Land of the Free: How to Become a United States Citizen

Land of the Free: How to Become a United States Citizen

Land of the Free: How to Become a United States Citizen

More than a million immigrants immigrate to the US each year in search of a better life. Understandably, the United States is a rich and diverse country bursting with opportunity. Plus, the amicable citizenry and friendly environment make any immigrant feel right at home.

However, free the United States is, it has a very strict immigration policy. If getting a tourist visa is sometimes very stressful, you can imagine how getting permanent citizenship could be. If you’re wondering how to become a United States Citizen, then read on as we take you through the steps to becoming one.

Citizenship by Naturalization

Naturalization is the process through which a United States immigrant can become a permanent US citizen. So the only way you can become a US citizen as an immigrant is through naturalization.

Citizenship by naturalization has strict requirements, and you can only become a citizen if you’re a green card holder or are in or have served in the military. Green card holders are immigrants who have permission from the US government to work and live permanently in the United States.

Your eligibility for US citizenship by naturalization depends on a couple of factors, which are:

  • If you currently hold a green card
  • How long you’ve had your green card
  • Whether you served in the military

Green Card Holders

If you have authority by the United States government to work and live permanently in the United States, then you qualify for citizenship by naturalization. You can group green card holders into two categories which are, ordinary green card holders and green card holders with special circumstances.

The former are ordinary immigrants with the authorization to live and work in the United States. The latter are individuals who got their green cards from special circumstances. They form a very small group but are still worth mentioning.

Ordinary green card holders can apply for US citizenship after completing five years in the US from when they received their green cards. Out of those five years, you must also have been in the United States physically for thirty months, which is about two and a half years.

These conditions also apply for green card holders with special circumstances. However, you first need to consult with the USCIS to know whether you qualify for citizenship.

Married to a US Citizen

An immigrant married to a US citizen can apply for citizenship five years after acquiring their green card. The spouse must be a United States Citizen for more than three years, and you must have physically been in the US for at least eighteen months.

Widow/Widower of an Ex-Military Serviceman/Woman

If you’re the spouse of a military serviceman/woman who lost their life while serving in the army, you can apply for US citizenship at any time. However, you need to prove that you were living with your spouse during the time of death. You also need to be a legitimate green card holder.

Military Service

An immigrant serving in any capacity in the military can become a US citizen by naturalization. Here’s how you can become a US citizen if you serve or served in the military.

Served in the Military Less Than a Year During Peacetime

Peacetime describes the period when a country isn’t at war. If you’ve served for less than a year during peacetime, you qualify for US citizenship.

However, you must be a legitimate green card holder for at least five years. Your time of service also counts in those five years. Out of those five years, you must also have physically been in the US for at least 30 months.

Served in the Military for Whatever Period During Wartime

You can apply for US citizenship if you’ve served during wartime regardless of whether you hold a green card or not.  The only condition is that you must have been physically present in the US or any of its territories when you were enlisted in the military.

If your spouse meets the above conditions, you can also qualify for citizenship regardless of whether you hold a green card or not.

Other Requirements for Naturalization

The above are the major conditions for citizenship by naturalization. Besides the above, to qualify for naturalization citizenship, you must:

  • Be over the age of eighteen.
  • Show a willingness to serve in the US military
  • Demonstrate a willingness to defend the US constitution
  • Pass a naturalization test
  • Sufficiently be of good moral character
  • Be or have been a resident of the state you plan to be a citizen in for at least three months
  • Not have taken trips outside of the US for more than six months during the three or five year period as a green card holder

You can also become a US citizen through derivative naturalization. This means that you get citizenship when you’re born to “naturalized” parents, or when you get adopted by the same.

You Now Know How to Become a United States Citizen

Hopefully, you now know how to become a United States citizen. Make sure you give it some thought before finalizing your decision.

It may take a while before your application is processed for the USCIS to grant you full citizenship. However, if you meet all the eligibility requirements, then you have nothing to worry about. The United States is very welcoming to immigrants who want to become a US citizen through the correct procedures.

For more informative reads, be sure to check out the other pieces on the site.

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About House of Hummingbird | Blu-Ray (Well Go USA)

About House of Hummingbird | Blu-Ray (Well Go USA)

About House of Hummingbird | Blu-Ray (Well Go USA)

RELEASE DATE: August 4, 2020

Time for a change-of-pace for those expecting another Asian action flick from the much appreciated U.S. label. On August 4, 2020, Well Go USA will release the Blu-ray for Kim Bora’s House of Hummingbird, which took home the Grand Prix for Best Feature Film at the 69th Berlin International Film Festival.

House of Hummingbird stars Jihu Park (The Witness), Saebyuk Kim (The First Lap), Seungyeon Lee (Alive) and Ingi Jeong (The Outlaws).

14-year-old Eun-hee moves through life like a hummingbird searching for a taste of sweetness wherever she may find it. Ignored by her parents and abused Continue reading

Posted in Asian Titles, DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, News |

Home Improvements: How Much Does Solar Add to Property Value

Home Improvements: How Much Does Solar Add to Property Value

Home Improvements: How Much Does Solar Add to Property Value

Did you know that 10.6 Gigawatts of solar power was added in 2018 alone in the USA? To put that in perspective, the average nuclear power plant produces 1 Gigawatt or enough to power 725,000 homes.

It’s a staggering statistic, but what you really want to know is: How much does solar add to property value? A lot of factors go into real estate pricing and adding solar to it is one more.

You’ve already had the labor, design, and paperwork finished and done. Pricing plans and a relationship with the utility is already underway. Why shouldn’t you sit back and reap the benefits of your success?

Well, nothing is cut and dry, but we’re here to give you the answers.

By the Numbers

The average US homeowner uses 914 kWh per month. But the price of solar can change per state, as well as power consumption. According to Zillow, there is no large city in the US that will lose property value when installing solar.

Every roof and house is different. Let’s say you’re installing 6 kWh of solar, and you’re in Washington state, for example.

At $2.69/W, you’re looking at an average of about $12,000 (after tax credits), depending on the solar panel installers you go with.

The national median price increase to real estate in a study in 2018 gave a number as high as $9,274. While this doesn’t cover the whole installation fee, it’s pretty substantial. 77% kind of substantial.

Some Things to Consider

There are just a few things to consider about Solar. For example: Do you get sun exposure? Do you have a pitched or flat roof? What’s the cost of electricity locally?

We’ll go over these and other questions about solar-paneled homes.

Roof Pitch

If you’re going to get a solar panel for home use, you might want to know if it’s an advantageous angle to your roof. Straight vertical or horizontal solar panels are not as efficient. Most roof angles are pretty good, though.

If you have a flat roof, you might have to consider freestanding solar panels. This is often what a commercial building contends with. Roofs are typically flat on warehouses and other industrial complexes.

Additionally, if you’re in an apartment, you might not even have a roof!

Geography: What’s your Angle?

Speaking of pitch and angle, what angle are you relative to the sun? Latitude plays a major role in power home solar and roofing solutions. In addition to the latitude issue is state pricing.

Florida and Washington state are at completely different ends of the country but offer the two cheapest installation rates. One is the sunshine state, and the other is known for gloomy, rainy weather (don’t let them fool you).

Meanwhile, Colorado in the middle of the country, with its bluebird days and high elevation, has one of the highest installation costs.

Local Electricity Pricing

Solar isn’t the only game in town. If you’re next to a nuclear power plant, the pricing might be quite low. Unless there is access to very low-cost fossil fuels, nuclear is still the cheapest per kWh output (and the least-lethal power generation source per kWh, historically).

Nothing says that you can’t still produce power and sell it back. You’ll still have near-standstill utility prices, except when you draw power at night. Having cheap electricity nearby is a bonus for the times you can’t send power to the grid.

Frequency of Power Outages

Speaking of sending power to the grid, if there are power outages you aren’t sending power out. If your area is unreliable, the system will still be producing energy for you, but not send it out.

Therefore, you aren’t offsetting your nighttime usage.

It’s not a huge deal as you can still work from home during the COVID-19 “new normal” of remote work, without fear of your Wi-Fi going out during a Zoom meeting.

Reliability is king.

Age of the Solar System

As with all things, age brings inefficiency (unfortunately). When you get older you’re not as good as you once were, you’re as good once as you ever were. The same is true of your solar cells.

What does it mean? Well, the first modern solar panel is still working, after 60 years. After 25 years, the expected efficiency is about 20% of the original.

This means that the older your system, the less you can get as a premium on your real estate sale (if they ask).

State Benefits

In addition to the federal tax credit system (ITC), at least 12 states offer incentives to their residents and homeowners, including Colorado. Because a place has a high installation rate, and the federal tax credits only go so far, state initiatives may bridge the gap.

In addition, there are other local initiatives that could sway you.

Buyer Perception

Of course, this is the largest contributor. If you get a green buyer, who loves solar and loves that you’ve already pushed for a green initiative, more power to you!

Perception is why we buy tons of furniture for open houses we would never sit on. Buyer perception is the highest contribution to a good offer for your home than anything else.

If the buyer doesn’t like the neighborhood, even a star property won’t sell for its potential price. It’s all perception.

So, How Much Does Solar Add to Property Value?

How much does solar add to property value? The short answer is $9,274—but it’s never that simple—and you know it, too. Working on averages alone would be a faulty decision-making process.

It depends on your state, your roof area and configuration, and a hundred other factors. Engineers are there to take care of the details and give an accurate estimate of cost and savings.

On the bright side, those savings are something you can pass along to homebuyers. With the premium of having the system already installed and the hard work already done.

If you liked this article, check out our other exciting stuff! We’ve got fun for the whole family if you read on.

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7 Questions to Ask When Hiring an Attorney for Truck Accidents

7 Questions to Ask When Hiring an Attorney for Truck Accidents

7 Questions to Ask When Hiring an Attorney for Truck Accidents

If you have had the unfortunate luck of being in a truck accident, it can be hard to know how to go about choosing the right lawyer to represent you.

It may be a situation completely unfamiliar to you, and you might not know where to start. Meeting a lawyer for the first time could leave people feeling out of their depth or intimidated by the overall surroundings. This doesn’t need to be the case.

Don’t worry, this article has you covered. We will go through and explain the 7 best questions to ask when hiring an attorney for truck accidents.

Make sure you are asking those important questions and have all your bases covered. Don’t bury your head in the sand when choosing the best representation for you and your case.

1. What Is Your Experience and Knowledge With A Case Like Mine?

This is one of the most important questions to ask when thinking about having a truck accident attorney represent you.

Talk about their case and trial history and see if they have represented similar cases before. If they have, this is a good sign that you are in the right hands.

A truck accident attorney who has plenty of experience with cases that are similar to yours means they have plenty of experience in dealing with the parameters and outcomes of the case.

They can use their existing courtroom experience and previous trials to comfortably defend your position, knowing the types of action and lines of inquiry that need to be taken.

2. What is Your Success Rate When It Comes to Truck Accident Cases?

This is a follow on question from the initial question. Yes, they might have had plenty of experience with truck accident cases but did they have favorable outcomes for the client?

You want to be able to feel confident and secure in your choice of attorney. A lot of that reassurance will come from knowing their track record for these types of cases.

Having a decent success rate for an attorney is a great indicator of how your case could go.

Obviously, there are no guarantees when it comes to what happens in the law courts but it gives you a certain peace of mind knowing that you are in safe hands.

3. How Will Payment Be Handled?

This is a question that needs to be sorted appropriately and clearly so that everyone is on the same page from the get-go.

Will it be an hourly rate or a set fee? How many hours do they expect to spend on the case and the preparation time?

Do they have a projected amount of how much the total attorney bills will cost?

Or perhaps the attorney’s fees will be taken out or deducted from any settlement money you acquire from the case itself. Is that still the case if you don’t win?

These are the details that need to be agreed upon and ironed out before you agreed to any kind of binding agreement.

There isn’t necessarily a correct route for this type of decision, but you need to ensure that the options are discussed and everything is transparent.

4. Are There Other Options Than Going To Trial?

Court trials and proceedings can not only be expensive but also a drain on emotions and time. There might be other options such as a settlement or mediation that might be better for everyone concerned.

Ask your attorney their opinion on whether they think it is in your best interest to go to trial. It isn’t the only option as most people seem to think.

Your attorney could negotiate a great deal for you, without you ever having to step in a courtroom. This saves you not only the emotional stress and energy but allows you to get back to normal life quicker than going to trial.

5. How Long Do You Think The Process Will Take?

This is another key question to think about and ask your attorney when you first make arrangements.

If they have experience in cases similar to yours then they will be able to give you a rough idea of the length of time from start to completion.

Court cases can take a lot longer than anticipated so it is wise to have an indication of time scales and how long to expect everything to take.

6. How Would it be Best to Correspond?

Work out a regular way of contacting and updating your attorney on any changes or outcomes. Is this going to be a weekly phone call? Will you correspond over email? Or will you come into the office itself for a face-to-face meeting?

Deciding on the best method of communication and dialogue between you and your attorney can save valuable time along the way.

This is because everyone’s expectations about communication and passing along information are the same.

7. What Documentation Do You Need To See?

Documentation such as medical reports, witness statements, and pictures of any damage will be important documents that your attorney will need to consult and see.

Discuss and agree on all the documentation you will need to best support your case and ensure that you bring it along to one of your meetings.

You may also be able to email it over, if you cannot physically get into the office or do not wish to meet in person.

Attorney For Truck Accidents: Where Can I Find Out More?

We hope that these key 7 questions you should ask your attorney for truck accidents have given you all the information you need going forward with your case.

Being confident with your requirements and needs can help you find the best attorney to represent you.

If you want any further details, have a look for some truck accident attorneys in your area.

And if you like film reviews and Asian cinema, why not check out some of our features and blog posts?

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What Are the Common Types of Personal Injury Cases?

What Are the Common Types of Personal Injury Cases?

What Are the Common Types of Personal Injury Cases?

Unintentional injuries accounted for 39.5 million physician office visits last year. These injuries led to almost 170,000 deaths. If you were injured, you might have a case.

A qualified personal injury lawyer can help you gather evidence. They’ll argue on your behalf to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Otherwise, you might have to pay for medical bills and cover other losses on your own.

Nursing home neglect attorney kansas city is what you need and will explain the worst and best-case scenarios, and the probable outcome that falls in between.

Unsure if you have a case? Here are some of the most common types of personal injury cases. Learning how to recognize these types of cases will help you recognize when you have a lawsuit on your hands.

Read on to learn more!

Car Accidents

One of the most common types of personal injury cases is an auto accident case. In fact, there are about 6 million car accidents in the US each year. As a result, about 90 million people die every day, while three million sustain injuries.

Another 2 million drivers sustain serious injuries.

If you were injured in a car accident, consider contacting a personal injury lawyer. They’ll help build a case to prove you weren’t at fault for the accident.

In the meantime, you’ll need to gather evidence to prove you’re not liable for the crash. For example, you’ll want to take photos of the property damage. You’ll also need to gather your medical records and bills.

While on the scene, make sure to call the police to have them file an official police report. You’ll need that report to build your case. In some states, calling the police is legally required after you’re in a car crash.

Did you sustain a traumatic brain injury as a result of your crash? Make sure to hire a personal injury attorney with experience in personal injury cases that led to such an injury. You can see here for more information.

Product Liability

Sometimes, products end up on the shelves and in consumers’ hands, even though they’re defective and dangerous. Unknowingly purchasing these products could cause injuries. These products can include children’s toys, food, or even machinery you use at work.

If you’re injured as the result of a defective product, you could build a product liability case.

A few personal injury cases examples caused by a defective product can include:

  • Vehicle parts
  • Drugs and medications
  • Toxic materials and chemicals
  • Medical devices
  • Foods
  • Consumer products
  • Children’s toys

Your personal injury attorney will let you know how to properly file a lawsuit for your product liability case. Without the help of a lawyer, however, you might make a mistake.

You can hold a business or individual liable in these cases. You might want to research who designed, manufactured, sold, and marketed the product as well. There’s a chance someone knew the product was defective and allowed it to go to market.

Persuing this type of case can help cover any injuries you experience. Beyond that, you’re also protecting other consumers who might sustain similar injuries.

Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

Do you have a loved one in a nursing home who is receiving inadequate care and attention? It happens more often than you might realize. If your loved one isn’t receiving proper care, they might sustain injuries (or, unfortunately, pass away).

Did your loved one pass away after receiving inadequate care? Were they abandoned or neglected? If they’re not receiving proper care and assistance, consider pursuing a case.

Your personal injury attorney can help prove your loved one was harmed, injured, or at risk of dying at a nursing home.

Medical Malpractice

There are many types of personal injury cases that can fall under the medical malpractice category. A few prospective cases include:

  • Surgical errors
  • Improper treatment
  • Misdiagnosis
  • Medication errors
  • Pharmacy errors
  • Failure to diagnose
  • Birth injuries

If you decide on pursuing a medical practice case, you might decide to sue a nurse, doctor, or the entire hospital.

Make sure the lawyer you hire has experience with your specific type of personal injury case. Their specific experience will ensure they’re up-to-date with relevant cases, laws, and procedures.

To prove a medical malpractice case, you’ll need to prove you had a doctor/patient relationship with the medical professional. You’ll also need to prove negligence.

Keep track of your medical expenses and prescriptions to build your case.

Premise Liability

Did you trip and fall on someone else’s property? You might have a premise liability case on your hands.

After your trip-and-fall, look around. Do you know what caused you to trip? Take photos while on the scene.

Make sure to file an official complaint with the property manager too. Filing a complaint will prove you’re serious about what happened.

Then, your attorney will argue that you were injured because of dangerous conditions.


Defamation is a type of libel or slander. If someone ruined your reputation by making untrue claims, you might have a case.

In order to build a defamation case, you’ll have to prove the statement wasn’t true. You’ll also have to prove you experienced harm, such as financial loss. Public figures and celebrities will need to prove intended malice in these cases.

Construction Accidents

Contractors and subcontractors must follow federal regulations and safety standards while working. Failing to follow these rules and regulations could cause a serious accident.

If you were injured or know someone who was killed in a construction accident, you could pursue legal claims.

Dog Bites

Did someone’s dog bite you? You might want to pursue a case to hold the dog’s owner financially responsible.

Otherwise, you might sustain a serious injury or develop an infection.

It’s important to note that laws differ from state to state for different types of personal injury cases. Speaking with a lawyer will help you understand your state’s specific laws for your case.

Wrongful Death

Any of these personal injury cases examples might result in wrongful death. If you lost a loved one due to an accident, you can pursue a lawsuit.

Your personal injury attorney will help you recover compensation for your loss.

Intentional Torts

Most types of personal injury cases involve accidents caused by carelessness. Intentional torts, like assault and battery cases, however, aren’t based on negligence. Instead, you can make a case if someone physically attacks you, causing injuries.

Make a Claim With the Types of Personal Injury Cases You Can Pursue

Don’t wait to make a claim. In fact, waiting too long could cause the statute of limitations to lapse. Instead, learn how to recognize these types of personal injury cases.

If you have a case, make sure to contact a lawyer right away.

Looking for more helpful tips and tricks? Make sure to read our other articles then!

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Transform Indoor Bounce House into a fun zone

Transform Indoor Bounce House into a fun zone

Transform Indoor Bounce House into a fun zone

Bored with your old bouncy house? Are your kids bored of jumping around the same jumping castle? Well then, you don’t need to get bored anymore, transform your indoor bounce house into a fun zone for your children. We are going to help you with a few ideas about how you may convert your indoor bounce house into a cool play zone and keep your children entertained for long.

Ball Pit

Convert your bouncer right into a ball pit by adding plenty of different color balls into it. This is the perfect and the economic way to convert your dull bouncer into something unique and interesting. Kids like to dive into a ball pit, splash into it. Also, they love to play several other games like hide n seek into it. Different things can be performed with the ball pit bounce house, plus, the balls are secure to play with so even you could be at ease.

Bounce house pool

Kids love to play in the Water slide bounce house. What if you don’t have one? Don’t worry you can make your own.  This is the most fun idea for a bouncy house that your kids and their friends are going to love. Convert the jumping castle into a mini inflatable pool. There is nothing to hate in this, children love playing inside the pool, they love jumping in the jumping castle, all you need to do is combine them. Put some water into the pit of the bouncer and allow your children to experience the fun in it, you could also add some of their preferred toys to play in the mini pool. This is a pleasant and economical idea to spend your summer. Children will be engaged for a long time. It is likewise safe as the pit within the bounce house is not deep enough.

Rainbow party

Just like including colorful balls, you could add a number of different colourful things into the bouncer and make it a rainbow party for your children and their buddies. You can add colourful party streamers, decorate the bouncer by including some colourful balloons. You can throw in a few chocolates with the colourful balls, with the intention to get kids so excited whilst they find candies while playing. You can also add an extravagant colorful pinata to the quilt of the pinata.

Freeze Game

Keep your children jumping around via playing freeze game, in which the host will play tracks and all the children will jump and dance in the bouncer till the song stops. Once the track stops the kids must freeze at their places and attempt to stand in the same pose which will become tough because the bouncer remains shaking. One who remains freeze for a long time in all the rounds will win the game.

Glow in the Dark

Cover the jumping castle completely with the help of a big sheet or in case you don’t have a large sheet that can cover your bouncer, you can do it in another way that means by joining small sheets to make a large cover for the bounce house. Once the bouncer is covered use the glow lights, toys, and different accessories to make it illuminating. You can also use this concept while planning for Halloween to create a spooky effect. This will take your youngsters’ birthday celebration to some other level.

Switch Place Race

In this game, all the kids sit in a circle within the bounce residence. Then allot a number to each kid. One of the children stands in the center of the circle and calls 2 numbers. Then the kids who have these numbers have to switch their positions without falling and race to be seated before the kid standing in the center steals the position of the empty spots. The player who will not get any place to sit, call the next two numbers.

Inflatable slide

Another fun thing for children is that you could convert your bouncer into an inflatable slide. So along with a mini bouncer pool, your youngsters could have a slide as well. All you have to do is to join a sheet of tarpaulin at the slide of the bouncer and wet it with very slight soap water. Let your children experience the waterpark adventures at home with their own family and buddies. Trust me once you have transformed the jumping castle with this your children will never demand a visit to the water park and you may save money and their health both.

Bounce Basket Ball

Let your children revel in bouncy basketball with the aid of including a slight twist to it. All you have to do is buy basketball/s(purchase an inflatable basketball if you have small children), a basketball hoop or a basketball board, mount it on a pole and adjust it with the height of your kids. Now permit the youngsters to pass into the bouncer and throw the basketball into the hoop. This game will not only engage them but will also assist them to maintain their physical health and fitness and get taller which seems to be misplaced nowadays due to some of these electronic devices and fancy games.

Treasure hunt/scavenger hunt

Make your bounce house adventurous by simply making it a part of a Scavenger hunt or a treasure hunt. For Scavenger hunt you need to make a list of miscellaneous objects and put them into the bounce house pit along with different toys, colorful balls, etc. and mix them. Now make two teams, provide the list to each group and allow them to search the items. Whichever group finds maximum items from the list, wins the first sport. To make the sport more interesting you can set a time limit.

For Treasure hunt, you can mix the toys in the bouncer pit or you can attach it around the bounce house and as opposed to making a list of objects, provide them with the clues related to those items.

Now I hope these ideas will help you to make a completely new play area out of your uninteresting vintage bouncer for your kids. With only a little bit of innovation and a little investment, you can surprise your children and make them no longer simply happy but also boost them bodily and mentally.

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Magnificent, The (1978) Review

"The Magnificent" Poster

“The Magnificent” Poster

Director: Kim Hyeong-Jun
Co-director: Chan Siu-Pang
Assistant-director: Godfrey Ho
Cast: Carter Wong, Casanova Wong, Chan Sing, Doris Lung, Elton Chong, Chang Il-do, Dragon Lee (Mun Kyong-sok), Martin Chui Man-Fooi, Chan Chan-Wa
Running Time: 90 min.

By Paul Bramhall

In the late 70’s the kung fu genre was evolving dramatically. After the Bruce Lee mania of the early 70’s there came a wave of ‘basher’ flicks, movies that put an emphasis more on scrappy brawling than the graceful movements of Peking Opera, but it wasn’t until the likes of The Secret Rivals that the genre started to significantly shift. Director and producer Ng See Yuen saw the potential in the Korean art of Taekwondo, and soon the likes of Hwang Jang Lee and Casanova Wong began to become regular fixtures in Hong Kong movies (many of which were also filmed in Korea). Taekwondo was a perfect fit for screen fighting, able to both be incorporated into complex exchanges, but also look devastatingly powerful. Similar to how Bruce Lee kicked off the decade, audiences once again became attracted to the power of martial arts, and less interested in the Opera style that had dominated since as far back as the 1940’s Continue reading

Posted in All, Bruceploitation, Chinese, Korean, News, Reviews | Tagged , , , , , , , |

What Are Challenge Coins? A Simple Guide

What Are Challenge Coins? A Simple Guide

What Are Challenge Coins? A Simple Guide

Have you ever seen military coins and wondered what they were all about? This incredible history of challenge coins is something many of us have been curious about.

However, like many military traditions, they are often shrouded in secrecy.

What are challenge coins, and why are they a big deal? Keep reading for a simple guide to the fascinating challenge coin.

After learning more, you may even want to design your own coin.

What Are Challenge Coins?

If you’ve ever wondered, ‘What is a challenge coin?’, you’re not alone. Many outside of the military and emergency services are unfamiliar with the term, but they actually have a fascinating history.

Challenge coins are a tradition that began within the US military. After a specific mission, a unit or battalion might be given a commemorative coin.

This confirms membership in the group or acts as a reminder of a shared experience. They hold sentimental value and offer a lot of meaning to those who have been given a coin in honor of their bravery or service.

What Organizations Use Challenge Coins?

You most commonly see challenge coins used by military groups — there are many navy and army challenge coins. Any military unit may create their own coin, so you’ll also see them with marines, air force, and elite service divisions.

However, they have also become popular with first responders, including fire departments, policemen, and law enforcement agencies.

Challenge coins have started to increase in popularity with groups such as charities and businesses. However, they are still mainly used by the groups mentioned above.

What Do They Represent?

Challenge coins represent many things, but most importantly it’s the shared sacrifice and experience of a group.

It’s a physical reminder and reward of your service and dedication to your country and your career, therefore challenge coin recipients highly value their coins. Many even turn to them for comfort in hard times.

Can I Create My Own Challenge Coin?

If you’ve been thinking of creating a challenge coin for your unit or division, it’s a good idea! You can honor the dedication of your team with a specialized coin featuring your logo, colors, mission statement, or insignia.

You can compare pricing on challenge coin designs and start thinking about what sort of coin would work best for your needs.

Then, choose a special occasion to distribute your coins to their intended recipients.

Use Challenge Coins in Your Organization

Now that you know the answer to ‘What are challenge coins?’, you may be ready to create your own! If so, get started by reviewing coins from other organizations and getting ideas about your own coin.

Then, find an artist and a designer who can bring your new challenge coin to life!

They’re a special and unique way to provide acknowledgment to your colleagues. Plus, challenge coins will always be an important part of American military history.

Did you find this article helpful? If so, please browse some of our additional content.

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What Is the Point of a Homeowners Association?

Approximately 26% of Americans live in community associations. That amounts to roughly 73 million Americans as of 2018.

A significant portion of these community associations tends to be homeowners associations (HOAs). HOA members band together to control how their community develops and reap benefits accruing from such granular control.

Are you thinking of joining an HOA? Here’s a brief guide to answer the question, “What is the point of a homeowners association?” for you to make the best decision.

What’s a Homeowners Association?

A homeowner association (HOA) is an organization within a community that creates and enforces the rules touching on the property and residents in that community. Some of the communities where you can find an HOA include a subdivision, a planned development, condominium buildings, and gated neighborhoods.

What Does an HOA Do?

As the name might imply, an HOA consists of members from the community it operates within. When you buy a property within the area an HOA operates in, you automatically become a member and are expected to pay HOA fees. Typically, you can’t purchase property in such areas unless you plan to be a member.

Many HOA members are volunteers who run the organization. In some cases, the HOA members can decide to hire an HOA management company that can help run the day-to-day functions more professionally.

An HOA has a board of directors or governors who are elected. Their job is to oversee and execute the organization’s rules and regulations.

These rules are usually codified in a Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs). The document sets conditions that owners and their properties have to meet to continue living in the community.

In case anyone violates the terms and conditions, the CC&Rs set the penalties such a one must incur. These penalties include fees, forced compliance, and in extreme cases, litigation.

How Much Do HOA Charge as Fees?

Evey HOA member is expected to pay fees every month, quarter, or year depending on the rules. The fees go towards maintaining the community’s common areas like parks, walkways, lighting, pools, and clubhouses.

How much you pay depends on your HOA’s living conditions. For example, condominium owners in New York will likely pay more in fees than those in tract houses in Oregon. The amount varies from as low as $50 to as high as several thousand dollars.

HOA fees are typically non-negotiable. If you are buying the property in a buyer’s market, there’s a chance you can have the fees waived for a period as an incentive.

Does an HOA Have the Right to Raise Fees?

In a word, yes. However, any raise has to be in line with the community’s maintenance needs. The number of residents the HOA is serving also informs whether raising the fees is necessary.

Traditionally speaking, every HOA should have a reserve fund. The fund is meant to cover special projects or emergencies. But not all HOAs have a reserve fund.

For those that do, if the fund isn’t large enough, you may be charged a special assessment to raise more money. That can occur even without a majority vote as long as the HOAs structure allows it.

Things to Consider Before Joining an HOA

Before you buy that house under an HOA, there are several factors you ought to weigh that can inform your investment.

1. The Dynamics

A well run HOA is one where democracy reigns and the board works for the good of the owners. To feel the HOA’s dynamics, ask the realtor if you can attend a meeting. You can also request for past minutes from recent meetings to get a feel of the dynamics the organization may have.

2. The Finances

Before you join an HOA, you should request the real estate agent to furnish you with a copy of its latest financial report. In this report, you’re looking for the budget. Specifically, you will want to look at how much the HOA’s reserve fund has in the budget.

If the fund is adequate, then maintenance issues or emergencies can be sufficiently taken care of. However, if the HOA’s reserved fund isn’t adequate, it’s a cause for concern. That’s because anytime an emergency or special project will crop up, you will have to pay extra for it.

Take a closer look at the revenue the HOA generates in light of its expenses to gauge the reserve fund’s health.

3. Disputes

Sometimes ongoing disputes between HOA members can signal matters that may impact you if you become a member. Therefore, you must pay attention to any ongoing conflicts within the HOA that give you more insight into areas of concern.

For example, if you’re planning to join an HOA and learn of an ongoing dispute over missing funds, that can be a point of concern. Could it be that you may be forced to continue making extra payments as a future member? What if these repeated contributions are sizable? These are some of the issues that surface through HOA disputes.

4. Degree of Restrictions

Every HOA has its standard of living that all members have to agree to. Do you like a certain exterior home decor idea the HOA disapproves of? Tough luck. You’ll have to abide by their rules.

Since these are standards that will likely not go away, you have to determine if you are comfortable abiding by them before signing up.

Are HOA Rules Legally Enforceable?

An HOA’s rules are legally enforceable as its operations are governed by state laws. If you violate an HOA rule, the organization will request you to comply. Failure to do so attracts not only fines but even a lawsuit.

For any member that doesn’t pay their HOA fees, the organization will issue a warning. If you continue not to pay the fees, the HOA can place a lien on your house or force you to foreclose.

What Is the Point of a Homeowners Association?

Particular benefits come from the degree of control an HOA executes. However, HOAs are not to be taken lightly. Before signing up, ask yourself, “What is the point of a homeowners association?” To get a clearer picture that can help you make the right decision.

Are you looking to learn more about real estate? Check out more of our content for insightful information to help you make better decisions.

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No Sports to Watch? 6 Sports Alternatives to Fill the Void

No Sports to Watch? 6 Sports Alternatives to Fill the Void

No Sports to Watch? 6 Sports Alternatives to Fill the Void

This pandemic has made life tough for everyone. It’s taken away many of the things that you’ve gotten used to having in your daily life.

None might be more important than the luxury of having live sports to watch whenever you so pleased. Now you’re trapped counting down the days (hopefully) until the major sports leagues return.

How are you supposed to fill your sports void? What are you to do now that there are no sports to watch?

See below for several alternatives that can help you get your sports fix while you wait for the major sports leagues to return to action.

1. YouTube Sports Videos

For those of you that have used YouTube before, you’re probably all too familiar with the amount of sports highlights that are accessible via the YouTube world. For those of you that haven’t, get ready for a whole new level of “awesome”.

What’s the next best thing to watching live sports? Watching highlights of some of the best sports moments, of course!

Almost any sports moment in history is within your grasp via a YouTube video. Many people dedicate their channels to finding and creating different sports videos for your enjoyment.

So… what kind of sports videos do they have? You can watch players’ highlights, game highlights, season highlights, team videos, sports rankings, and so much more. Better yet, you can fall down the rabbit hole of a Youtube Sports channel to pass the time.

2. Sim Sports

Perhaps one of the features of sports that you miss most is the ability to bet on different games.

It seems like just as more and more leagues were starting to embrace the betting space, the entire sports world just shut down in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, there is one solution to this: SimSports. What are Sim sports you ask? It’s when you bet on the outcome of games such as Madden, NHL, FIFA, and NBA2K which are entirely computer-simulated.

The outcome is completely random, making it super entertaining and quite an engaging community to become a part of.

3. Sports Documentaries

Have you watched the ESPN documentary series The Last Dance based on the Chicago Bull’s run to their sixth NBA title? If so, then you know how powerful a sports documentary can be.

If that was your first exposure to how amazing sports documentaries are, then you’ve got a lot of catching up to do! There are several ESPN 30 for 30’s that you’ll enjoy every minute of.

In the spirit of giving you a top list to start with, you should check out the episodes You Don’t Know Bo, Celtics/Lakers: Best of Enemies, The Two Escobars, and Run Ricky Run.

These documentaries take you behind the scenes of some of the sports world’s most iconic figures and shed light on their backstories. Things you never knew before will come to light, making it something you’ll look forward to watching each night!

4. Video Games

You know how the old saying goes: if you want something done, sometimes you have to do it yourself.

In this case, if you want your favorite sports players to play, sometimes you have to make them play by yourself via video games.

No matter what major sports franchise you’re interested in, there’s an infamous game behind it. Games like FIFA, Madden, NBA2K, and NHL all offer the latest in cutting edge graphics to bring the sights and sounds of the real game to your home.

If you’re waiting for the NFL to start back up, start a franchise mode with your favorite team in Madden 20. If you’re bummed the MLB season still hasn’t started, then start a campaign on The Show 20.

Better yet, if you’ve always dreamed of becoming a superstar in your favorite league, now is the time to do so. Each sports game offers you the chance to create your player and play through your career. Take this time to make that dream a reality!

5. Sports Movies

Perhaps nothing passes the time better than binge-watching, and no form of binge-watching will get you as hyped as when you watch sports movies.

Better yet, there’s a motivational movie for every sport. If you want to get a baseball fix then watch timeless classics such as 42, The Rookie, Moneyball, Rookie of the Year, and The Sandlot.

If you want to watch some football movies, then you can’t go wrong with movies like The Blind Side, Invincible, Any Given Sunday, Remember the Titans, or We Are Marshall.

6. Read Sports Books

With so much digital entertainment in your life already, why not pass the time of “no sports” by diving into a good book?

There’s nothing quite like digging your nose into a sports book, which can offer you advice on coaching, advice on playing, background stories, motivation to excel, etc.

Be sure to start your list with books like The Boys of Summer, Heaven Is a Playground, Into Thin Air, and A Season on the Brink. If you have a sports hero in your life, odds are that they’ve written a book for you to enjoy. Take this time to finally read it!

Make Use of No Sports While You Can

Who said having no sports was all bad? It can be an opportunity for you to find new interests in the sports world.

Be sure to take this list and find a few ways that you like to get your sports fix. Who knows? You might hang on to them even after live sports come back!

Make sure to browse our website for more articles on sports, as well as many other helpful topics!

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Gemini | Blu-ray (Mondo Macabro)

Gemini | Blu-ray (Mondo Macabro)

Gemini | Blu-ray (Mondo Macabro)

RELEASE DATE: August 11, 2020

In August, Mondo Macabro will release the Blu-ray for Gemini, a 1999 Japanese thriller from director Shinya Tsukamoto (Killing, Tetsuo: The Iron Man). This release marks the world premier Blu-ray edition of the film.

Read the official details below:

This stunning film from director Shinya Tsukamoto (Tokyo Fist, Tetsuo: The Bullet Man) is set in Tokyo in 1910. Dr. Yukio Daitokuji (Masahiro Motoki), is a former military doctor who has taken over a successful medical practice from his father. He appears to be living a charmed life: he is respected in the local community and is married to the beautiful Rin (Ryo). His only problem is that she suffers from amnesia, and her past is unknown Continue reading

Posted in Asian Titles, DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, News |

How to Legally Seek Refuge in the US

How to Legally Seek Refuge in the USThe United States has a long history of welcoming immigrants and refugees. Today, many people wish to flee their dangerous homelands to seek refuge in the Land of the Free.

At the same time, immigration and asylum are a contentious issue in the United States. Questions about how to seek refuge in the United States are being asked constantly.

So how does one receive asylum in this country?

How exactly does someone seek refuge in the country that has welcomed people from all over the world in order to give them a better life?

This guide will show you how to seek refuge in the country.

The Guide to Seek Refuge in the United States

It is imperative that you understand the rules so that you can properly seek refuge in the United States or help someone else move to the country.

Here is what you need to know:

1. Understand Asylum

First, you need to understand what asylum is. Asylum is a protection given to an individual who wishes to enter the United States. This protection allows them to enter and stay for a duration of time. This duration of time can be extended and can allow the individual to transition to permanent residency and eventual citizenship.

Asylum is granted on the basis of someone fleeing persecution in their native country. This persecution is based on the account of the person’s race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, group association, or political beliefs and affiliation.

If an individual can prove that they are being persecuted on any of the aforementioned factors, they may be granted asylum status in the United States.

2. The Legality of Asylum

Seeking asylum in the United States is completely legal. However, there are certain guidelines and laws that need to be adhered to.

The first rule is that an asylum seeker must enter through an official port of entry whether it is an airport or a land entry port. Entering through an area that is not designated as a port of entry is illegal and will likely disqualify the asylum seeker from receiving asylum.

An individual cannot apply for asylum from their native country or elsewhere. They have to simply show up at the port of entry and request asylum.

3. Considering an Immigration Lawyer

If the individual is able to seek the service of an immigration lawyer, then it is best advised to do so. They can help prepare your case and help fight on your behalf so that you can be granted asylum.

If the individual seeking asylum is detained by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency and kept in a detention center, then they will want to consider an immigration bond to bail them out. You can learn more here about these immigration bonds.

4. What Happens When Someone Shows Up?

So what happens when someone shows up at the port of entry and seeks asylum? Once they present themselves and request asylum, they are placed in immigration court removal proceedings or in expedited removal proceedings.

The first option allows the individual to present their case for asylum before a judge at a later date. The latter option gives the legal right for a border agent to immediately deport an individual without allowing the individual to present their case to a judge.

If an individual receives the latter treatment, they can appeal the decision prior to their deportation. If they can prove that there is a justifiable fear of return to their home country and still wish to receive asylum, then they will be scheduled for an interview in which they have to make the case as to why their fear of return is indeed justifiable.

This interview will be conducted by an asylum officer from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

5. Is Asylum Granted Often?

How often is asylum granted in the America of today? In 2018, slightly over 35,000 individuals were granted asylum in the country. Once asylum is granted, the individual may stay in the United States and will not be forced to return to their home country. They will have freedom of movement within the United States and in some cases, might be allowed to travel abroad and return.

If the individual is at the legal working age, they will be eligible to work and start a business in the United States. They will also be able to request asylum for their spouse and any children who are under the age of 21.

While many individuals may apply for asylum, they may not always be granted. As one can see from the aforementioned number, the number of asylees is relatively small compared to the number of legal immigrants. It takes a lot to be granted asylum and it is because of this that we recommend hiring an immigration lawyer.

6. Where Are Most Asylum Seekers Coming From?

As of the initial publication of this article, Venezuelans and citizens of Central American countries account for the largest number of asylum seekers.

In the case of Venezuela, many citizens are fleeing a failed economy, high rates of crime, and a corrupt government. Naturally, there are many political dissidents in Venezuela who are seeking asylum based on their political views.

In the case of Central America, many asylum seekers are fleeing from grave danger as gang violence has run rampant in many areas of different Central American nations.

7. Is It Becoming Harder?

In short, under the current administration rules have been tightened to make it more difficult for asylum seekers to receive asylum in the United States. The country is seeing unprecedented numbers of asylum seekers.

As a result, there are fewer factors that qualify someone from being considered a refugee. These include victims of domestic violence, those fleeing from gang violence, and members of the LGBTQ community.

One must always be updated with the latest developments. You can also address your concerns to the government if you feel these current requirements are unjust and unfair on those who seek refuge.

Seeking Refuge

Now that you know the laws and guidelines of how to seek refuge in the United States, you may be able to help someone seeking to come to our country and start a new and better life.

Be sure to read more news and our other great posts.

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‘Super Bodyguard’ star and director Yue Song is as mad as Mad Max in the Trailer for ‘Iron Monkey’

“Iron Monkey” Theatrical Poster

“Iron Monkey” Theatrical Poster

Get your rusty gears on for Iron Monkey, the third actioner from director/martial arts star Yue Song (King of the Streets, Super Bodyguard aka Iron Protector) with a cast that includes frequent co-star Jiang Baocheng (Wrath of Vajra).

In Iron Monkey, Yue Song plays the role of “Thunder”, a lone, wandering warrior (you know, sorta like Mad Max or Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star) who takes on evil organization in a post-apocalyptic setting. The film obviously has no connection to previous, similarly titled films, such as 1977’s Iron Monkey, 1993’s Iron Monkey or 1996’s Iron Monkey.

Given their track record on releasing Yue Song movies (King of the Streets, Iron Protector), there’s a possibility Well Go USA will pick this one up. Until then, the film releases Continue reading

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Olivia Munn gets ‘Replay’ value with a female-centric ‘John Wick’ meets ‘The Raid’ type of film

"The Raid" Theatrical Poster

“The Raid” Theatrical Poster

Actress Olivia Munn (The Predator, X-Men: Apocalypse) is continuing the trend of female-centric Raid-esque and John Wick-ish action inspired films with Reply, an upcoming movie for those wanting more Peppermint and Atomic Blonde-style movies in their lives (little do they know, these types of films in Hollywood have always been around).

Read on for the film’s official details:

Deftly merging the frenetic, close-quarters action of John Wick and The Raid with the clever sci-fi storytelling of The Terminator, Replay is the story of Erin Staffer (Munn), whose husband is kidnapped and murdered. Now, armed only with illegal, bleeding edge tech and a desperate plan, Erin must do everything in her power to change the past Continue reading

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‘Ip Man 3’ star Max Zhang to spin-off for ‘Master Z’ sequel

"Master Z: Ip Man Legacy" Theatrical Poster

“Master Z: Ip Man Legacy” Theatrical Poster

Another chapter within the Ip Man “extended universe” (we hate those words) is heading your way in the form of a planned sequel to Yuen Woo Ping’s 2018 Ip Man 3 spin-off, Master Z: Ip Man Legacy.

Returning from the first film is Max Zhang (The Brink, SPL II: A Time for Consequences), who’ll reprise his scene-stealing role as Cheung Tin-chi, a character who originally appeared in Ip Man 3 with Donnie YenAs of now, there is no official word if legendary martial arts choreographer Yuen Woo-ping (The Thousand Faces of Dunjia) will be returning in the director’s chair (via AFS).

Master Z: Ip Man Legacy also starred Michelle Yeoh (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny), Tony Jaa (xXx: Return of Xander Cage) and Continue reading

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