stars.

Now back to your jungle question. In Kanchanaburi, which is an elephant reserve about 3 hours north of Bangkok, it was beautiful, it was brilliant, it was fantastic, but man you have some problems when you’re shooting in the real jungle that you can never anticipate! The first one was that I was wearing shorts, so you have the entire Thai crew who are wearing long pants and boots, and I knew straight away I’d made a mistake. Everything there wants to eat you, cut you, sting you, or mate with you, so my legs were soon covered in blisters, sores, and cuts with things crawling all over the place that really shouldn’t have been crawling all over the place, but that aside it was a cool part of the shoot. 

The hotel we stayed in was on the bank of the River Kwai, which is famous for where the Japanese had their prisoner of war camps, and the insects that came out at night to gather around the lights were just unbelievable, so there were a fair amount of screams during that night. It was during the first week of shooting, so a lot of the crew realised what they were getting into, even if that was by having to witness these 2-foot-long bugs and beetles, but for me it was quite exciting. When you’re in a jungle with a heavy canopy like that, it’s dark until 10:30 in the morning because the light has to be almost overhead to come through, and then its dark again by 3:00 in the afternoon, then you step out of the jungle canopy and its suddenly daylight again, so you’re like “What’s going on!?” So really you only have half a day of practical shooting time, but it was really fun, and you could hear the Predator music in your head as you’re walking around.

"Predator" Japanese Theatrical Poster

“Predator” Japanese Theatrical Poster

PB: It’s funny you bring up Predator, because I actually mention it in my review that the opening feels very Predator-esque in its setting and tone.

JVJ: Good! The sequence is a lot longer in the director’s cut, and we had a very similar score playing in that scene to the one by Alan Silvestri, and when the executive producers saw it they loved it, but they said you have to take that score off because it’s too evocative, so we went with their suggestion. But yes, I love Predator and think that it’s an enormously underrated film, you know because Arnold was in it it’s a film that’s been put in the category of all these other Arnold films from the same era, and while they were ok, they were very much just vehicles for him. Now there’s just something about Predator, it an incredible film that spoke to a generation of little boys, and it was the apex of that kind of film and storytelling. 

You had this massive testosterone on display in Arnold that was so tough there was no one on earth that could take him on, so it had to be an alien. Of course the alien was equally brutal, with it stripping down to the waist to have its fight with Arnold, and it was just terrific Boys Own stuff that represents a cinema going audience which has vanished. Most of that demographic now are the ones that are playing video games, and they don’t come out and spend $15 to see a movie. So now you have to be smart, because those films are never going to exist again, the market has gone in which you could make a film of that size, with a studio like Warner Brothers throwing a huge budget behind it, and weeks to film. 

My first film as a stuntman was Total Recall, and a lot of the crew on that had literally just finished Predator, so everyone was talking about it. Especially the shoot in the Mexican jungle, with the way everyone had to carry ammunition, including the crew, because there was so much of it, and I just thought that was so cool and wish it was something I could have been a part of. I had, I think it was my 17th birthday, just before starting on Total Recall, so I was a kid when they made Predator, or at least still in high school, and those kind of stories to me were just awesome. So yes, it was definitely an inspiration for that opening scene, at least when it came to the way we shot it, obviously the storyline is completely different.

We were trying to track down some tiger stripe camouflage that we could use in the jungle, because that was the camouflage that Jesse Ventura wore, and I thought it’d be cool if the boys were wearing that. But it was very tough to find it in Bangkok, and in the end they found one unique French special forces unit that had left some gear over there that we managed to get our hands on, so it was certainly fun. You know the big challenge was that I’d already made a film in Bangkok some ways back called Fifth Commandment with Rick Yune, which was, you know, an ambitious film. Editorially they re-cut it after my cut, which I felt was a total mess, and I don’t think they succeeded at all with what they intended, so I was very very sad when I saw the end result, but this happens when you’re a hired gun. 

"The Fifth Commandment" DVD Cover

“The Fifth Commandment” DVD Cover

But the one thing I felt about Bangkok which you have to be careful with, and I’ve started to notice it with a lot of films that are shot there, like Bangkok Dangerous and Only God Forgives, and it’s that if you’re not careful, you get a very very samey look. It’s all asymmetrical, it’s all neon, the alleyways have tons of wiring hanging all over the place, there’s piles of tuk-tuks, so you can easily end up looking like a myriad of other films. In fact one of my daughters lecturers said to her, “If you’re not careful, and don’t listen carefully in this class, you’ll end up directing action movies in Thailand”, which I thought was hilarious, and she had a good laugh about that. But the truth is there are a lot of them that get made, and they do look very low budget, they look poor, they look scrappy, and it’s a very samey image.

So I sat and I talked with Mike Selby, and we listed the various different locations that we could go shoot in that would give something of a different look. This conversation included the jungle which was 3 hours away, so also involved an overnight stay in the hotel I mentioned for the cast and crew, but it was within the realms of reason for our budget. Then another location we had was this multi-million dollar polo club which had been built and never actually used, which is what we shot the final showdown in. 

So there were a lot of different locations, including these old buildings that we were able to get into that had really interesting architecture, and it was just to really try and get a feeling of the story and not that you were constantly seeing the same 3 streets and buildings. Its unfortunately what can happen when you’re shooting in a major city sometimes, so we worked very hard on that, and that’s part of why it opens in the jungle and ends in the city. It allowed us to deliver something that’s as different as possible. Plus I really wanted to film in the jungle. (laughter) 

PB: With all of the different locations used and such a talented cast, for you as a director, do you have a particular favorite scene or shot in the movie, and if so what is it about it?

JVJ: I think I like the third act the best, the big showdown at the abandoned polo club, but there’s one little sequence which I find very very fun, and I take full credit for it because I had nothing to do with it. (laughter) We were at the very end of the day and it’s the sequence where Celina and Tiger have to steal the police car, while the cop has gone to get himself a haircut, and there was a little bit of dialogue in there that Mike Selby and I had whacked out. Something about Tiger not being able to drive, so she would have to drive instead, and it was a bit clunky and a bit awkward, so then Celina said, “Oh we’ve got an idea, but can we do it in Chinese instead of English, because Tiger’s actually very funny and we’ve got this joke.” 

Keanu Reeves and Tiger Chen promoting "Man of Tai Chi"

Keanu Reeves and Tiger Chen promoting Man of Tai Chi.

Then they kept telling me about it, and they were so passionate about it that in the end I said ok, let’s do it your way, we’ll do it in Chinese but you’ll have to tell me where the punchlines are so I can give you coverage, then you’re going to have to help me edit it, because my Chinese is just down to “thank you” and “good morning”. So they were both saying, “absolutely absolutely absolutely!”, and they were so passionate and enthusiastic about this scene that we shot it in a third of the scheduled time we’d put aside to shoot it in. So we got it, got out, and I said to them, “Are you sure we got it?”, and they said, “Yeah it’s really funny!” So we watched the playback and it was perfect, and you know I had to go on a wing and a prayer because obviously I didn’t know what on earth they were saying until we added subtitles, and for me it’s probably the funniest beat in the film where he says, “I can’t drive, what are you talking about?” and they swap over. 

So for me I just love that, I really really enjoy that kind of thing because you have to see the film so many times, and if it’s all simply come from my imagination then it can get tedious, but when the actors and everyone gets involved and alters their own moments like that it becomes an exciting thing. It becomes an adventure in and of itself making the film, so that’s possibly my favorite piece with the actors.

Michael Jai White's deadly smile.

Michael Jai White’s deadly smile in Triple Threat.

With the cast I thought Scott was very very good. I thought the way that he played it was really good, it was sort of a young mean Pierce Brosnan and he adopted that accent, which I think clicked for this film so I tried to give him as many moments as possible. I think Michael Jai White did well with some of the softer moments in this one as well, he’s got a really really good comic timing, and I’d love to see him do more of that sort of thing because he’s very good with it, he’s a good straight man. I enjoyed working with Michael Bisping, I’m a big fan of his, so it was fun to work with him and I thought he was a really interesting physical presence in the picture. Oh, and I did enjoy shooting the police station siege, which we had very minimal time to do but it was a lot of fun, and it really sort of got everyone into the mood of things. So overall a lot of favorite moments!

PB: Speaking of the police siege, it feels wrong to discuss it without mentioning Jija Yanin’s gracious exit from the movie.

Johnson with Jeeja Yanin.

Johnson with Jeeja Yanin between the action in Triple Threat.

JVJ: I know I know, poor little thing! That was written before we had Jija onboard, and it was originally a guy’s role, so it was a male character and then obviously once we found out that Jija was available I instantly changed the character to a female one, and we made her have that banter going with Michael Jai White which I found fun. But then we all realised, “Oh my God, Jija has to get shot by a grenade launcher, this is just awful!” (laughter) I mean literally everyone falls in love with Jija, she’s one of the coolest characters you’ll ever meet and very larger than life, eccentric, she eats an enormous amount all day long but is somehow still just, you know, tiny, and just has this incredible energy and tonnes of it. It’s bonkers. 

So nobody wanted to kill her, Tony didn’t want to kill her, Iko didn’t want to kill her, he thought it was too much, but we had to stick to our guns because it was that little moment, that you know, that was necessary in the story. But, yeah, it was a little brutal wasn’t it?

PB: It was! It got my attention. It’s a shame because I think Jija has been largely underused ever since her fantastic debut in Chocolate, probably because it came at a time when Thai audiences had started to lose interest in the countries short lived action boom.

Jeeja Yanin and Iko Uwais in Triple Threat (grenade launcher not pictured).

Jeeja Yanin and Iko Uwais in Triple Threat (grenade launcher not pictured).

JVJ: Totally underused, and I don’t understand why, because she radiates screen charisma, and comes off the screen when you point the camera at her. She commits 100%, and I had no idea at all, but on that first take when she shoots the grenade into the room, there’s a huge explosion and it hit her right in the face, and I kept filming because she didn’t say anything. I watched it and she seemed to be fine, and as we were proceeding through the days filming, I noticed a welt underneath her left eye coming up, you know a really bad injury. So I said, “What have you done?” and she explained that it was the explosion, it caught her in the face when it went off, so we went back and watched the footage, and whatever it was it hit her so hard that it knocked her head right back, but not a word, nothing at all.

She didn’t even ask to see the medic, I had to force her to stand still so that the medic could check that there was nothing under the surface of the skin. So you know she’s very tough, and whatever it was singed her eyebrows and her hair as well, because there was that awful singed hair smell. (laughter) There’s a photo of me, and you can see I’m completely in my own world looking down trying to tell someone how to hold a gun, and she’s standing to my left, and if you look closely you can see the singe marks on her cheek and her hair, and I just think oh my God she’s tough. A really really cool cat to work with, and I hope she just keeps working and doing more and more stuff. I’d love to work with her again, you know maybe resurrect her as an evil twin sister, or her well behaved twin sister rather that comes back as a heroine for the second Triple Threat.

"Avengement" Theatrical Poster

“Avengement” Theatrical Poster

PB: Well if it worked for John Woo and Chow Yun Fat, so why not you guys?

JVJ: Yes, exactly!

PB: What can we look forward to with Avengement? From what I’ve read so far, it sounds like more of a character driven piece for yourself and Scott Adkins, which will be a change of pace to what audiences are used to.

JVJ: Yeah you’re right, but I mean there’s definitely violence and action in it, there’s certainly no shortage of that, but it is a very different film from what we’ve done before. Its book ended by a story that takes place in an English pub, with quite a lot of dialogue and explanation, and it’ll take people by surprise because it’s not what you’d expect at all. But the violence is definitely very real, and it’s definitely there in the film. I’d actually forgotten how much was in it, because I’d been thinking my God, you know I’ve made this talky movie, and then we watched it when we had 2 screenings in L.A., and it does actually have a lot of violence in it, I just sort of brushed over it in my mind because I’d been impressed with myself on how much we’d focused on the storyline. 

It feels like a bold move when you’re working with an actor like Scott, whose major markets are non-English speaking territories, and not so much in the U.K. and America, which you know is really the irony of his fame. A lot of these people actually think that he’s putting on the English accent, and they think he’s from Eastern Europe or somewhere, so there’s sometimes confusion when they hear this British accent, and they’re going to be even more confused with this film because he talks a lot, and it’s a long story which leads up to the violence. 

I’ll be really interested to see how it does, Samuel Goldwyn has picked it up here, which is a huge change for us. I just spoke to their marketing team yesterday and for them to distribute this film, you know normally they do arthouse movies, very very high quality arthouse movies. So I think that should put some light on the kind of film that we’ve made here, it’s more akin to something like say Bronson or Eastern Promises, and I really really hope that it finds its market, but you never know.

PB: Well I’ll definitely be looking forward to it, but until then I wish you all the success for the release of Triple Threat, it deserves it, and look forward to the time when we can catch up again.

JVJ: Thank you Paul, and thanks for your great support during my making of these movies. You know when I make them a lot of the onus is also on me to make a movie which you guys will like, to not repeat and to keep pushing forward, so I appreciate guys like you needling me and keeping me going. 

Triple Threat hits Blu-ray and DVD on May 14th.

Posted in Interviews, News |

Unity of Heroes | Blu-ray (Well Go USA)

Unity of Heroes | Blu-ray (Well Go USA)

Unity of Heroes | Blu-ray (Well Go USA)

RELEASE DATE: May 28, 2019

On May 28, 2019, Well Go USA is releasing the Blu-ray for Lin Zhen-Hao’s The Unity of Heroes (read our review), starring martial arts star Vincent Zhao (True Legend), who will once again be playing real-life folk hero Wong Fei-hung.

Throughout the years, Wong Fei-hung has been portrayed by various stars, most notably Kwan Tak-hing (Story of Wong Fei-hung), Jackie Chan (Drunken Master), Jet Li (Once Upon A Time in China), and Eddie Peng (Rise of the Legend).

The Unity of Heroes (read our review) marks the 5th time Zhao will be playing the iconic character (not counting the sequel). He previously played him in Once Upon a Time in China IV-V, the Wong Fei Hung TV Series, and of course, Kung Fu Alliance.

Pre-order Unity of Heroes from today! 

Posted in Asian Titles, DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Martial Arts Titles, News |

Trailer for ‘Quan Dao: A Journey of a Boxer’ starring ‘Ip Man 3’ star Danny Chan

"Quan Dao: A Journey of a Boxer" Theatrical Poster

“Quan Dao: A Journey of a Boxer” Theatrical Poster

Danny Chan Kwok-kwan (Keep Calm and Be a Superstar), the actor mostly known for portraying Bruce Lee in Legend of Bruce Lee, Ip Man 3 and the upcoming Ip Man 4 (not to mention the Bruce Lee-inspired goalie in Stephen Chow’s Shaolin Soccer), is back in Willam So’s Quan Dao: A Journey of a Boxer.

Quan Dao: A Journey of a Boxer also stars Ka Nin Ngo (Ip Man 2), Awayne Liu (Unbeatable), Ashina Kwok (Ghost Net), Dominic Lam (The Four) and Kwok Pong Chan (Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky).

At the Trailer hints below (via Alejandro Torres), the thriller looks to be more of a dramatic role for Chan what we’re used to seeing him in. Expect the film to see a release later this year.

Quan Dao: A Journey Of A Boxer 拳道_Trailer from Entertaining Power on Vimeo.

Posted in News |

Project Gutenberg (2018) Review

"Project Gutenberg" Chinese Theatrical Poster

“Project Gutenberg” Chinese Theatrical Poster

Director: Felix Chong
Cast: Chow Yun-fat, Aaron Kwok, Zhang Jung-Chu, Joyce Feng, Catherine Chow, Alex Fong, Liu Kai-chi, Yao-Qing Wang, Alien Sun, Carl Ng, Leung Kin-Ping
Running Time: 130 min.

By Paul Bramhall

When a trailer gets released for a movie, it has one job – to make people want to come and see it. Most trailers do that through editing together some of the key moments in order to grab the viewer’s interest, and make them want to see more. But sometimes, trailers don’t play by the rules .Such is the case for Project Gutenberg, which featured a trailer proudly teasing a scene of Chow Yun Fat lighting a dollar note on fire, recreating the famous moment from the seminal A Better Tomorrow. While the 1986 classic was the movie responsible for putting Chow on the map, and credited as creating the Heroic Bloodshed genre, Project Gutenberg is a production being made in a very different era. So different in fact, that it’s now deemed acceptable to swindle your audience, as director and writer Felix Chong later admitted the scene had been filmed especially for the trailer, and is nowhere to be found in the movie itself.

The title, so called after Johannes Gutenberg, the German who introduced printing to Europe with the printing press in the 15th century, is director and writer Felix Chong’s first attempt at directing solo. Usually paired with Alan Mak, together they wrote and co-directed the likes of The Overheard series, and perhaps most famously wrote the Infernal Affairs trilogy together (which Mak co-directed with Andrew Lau). Most recently Chong penned the script for the excellent Extraordinary Mission (which Mak co-directed with Fletcher Poon), so Project Gutenberg marks the first time to truly strike out on his own in the capacity of both director and writer, and brings with him some major Hong Kong talent in front of the camera.

Chow Yun Fat marks his first time to star in a movie which isn’t a sequel since Johnnie To’s 2015 musical Office, and as always it’s a pleasure to see him onscreen. He plays the mysterious ‘Painter’, the leader of a counterfeit currency operation, who takes an interest in the forgery skills of a lowly artist struggling to make ends meet in Canada, played by his Cold War 2 co-star Aaron Kwok. While Chow gets to stretch his rarely used villainous acting chops (2006’s Curse of the Golden Flower feels like a lifetime ago), Kwok appears to be channelling Louis Koo’s performance in 2013’s Drug War. I like Kwok, but he needs a good director to guide his performance, one that can reign in his legendary tendencies to overact. Chong for the large part keeps him in check, with his sullen demeanour only occasionally offset by his jitterbug reactions to the violence he has to witness, in which you can almost feel the effort he’s putting in to restrain himself.

While the performances may be commendable, the pacing is less so. Taking place in the 1990’s, Project Gutenberg’s narrative is told using the same framework utilised in the likes of The Usual Suspects. Kwok, who we meet being transferred from a Thai prison to Hong Kong, tells his story from the interrogation room in flashback. His arrest is seen as a major breakthrough for the father and daughter cop team of Alex Fong (Angels 2) and Catherine Chow (Husband Killers), and they leverage his ex-lover (Zhang Jung-Chu, The Adventurers) to make him start talking about his relationship with the Painter, who no one has ever seen. While Kwok’s own art may not have made the cut, his talent for imitation soon sees him responsible for creating the ‘superdollar’ – the ultimate counterfeit $100 bill – and it’s this process which sees the pace come to a grinding halt.

The main issue is that Fong spends so much time dedicated to Chow and Kwok figuring out how to create the perfect counterfeit, it almost begins to feel like a documentary on true crime. There’s no real threat to keep the suspense simmering, it’s not clear what the end game is (apart from, well, making the perfect counterfeit), and none of the characters have a particularly engaging motive for doing what they do. Instead, an inordinate amount of time is spent watching shots involving paper and ink, set to a mildly exciting score, as if this is considered to be sufficient to keep the audience’s attention. It’s kind of like if A Better Tomorrow was 30 minutes longer, with a bunch of additional scenes detailing the counterfeit process, before Chow and Ti Lung get to their iconic dollar burning scene together. While the level of research Chong’s done is admirable, every last detail of it didn’t necessarily need to make it to the screen.

The biggest elephant in the room with Project Gutenberg though, is also its biggest asset – Chow Yun Fat. To put it bluntly, he’s miscast, the irony being that it appears to be a character written specifically for him. On paper his role is one of a ruthless villain driven by greed and little else, however onscreen, there’s a burden to recall his days of being the Heroic Bloodshed genres most iconic thespian. There are three shootouts, and two of them feature Chow front and center, however it’s only the one where he has the least involvement that feels like a natural part of the narrative. The first one literally starts in the middle of a road with zero build-up, and finishes with Chow brandishing a handgun in each fist. I’m sure it’s supposed to be a crowd cheering moment, however onscreen it comes across as a gratuitous and unnecessary piece of fan service. Like the scene in the trailer, it would have been better to leave it out altogether.

Then there’s an awkwardly inserted flashback within a flashback, which almost feels as if came from another movie entirely. Decked out in a white suit, and laying on the charm that’s made him such a legend of HK cinema, Chow and his cohorts visit a general in the Golden Triangle (do characters in HK movies ever go to there for any other reason!?) to negotiate a deal. However there’s a side motive – the General is also the one responsible for the death of Chow’s father. Cue a completely over the top action scene, which has Chow brandishing an assault rifle in each hand like a one-man army, and even throws in the patented flying through the air while shooting at the same time shot (only performed with wires, he is 63 after all). Again, it’s a scene in which you feel obliged to be excited because, well, it’s Chow Yun Fat shooting people. But it’s so disconnected from the actual plot, it becomes impossible to connect to as an audience.

It also has to be pointed out that Hong Kong cinema hasn’t improved much in portraying Canada since the likes of Return Engagement and Women on the Run (ok, admittedly there’s no thugs playing soccer with a puppy here). It’s ironic that the best English line delivery comes from its Asian cast, in the form of David Wang (Wine War) and Carl Ng (Operation Mekong), with the delivery and lines attributed to the ‘Canadian’ cops best described as an assault on the ears. You would think that if the budget allowed for a whole village to be rigged to explode in spectacular fashion, it could also stretch to hiring a gweilo actor that could enunciate their single line of dialogue correctly.

Project Gutenberg opts for a big twist in its final reel, not all of which is completely believable. I have a theory that Chong had probably watched Kwok in 2009’s Murderer, and figured if they got away with what they did there, then even the wildest twist they could come up with can only pale in comparison. He’s partly correct. However even the big twist can’t escape the newly re-branded NRTA (formerly known as SARFT – China’s censorship board for media). With an even more stringent set of regulations of what is and isn’t considered acceptable to be shown introduced in 2018, the closing moments resort to a generic, safe, and entirely predicable conclusion. The kind which make you let out an audible groan, combined with an involuntary rolling of the eyes.

It’s something we can expect to see more of moving forward, as the more a story focuses on criminals and moral ambiguity, the more the ending will need to emphasise that they all got punished accordingly. Project Gutenberg ticks those boxes like it should, but with such predictability making these tales a foregone conclusion, the real punishment is inflicted on the audiences that watch them.

Paul Bramhall’s Rating: 5/10

Posted in All, Chinese, News, Reviews | Tagged , , , |

Big Brother | Blu-ray & DVD (Well Go USA)

Big Brother | Blu-ray & DVD (Well Go USA)

Big Brother | Blu-ray & DVD (Well Go USA)

RELEASE DATE: May 21, 2019

On May 21st, 2019, be on the lookout for Well Go USA’s Blu-ray/DVD release for Donnie Yen’s Big Brother (read our review), an action/comedy directed by Kam Kar-wai (Color of the Game).

In the film, Yen plays a high school teacher who is caught up by his dark past in the underworld and is forced to use his fighting skills to find and rescue one of his students who has been kidnapped.

The movie features MMA fighters, stuntmen and other players in the action film genre, including Jess Liaudin (Night Fare), Brahim Acchabkhe (Boyka: Undisputed IV), Craig Miller (The Brothers Grimsby), Tom Caserto (My War), Semiquaver Iafeta (Unbeatable), Lockhart Ogilvie (Level Up) and industry figure, Mike Leeder (Ultimate Justice).

Big Brother also stars Ray Lui (Flash Point), Joe Chen (The Monkey King) and Kang Yu (Ip Man 3).

Pre-order Big Brother from today! 

Posted in Asian Titles, DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Martial Arts Titles, News |

HKFilmart 2019: International Film and TV Market News

"Fly by Night" Theatrical Poster

“Fly by Night” Theatrical Poster

Here’s a look at some of the titles that were presented at the HKFilmart 2019, which took place on March 18th-21st at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Minamata: HanWay Films is promoting Andrew Levitas’s Minamata, an upcoming thriller starring Johnny Depp. In the film, Depp plays celebrated WWII photographer W. Eugene Smith, who ventures to the sleepy Japanese town of Minamata, which was the scene of one of the world’s greatest environmental disasters when it was poisoned by mercury in the 1970s (via Variety).

Fly by Night: Currently being shopped at HKFilmart is Zahir Omar’s Fly By Night, a Scorsese-esque Malaysian crime thriller starring Sunny Pang (Headshot, The Night Comes for Us) and Bront Palarae (Nova). The film is about a gang of petty thieves, two brothers and their respective best pals, who get in over their heads when the younger gets cocky and fails to heed the advice of his more cautious elder (via THR).

The Long Kiss Goodnight 2: While promoting Bodies at Rest, noted Hollywood director Renny Harlin, who now directs films in China, talks about expanding his 1996 hit film The Long Kiss Goodnight: “Several people, producers and financiers, here in China, have talked to me about doing either a Chinese remake or doing an English language sequel and yeah I’ve played with the idea” (via THR). It’s unofficial, but sounds like some pre-sale buzz to me.

Khun Phaen Begins: Thailand’s M Pictures has launched sales for this Kongkiat Khomsiri-directed period action comedy starring Mario Mauer (Pee Mak). The film is set for an October release.

Nemesis: Also from Thailand’s M Pictures is Gunparwitt Phuwadolwisid’s Nemesis, an action thriller about a female psychiatrist and a patient with split-personality disorder, who becomes violent at night (via SD).

Legend of the Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber: Mega-Vision Project Workshop head Wong Jing (City Hunter) will direct/produce this film based off Louis Cha’s wuxia novel of the same name. Production begins this year for a 2020 release (via SD).

Paradise Guesthouse: Wong Kar-wai (The Grandmaster) will soon begin production on the web series Paradise Guesthouse from Huanxi Media. According to SD, the series will revolve around the female proprietor of a guesthouse and her interactions with different guests. Wong is also working on Blossoms, which will be a follow-up to In the Mood for Love and 2046.

Raging Fire (aka Crossfire): Donnie Yen (Big Brother) will soon find himself in Emperor Motion Pictures’ Raging Fire (previously known as Crossfire) an action thriller directed by veteran Hong Kong filmmaker, Benny Chan (Call of Heroes). Joining Yen for the film is Nicholas Tse (As the Light Goes Out).

Killed My Wife: Mirovision is launching sales on Killed My Wife from director Ha-ra Kim (Ready For Start). The film – about a man whose wife is found dead the night after he completely blacked out – stars Si-oen Lee (Tough as Iron), Ji-hye Wang (Le Grand Chef 2: Kimchi Battle) and Nae-sang Ahn (Detective K: Secret of the Living Dead).

Ip Man 4: No introduction is needed for this one. SD reports that Mandarin Motion Pictures has sealed a record number of sales for Ip Man 4, including Well Go USA, which has acquired rights for North America and the UK. Click here for the film’s newly released Poster and Teaser Trailer.

Knockout: Media Asia is promoting Knockout, a boxing thriller from director Roy Chow (Nightfall). According to AFS, Knockout is about a former champion’s comeback to the ring after a prison sentence. The film stars Han Geng (Transformers: Age of Extinction), Vivian Wu (Snow Flower and the Secret Fan), Janine Chang (Girls 2) and Philip Keung (SPL II). Watch the Trailer.

Project Gutenberg (Korean Remake): A Korean remake of Felix Chong’s Project Gutenberg (read our review), which starred Chow Yun Fat and Aaron Kwok, is in-the-works. So far, Korean writer/director Kim Whee (The Tooth and the Nail, Haeundae) is attached (via SD). The film is produced by South Korea’s Noori Pictures and Just Creative Studio.

Vanguard: This upcoming action film will reunite Jackie Chan (Railroad Tigers) with director Stanley Tong (Police Story 3). Chan will play the head of an international security agency who is on a mission to stop a terrorist group that takes him from Africa to the United Arab Emirates (via SD). The cast also includes Yang Yang (Once Upon A Time), Ai Lun (Hello Mr Billionaire) and Mu Qimiya (Kung Fu Yoga). Production company Golden Dragon, headed by Clarence Tang, is presenting the film’s sale. Click here for a first look at Jackie Chan in the film.

Climbers: Jackie Chan (The Foreigner), Wu Jing (Wolf Warriors 2) and Zhang Ziyi (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) are set to to star in Climbers for director Daniel Lee (Dragon Blade). The film, which is produced by Shanghai Film Group, also stars Jing Boran (Monster Hunt) and Hu Ge (1911). Climbers is a real-life story of Chinese climbers who made a historic ascent up Mount Everest’s North Ridge in 1960 (via THR).

The White Storm: Drug Lords (aka The White Storm 2): Andy Lau (Switch) will star in a sequel to 2013’s White Storm. The original’s lead, Louis Koo (Three), co-stars. Director Herman Yau (Shock Wave) is taking over for the first film’s original director, Benny Chan. Universe has sold the film to 11 territories. The White Storm 2 is due in the fall of 2019 (via THR). Click here for Trailer.

Storm Cloud (aka Storm Riders 3): Ma Wing-shing, the creator of the comic books that The Storm Riders and The Storm Warriors were based upon, will co-direct and produce the third adaptation, Storm Cloud. Jonathan Lee (The Brink) and David Lee (Insanity) will co-direct. The film is scheduled for a 2022 release from One Cool Pictures (via THR).

Be Water, My Friend: Anthony Pun (Extraordinary Mission) will direct Chow Yun-fat in Be Water, My Friend, which is presold by Bona Film Group’s sales arm Distribution Workshop. Chow will star as a troubled, pathological gambler who seeks a way to connect with his autistic son (via THR). The film is written by Felix Chong (The Lost Bladesman). The title is in reference to Bruce Lee’s famous philosophical quote.

Rise of the Machine Girls: Nikkatsu is launching sales for this remake of Noboru Iguchi’s The Machine Girl, which will be directed by Yuki Kobayashi (Death Row Family). Just like the original, expect female killing machines and human cyborgs (via SD). Rise of the Machine Girls is produced by Yoshinori Chiba (The Machine Girl) and Yoshihiro Nishimura (Tokyo Gore Police).

Shadowfall: Also from Nikkatsu comes Shadowfall from director Tetsuo Shinohara (Flower And Sword). The film is about a professional thief who has to clear his name of murder by using his burglary skills (via SD). Also stars Masayoshi Yamazaki (One More Time, One More Chance) and Takumi Kitamura (I Want to Eat Your Pancreas).

Posted in News |

‘Old Boy’ director Park Chan-wook and ‘Bone Tomahawk’ writer Craig Zahler team up for ‘Brigands of Rattlecreek’

"Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance" Korean Theatrical Poster

“Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance” Korean Theatrical Poster

Visionary director Park Chan-wook (Old BoySympathy for Mr. VengeanceThe Handmaiden) will be directing The Brigands of Rattlecreek (aka The Brigands of Rattleborge), an ultra-violent Western written by up-and-coming filmmaker S. Craig Zahler (Bone Tomahawk, Brawl in Cell Block 99 and the upcoming Dragged Across the Concrete).

The Brigands of Rattlecreek, which has been picked up by Amazon Studios, follows a sheriff and a doctor who seek revenge against a group of bandits who use the cover of a torrential thunderstorm to rob and terrorize the occupants of a small town. Zahler’s script topped the 2006 Black List but has languished in development, likely due to its violent content (via Collider).

Producer Bradley Fischer (Shutter Island) is hoping to get Matthew McConaughey to play the film’s lead role.

We’ll keep you updated on this exciting project as more news arrives.

Posted in News |

Triple Threat (2019) Review

"Triple Threat" Theatrical Poster

“Triple Threat” Theatrical Poster

Director: Jesse V. Johnson
Cast: Tony Jaa, Iko Uwais, Tiger Hu Chen, Scott Adkins, Michael Jai White, Michael Bisping, Celina Jade, Jeeja Yanin, Ron Smoorenburg, Michael Wong, Dominique Vandenberg, Sile Zhang, Jennifer Qi Jun Yang
Running Time: 96 min. 

By Paul Bramhall

There’s something undeniably daunting when you look at the cast list of Triple Threat. For many fans of martial arts cinema, it’s one that looks too good to be true, the kind of movie that you read about but almost certainly never comes to fruition (just look up Don ‘The Dragon’ Wilson’s Blood Raid). However Triple Threat’s cast is very much the real deal, and with it come some lofty expectations. When you fit such a who’s who of the genre into a 90 minute action flick, it’s fair to say that some fans were hoping more for a non-stop action reel than they were any semblance of a movie. But a movie it is, and it’s the latest one from director Jesse V. Johnson, the guy responsible for the recent string of superlative Scott Adkins flicks (Accident Man, The Debt Collector).

Adkins is back on board for Triple Threat, clocking in his first villain role since 2015’s Wolf Warrior. A ruthless assassin, when we first meet him he’s being rescued from captivity in Thailand, courtesy of his former crew. The crew itself contains enough talent to carry an action flick (or 2) alone – it’s led by Adkins’ Undisputed 2 co-star Michael Jai White, who’s ably backed up by former UFC fighter Michael Bisping, Thai femme fatale Jija Yanin, high kicker Ron Smoorenburg, and Dominiquie Vandenberg (soon to headline Johnson’s Legion Maxx). Navigating them through the jungle is a pair of mercenaries for hire, played by Tiger Chen (Man of Tai Chi) and Tony Jaa (SPL II: A Time for Consequences). After breaking Adkins out, the crew massacre the villagers in the area where he’d been imprisoned, including the wife of Iko Uwais (The Night Comes for Us). As the sole survivor, Uwais swears revenge on those responsible for her death. 

The above plot description may puzzle those who’ve been following Triple Threat for a while, as the synopsis usually focuses on how the three protagonists (Uwais, Jaa, and Chen) have to protect a Chinese billionaire’s daughter (played by Celina Jade). The reason for this focus is likely due to Triple Threat being funded by China, and it’s no doubt an easier sell to Chinese audiences than ‘Indonesian guy seeks revenge for his murdered wife’ (which also isn’t very Chinese censor-friendly). Onscreen there’s little mistaking that it’s there to appease the Chinese distributors, as awkwardly inserted news broadcasts inform us how crimes against the Chinese community in the (fictional) city of Maha Jaya are on the increase. Jade, who’s inherited a fortune from her father, wishes nothing more than to donate it to improve the cities infrastructure and make it a safer place to live. Such a selfless and giving model Chinese citizen.

Thankfully Jade has a likeable onscreen presence, allowing the initial tonal shifts to not feel as jarring as they potentially could have, and in all fairness, without China there wouldn’t be a Triple Threat. We have Tiger Chen to thank for the original idea, who came up with the concept to bring himself, Tony Jaa, and Iko Uwais together 3 years ago, in what was then going to be called Makeshift Squad. While Chen himself is lacking in any form of screen presence or charisma (has anyone actually seen Kung Fu Traveler and its sequel!?), the fact that he saw the idea through to the end, is enough of a feat that the martial arts cinema genre owes him a debt of gratitude. It’s also thanks to China that Triple Threat clearly has a decent budget behind it, with a welcome reliance on real explosions and in-camera stunt work, rather than CGI. The other good news is that, when it comes down to the violence, Johnson hasn’t decided to skimp on it.

From the Predator-esque opening in the jungle through to the numerous fights, for those who’ve become tired of the ‘clean’ action aesthetic that most Hong Kong flicks now find themselves forcibly adhering too (Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy, I’m looking at you), this should be your remedy. Blood squibs are used with joyous abandon, usually through being on the receiving end of some seriously heavy artillery (if you ever wanted a movie that features Jija Yanin running around with a grenade launcher – this is it!), and the fights also don’t shy away from what grievous bodily harm can be inflicted by a fist or a foot.

Which brings us to the fights. It’s a reasonable statement for me to say I can’t remember the last time I’ve been so happy to use the plural of a word. Johnson has chosen wisely to stick with what he knows, bringing fight choreographer Tim Man on-board to orchestrate the action. I’ve been a huge advocate for Man ever since he first came on my radar as a fight choreographer (and screen fighter) in 2013’s Ninja: Shadow of a Tear, and he’s gone from strength to strength since then, usually collaborating with Scott Adkins (they faced off again in Accident Man). Here he stays behind the scenes, but I suspect that’s only because he had his hands more than full putting together the abundance of action, and performers executing it, in front of the camera. I’d go so far to say that Man has delivered the goods here more so than any current HK choreographer could have done with the same cast.

For fear of turning the review into a laundry list of who fights who, I won’t go into every pairing. However for those who were left frustrated at the pairing of Chen and Uwais in Man of Tai Chi (was there anyone that wasn’t?), their match up here more than redeems, and takes place at only 20 minutes in. Likewise for Jaa, who after spending a disproportionate amount of time in Hong Kong being attached to wires, here is allowed to unleash wire-free, and you can feel the spark is back. Johnson wisely allows for Adkins and Jai White to remain ominous threats for most of the runtime, seemingly very much aware that the best should be saved for last, which it is.

I recall in an interview Adkins did to promote Undisputed 3: Redemption back in 2010, he spoke of his hopes to one day have a chance to fight Jaa, and a little under 10 years later the match-up is the highlight of the finale (Jaa notably receives top billing in the credits, with Uwais billed second). Adkins unleashes against the star of Ong Bak like it’s still 2003, and Jaa visibly lifts his game to square off against the British powerhouse. It’s a joy to watch, and when Uwais also gets involved to make it segue into a two-on-one, the joy of watching 3 of this era’s top screen fighters go at each other is an immeasurable one. Uwais himself gets some seriously heavy lifting to do going toe to toe with Jai White (because, well, we already got a Jaa vs Jai White fight in 2014’s Skin Trade), who’s sheer power gives him an almost Hwang Jang Lee-like aura of invincibility against his more slender opposition, while Chen battles it out against Bisping.

While the audience for Triple Threat will mostly be clocking in for the action, it’s worth noting that at no point do you find yourself impatiently waiting for the next action scene to kick in. The storyline is surprisingly engaging, with Uwais almost coming across as a Yojimbolike character in the way he plays Adkins and co. against the double crossed pairing of Jaa and Chen. Considering none of our trio of protagonists speak each other’s native language, Uwais, Jaa, and Chen have a likeable chemistry between them, and their conversing in English is not only passable, but at times genuinely affecting. Kudos to Johnson for hiring a Dialect Coach, as it’s clearly paid dividends.

I was left feeling like Triple Threat is the 2019 equivalent of a PM Entertainment flick. It knows it’s there to deliver action, and does so in a joyously unpretentious manner, with a cast that are fully aware of what they’re there to do. Throw in Michael Wong in a role credited as ‘Old Man’, a blink and you’ll miss it reference to “Donnie and Sammo”, and Jija Yanin exiting proceedings via one of the greatest death scenes in recent action movie memory, what you’re left with is a pure shot of celluloid adrenalin. Or to use lines from the movie itself, a tale of “three little imps” versus some “really bad guys”. 

Paul Bramhall’s Rating: 8.5/10

Posted in All, Asian Related, Chinese, News, Reviews | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , |

Deal on Fire! Woochi: The Demon Slayer | Blu-ray | Only $7.98 – Expires soon!

Woochi: The Demon Slayer Blu-ray & DVD (Shout! Factory)

Woochi: The Demon Slayer Blu-ray & DVD (Shout! Factory)

Today’s Deal on Fire is the Blu-ray Woochi: The Demon Slayer (aka Jeon Woochi: The Taoist Wizard), directed by Dong-Hoon Choi (The Thieves).

Jeon Woo-chi (Gang Dong-Won of A Violent Prosecutor), an undisciplined, womanizing wizard unjustly accused of the death of his master, is trapped inside an ancient scroll until he is set free in 2009 by the wizards that imprisoned him to help fight against evil goblins that have taken over present-day Korea. The only problem is that Woo-chi is more interested in his new modern home,and the women of Korea, than becoming a hero.

Order Woochi: The Demon Slayer from today! 

Posted in Deals on Fire!, News |

Boogie Boy | Blu-ray (MVD Rewind)


RELEASE DATE: May 14, 2019

MVD Rewind has announced the Blu-ray for Boogie Boy, a Mark Dacascos thriller from director Craig Hamann (writer of Showdown in Manila) and producer Roger Avary, who is perhaps best known for 1993’s Killing Zoe, 2002’s The Rules of Attraction, and his co-writing credit for 1994’s Pulp Fiction. The film hits retail outlets on May 14th, 2019.

Check out the official details below from MVD:

This title has been out of print for a long time. It was released on a full frame (1.33:1) DVD and has never been seen in it’s original theatrical aspect ratio nor has this ever been on a Blu-ray. MVD has overseen a brand new HD transfer of the film (thank you VinSyn) and we have just begun working on bonus material. In my opinion, this movie never got a proper release and I have been working closely with the director and producer (who have been awesome, by the way) on this one. Many of you probably aren’t totally aware of this one and really hope to get your support. It’s worth a blind buy!

There’s a thin line between friendship and betrayal…

After being released from prison, Jesse Page (Dacascos, Maximum Impact) backs his old friend Larry (Jaimz Woolvett, Unforgiven) up on a drug deal gone sour. With the drug dealers hot on his trail, Jesse has three days to reach Detroit where a new, clean, legitimate life awaits him. Along the way, his ties to his junkie criminal past are put to the test… What is true friendship made of? How far should loyalty go? These are questions Jesse must answer on the road to his new life in this gritty action-thriller from writer / director Craig Hamann (My Best Friend’s Birthday, Showdown in Manila).

The 1990’s cult classic Boogie Boy makes its long-awaited return with a first-ever, brand new 4K high definition transfer supervised by director Craig Hamann.

Blu-ray Special Features:

  • Brand new director approved 4K High Definition transfer from the original camera negative with the film presented in its original 1.85:1 aspect ratio for the first time ever!
  • Original 2.0 Stereo Audio (TBD…not final)
  • Spanish Subtitles
  • Cast and crew interviews (TBD)
  • Making of feature (TBD)
  • Photo gallery (TBD)
  • Original Theatrical Trailer (SD)
  • Collectible Mini-Poster

*Special Features May Not Be Rated, Closed Captioned or In High Definition and are subject to change.

Pre-order Boogie Boy from today! 

Posted in DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Martial Arts Titles, News |

Witness, The (2018) Review

"The Witness" Korean Theatrical Poster

“The Witness” Korean Theatrical Poster

Director: Jo Kyu-Jang
Cast: Lee Sung-Min, Kim Sang-Ho, Jin Kyung, Kwak Si-Yang, Park Bom, Kim Sung-Kyun, Bae Jung-Hwa, Shin Seung-Hwan, Jung Yoo-Min, Yeon Je-Wook
Running Time: 111 min.

By Paul Bramhall

It’s fair to say that violence is as an integral a part of Korean cinema as kimchi is to its cuisine. Sure, you don’t need it with every dish, but when it’s there, it makes for a distinctly Korean experience. I mention this, because the opening of The Witness feels like a textbook template of exactly what audiences have come to expect from a Korean thriller. A car is driving through isolated countryside roads at night, the purpose of the driver’s trip clearly to murder the bound female he has tied up in the trunk. However, after digging a shallow grave, it gives his victim just enough time to break free of her constraints and escape into the forest, before stumbling across civilisation in the form of a new residential village, comprising of blocks of identical apartment buildings. However the killer isn’t far behind, hammer in hand (OldBoy has a lot to answer for), and he’s soon thrusting it into her skull in plain view of the presumably sleeping residents.

Of course, as the title suggests, it turns out that not every resident was asleep. Lee Sung-min plays a salaryman who’s just got back from a night of drinking, to celebrate becoming a home owner of one such apartment, however his early hours of the morning drowsiness is disturbed by a scream coming from outside. Quickly sobering up, he arrives at the window just in time to see the killer delivering the blood splattered blows of death, and while he also gets a good look at the killers face, it also means the killer gets a good look at him.

So the crux is set, and it’s a good one. Who is the killer? Who was his victim? Where The Witness differentiates itself from other similar thrillers though, is the fact that it doesn’t turn its focus to any of these questions. Such a decision frequently allows The Witness to soar as much as it does nosedive, depending on how far along in the narrative you are. Our main character is Sung-min, and proceedings are at their most interesting when watching the social pressure he encounters to not inform the police of what he saw. Understandably, soon the residential village is swarming with detectives, led by the permanently frazzled Kim Sang-ho (Fabricated City). However with a residents association keen to not get involved in anything that would make the prices of their properties drop, Sung-min finds himself torn between doing the right thing, and not putting his wife and child in danger.

It’s a darkly cynical premise, but one that works. As the victim wasn’t a resident of the village, almost everyone living there is willing to plead ignorance to if they did or didn’t see what happened, and soon the detectives are at a dead end. Sung-min doesn’t tell anyone that he saw the murder, including his wife, and is soon having residents association petitions thrust in front of him to sign that he won’t talk to the police, and finds himself increasingly conflicted on what to do. Sung-min delivers a convincing performance, and his lead role here is well deserved after his recent turn opposite Hwang Jung-min in The Spy Gone North, also from 2018. He’s long been a solid supporting actor, but hopefully roles like this one will mean we see a lot more of him headlining.

The handling of the killer doesn’t work so well. Played by Kwak Si-yang (who notably acted alongside Sung-min in 2016’s Familyhood), his killer is the typical genre stereotype – think Ha Jung-woo in The Chaser, or Jung Kyung-ho in Running Turtle, and you get the idea. Black jacket, black cap, lurking in the shadows etc. The issue is that Si-yang doesn’t do much else other than that. His presence feels more like a plot device than an actual character, and it’s a caricatured one at that. Appearing in shots to elicit fear and glimpsed as a sign of danger, we know what it means when he’s around, but we don’t know anything about him. In fairness, the ending confirms that this was the intention, however that doesn’t necessarily mean it works.

Si-yang also seems to come with what sometimes border on supernatural powers. For such a high security complex, he has no trouble coming in and out of it as he pleases, and is even able to steal Sung-min’s family dog. Or is he? Director Jo Kyoo-jang struggles with portraying the more ambiguous themes of The Witness, which often leave the audience to second guess how much they should read into a certain scene. It could well be read that Sung-min is being paranoid about how far Si-yang is willing to go to make sure he doesn’t talk, with scenes of the dog’s disappearance, prank phone calls, and mysterious motorcyclists all leaving room for interpretation. Such scenes are never really given a satisfactory conclusion, as it either means Si-yang is some kind of murdering super villain, or the detectives are absolutely useless.

The everyday reality of Sung-min’s predicament, played alongside Si-yang’s Michael Myers style stalking, result in a somewhat awkward experience with The Witness. It almost feels like a mix of Na Hong-jin’s The Chaser meets Huh Jung’s Hide and Seek, with the threat of a hammer wielding psychopath lurking around a new apartment complex. While there are scenes which differentiate Kyoo-jang’s latest from both, there are also an equal number that feel derivative from these other genre staples. It’s these scenes which hold The Witness back from being one of the great Korean thrillers, as there was just one time too many when I said to myself “This was done much better in (insert another Korean movie title here)”.

With that being said, when The Witness has its focus on the inner-workings of the apartment complex eco-system, and the distinct lack of humanity that comes with it, it’s genuinely engaging. The closing shot, which has Sung-min stood alone surrounded by the various apartment buildings, feels like a legitimate punch to the gut in how it reflects just how hopeless society can sometimes be. The effective quietness of the closing moments play out in stark contrast to the brash finale that precedes it. The Witness gives Kyoo-jang his largest budget to work with to date, after previously helming the drama A Camel Doesn’t Leave Desert and the romantic comedy Mood of the Day, and he obviously wanted to see things out with a bang.

After racing to get back to the apartment knowing that Si-yang is targeting his family, Sung-min decides that enough is enough, and it’s time to put an end to his murdering ways. What follows is a pursuit up the nearby forested mountainside, a brutal throw down incorporating local Korean fauna as weaponry, and a landslide that appears to have taken its inspiration from the 2011 Umyeon Mountain incident. It’s a rather gratuitous, if not entirely unexpected, conclusion, and one which does its best to reconcile Sung-min’s conflicted salaryman with Si-yang’s super villain. The use of the landslide scenes result in some of the most striking imagery in The Witness, with Sung-min rising up from it in a way that wouldn’t be out of place in a Lucio Fulci zombie movie. Like I mentioned, it’s kind of gratuitous.

With a strong supporting cast featuring the likes of Jin Kyung (Master) as Sung-min’s wife, Bae Jung-hwa (Gifted) as another resident that witnessed the murder, and Kim Sung-kyun (Golden Slumber) as one of the victims husbands, it’s difficult to fault their performances, even when the script sometimes defies logic. Indeed if anything the script deserves credit for the fact that, unless you’re paying really close attention, some of the more glaring issues (if Si-yang is such an effective killer, why couldn’t he tie his initial victim’s hands together properly?) only become apparent once you’ve given it some thought afterwards.

All in all The Witness is a movie that has as many strengths as it does flaws, and when the end credits rolled I walked away feeling that it had been an enjoyable 110 minutes. If there’s anything to be learnt from these movies, it’s that if you’re a Korean resident and currently renting your property, then the best thing you can do is continue. Buying your own place in Korea seems to be an open invitation to witness a murder, attract stalkers, vengeance seeking ghosts, and all kinds of trouble. In this case, if we’d been given as well rounded a villain as we do a main character, The Witness could have been another bona fide classic in Korea’s well regarded cannon of gritty thrillers. As it is, for his third feature director Jo Kyoo-jang serves up an enjoyable slice of murder and paranoia. If anyone will still be talking about it 10 years from now the same way they talk about one of its most obvious influences, The Chaser, is another question.

Paul Bramhall’s Rating: 6/10

Posted in All, Korean, News, Reviews |

Triple Threat | Blu-ray & DVD (Well Go USA)

Triple Threat | Blu-ray & DVD (Well Go USA)

Triple Threat | Blu-ray & DVD (Well Go USA)

RELEASE DATE: May 14, 2019

Well Go USA Entertainment is getting ready to unleash their deadliest weapon yet: Triple Threat (read our review), an upcoming action film by Jessie V. Johnson (Savage Dog, The Debt Collector) that’s best described as a martial arts-themed Expendables.

Triple Threat is getting a Blu-ray/DVD release on May 14th (pre-order here), which will feature Interviews with the Cast, Trailers and English SDH subtitles.

The anticipated movie features an ensemble cast of international action stars that includes Tony Jaa (Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy), Tiger Chen (Monk Comes Down the Mountain), Iko Uwais (The Raid 2The Night Comes for Us), Michael Jai White (Falcon Rising), Scott Adkins (Accident Man), UFC Champ Michael Bisping (xXx: Return of Xander Cage), Celina Jade (Wolf Warrior 2), Jeeja Yanin (Chocolate) and Michael Wong (Z Storm).

Here’s what you can expect from the film’s plot, according to THR: After a billionaire’s daughter becomes the target of a mercenary cartel. Her only protection are two down-on-their-luck fighters and a third who has vowed revenge against the others. Jaa, Uwais and Chen are the protagonists, while American thespians Adkins, Bisping and White are the villains.

Pre-order Triple Threat from today!

Posted in Asian Titles, DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Martial Arts Titles, News |

Andrew Lau to revisit Hong Kong triads with ‘Teddy Boy’?

"Young and Dangerous" Chinese Theatrical Poster

“Young and Dangerous” Chinese Theatrical Poster

Director Andrew Lau (Infernal Affairs, Legend of the Fist) will be revisiting Chinese gangsterism with a Live-action, English-language adaptation of the comic book series Teddy Boy, which was also the source material for Lau’s immensely popular Hong Kong franchise, Young and Dangerous.

In addition to directing, Lau will also be producing Teddy Boy along with frequent collaborator Andrew Loo (Revenge of the Green Dragons). Backing the project is Pulse Films, the company behind Gangs of London, an upcoming crime thriller prominently directed by Gareth Evans (The Raid, Apostle).

Written by Hong Kong artist Kai-Ming Man and inked by Yu-Kwok Lun, Teddy Boy follows protagonist Ho-Nam Chan’s dizzying ascent through the ranks of the Hong Kong triad hierarchy. It is being developed with an eye towards a feature film or an episodic series. No word yet whether the adaptation will be set in Hong Kong or transposed to a western setting (via Deadline).

We’ll keep you updated on Teddy Boy as it progresses into production.

Updates: Following the above info, Hong Kong media outlet Apple Daily (via FCS) is reporting that Andrew Lau knew nothing about this project.

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COF Presents: PM Entertainment’s Kickboxing Noir


PM Entertainment is a much-loved film production company from the height of the straight-to-video era. They began with tiny-budget crime and exploitation films but eventually rivaled Hollywood in terms of action spectacle. Their calling cards would become flipping cars, explosions and excessive violence on a large scale. They strived to outdo their DTV competitors by attempting the most daring action and stunt-work in American cinema.

pmentertainmentBut apart from action, one thing that isnt quite as discussed or explored about PM Entertainment is aesthetic. Before budgets became much bigger in the mid-nineties and they could afford to fill half a film with massive escalating car-chases, PM had a string of cheaper crime films with thick film noir atmosphere. PM also had a unique twist on noir, in that they combined it with martial arts and thus arguably created their own new genre of “Kickboxing Noir”.

These pictures include Deadly Bet (1992) and Final Impact (1992), both filmed in neon-lit and seedy Las Vegas locations. This cycle of films culminated in the pinnacle of kickboxing-noir pictures: Maximum Force. The first two films were shot by Richard Peppin (Peppin being the “P” in PM Entertainment) but Maximum Force would be shot be cinematographer Ken Blakey and directed by Joseph Merhi (The “M” in PM), where they would take the “Kickboxing noir” style to a new aesthetic extreme.

Ken Blakey

Ken Blakey

Cinematographer Ken Blakey recalls: “The classic film noir from the 40’s and 50’s is always basically a crime story. Film Noir is not funny, nor is there really romance. There may be passion between characters leading to love, but it is usually unrequited or interrupted. There is a protagonist (fighter, cop, everyman) and an antagonist (gangster, rich man, another fighter, or cop), and a woman. Generally the “good” fighter loses the girl who comes under the power of the “bad” fighter (good and bad referring to character traits with which the audience can identify). The hero must defeat the villain usually by conquering him either physically, violently, or by subterfuge, winning a contest or any/all of the aforementioned”

"Deadly Bet" VHS Cover

“Deadly Bet” VHS Cover

These narrative elements couldn’t be more true than with Deadly Bet, where Jeff Wincott literally offers his wife as collateral when gambling on a kickboxing match, which he ends up losing. Charlene Tilton literally becomes a possession of villain Steven Vincent Leigh until Wincott can get things together and fight in the ring to win her back.

Such a politically incorrect plot couldn’t exist today in the #metoo era, but its also unlikely to have existed in mainstream Hollywood at the time either. It’s a good example of the kind of risk taking and edginess that can only be achieved in independent film, much like the envelope being pushed in the pre-code noir era. Apart from this, it has many of the hallmarks of the noir genre in terms of gangsters, nightclubs and a down-on-his-luck protagonist sucked back into the underworld.

PM even took this Las Vegas backdrop and fused it with an almost Karate Kid-style narrative with Final Impact (1992). In that picture, Lorenzo Lamas plays a jaded, hard-drinking former kickboxing champion fixated on training a protégé (Michael Worth) to enact revenge on a rival. At this point in time, PM was based in Las Vegas and many of their films inhabited similar casino-strip locations, which meant they could reuse locations, B-roll and make films quite efficiently.

"Final Impact" VHS Sell Sheet

“Final Impact” VHS Sell Sheet

Blakey remembers: “Rick Pepin used to say to me, “I want to see the money right up there on the screen”. Joseph Merhi could, I believe, actually get blood out of a stone, and I mean that with the greatest respect. Joseph knows how to wring out a dollar! Joseph and Rick brought in the best people for every department including the fight coordinators, stunt teams, and special effects. Most of those films from the early 90’s were shot on 15 day schedules so we all had to work fast and make it great. Rick and Joseph knew exactly what the straight to video and international markets (theatrical and video) wanted. There was a formula and the stories were plugged into that formula with over the top action, action, action.”

“I came to L.A. from San Francisco as a commercial photographer/cinematographer. I met Rick Pepin and he liked my showreel even though I had no feature film elements. I had a lot of experience in fashion, product, and corporate work so I could make anything look good. Rick was a good cinematographer, but he needed someone to light for him so that’s how I got my foot in the door just as they were making the transition from 16mm ultra low budget movies to 35mm films with known actors and bigger production values. The film noir look in the martial arts films in 1990/91 were shot by Rick with me as his Gaffer and 2nd camera. They liked the work and the shows did well so they gave me a shot as DP. I was assigned to a picture called A Time to Die with Traci Lords and Richard Roundtree. A police/crime story. I gave it a dramatic look, but I didn’t want to push it on my first outing so I stuck with a more polished commercial look. It turned out well and so next up was Maximum Force,” adds Blakey.

Maximum Force was a rather B-star-studded ensemble featuring Sam Jones (Flash Gordon), Jason Lively (Dukes of Hazard), Sherrie Rose (King of the Kickboxers), and John Saxon (Enter the Dragon). They are a dream-team of cops united together to take on crime boss Richard Lynch (Invasion USA) and his network, which includes corrupt politician played by Mickey Rooney! The film exists almost exclusively at nighttime or inside a mysteriously-lit wearhouse, where most of the second act takes place. This wearhouse would be a space for martial arts training, meditation, contemplation and interpersonal drama amongst the police. The atmosphere here was clouded with dust, smoke and stylistic lighting. One of the most audacious shots in the picture is a wide angle that slowly tracks-in on Sam Jones as he starts to skip with a jump-rope. The ginormous space is surreal, more akin to an art-film than a B-picture and the jump rope creates plumes of dust from the concrete floor that add to this atmosphere.

One of the most audacious shots in Maximum Force.

One of the most audacious shots in Maximum Force.

Martial arts is a less prominent theme, but when it punctuates the film its usually backlit and stylised. A couple of these kickboxing sequences take place on a nightclub stage amongst cigar-smoke and highlighted by theatrical lighting. Another fight scene atop a skyscraper takes place with a background of moonlit industrial exhaust fumes, appearing like white fire, contrasting the physical movement of kickboxing silhouettes.

"Maximum Force" Theatrical Poster

“Maximum Force” Theatrical Poster

“The noir aesthetic in Maximum Force was strictly my choice. Of course, I had to give the studio a commercially viable product that they could market, but when dailies started coming in they loved it. At the time I remember seeing two pictures shot by cinematographer Bojan Bazelli. They were King of New York (1990) and Deep Cover (1992). They both had a very dark look and used saturated colors in the lighting. Maximum Force was my third show as Director of Photography for PM and I decided to just let it all hang out. What makes it Film Noir is the lighting and camera. Extreme angles, wide lenses, and most of all DARK. Even in daylight the contrast between sun and shadow is often emphasized. At night faces are back or side lit with little or no fill light. The “unseen” adds to the drama and sense of foreboding,” says Blakey.

“On this one I went all the way since most of the story takes place at night in the dark underbelly of the city. I used large source light to ¾ backlight much of the action and the characters themselves. In addition I triple corrected one side to the blue spectrum and on the other side triple corrected toward the yellow. It was a success and I probably get more comments on Maximum Force than any other film. I was just chasing an aesthetic that I had fallen in love with in my early career and had the opportunity to realize it. I brought in lots of smoke and “radical” lighting and PM loved it,” Blakey adds.

"Intent to Kill" Chinese Poster

“Intent to Kill” Chinese Poster

Blakey  continues: “I don’t recall specifically thinking of Maximum Force as a martial arts picture at the time although it certainly falls well into that category. I saw it as a crime drama with action. During those years martial arts were the default method of physical engagement in movies just like fist fights had been in westerns and mysteries. Those black and white mystery/crime stories of the 1940’s and 50’s were the first things that attracted me to film making and it was really the shadowy lighting that tickled my aesthetic sense. I don’t think I ever really thought about “marrying” martial arts with noir. It just seemed like a natural fit. Funny story … when the film was sold in the German market QC (Quality Control) for television broadcast drained most of the color out of those night scenes. When I heard about it I was apoplectic, but what can you do. I think the DVDs currently available in the U.S.A. market look very good. On my next picture with PM, Intent to Kill (1992), I went really dark as well, but with a different flavor.”

At the same time as these pictures, John Woo was producing crime films in Hong Kong, which made a departure from martial arts, instead choosing gunfire as the means to be balletic. They had elements of noir and French gangster pictures like Le Samurai but took their action from the gory Westerns of Sam Peckinpah. Hollywood took note of these startling Woo pictures and imported the director to America, while PM attempted their own heroic bloodshed pictures with such titles as The Sweeper (1996) that amped-up spectacle. Unlike Hong Kong, which had incredible restrictions and regulations on what film crews could achieve on the roads, PM had much more freedom on the streets of Las Angeles to create real havoc.

"Hard Boiled" Japanese Theatrical Poster

“Hard Boiled” Japanese Theatrical Poster

Ken Blakey explains: “I think a big influence at that time was John Woo’s Hard Boiled (1992). He took action to a whole new level in that show using wires, ratchets, and gunfire at a level not seen before. Again, no CGI, and it totally sells today. I still have my Laser Disc! Another influence for me was Steven Seagal’s Out for Justice (1991) both cinematically and the martial arts.”

The Sweeper represented another step up in the action genre for us at PM. The opening car chase on the pier, the night freeway extravaganza, and then the day freeway chase where C. Thomas Howell climbs onto the wheel of an in flight airplane out of a moving convertible and the subsequent “air” fight and fall of the villain is still amazing. For those Freeway chases, with all the rollovers, crashes, explosions, etc. we were using 9 cameras at any given time. Four or five operated cameras shooting from “camera cars”, or from inside the vehicle, or telephoto shots to stack up the action and in addition four or five Eyemo’s which are small 35mm cameras housed in “indestructible” steel boxes that are placed and disguised on the road where they can be hit by a flying car, explosion, etc. That’s how we get those shots where the exploding car lands on the camera. When that happens I call those the “Bingo!” shots. No crew members or actors were harmed in the making of The Sweeper. And let’s not leave out fantastic stunts, driving, special effects (explosions, etc.) and great editing! Remember, there was NO CGI … It was all real.”

The Sweeper’s “nighttime freeway extravaganza” is a sequence where a dozen falling gas bottles from a truck are shot by a machine gun to explode at certain moments along the road during a conflict between two different speeding vehicles. The pitch-black sky is the perfect backdrop to highlight a series of jaw-dropping explosions and fiery car-flips. In this dark atmosphere, the mixture of glowing yellow headlights zooming past, red break-lights reflecting on the wet bitumen, explosions peppered along the highway and cars flipping and rotating in the night sky evokes a similar light and movement to Van Gogh’s painting “Starry Night”.

"Rage" VHS Cover

“Rage” VHS Cover

The original noir pictures of the 1930s were shot outside mainstream Hollywood in a place or status referred to as “Poverty row”, a series of basic studios that churned out “B” pictures to play after main features. But occasionally these films were innovative and ended up influencing Hollywood itself. In the early nineties, PM would parallel this history as they too used noir-style lighting techniques to create atmosphere and aesthetic on a budget for the DTV market.

But as film critic Paul Bramhall points out about Rage (1995), which was also shot by Ken Blakey, PM would overtly challenge Hollywood and possibly influence it in the process: “Echoes of much of the stunt work on display in Rage, can be seen in some of the most popular mainstream action movies of the last 20 years.. The climax of the chase scene of Rage is more than a little reminiscent of the climax to the epic car chase from The Matrix Reloaded … Another scene has Daniels dangling off a building with the rope of a window washing outrigger, which he uses to run across the buildings side to create enough momentum to launch himself towards a….well, I won’t spoil it for anyone who’s yet to see it. But the same concept would be used 16 years later when Tom Cruise would scale the Burj Khalifa in Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol.”

Ken Blakey continues: “Selling the punches/hits, continuity of the fight, and editing. Camera angles must be set in such a way as to give the illusion of connection. Stunt people don’t actually hit each other during a fight so the camera must be set at such an angle as to suggest connection and edited with the next shot to carry through on that connection while maintaining continuity of the movement of the players to suggest a real sequence of events. More than one camera is generally used to capture each sequence to give the editor more flexibility to speed up the action and give it impact.”

Scene from Nicholas Ingerson’s student film “Elevator” (2018)

Scene from Nicholas Ingerson’s student film “Elevator” (2018)

The history of PM Entertainment is not something just kept alive by those reminiscing a bygone video-rental era. Recently a twenty-one year-old student at Australia’s most prestigious film school (VCA) asked me “Have you seen The Sweeper?” He went on to detail his admiration for the “night freeway extravaganza” and other spectacles. But the student also told me that when he made one of his short-films last year, a sci fi reminiscent of Shane Carruth’s Primer, that he made his cinematographer watch Maximum Force, particularly those surrealist scenes in the atmospheric wearhouse. So apart from overt Hollywood tributes to their action sequences, there is also evidence that PM has an aesthetic legacy that continues to be influential to this day.

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