What Is an Uncontested Divorce? 4 Things You Need to Know

What Is an Uncontested Divorce? 4 Things You Need to Know

What Is an Uncontested Divorce? 4 Things You Need to Know

Going through a divorce is a stressful time, even when you know the decision is for the best. It can also feel like a lonely and isolating experience. But, it’s important to remember you’re not alone.

In fact, in 2018, there were over 782,000 divorces in the United States alone.

Fortunately, the experience doesn’t have to be a negative one, especially in the case of an uncontested divorce.

So, what is an uncontested divorce, and how do you know if it’s the right option for you to pursue? We’re here to help. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about an uncontested divorce.

What is an Uncontested Divorce?

Simply put, an uncontested divorce can take place when both parties are in agreement about the divorce. So, that means there can’t be any outstanding disagreements about finances, custody, property, child support, or spousal support.

If you and your spouse are in agreement about the major issues surrounding your divorce, then an uncontested divorce could make things easier for you both.

Uncontested Divorces: What You Need to Know

Now you have a better understanding of what an uncontested divorce is and if you qualify. Next, let’s take a closer look at what you need to know about the process. This list can help you feel more prepared about what to expect.

1. You Still Have to Meet Your State’s Divorce Requirements

Even if you and your spouse agree on all of the major issues so that you qualify for an uncontested divorce, you still have to meet your state’s typical divorce requirements.

For example, some states require spouses to live separately for a set amount of time before filing for divorce. If that’s one of your state’s requirements, you must fulfill that, regardless of whether you have a contested or uncontested divorce.

2. It Can Save You Time and Money

One of the most appealing parts about an uncontested divorce is that the whole process tends to be easier – and cheaper – than a contested divorce.

Since you and your spouse are in agreement during an uncontested divorce, this means you can avoid a lengthy litigation process and trial. As a result, the uncontested divorce cost is considerably less than a more contentious divorce.

3. It’s a More Private Option

Divorce documents are considered to be public records, except in extreme circumstances. However, during an uncontested divorce, since both parties are in agreement, there will be less information that needs to be filed with the court.

So, if discretion is important to you, an uncontested divorce could give you peace of mind regarding your privacy.

4. You Still Might Want to Consult a Lawyer

In many cases, you might be able to handle your uncontested divorce proceedings without the assistance of a lawyer. However, it’s a good idea to ask a divorce lawyer to look over the paperwork associated with your case before filing.

Of course, if you don’t have the time or desire to handle the case yourself, you can hire an uncontested divorce lawyer to take care of it for you instead.

You Will Get Through This

Now that you know the answer to the question, “What is an uncontested divorce?” you can start moving forward with your divorce proceedings. While this is a difficult time in your life, remember, you will get through it and come out on the other side.

Browse through our website for more interesting news articles to enjoy as you start this next chapter in your life.

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COF Presents – The Scott Adkins Starter Pack

COF Presents – The Scott Adkins Starter PackAs many of us have spent a significant portion of 2020 in lockdown, there’s been no shortage of Starter Packs to provide inspiration of what we can do with all that extra time on our hands. Make Your Own Sourdough Starter Pack? Check! Grow Your Own Vegetables Starter Pack? Check! They’re all there, and at COF, we’ve decided to contribute to the cause as well, by unleashing The Scott Adkins Starter Pack.

Following in the footsteps of 90’s action alumni like Gary Daniels and Jeff Speakman, after cutting his teeth in Hong Kong with the likes of such Jackie Chan, Yuen Woo-Ping, and Stephen Tung-Wai, the British martial arts stars first break would come in 2003’s Isaac Florentine directed military action flick Special Forces. His one-on-one against Vladislavas Jacukevicius was the highlight of the movie, injecting some distinctive HK flair into an otherwise run of the mill B-movie, and beginning a partnership with Florentine that would reap plenty of rewards Continue reading

Posted in Features, News |

This Is How to Make Weed Gummy Bears

This Is How to Make Weed Gummy Bears

This Is How to Make Weed Gummy Bears

Across the world, attitudes to weed are changing.

In America, 33 states have now legalized its medical use, and it looks like other countries could be soon to follow! For anyone who enjoys the benefits of marijuana, this is amazing news.

If you’re in a place where it’s legal and you’re new to the world of weed, there’s a lot to be discovered. Edibles, for example, are a super popular way of getting the benefits without the smoke.

If you’re interested in trying them, here’s our guide on how to make weed gummy bears that you can enjoy from the comfort of your home.

What Are Pot Gummies?

Marijuana gummies are a type of edible. These are basically foods that contain marijuana, and they’re great if you don’t want to start smoking it. In fact, a lot of people using weed for medical purposes use edibles!

It usually takes longer to feel the effects of marijuana through an edible compared to when you smoke it. But the benefits you feel should last longer and it’s a much easier way to use it for beginners.

If you’re new to edibles, make sure you don’t take too many in one go. The biggest mistake is taking more because you don’t think it’s working when in reality it can just take a very long time to kick in. If you do take too much, you may have some negative experiences (paranoia, anxiety, sickness, etc.), but just ride that out for a couple of hours and you’ll be fine.

Before trying edibles, make sure you learn more so you’re completely prepared. It’s always better to know what to expect and how to use them, and it’ll make your chance of a great experience a lot higher.

How to Make Weed Gummy Bears

If you’re wondering how to make pot gummy bears, it first starts with cannabis-infused oil. For a sweet, non-overpowering flavor, a lot of people opt for coconut oil. You can buy this already infused with CBD or THC, but if you don’t have any you can make your own.

Making Cannabis-Infused Coconut Oil

To make cannabis-infused coconut oil, follow these steps:

  • Start by grinding your buds of cannabis and spreading them evenly out on a baking tray
  • Line the tray with parchment paper to make it easier to remove the cannabis later
  • Bake the cannabis at 240 degrees Fahrenheit for between 30 to 60 minutes (the longer you bake, the higher percentage of THC you’ll get)
  • Collect the one cup of ground cannabis and place it on a cheesecloth, tying the cloth together
  • Place it in a saucepan with 1 cup of coconut oil and cook on a low heat for around three hours
  • Strain the oil, removing any bits of cannabis, and store it

Easy! Once you’ve made your oil, you can store it for about two months or keep it in the fridge to help it last even longer. Now you’ve made your oil, it’s time to move on to how to make marijuana gummy bears.

Gummy Bear Marijuana Recipe

To make weed gummy bears, you’ll need:

  • A cooking pot
  • A whisk
  • Molds for gummy bears
  • A dropper (this usually comes with the mold and is like a tiny turkey baster)
  • 1/2 cup of cannabis-infused coconut oil (solidified at room temperature)
  • 1/2 cup of cold water
  • 1 pack of Jell-o
  • 2 tablespoons of unflavored gelatine
  • 1/2 teaspoons sunflower or soy lecithin

Once you’ve got your ingredients together, it’s time to start cooking! Follow these steps to make your own weed gummy bears:

  • Add water, oil, and the sunflower or soy lecithin into a pot, heating it on a low temperature
  • Stir until the coconut oil has melted and everything has combined
  • Add all of the gelatin whilst continuing to stir
  • Whisk the mixture for around 10-15 minutes on low heat, making sure all of the gelatin has dissolved completely without bringing it to a boil
  • Use your dropper to start filling your moulds, squeezing it to take up the liquid and squeezing again to drop it into each shape
  • Try and do this part as quickly as possible so that the liquid doesn’t start to cool and separate
  • If you do see separation, continue to whisk the mixture whilst filling the moulds
  • Once the moulds are fill, out them into a freezer and leave them to harden for 20 to 25 minutes

The Potency of Your Gummies

The potency of your edibles depends on your oil and the cannabis you’ve used. When trying, start with just one gummy. Even if nothing seems to happen, leave it for at least three hours before taking another.

If you’re worried about eating too many, wait a day after the first one before trying again. Once you start eating them regularly and making them more frequently, you’ll get to know the potency better and become an edible pro!

Stay Sensible and Stay Safe

Once you know how to make weed gummy bears, you’ll see that the process is actually very simple! Just be careful to not overload your oil with cannabis and keep whisking your gummy bear mixture so it doesn’t separate. Other than that, just have fun with the process!

If you’re eating edibles for the first time, stay sensible and take them in a safe environment. If you’re worried, make sure you have someone you trust with you to calm your nerves. Weed is a very safe substance though, so you don’t have anything to worry about as long as you make your gummies properly.

For more lifestyle articles, be sure to check out some of the other blogs on our website!

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How to Find a Personal Injury Lawyer: 5 Helpful Tips

How to Find a Personal Injury Lawyer: 5 Helpful Tips

How to Find a Personal Injury Lawyer: 5 Helpful Tips

If you’ve been injured through no fault of your own, you may be entitled to a settlement. Medical malpractice, vehicle accidents, and dog bites are common personal injury cases worth making a claim over.

If you’re serious about pressing charges, hire a lawyer. Your attorney can negotiate a fair settlement for your injuries. Not to mention, make the process much less stressful for you.

Finding the right attorney can be an exhausting task. That’s why we’ve put together this guide with five tips for hiring a personal injury lawyer.

Keep reading to learn how to find a personal injury lawyer.

1. Ask for Referrals

Do you know people that have experience hiring a personal injury lawyer? If so, ask them for their recommendations.

If you don’t have a large social circle, try reading online forums or business reviews. People often share both good and bad experiences online.

Be sure to read all the reviews and not just the 1- or 5-star testimonials. This will give you a clearer picture of what the general public is saying about the attorney in question.

2. Focus on Specialties

If your injury was the result of an oil rig incident, don’t choose a lawyer that specializes in motorcycle accidents. Find a personal injury attorney that specializes in the type of injury you’ve incurred.

3. Listen to Your Gut

Your head might be spinning trying to figure out how to pick a personal injury lawyer. If you’re trying to choose between a few candidates, go with your gut instinct.

Ultimately, you want a lawyer who genuinely cares about you and your well-being. If you see any red flags in your search for the right attorney, move on. You don’t want to wind up with a lawyer who doesn’t have your best interests at heart.

4. Ask the Right Questions

You should meet with several potential candidates before choosing who to hire. Come to the meeting ready to ask questions to get to know the attorney and their processes better.

Here are some great starter questions you should ask:

  • What are your fees?
  • Do you have experience in cases like mine? If so, what were the results of these cases?
  • How much time will it take to resolve my case?
  • What do you believe my case is worth?
  • Do you have any references?
  • Do you believe the case will go to trial?

5. Do Your Research

Even if you’ve read reviews or had an attorney recommended to you, you should still research them.

Contact the local lawyer disciplinary agency to see if they’re in good standing with the state bar. Check if there are any disciplinary actions filed against them.

Visit the Department of Justice Website to find lawyers facing disbarment and suspensions.

How to Find a Personal Injury Lawyer Made Easy

Now that you know how to find a personal injury lawyer, it’s time to hire one. With the right lawyer on your side, you’ll be sure to receive a fair settlement.

Have you made a personal injury claim before? Tell us your story in the comments section below. You never know who your experience will be able to help.

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5 Vet-Approved Tips for Calming an Anxious Dog

5 Vet-Approved Tips for Calming an Anxious Dog

5 Vet-Approved Tips for Calming an Anxious Dog

5 Vet-Approved Tips for Calming an Anxious Dog

An estimated 72.5% of dogs show anxiety and anxiety-like behaviors.

This means that many of the behaviors most people attribute to being a “bad dog,” such as barking, hiding, climbing on people, and aggressive and destructive acts, are actually due to anxiety.

As a dog owner, dealing with an anxious dog can be an exhausting and frustrating experience. Many owners have sympathy for their dogs but aren’t sure how to help combat their anxiety.

Fortunately, there are several effective methods for calming an anxious dog. Using some of these vet-approved tips and tricks, you can help your pet feel better, which will result in a change in their behavior.

If you are a dog owner who wants to help calm your anxious dog, here are several ways to get started.

1. CBD

CBD oil is a natural way to calm anxiety and provide emotional relief for many people. Fortunately, CBD also works for calming your pets when they feel anxious.

You can purchase CBD for pets and follow the directions to help your pet feel safe and secure.

2. Background Noise

Putting on soothing background noise is a great method to reduce anxiety in dogs. Studies have shown there are a few genres of music that induce calm in kenneled dogs.

The next time your pet is feeling and acting anxious, put on reggae or soft rock to help them feel better.

3. Belly Rubs and Petting

A great tip for how to calm an anxious dog is to use physical contact in the form of petting and belly rubs. Physical contact is effective because an owner’s touch can instantly make a dog feel safe and secure.

The next time your dog is showing signs of anxiety, try soothing him with a lengthy petting session.

4. Calming Treats

Calming treats are an effective way to calm your dog and also make him happy.

Many calming treats use all-natural soothers, like melatonin, to calm your dog without using harmful chemicals. As a bonus, calming treats may reduce anxiety behaviors, such as excessive barking and chewing on items.

5. Conditioning

A great dog anxiety treatment is to condition your dog to the situations that cause them anxiety. For example, if your dog becomes anxious whenever they see their carrier, place treats inside the carrier even when you have nowhere to go. Eventually, the sight of the carrier will not cause anxiety, and you will have an easier time with transportation.

These Are the Best Tips for Calming an Anxious Dog

Calming an anxious dog doesn’t have to be a confusing or lengthy process.

Using CBD oil, calming treats, or aromatherapy is a great way to calm your dog naturally. Calming your dog can be as simple as using physical contact, putting on soothing background noise, or finding a way to distract him. In some cases, an anxious dog simply needs to be conditioned to the situations that cause him anxiety.

Whatever method you use, these tips can help you calm your anxious dog.

Don’t forget to bookmark our site and check back daily, so you never miss a post.

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What Is CBD Oil For? 5 Must-Know Benefits of Using CB

What Is CBD Oil For? 5 Must-Know Benefits of Using CB

What Is CBD Oil For? 5 Must-Know Benefits of Using CB

What Is CBD Oil For? 5 Must-Know Benefits of Using CBD

The cannabidiol (CBD) is gaining popularity with no indication of slowing down! In fact, the industry is expected to reach $20 billion by 2024. Despite CBD’s increasing popularity, however, there’s a lot that people don’t know about CBD.

What is CBD oil for and how can it benefit your mental and physical health?

Keep reading to find out! In this guide, we’ll review the five CBD oil benefits to consider before you start using CBD for the first time. Discover five reasons to use CBD today!

1. Relieve Your Pain

One of the pain reasons to use CBD oil is for its anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is your body’s natural response to illness and injury.

Too much inflammation can cause:

  • Obesity
  • Cancer
  • Asthma
  • Heart disease
  • Neurodegenerative disease
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Stiffness
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Sinusitis
  • Type 2 diabetes

When asking “what is CBD oil for,” think about the pain you experience each day. For example, almost 65 million Americans report recent episodes of back pain. CBD could help relieve your pain by acting on your endocannabinoid system (ECS).

By acting on your body’s naturally produced endocannabinoids, cannabinoids like CBD can keep your body in a state of balance. As a result, CBD oil benefits the body by helping you avoid illness.

2. Treat Skin Problems

Your ECS is responsible for your skin health. Various environmental factors like humidity and smog can cause problems like acne. Meanwhile, inflammation can increase sebum production, which makes acne worse as well.

What is CBD oil for in regards to your skin? CBD can help reduce the inflammation that’s causing your acne. It might also exert sebostatic effects, which can keep sebocytes from creating excess sebum.

You can use this guide from Fabuleaf to learn more about CBD and the extraction process.

3. Get Some Sleep

Adults need seven to nine hours of sleep to function each day. Inadequate sleep can impact your ability to concentrate and cause memory issues. If you’re experiencing fatigue, it can also lead to accidents and injuries.

CBD oil benefits your ability to sleep, too. By regulating your circadian rhythms, CBD could help you relax and get the sleep you need.

4. Ease Your Anxiety

One of the most popular reasons to use CBD oil is its ability to ease stress and anxiety. CBD has helped ease anxiety symptoms for patients with a generalized social anxiety disorder. By taking CBD, you can increase your natural serotonin production.

Serotonin is your body’s feel-good neurotransmitter. By regulating serotonin production, you can improve your mood. Serotonin can ease anxiety and depression symptoms, too!

5. Protect Your Heart

CBD oil benefits your heart health, too.

In fact, CBD might lower your blood pressure. As a result, it could also reduce your risk of stroke, metabolic syndrome, and heart attacks. Protect your heart and improve your circulatory health with CBD.

So…What is CBD Oil For?

What is CBD oil for, exactly? By using CBD, you can improve your overall health and reduce your risk of illness. Enjoy these CBD oil benefits for yourself today.

Looking for more helpful guides? Explore the Features section of our blog for more health advice!

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Delta Force | Blu-ray (Scorpion Releasing)

Delta Force | Blu-ray (Scorpion Releasing)

Delta Force | Blu-ray (Scorpion Releasing)


Later this Summer, Scorpion Releasing’s Blu-ray for the 1986 Cannon Films classic The Delta Force is hitting retail outlets.

After a plane is hijacked by terrorists, The Delta Force is sent in to resolve the crisis. Directed by Cannon head honcho Menahem Golan (Enter the Ninja), Delta Force offers a little bit of everything: Action, martial arts, motorcycles with missiles, and even some intense drama that may surprise you!

The film stars Chuck Norris (Slaughter in San Francisco), Lee Marvin (The Dirty Dozen), Steve James (American Ninja) and an unrecognizable Robert Forster (Vigilante), who gives an Oscar-worthy performance as an Iranian hijacker! Continue reading

Posted in DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Martial Arts Titles, News |

I Am Vengeance: Retaliation | Blu-ray (Lionsgate)

I Am Vengeance: Retaliation | Blu-ray (Lionsgate)

I Am Vengeance: Retaliation | Blu-ray (Lionsgate)

RELEASE DATE: August 11, 2020

On August 11, 2020, Lionsgate will be releasing the Blu-ray & DVD for I Am Vengeance: Retaliation, the latest project from writer/director Ross Boyask (10 Dead Men, Left for Dead) and action star Stu Bennett (Eliminators).

I Am Vengeance: Retaliation (or Vengeance 2) is the sequel to 2018’s I Am Vengeance. This time round, Bennett finds himself going face to face with Vinnie Jones (Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels), while Jean-Paul Ly (Nightshooters, Jailbreak, The Division), Tim Man (of Accident Man, who also provides the fight choreography), Katrina Durden (Street Fighter: Resurrection), Lee A Charles (Accident Man) and Greg Burridge (London Rampage) join the action.

In I Am Vengeance: Retaliation (via Deadline), Teague (Jones) is being chased by former special-forces soldier John Gold (Bennett), after betraying the latter’s team on their final mission in Eastern Europe Continue reading

Posted in DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Martial Arts Titles, News |

What to Expect on Your First Trip to a Shooting Range

What to Expect on Your First Trip to a Shooting Range

What to Expect on Your First Trip to a Shooting Range

Visiting a shooting range has several benefits. It provides excellent stress relief and teaches gun safety while allowing you to feel more comfortable using a gun. Whether you have experience shooting a firearm or none at all, there’s much to learn about shooting in a gun range.

Shooting at the range is much different than shooting in your backyard with your own range setup. In the range, you’re surrounded by other people, and you’ll have rules to follow. Everything is set in place to keep all visitors safe and provide them with an enjoyable experience.

As long as you know how to prepare for the range and what to expect, you’ll do great. Continue reading below to discover what to expect on your first trip to a gun shooting range.

Preparing for the Shooting Range

Before you even walk into the range, you need to prepare for the day ahead of you. You don’t want to get to the range only to turn around because you weren’t prepared.

Here’s what you need to do before leaving your home.

Browse the Range’s Website

Do you know what range you want to visit? There are indoor shooting ranges, outdoor shooting ranges, and ranges with their own rules. First, do your research and find a range with good reviews in the area.

Then, browse through their website and ensure you’re aware of all their rules. There are some general gun range rules that all ranges have in place, but there are also rules specific to each range.

Know what the rules are before you get there.

Bring an Experienced Friend

If you’ve never been to a gun range and don’t have much experience, you might feel more comfortable bringing a more experienced friend with you. If you know someone who regularly visits the gun range, this is the perfect person to recruit.

They’ll make you feel comfortable, and you can follow their lead. Even if you don’t know someone who goes to the range, try to find someone experienced in using guns, and check out these shooting tips.

Dress Appropriately

There’s no specific dress code for gun ranges, but there are some things you want to keep in mind. Although you can go to the range in a dress if you wanted, you’ll want to avoid wearing anything low cut or a loose shirt.

As you fire your gun, the brass will come back towards you. Although the quick touch of the brass won’t normally hurt, it will hurt if one gets caught inside your shirt, blouse, or tank top.

Arriving at the Shooting Range

Now that you’re fully prepared for your first visit to the range, it’s time to know what to expect upon arrival. If you know what the arrival process looks like, you can smoothly transition from the lobby into the range.

Carry Firearms Unloaded in Case

If you bring your firearm, then be sure it’s unloaded and in its case. You cannot walk into the range with a loaded gun in your hand. Have everything organized in your case or bag and prepare to have it checked.

Ammo Will Be Checked

When you bring your ammo, the range officer will check the ammo for safety purposes. The officer will need to ensure that the ammo is safe to use at the range. This is something that’ll be done each time you bring your ammo, but it only takes a few short seconds.

Firearms and Ammo Is Available to Rent

In the case that you can’t use your own, or if you don’t have your own to bring, there are firearms and ammo available to rent and use. If you’re not sure what you want to shoot or what ammo to use, then don’t hesitate to ask for help.

That’s what the range officer is there for. The officer will gladly help you with any questions you may have.

You’ll Need to Fill Out Paperwork 

Before you can enter the range, you’ll be asked to fill out some paperwork. The paperwork isn’t anything extensive and should only take a few moments to complete. You will need your ID.

You also have the option to purchase a membership with the range. This will save you from having to fill out new paperwork each time.

Eye and Ear Protection Are Provided

You’ll need proper eye and ear protection in the range as well. If you don’t have your own, the range will give you these to use free of charge. The only catch is that you must return them when done so they can be sanitized and given to the next person in need.

All safety gear must be worn at all times once in the range. You cannot enter without it.

All Safety and Other Rules Should Be Followed

Remember all of those safety rules you looked up online before leaving your house? Those come into play right now. You need to follow all safety rules and any other rules administered by the gun range.

Failure to follow these rules will result in you being asked to exit the range.

Clean-Up When You’re Done

Once you’ve gotten in a good shooting session, and you’re ready to go, don’t forget to clean up after yourself. There will be lots of brass around you depending on how many rounds you shot off.

The range should provide a small broom and dustpan for you to use to sweep up your brass before leaving.

Enjoy Your First Shooting Range Experience

You’re excited about your first shooting range experience, as you should be. Visiting the range is a fun and adrenaline-rushing experience. Don’t let fear, anxiety, or nervousness hold you back from making the most of it.

Remember the information in this guide above, and your first time at the range will be a great one!

For other topics on guns, ammo, hunting, action, and more, visit our page daily.

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‘Black Scar Blues’ filmmaker Leroy Nguyen returns to gritty action with ‘Silverback’

"Silverback" Poster

“Silverback” Poster

Leroy Nguyen – writer, director and star of the gritty festival favorite Black Scar Blues – will soon be releasing his next film, Silverback, a 40-minute independent short film that’s described as “The ballad of a heartbroken brute”.

The film follows Richie (Nguyen), a low-level gangster who has returned to his home turf in order to seek closure for a relationship that devastated him years before.

Previously starting out as a feature film, Silverback was originally submitted into the first Amazon Studios film festival in 2011, where it garnered director and star Leroy Nguyen several Best Actor nominations. The film sat on the shelf until 2018, when it was decided to revisit, re-shoot, and re-edit the film for release. Completed in the winter of 2019, the second version of the film premiered at the Urban Continue reading

Posted in News |

Deal on Fire! Blade of the Immortal & 13 Assassins | Blu-ray | Only $13.99 – Expires soon!

13 Assassins/Blade of the Immortal | Blu-ray (Magnet)

13 Assassins/Blade of the Immortal | Blu-ray (Magnet)

Today’s Deal on Fire is the Blu-ray for the 3-Film Collection from Takashi Miike, which includes 2010’s 13 Assassins and 2017’s Blade of the Immortal.

In Blade of the Immortal, Manji, a highly skilled samurai, becomes cursed with immortality after a legendary battle. Haunted by the brutal murder of his sister, Manji knows that only fighting evil will regain his soul. He promises to protect a young girl named Rin and help her avenge her parents, who were killed by a group of master swordsmen led by ruthless warrior Anotsu. The mission will change Manji in ways he could never imagine…

In 13 Assassinsa group of elite samurai who are secretly enlisted to bring down Continue reading

Posted in Deals on Fire!, News |

How to Start a Music Festival: 5 Pro Tips for the Best Music Festivals

How to Start a Music Festival: 5 Pro Tips for the Best Music Festivals

How to Start a Music Festival: 5 Pro Tips for the Best Music Festivals

How to Start a Music Festival: 5 Pro Tips for the Best Music Festivals

Music festival setup. It’s not something that everyone is an expert on, but it doesn’t have to be as hard as you might fear.

If you’re wondering how to start a music festival, you’re in the right place, as we’ve got five critical tips for you.

Sound good? If so, keep reading on!

1. Work Out Funding and Budget

It sounds obvious, but yes, you’ll need to know how much money you have to work with, and where it’s coming from. Consider sponsorships and grants if you’re struggling, and don’t live beyond your means. Sure, that world-famous band you’re thinking about might draw plenty of people to your event, but will you have any money left over for the rest of the festival?

At this stage, it’s also important to consider any permits and licenses you might need. Are you using public spaces or selling alcohol? Make sure you’re prepared.

2. Sort the Line-Up

It might sound like another one of the obvious tips for setting up a music festival, but you should definitely ensure that your line-up is suitable. How many bands do you want to include? How many can you accommodate?

Are you going for a mix of genres and eras or focusing on a particular style? You may want to showcase local talent and contact people in the regional music scene or look at more prominent names further afield. It’s up to you, but you must have a plan in place.

3. Look Beyond the Music

What else will you have at your festival? Of course, you’ll probably want vendors to provide food and drinks, and facilities like toilets and a first-aid tent, so you should make sure to sort everything needed to keep your attendees happy.

As well as music, you might consider other performers too. Poets, speakers, dancers, and magicians can all make a festival great, and you could put on other activities for people wanting a break from the music. If your festival is family-friendly, a children’s tent can often be a good idea, too.

4. Equipment and Production

Don’t forget about the technical side of things! It can often be useful to work with a festival management company when it comes to production. Lighting and sound are both important, and you’ll need stages for performers, too.

The attendees won’t see this side of the festival, as long as it runs smoothly. That’s why it’s so important to consider equipment and production. Security, too — you want everything to be secure.

5. Market Your Festival

Once everything’s ready, you need to spread the word! Utilize social media, local press, radio, and other media. Speak to the PR teams of the performers you’re featuring at the festival since you can co-ordinate promotion.

In short, you need to identify your target market and work out how you’re going to sell your event to them.

How to Start a Music Festival Today

It might not be easy, but it’s definitely achievable. Now that you know more about how to start a music festival, you can go ahead and get started! There’s no time like the present to give it a go, and there’s nothing stopping you.

In the meantime, if you’re looking for more info on your favorite media, you should definitely check out some of our other posts.

Posted in News |

Take a peak at City on Fire’s newly revamped archive of our one-of-a-kind featured articles…

Take a peak at City on Fire’s newly structured Features archive, which has been revamped for easier access. In this archive, you’ll find a collection of our top feature stories that center around the following one-of-a-kind topics:

  • Evolution of Collecting Kung Fu & Asian Film
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Why You Should Be Using CBD For Muscle Pain And Recovery

Why You Should Be Using CBD For Muscle Pain And Recovery

Why You Should Be Using CBD For Muscle Pain And Recovery

Each year, from 2010 to 2016, 2.7 million sports injuries landed people aged 5 to 24 in US emergency departments. Football, basketball, and cycling were the top activities that led to these ED visits.

In 2017, exercise, basketball, and cycling topped the list of all causes of sports injuries. These three alone led to almost 1.5 million injuries across all ages.

While many of these injuries aren’t severe, they can still cause serious pain. At the very least, these activities can result in DOMS, or “delayed onset muscle soreness”.

The good news is, it appears that CBD for muscle pain is quite effective. Moreover, several studies found that cannabidiol can help heal muscle injury.

The big question now is, what exactly is CBD, and how does it work in the first place? What kind of benefits can it bring that would make you want to add it to your exercise regimen?

This post will take a closer look at cannabidiol, so be sure to read on!

Cannabidiol 101

The cannabis plant boasts of at least 420 constituents. Of these, at least 60 of are phytocannabinoids. Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one such phytocannabinoid.

Phytocannabinoids are the most common sources of the cannabis plant’s therapeutic effects. In the case of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), these effects extend to being recreational.

CBD’s impact on the body, however, doesn’t include psychoactivity or intoxication. Researchers say that it can even reverse or counter the psychiatric effects of THC!

Why Do You Always Get Post-Workout Soreness?

In the case of DOMS, muscle pain or soreness often occurs between 24 and 72 hours after rigorous activity. It’s a regular occurrence, and thankfully, it’s also temporary. Depending on your constitution, however, the pain may last from five to seven days.

According to some studies, DOMS can be a result of microtrauma to the muscles. Microtrauma is a tiny tear in the muscles and the tissues around them. These tears can occur from the prolonged use of the muscles during rigorous exercise.

Regardless of their size, muscle microtrauma is a form of tissue injury. That’s why these tiny tears can still cause inflammation, which, in turn, can cause soreness or pain.

How Does CBD For Muscle Pain Work Then?

Many studies have long since shown that cannabidiol possesses anti-inflammatory properties. From arthritic to diabetic inflammation, CBD appears to help ease such symptoms.

Moreover, this cannabinoid has shown to help reduce various types of pain. That because CBD also boasts of analgesic effects. Meaning, it helps the body achieve analgesia, which is relief from pain.

These are some of the reasons why, in theory, CBD may help relieve the symptoms of muscle soreness. Research is ongoing, but some experts say that CBD fights pain by acting upon nerve pathways. It appears to interfere with how these pain-related pathways work.

There’s also a theory that links CBD with endocannabinoid deficiency. The reasoning behind this is that being deficient in certain endocannabinoids affects homeostasis. Without homeostasis, the body may become more prone to health problems and diseases.

In people who work out a lot, homeostatic imbalance may give rise to worse bouts of DOMS. It may even lead to other muscular maladies, such as tendinitis and spasms. As such, supplementing with CBD products may help bring back proper homeostasis.

Taking CBD Oil For Muscle Recovery

You can learn more about CBD products here, but in general, you can get CBD in oil form. CBD oil consists of CBD extracts mixed with a carrier oil to make it more bioavailable. Bioavailability refers to how well the body can absorb a particular substance.

There are several ways to take CBD oil for pain relief and inflammation, so we’ll give you a quick rundown of some of them.

Direct Consumption

You can take CBD oil or tinctures as-is through the mouth. However, the sublingual method appears to deliver the quickest pain relief results. With this, you simply place the oil (or tincture) under the tongue.

Topical Application

You can apply topical CBD products directly on the skin that covers your sore muscles. Aside from CBD oil, these topicals also include creams, lotions, and serums.

What’s great about CBD topicals is that you can also use them for massages. Massages, on their own, have shown to alleviate sore muscles. As such, the combination of CBD and massages may bring about increased pain relief.

As an Ingredient

In the world of CBD, the term “edibles” refer to food and beverages that contain CBD extracts. So long as the carrier oil used has a high smoke point, then you can cook or bake with CBD oil.

Do note that this method of administration requires more time for CBD to take effects. As such, it may be better to consume CBD edibles at a later part of your day. Doing so may also help your body recover faster while you sleep.

How About Dosing?

In scientific studies, CBD did not cause any adverse side effects in doses of 1,500 mg or below. However, it would be in your best interest to start at a lower range, especially if this is your first time using CBD.

You may want to start with 15 mg a day for the first couple of weeks. This will give your body time to acclimatize to the effects of the cannabinoid. You can then increase it in small increments until you notice a decrease in your muscle soreness.

In some cases, doctors also prescribe a specific CBD dosage to their patients. If your doctor has given you specific instructions, stick to them. This is especially true if you’re on any other medication.

Try CBD Now and See the Difference for Yourself

There you have it, your ultimate guide on why and how you should use CBD for muscle pain. Besides, CBD’s effects aren’t only for sore muscles — it has the potential to benefit the entire body. That should be enough reason for you to include it in your healthcare regimen.

Ready for more of the latest news in health, fitness, entertainment, and even tech? Then be sure to have our site saved on your bookmarks bar!

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Sports in the Time of Corona: A Guide to Sports Betting for Dummies

Sports in the Time of Corona: A Guide to Sports Betting for Dummies

Sports in the Time of Corona: A Guide to Sports Betting for Dummies

Things have gotten crazy in 2020, and sports are no exception. The postponement of all the different sports’ leagues due to COVID-19, and then the reinstatement of those leagues led to some pent up sports betting demand.

But what to choose, and how is the betting different from before? Read on to discover the ultimate sports betting for dummies guide.

How Do I Bet on Sports? 

There are ten basic principles you need to follow while sports betting, no matter the sport. Though some sports might not have all of these components built into their betting structure, these tips will aid you on your sports betting journey no matter where you are on that journey. So what are you waiting for, get bettin’!

Favorites and Underdogs 

The first concept to consider while sports betting is whether to bet on a favorite or underdog. Oddsmakers release the betting line based on these two concepts: who’s more likely to win and who’s more likely to lose.

The favorite team has to cover the number of minus points attributed to them by the oddsmakers. For example, on a simple bet, San Antonio plays Boston, and the spread favors San Antonio by three points. If you bet on San Antonio, they have to win by three points or else you lose.

If there are no clear favorites, the game is a “pick ’em.”


We already briefly discussed the point spread, which is the margin of victory. If you bet on the favorite, the favorite has to win by the number of spread points to win the bet. If you bet on the losing team, they can’t lose by more than the spread points.

If the team wins or loses by the exact spread number, the bet is a push, and you get your stake back. Though spreads are available in all sports, they’re primarily used for football and basketball.

Money Lines 

If you don’t want to bet on spreads, you bet on money lines. Moneylines account solely for who wins the game. Favorites receive a minus number. This process is also referred to as sports handicapping.

This minus number is the minimum amount of money you have to bet to bet on the winning team. For example, San Francisco is the favorite, and the money line is -300. You have to put forth at least $300.

Underdogs receive a plus sign. For example, Houston is a +200 underdog. If you bet $100 on them and they win the game, you win the $200. If Houston loses, you only lose $100.

Money lines are usually for baseball, hockey, and soccer.


Over/under totals are the point totals for the game/match. You can bet on whether you think a game is going to have more points scored, or fewer points scored than the over/under the total.

For example, the over/under total for Boston vs. Cincinnati is 250. If you take the over option and the two teams only score 210 points, you lose.

Bet Numbers  

If you’re asking what the numbers are next to your bet, the answer is the added oddsmakers’ tax. People refer to this tax as the “juice,” “takeout,” or “vig.” The vig is the tax the bookie takes to place your bet.

For example, the Blackhawks are -3 (-130); this means to bet on Duke, you need to spend $130 to win $100.

The vig can also be positive. If you have a positive vig, you win the vig on top of your initial bet winnings.

Placing a Bet 

Placing a bet is easier than ever. For starters, legalized sports betting is spreading across America state by state. The internet also increases access to sports betting by plenty of online sports betting sites.

As America becomes more better-friendly, more and more states join the sports betting party. Some of the primary states that have legal sports betting are New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Nevada, and West Virginia.

Placing Smart Bets 

How much you bet depends entirely on your situation. No one can tell you how much you need to bet. That said, it’s not smart to spend your college tuition on the game you were sure about that wound up wiping out your savings.

It’s best to pace yourself with sports betting. Dabble before jumping in. The best way to do this is by adopting a flat-betting approach. A flat-betting approach is an approach to gambling where you place the same amount of money on every game.

By using a flat-betting approach, you protect yourself from losing massive amounts of money and set yourself up for a substantial rate of investment success.

Rotation Numbers 

You can find rotation numbers left of the team on a betting board. Rotation numbers are also called Vegas ID numbers and NSS numbers. These numbers are designators for each team.

For example, if you want to bet on the Chicago White Sox, and their number is #403, you have to tell the window you wish to place your money on #403.

Betting Lines Don’t Stay the Same 

Similar to the stock market, betting lines are always changing. Bookies change the odds depending on injury news, weather, and the action they’re receiving.

For example, to start the day, the Yankees are favored by three runs, but it comes out that Aaron Judge is sidelined with an injury. The Judge news could modify the betting line.

Take the Best Line 

Finding the best line depends on where you live and what sports booking resources you have at your disposal. You may even want to place flat-betting across multiple lines to protect your money.

Even half-point differences can make or break your betting experience, so it’s wise to search for the best deals.

Sports Betting for Dummies Should Be Easy and Fun 

Sports betting should never push you to the brink. It should be an enjoyable hobby that gives you some easy cash. Following this sports betting for dummies guide sets you up for sports betting success. So what are you waiting for?

But sports betting can’t be your only form of entertainment throughout this pandemic. Check out more of our blogs for your entertainment needs!

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