Why Are There DIfferent House Edge in Different Games?

Online casinos provide players with a variety of gaming options, far more than could ever be found in a land-based casino. These include slots, table and card games, video poker, scratch cards, virtual sports and much more. The biggest advantage of playing in an online casino is the variety of games. Many online establishments offer hundreds of different games, from the standard classics such as blackjack, roulette, baccarat and craps to unique variations not found in land-based casinos. This gives players the ability to select from a much larger selection, as well as play games that are not restricted by casino size or table availability. 

However, regardless of the games you play and where you play it, the house edge is something you should always keep in mind when gambling. 

What Is House Edge? 

The house edge is a term that describes the average percentage of a player’s wager that the casino expects to retain over a lengthy period of time. Different online casino games have different house edges because they have different levels of complexity and luck involved. 

Games such as slots, for example, are pure luck-based, with the house edge usually ranging between 5% and 10%. This means that on average, the house will retain a portion of a player’s bet, and the house edge is generally higher on slot machines due to the lower degree of skill and strategy involved. 

On the other hand, games such as blackjack and video poker have a much lower house edge, usually ranging from 0.5% to 2%. This is due to the fact that these games involve a higher degree of skill and strategy, which gives the player a better opportunity to win. In addition, the house edge on these games is usually lower because of the fact that the house doesn’t have as much of an advantage with its predetermined strategies.

Games You Should Play 

If you’re a gambler, you should focus on playing games with lower house edges in order to maximize your chance of winning. Lower house edges give you a smaller disadvantage over the house, meaning more of your betting funds can go towards your winnings. Games with lower house edges are generally considered to be the “smart” choice, as they will give you the best chance of coming out ahead in the long run. 

Blackjack is one of the most popular games with a low house edge, boasting a house edge of just 0.5% when the proper strategy is used. To play blackjack correctly, you want to use the perfect blackjack strategy, which will tell you the best action to take depending on the combination of your cards and the dealer’s up card. By using the perfect blackjack strategy, you can get the house edge as close to 0.5% as possible. 

Video poker, another popular game, has a house edge of only 0.5% when playing using the perfect strategy. To reduce the house edge on video poker, you need to employ the perfect video poker strategy which relies heavily on chances and probability to determine the best action to take depending on the combination of your cards. 

Lastly, craps is a game of luck, however it can have a low house edge when playing with the right bets. The most advantageous craps bets are Pass Line, Come, and Don’t Pass Line, which have house edges of 1.41%, 1.41%, and 1.36%, respectively. To reduce the house edge even further, you can choose to place the Odds Bet, which will increase the size of your payout if your bet wins. When playing craps with the right combination of bets, you can have a house edge as low as 0.6%. 

Thus, by focusing on games that have a low house edge, such as blackjack, video poker, and craps, you can increase your chances of success. Using the correct strategy for each game (such as the perfect blackjack strategy, perfect video poker strategy, and placing the right bets in craps) will further reduce the house edge and help you win more money in the long run.

Additional Tips 

In order to secure a win at a casino, it’s not enough to simply play games with a low house edge. You also need to learn additional tips from smartcasinoguide.com in order to excel. Understanding the right steps to take is key to success when playing casino games. Here are some of the most important tips that can improve your gambling performance: 

  1. Have a Bankroll: Before going to a casino, it’s important to set aside money to use specifically for gambling. This is your “bankroll” and it should be used to work within your limits and never exceed it. By having a bankroll, it can help you manage your losses, allowing you to walk away if you hit a bad streak. 


  1. Understand the Rules: Casino games come with intricate rules and it’s important to know each game before playing to maximize your chances of success. If you don’t understand a certain game, do your research or ask the dealer for help. Playing a game without understanding the rules can be disadvantageous. 


  1. Have a Game Plan: Knowing your exact budget and limits for each gameis important. Set a maximum amount of loses per game and always stick to it, even when the going gets tough. Having a game plan will help you stay in control and not allow your emotions to drive the decisions you make at the casino. 


  1. Don’t be Fooled by Big Wins: It may be tempting to get complacent and chase big wins after having some early successes. But this can potentially lead to bigger losses. Instead, it’s better to take steady steps and maintain an even keel in order to maximize your long-term gains. 


  1. Take Breaks: Winning streaks don’t last forever and it’s important to take breaks in-between sessions if you’re playing for extended periods of time. Stick to a schedule and take a break if you get tired or your luck begins to run dry. 


By following these tips, players can improve their chances of success at the casino. Remember to always adjust your game plan based on the changing variables. Have fun, be patient, and don’t get complacent – and you can be sure to maximize your chances of success. 

Final Say 

Despite different house edges in different online casino games, players can improve their gambling performance by following the guidelines discussed. Having a bankroll, understanding the rules, having a game plan, avoiding big wins, and taking breaks are key to success. Always use your intuition and play within your means. With the right combination of luck and skill, you can walk away a winner.


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Control Your Tobacco Use: A Guide on Reducing Nicotine Dependency

In the USA, 11.5% of adults, or 28.3 million people, smoked cigarettes in 2021. That figure has almost halved since 2005, when 20.9% of US adults were smoking.

Many smokers want to quit, and with good reason. Reducing tobacco use is crucial for improving health and well-being.

The process of quitting is not easy, but there are proven ways to achieve your goal. Continue reading for a helpful guide to reducing your tobacco use and cigarette dependency.

What Is Nicotine Dependency and Why Is It a Problem? 

Nicotine dependency is when a person becomes reliant on the highly addictive substance found in tobacco products. An addiction develops when a person uses tobacco regularly over a period of time.

Nicotine, when inhaled or absorbed into the body, quickly reaches the brain. There, it triggers the release of chemicals that produce feelings of pleasure and reward. These sensations create a desire to continue using tobacco products, leading to repeated nicotine intake.

Over time, the brain adapts to the presence of nicotine and becomes dependent on it to function.

The problem with nicotine dependency lies in its harmful effects on health. Tobacco use, driven by nicotine addiction, is a leading cause of preventable diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems. It also contributes to other health conditions such as stroke and various types of cancer.

Nicotine dependency comes with social and financial consequences too. Tobacco use often leads to social isolation, as many public places prohibit smoking. Plus, purchasing tobacco products regularly can put a strain on a person’s budget.

Breaking free from nicotine dependency is key for improved health and quality of life. By understanding their nicotine dependency and seeking support, individuals can take control of their tobacco use.

Create a Personalized Quitting Plan 

A personalized quitting plan is key to your success. This process can begin by setting clear and achievable goals that will help you maintain focus.

The next step is to choose a quitting method that works for you. What works for one person may not work for another. For more information about the various methods, continue to the next section.

It’s important to seek professional help when attempting to break free of cigarette dependency. They can provide guidance and prescribe medications if necessary. Building a strong support system can also make a huge difference when embarking on this difficult journey.

Your personalized quitting plan should include your potential triggers and a strategy to prevent relapse. Identifying triggers and highlighting effective coping strategies can help to manage cravings and ensure long-term success.

Be sure to tailor your quitting plan to match your preferences. Doing so will increase your chances of success.

Three Popular Methods for Controlling Tobacco Use

There are various methods available to help individuals control their tobacco use and reduce nicotine dependency. Some people prefer to try unproven alternative therapies, but we won’t discuss them in this post. Let’s take a closer look at three established methods:

1. Gradual Withdrawal

Gradually decreasing tobacco use over time can be a manageable approach for some individuals. Cutting back allows the body to slowly adjust to lower nicotine levels. And choosing this method can reduce the intensity of withdrawal symptoms.

If you’re not ready to go “cold turkey”, you can opt to buy America’s lowest-nicotine cigarettes from TryVLN. The gradual withdrawal method allows individuals to make progress at their own pace.

2. Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Nicotine replacement products provide controlled doses of nicotine without the harmful chemicals found in tobacco. Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) options include nicotine gum, patches, inhalers, nasal sprays, and lozenges.

These products can reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings by providing a safer source of nicotine. This method is particularly helpful for people who are struggling to quit abruptly. It’s important to follow instructions for proper use and gradually reduce the dosage of nicotine over time.

3. Cold Turkey

Going “cold turkey” involves abruptly quitting tobacco without any gradual reduction or nicotine replacement. It requires determination and willpower. And it can be challenging due to the immediate withdrawal symptoms.

Irritability, cravings, and difficulty concentrating may be intense in the initial stages. Therefore, it’s important to be prepared for the challenges. Having a considered strategy in place can help people cope with cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

How to Manage Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms

Whatever method you choose, you’re going to come up against withdrawal symptoms at one point or another. Thankfully, there are plenty of strategies you can use to manage the symptoms.

A simple way is to stay well hydrated. That’s because water can flush out toxins and reduce cravings. Making a conscious effort towards a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise can also assist in managing withdrawal symptoms.

Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises or yoga can help to manage anxiety and restlessness. Be aware that the symptoms are temporary and are a sign that you’re adjusting to a healthier body.

It’s also recommended to keep your mind and body occupied. Social activities can distract you from cravings and provide a positive outlet for stress.

You need not walk this path alone. Having a support network to lean on is essential when you’re going through a tough time. Loved ones or support groups can offer encouragement and support when you need it most.

Reclaim Control Over Your Life

Reducing nicotine dependency is a journey that requires dedication and perseverance. If relapses may occur, view them as an opportunity for growth and learning.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can empower yourself to break free from the grip of tobacco.

Did you find this guide for controlling tobacco use helpful? Check out more health blogs on our site before you resume your journey through the internet.

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5 Tips to Know About Selecting Apartment Floorplans

Finding a suitable apartment is no small feat. There are many things to consider when evaluating the suitability of a flat, like floorplans and square footage.

Are you looking to learn more about apartment floorplan options? Then you’ve come to the right place. Here are some tips for picking the best apartment floorplans to meet your needs.

1. Know Your Needs

Start by evaluating your lifestyle and how it applies to the space, such as if you entertain frequently or have frequent overnight guests. Consider what rooms you need, including a living room, dining room, and one bedroom. Consider storage needs like closets, pantries, and built-in cabinets.

Ask yourself if you would prefer an open floor plan, a balcony, or a backyard. Think through the size you want, taking into account furniture and decor.

2. Take Into Account the Location

One should consider the neighborhood and its amenities, such as public transportation, safety, and even the social activities within the vicinity. Consider New Apartments in Antioch TN, and discover the surrounding establishments to determine which one suits your lifestyle.

Also, look into the nearness to the workplace or the accessibility to places of interest and leisure activities. Finally, check the environment and the window’s direction concerning potential noise and light sources.

3. Safety Features

The primary safety feature is whether the apartment building has alarms and a security system. Another safety feature to consider is if the apartment building has multiple exits and if any staircases lead to the outside.

Additionally, look into the locks and if they have a deadbolt system. Finally, you should look at the parking lot and check to ensure there are street lights if it is well-lit, and if there is any camera surveillance.

4. Consider Budget

It is essential to consider monthly rent, utility costs, and other rental fees. Before signing a lease, calculate these costs and create an estimated budget.

It is also essential to factor in amenities, such as whether the building has a pool, fitness center, or other features, as these can increase the cost of rent. Additionally, consider rental insurance, as this can help with the cost of any damages that may occur while renting the space.

5. Evaluate the Details

Consider the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and other living spaces, as well as whether or not there is an option for an outdoor area such as a balcony or patio. Examine the layout of the real estate floor plan. Note the size of the kitchen and other appliances.

How much space is available for storage? Measure the windows and note the size and type of window treatments and the views provided. Determine what heat and air conditioning systems are in place and the available energy for consumption.

Choose the Best Apartment Floorplans Today

In conclusion, paying attention to all the details is essential when selecting apartment floorplans. Know your needs, safety, budget, and location preferences to make the best decision.

Research all your options and ask for help if needed. Get started today and find the perfect apartment floor plan for your needs.

If you find this helpful and want to read more great content, check out our latest blog posts now!

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What to Look For in a Luxury Apartment

Looking to make a change in your apartment living? Thinking about trading up for a luxury apartment?

Believe it or not, there are a lot of amazing benefits you’ll experience when you up your standards. A luxury apartment will make your life easier, happier, and richer, so it’s a no-brainer.

Here’s what you should look for to find the best luxury apartment for your needs. Let’s dive in!


One of the first things to consider when searching for a luxury apartment is the location. The right location can greatly enhance your living experience.

Look for apartments that are conveniently located near amenities. These include shopping centers, restaurants, parks, and public transportation.

A central location can save you time. It will also make it easy for you to access the things you need in your daily life.

Elegant Interiors

A luxury apartment should have elegant interiors that exude sophistication and style. Look for apartments that feature high-end finishes. Go for ones with hardwood floors, granite or quartz countertops, and top-of-the-line appliances.

Spacious living areas with plenty of natural light can create an inviting atmosphere. Additionally, consider the layout of the apartment. Make sure that it will suit your lifestyle and preferences.

Amenities Galore

Luxury apartments often come with a wide range of amenities. These can greatly enhance your living experience. Look for apartment amenities such as a fitness center, swimming pool, spa, and concierge services.

These extras can add convenience and luxury to your daily life. They allow you to relax, stay active, and enjoy a host of services without leaving your building.

Safety and Security

When it comes to luxury living, you should always focus on safety and security. Look for apartments that have secure entry systems, 24/7 surveillance, and on-site security personnel.

A well-maintained building with robust security measures can give you peace of mind. It will make you feel safe in your new home.

Outdoor Spaces

Having access to outdoor spaces can be a wonderful perk in a luxury apartment. Look for apartments that offer balconies, terraces, or communal outdoor areas.

In these areas, you can relax and enjoy the fresh air. Having a private outdoor space or a communal garden can provide a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Price and Value

Luxury apartments can come with a higher price tag. This is why it’s important to find the right balance between price and value. Fortunately, there are tons of options at Kelby Farms luxury apartments that offer the right balance.

Consider your budget and compare the features of different apartments. Make sure that you’re getting the best value for your money. A luxury apartment should offer a high-quality living experience that aligns with your needs and desires.

Find a Luxury Apartment Now

Now is an ideal time to find the luxury apartment of your dreams! Take advantage of the current market and begin your search today. Make sure to budget carefully and take your time to find the best apartment that fits your needs.

Don’t delay your search. Find your luxury apartment now!

If you’d like to read more articles like this, check out the rest of our site!

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11 Common Mistakes with Buying CBD Online and How to Avoid Them

The CBD market is projected to reach over $47 billion by 2028, with good reason.

CBD oil offers several benefits, making it a popular choice for consumers. CBD reduces pain, anxiety, and other symptoms without the drawbacks of traditional drugs.

However, there are mistakes with buying CBD online that can make it more expensive than it needs to be. You can avoid these pitfalls and get the best deal possible on your CBD product with a bit of knowledge.

If you are wondering how to avoid common mistakes when shopping at an online CBD store, this short and simple guide is for you.

1. Shopping When You’re Tired

When you are tired, it’s easy to miss details and make careless mistakes.

You might not pay attention to the price or notice that the product description is vague. It’s easy to fall into a trap when you are tired and not thinking clearly.

You can avoid this mistake by getting plenty of rest before you look at CBD products.

2. Not Looking for the Right Product

The most important thing about shopping for CBD is finding the right product for you. This means paying attention to what you need and finding a product that meets that need.

If you just want some relaxation and relief from stress, then vaping might be the way to go. Tinctures may be a better choice if you are looking for pain relief or help with anxiety issues.

The point is to look for a product that will meet your needs, not just something that sounds cool or interesting.

3. Forgetting to Read Customer Reviews

The best CBD oil reviews can help you find an excellent product.

The reviews will tell you about the quality, price, and effectiveness of a particular CBD product. You should also check online forums for more information about how people feel about each brand.

The online customer reviews will also help you determine which brands are worth trying and which to avoid.

4. Buying From a Poorly Designed Website

If you are buying CBD oil online, make sure that you choose a website that is easy to use.

If the site has too many features, it will be hard to find what you need. Look out for any typos or grammatical errors on the page.

The website should also be secure and free from any malware or viruses.

5. Skipping the Certificate of Analysis

Make sure that the website provides a certificate of analysis for each product. This vital document shows you exactly what is in your oil and how much each ingredient there is.

The certificate of analysis also shows you the concentration of CBD in the product. And any contaminants, such as heavy metals and pesticides.

This information is vital for consumers who want to ensure they buy safe products that won’t cause any side effects.

6. Shopping Without a Budget in Mind

It’s always a good idea to have a budget before shopping for CBD oil.

This will help you avoid overspending on products that don’t meet your needs. It can also help you find the best deals.

You should also look for sales and discounts to ensure you get the best value for your money.

7. Not Reading Through FAQs

There are a lot of questions that people have about CBD oil.

You should ensure you’re familiar with the most common ones before buying any product. If a company doesn’t answer your questions, it may be a sign of poor customer service or low-quality products.

This will help you find out if a company is reputable or not. And it will give you peace of mind when buying an expensive product like CBD oil.

8. Skipping the Returns Policy

Look for a returns policy before you buy any CBD oil.

This will help you ensure it’s easy to get your money back if there are any issues with the product or its quality. You should also check if there are any restocking fees or other restrictions that could affect your decision.

If there is a no-return policy, think twice before buying the product.

9. Ignoring Customer Service

Customer service is one of the most important things to look for when buying CBD oil.

Many companies offer great products but have terrible customer service. If you don’t know how to contact the company and get your questions answered, you may have an awful experience.

Make sure that the company has a dedicated customer service team. The company should have a live chat option, email address, and phone number so that you can reach them easily.

10. Getting Duped by False Advertising

It’s essential to ensure that the company you’re buying from is honest.

Look at the terms and conditions of the business, as well as its website. If a company has false advertising, it could be a sign that it’s not trustworthy or reputable.

If something sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. Make sure that you do your research before making a purchase.

11. Not Checking the Better Business Bureau (BBB)

The BBB is an organization that rates businesses based on customer reviews.

They also provide information on how businesses handle complaints and how they resolve them. This is a great way to find out whether the company you are considering using has had any complaints filed against it.

See if there have been any complaints about the CBD oil company you want to buy from.

Don’t Make These Mistakes With Buying CBD Online

Avoiding these mistakes with buying CBD online will help you get the right product at a fair price. And it will ensure you get a quality product that works as advertised.

The best way to avoid these mistakes is by doing your research. Read reviews, ask questions, and ensure you know exactly what you’re getting before purchasing.

Don’t forget to browse our site for advice on CBD, real estate, technology, and more.

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How to Make a Studio Apartment Layout Feel Bigger

If you’ve recently taken the step to rent your own apartment, you’re certainly not alone! Over 31% of households in the U.S. are made up of renters and that number is increasing each year.

It’s a great feeling to know that you’re making it on your own. No one is breathing down your neck about keeping your studio apartment layout clean.

You might be asking yourself how to make a studio apartment feel bigger. Sounds like it’s time for an apartment makeover!

Here are a handful of tips to help you breathe a little more life into your living space.

Optimize Your Studio Apartment Layout

Arranging your furniture properly is super important. This can make the most of your studio apartment’s space.

To start, think about how you move around and do things every day. Then, position your furniture accordingly.

It’s a good idea to place bigger items like the bed and couch against the walls. This way, you create an open area in the center, giving the impression that the room goes farther back. It makes your living space feel bigger and more roomy.

Use Multifunctional Furniture and Storage Solutions

In a studio apartment like Industry Indianapolis, every inch counts. Investing in multifunctional furniture is a smart choice. Look for items that serve dual purposes, such as a sofa bed or ottoman. They act as studio apartment storage compartments.

Effective storage is crucial in a small living space. Invest in under-bed storage containers, hanging organizers, and wall-mounted shelves.

These help you maximize vertical space while keeping your belongings organized and accessible. When everything has its designated place, your apartment will feel more spacious and clutter-free.

Embrace Light and Neutral Colors

Color has a significant  upholstery. They create an airy and open ambiance.

Soft hues like whites, creams, and pastels reflect light. They make your studio apartment feel brighter and more spacious.

Make Good Use of Mirrors

Mirrors are magical when it comes to creating an illusion of space. Strategically place mirrors across from windows or opposite walls. This will bounce the light and create a sense of depth.

This simple trick will visually expand your studio apartment, making it feel larger and more inviting.


Define Separate Zones

Your studio apartment might lack physical boundaries. You can visually create separate zones to give the illusion of distinct living areas.

Make use of rugs, screens, or room dividers. These divide your space into different functional zones, such as a living area, dining space, and sleeping nook. This division adds depth and structure to your layout, making it feel more spacious.

Enjoy Your Studio Apartment Living

Living in a studio apartment doesn’t mean sacrificing comfort and style. Try these simple yet effective studio apartment layout strategies. Create an inviting living space that feels larger and more open.

Remember to optimize your furniture arrangement and use multifunctional pieces. Use light and neutral colors, incorporate mirrors, and make use of vertical space.

Define separate zones and employ smart storage solutions. With a thoughtful approach to design and organization, your studio apartment will become a cozy oasis that feels like home.

Visit our website for more amazing tips and guides!

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What Is a High Risk Merchant?

The merchant banking industry grew by over 29% in 2022. Thanks to e-commerce and mobile payments, the industry should continue its rapid climb in 2023.

However, certain services won’t offer payment processing if they encounter a high risk merchant. If you’re wondering why your company gets viewed as a high risk business, the following guide can help.

Read on to learn about payment processing for high risk merchants and what makes them a higher risk.

What Is a High Risk Merchant?

If you get denied merchant services, it likely has to do with the industry you’re in. That’s because certain industries get labeled high-risk by credit card providers such as financial institutions and banks.

Even if you have a wildly successful business, you might still get denied payment processing services. It’s also important to note that there isn’t an authority figure making these rules for the payment industry.

Every single payment processor, service provider, and bank comes up with its own standards to follow. One company might refuse to work with certain industries no matter what, while others might accept applications of all kinds.

Typically, payment service providers have very strict standards for applicant acceptance. On the other side, merchant account providers tend to have a much more laid-back approach toward acceptance.

With both options, you have to send an application with details about your company. Then, the provider makes an ultimate decision based on their internal standards.

Industry Examples

Firearms, firearms accessories, tasers, and stun guns are examples of high risk products. Those industries usually require different types of Federal Firearms Licenses as well.

Cigarettes, tobacco, and, vape, and cannabis are higher-risk industries because of the strict regulations surrounding them. Online gambling and adult products and services also raise risk factors for many providers.

Some examples of less obvious industries with high risk include tech support, travel, and electronics. Even services like extended warranties and free trials can raise the risk factor for providers.

Chargeback Risks

A chargeback happens whenever a customer requests a refund for a disputed charge on their credit card. This process creates a lot of expensive headaches on the merchant provider side of things.

Having too many chargebacks is a huge reason why many merchants get rejected by payment processing services. It’s a fair decision because other than the customer, everyone involved in the chargeback loses money.

They directly affect the merchant, the credit card provider, and the bank issuing finances for the card. High chargeback rates also cause providers to charge merchants extra fees. The fees tend to grow if the number of chargebacks also continues to grow.

Industries like adult entertainment and CBD sales often receive more chargebacks than other industries. That’s because there’s a negative public perception of many of those services and products.

Friendly fraud is one chargeback example that those two industries run into often. It’s when an embarrassing product ends up on a statement that a friend or family member finds. So, the customer pretends it was a fraudulent or accidental charge.

Even though a friendly fraud chargeback isn’t done maliciously, it still costs some businesses a lot of revenue. It’s best to find a merchant provider that specializes in high risk businesses so that they can help reduce chargebacks.

CNP Transaction Risks

CNP transactions sit on the opposite side of the high-risk spectrum. It has to do with shoppers paying for items remotely via CNP (card-not-present) transactions.

That means the customer didn’t have a physical credit or debit card during the transaction. You’ve likely experienced this kind of transaction if you’ve ever entered your card number for an online item.

It’s an essential component of online sales, but it’s risky because the merchant can’t verify who is handling the card. That makes fraud much more likely because merchants can’t look for red flags as they could in a physical setting.

High Risk vs Regular Accounts

High risk accounts have a longer application process than regular accounts. The applications require more details such as bank statements a credit checks. A regular application might take a few days whereas a high risk application could take days.

Some payment processors have cash reserve requirements for high risk businesses. That means they might use some of a company’s cash as a hedge.

A capped reserve is when the processor keeps a percentage of every transaction until the final balance hits a certain point. Then, they stop receiving money until they need more for the reserve again.

With a rolling reserve. processors receive a percentage of your sales, but you get it back later. An upfront reserve involves a merchant sending a set reserve amount to the payment processor.

Some processors use a volume cap to block card transactions over a certain amount each month. Age-restricted products usually have their own unique requirements and tools to verify age.

Getting a High Risk Account

First, stay truthful and open on your application. If you withhold any information, it might hurt your chances of acceptance.

Next, go over your cash levels because cash on hand shows that a business is stable. Gather other relevant documents such as half a year of bank statements.

Bank statements should clearly show where your cash goes and where it comes from. You might also have to provide your last two tax returns in some cases.

Try to find anything you can do to lower your risk such as improving your credit score or reducing chargebacks. You can even contact your provider for advice on how to lower your rates.

Don’t forget to always communicate with your customers and remember that not all chargebacks are shady. Some chargebacks might occur because a customer simply didn’t like your product.

Make sure to have clear return and shipping policies so that customers know what to expect. Check that you have easy ways for customers to contact you directly instead of going through your provider.

Keep learning from the payment processor representatives you interact with. They’re experts in their field and can help you set up your payment process. They can also help you prepare and implement some of their suggestions.

Finding the Right Payment Processor

Remember that your risk level doesn’t mean that you don’t have quality products or services. While the application process is more difficult, it’s not impossible or uncommon to complete successfully.

First, identify your company’s risk factors and make sure to find a provider with experience in your specific industry. When meeting with potential providers, always ask about their chargeback policies and fees upfront.

Next, gather your financial statements such as tax documents for providers to go over. Financial statements help them decide your risk level and terms. Before signing a contract, make sure to review the conditions and terms carefully.

Stay open from the start because providers will eventually find out if you’re lying or providing false information. Then, they can delete your account and throw a huge wrench into your business operations.

Some provider issue account suspensions rather than total deletion. In either case, it disrupts your workflow and harms your reputation.

Review all fees and security standards before making a decision. You need to look at the fees for individual transactions and any fees based on percentages.

The merchant account provider you choose must comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. They should also have effective tools and systems in place to help stop chargebacks and fraud.

Don’t forget to ask providers about their customer support practices in case something goes wrong. You’ll want to resolve issues as soon as possible so that you don’t lose out on sales or damage your reputation.

A good provider also works to lower your risk level and fees over time. Not only does this save you money in the future, but it also makes your company look more appealing.

In all aspects of your business, you want to work with partners that have reliable track records. Providers also need advanced knowledge of their industry because that speeds up application times. It also increases the chances of application acceptance.

Finally, make sure your potential provider has your company’s best interest in mind. For example, if you notice that they have an excessive amount of fees and conditions, you might look elsewhere.

High Risk Merchant Basics

Now you know what a high risk merchant is, what makes them high risk, and how their accounts differ from standard accounts. You also know how to get a high risk account and how to choose the best provider for your needs.

Remember this guide and check out the rest of our site for more great financial tips and information.

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How to Choose a Manufactured Home: Everything You Need to Know

If you are looking for a new home, you may be considering getting a manufactured one. These types of homes are good for people looking for affordable housing, new or used, or ones needing a quick home that can be used in a short amount of time.

The best part is that these homes can be customized to meet your needs.

If you are thinking of getting a manufactured home, you may have a lot of questions. Here are some tips on how to choose a manufactured home.

Understand Your Budget

When it comes to choosing a manufactured home from The Reserve Communities, understanding your budget is a crucial factor in narrowing down your choices. There are many factors to consider when assessing your budgets, such as the price of the unit, lot rent, taxes, and insurance fees, which can all add up.

Knowing the maximum you are willing to spend before you start shopping could save you from a lot of unnecessary stress. Before you start your search, make sure to research financing options, as there is often the option to take out a loan, so you don’t have to pay the full amount up-front.

Compare Features of Manufactured Home Models

When choosing a manufactured home, it is important to take into account the size, layout and manufactured home amenities. Consider how much space you need for your lifestyle and the number of rooms you need for your family.

Think carefully before making a purchase, as it is one of the biggest investments you may ever make. This may involve examining factors such as windows and insulation types, ventilation and heating, appliances on offer, and extra features such as porches, garages, and skirting.

Consider Placement and Landscape

When choosing a manufactured home, one should consider the placement of the mobile home and the landscape of the area. Make sure the area you choose is compatible with a manufactured home; it will need to be level and tie-downs to be secured.

It helps to have an idea of what kind of land is around, whether it be views, open fields, or woodland, and it would be beneficial to research any zoning regulations, required building permits, or deed restrictions.

Weigh Value and Affordability

It is important to weigh value and affordability when selecting a home. It is beneficial to research various options for homes and sizes of manufactured homes or, for some, to receive advice from a trusted realtor.

The resources available online and at-home centers are also helpful in determining the best home for your lifestyle. While major items like square footage, floor plans, and quality should be taken into consideration, other important factors such as energy efficiency and safety should be looked at as well.

Know About How to Choose a Manufactured Home

To choose a manufactured home offers an affordable housing option for many people and can be found in many areas. Knowing what to look for and looking into the different models will ensure that you make an informed decision easily.

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Five Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing Bathroom Floor Tiles

Five Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing Bathroom Floor Tiles

Choosing the right bathroom floor tiles can change an entire space. Avoid these five mistakes when choosing bathroom floor tiles.

Choosing a floor for your bathroom is one of the more critical decisions you may have to make in your remodel. It could have lasting effects on your home and will contribute to a future resale value.

Choosing the right set of bathroom floor tiles also depends on how well you know how to pick the right options. Below we list five mistakes you’ll want to avoid to ensure you get the desired results.

1. Ignoring Slip Resistance

One of the gravest mistakes you can make when selecting bathroom floor tiles is overlooking slip resistance. Bathrooms are inherently prone to wet surfaces, and the last thing you want is a slippery floor that increases the risk of accidents and injuries.

To ensure safety, prioritize tiles with a suitable slip and water-resistant tiles rating. Look for tiles with textured surfaces or those specifically designed for high-moisture environments. These tiles provide better traction, reducing the chances of slipping, even when the floor is wet.

2. Overlooking Water Resistance

Water resistance is one of the most important things to consider when choosing bathroom floor tiles. Bathrooms are often wet and have a lot of moisture, so choosing tiles that can stand up to these conditions is important. Ignoring water resistance can cause damage to tiles, mold growth, and other problems caused by water.

To avoid this mistake, choose tiles that don’t get wet easily. Because they don’t absorb water, porcelain, and ceramic tiles are often used. They aren’t porous, which means they don’t soak up water. This makes them great for bathroom floors.

3. Disregarding Size and Scale

The size and scale of the tiles you choose can significantly impact your bathroom’s overall aesthetic and functionality. Disregarding this aspect can result in an unbalanced or cluttered appearance.

Consider the size of your bathroom, its layout, and the desired aesthetic when selecting tile size. For smaller bathrooms, using larger tiles can create an illusion of space, making the area feel more open and expansive.

On the other hand, smaller tiles can add intricate detail and visual interest to larger bathrooms. It’s important to balance tile size and bathroom proportions to create a visually pleasing and harmonious look.

4. Forgetting about Maintenance

Different types of tiles have varying tile maintenance requirements. Failing to consider this aspect can lead to frustration and extra work in the long run. 

For a hassle-free experience, consult with the best tile installers in your area who can guide you on the most low-maintenance options and provide expert installation services. This way, you can select tiles that are easy to clean and maintain. 

5. Neglecting Aesthetic Considerations

While functionality is crucial in a bathroom, neglecting aesthetic considerations can result in a visually disjointed or unappealing space. The bathroom floor is a significant design element, and the wrong tiles can disrupt visual harmony.

Consider the style and color scheme of your bathroom when selecting tiles. Consider the existing fixtures, walls, and overall tile design theme. 

Make a Splash With the Perfect Bathroom Floor Tiles

In conclusion, choosing bathroom floor tiles is an important decision for every homeowner. Avoiding common mistakes like choosing an inappropriate tile material, improper installation, incompatible grout, inadequate maintenance, and selecting the wrong tiles for lifestyle is key to a successful floor tiling job.

Research and plan before selecting tiles to ensure a floor that will last. Contact a professional tiling contractor today to get started!

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The Siege (2023) Review

"The Siege" Theatrical Poster

“The Siege” Theatrical Poster

Director: Brad Watson
Cast: Daniel Stisen, Lauren Okadigbo, Yennis Cheung, Byron Gibson, Phillip Ray Tommy
Running Time: 87 min. 

By Henry McKeand

At one point in this year’s The Siege, the hitman protagonist played by Norwegian bodybuilding champion Daniel Stisen says those three magic words:

“I’ll be back.”

If you’re not already reminded of Arnold when you see Stisen’s hulking frame tearing through baddies, this line ensures that you make the connection. Like all strongmen who have made a go at action stardom in the past four decades, he has a big pair of Austrian shoes to fill. His previous leading man attempt, 2021’s testosterone-fest Last Man Down, was an 80s throwback in more ways than one, but a humorless “COVID apocalypse” tone (and a million other things) made it a far cry from the Schwarzenegger classics of yesteryear. In this age of detached irony, it’s refreshing to see an action hero who isn’t a snarky quip machine, but Last Man Down was practically lifeless. Thankfully, The Siege is smart enough to inject a dose of excitement and Dad Movie humor into its by-the-numbers assassin story.

Stisen plays a self-proclaimed nobody who makes a living dispatching high-profile targets. When his face is seen during a routine job, he’s forced to go to an “identity reassignment facility” so he can receive a new name (the generic “Walker”). This is apparently such a common occurrence for him that he’s on a first-name basis with the staff, which makes you wonder if he’s really so good at his job. Regardless, another killer-for-hire named Elda (Lauren Okadigbo) knows him by reputation the moment they meet at the facility, and it’s not long before mercenaries attack and she needs his help to protect the target of the assault: a pregnant woman Continue reading

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The Advantages of Buying Reading Glasses Online for all wearers

You’ve just started looking for a new pair of reading glasses. You might be debating whether to purchase a pair online or receive a doctor’s prescription for glasses. There is no doubt that a prescription is a wonderful option for you if your eyewear requirements are intricate or extremely specialized. It’s possible that you don’t want to deal with going to an optometrist for a prescription because eyewear trends change quickly. Online shopping is a fantastic alternative if you’re looking for more options, more reasonable pricing ranges, and an easy approach to selecting your new pair of readers.

Use two pairs of glasses.

Perhaps you need inexpensive reading glasses since you have a busy life and are constantly seeking for your readers. Our selection of Multi-Packs is the ideal choice if you have a busy daily schedule and find yourself using your reading glasses more frequently in varied scenarios. Choose the Multi-Pack that best suits you, and you’ll never have to make another decision. Keep a pair of reading glasses in your car, on the back of your phone, in your purse, and at work, among other places where you might need them.

There is a greater variety of trustworthy reading glasses online.

The fact that there are many more alternatives available when purchasing reading glasses online is another significant benefit. When you choose to buy your readers online, you have access to a huge variety of designs, hues, and materials that you most likely won’t discover at your eye doctor’s office. This enables you to check the quality and dependability of reading glasses before making a purchase.

A wide variety of distinctive shapes built from the toughest materials are available. Our Readers and alternative Full Frame Reading Glasses are virtually indestructible and available in a wide range of designs and hues. We have what you need, from Blue Light Blocking Glasses for all your screen time requirements to portable & ultra-slim readers that attach to the back of your phone.


Who need to use reading glasses?

Reading glasses are advantageous for anyone who has problems seeing details up close. Presbyopia, a disorder that affects people over the age of 40, makes them especially helpful for those people. Presbyopia is the condition in which your eyes are unable to focus on close-up objects. It is a typical aspect of ageing and manifests itself in people in their early to mid-40s. As you age, the problem steadily gets worse, reaching a peak in severity at age 65. Uncertain whether you have presbyopia?

Do I Need Reading Glasses on Prescription?

Some readers are prescribed, but others are not. You can get a pair of over-the-counter reading glasses at your neighbourhood pharmacy. However, it’s preferable to purchase your reading glasses from an optometrist if you want a pair that is tailored to your precise vision. To give you the right lens prescription, an optometrist will conduct a complete eye exam. Your optometrist can use this eye test to determine whether you need separate glasses for near- and far-sightedness.

Obtain Several Pairs

Consider purchasing multiple pairs of reading glasses if you can. Keep one pair in the living room, one pair in your bedroom, and one pair at work. You’ll always have a pair on hand when you need one. You can rely on your numerous sets of reading glasses rather than wearing them all the time. With a variety of alternatives, you can be sure to always have at least one pair that is easy to use when you need to get a close-up look at something. Be cautious about preserving your eyeglasses properly if you decide to buy more than one pair. Keep them apart from heat sources like indoor radiators and heated surfaces like the dashboard of your car.

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Ethan Hunt, move over! Frank Grill, Michael Jai White and Abm Sumon unite for Asif Akbar’s spy thriller ‘MR-9: Do Or Die’

“MR-9: Do Or Die” Teaser Poster

“MR-9: Do Or Die” Teaser Poster

We’ll soon be seeing action star Frank Grillo (Boss Level, Jiu Jitsu) and cult martial arts sensation Michael Jai White (Triple Threat, Accident Man) alongside Abm Sumon (Dhaka Attack) in MR-9: Do Or Die, an upcoming actioner from filmmaker Asif Akbar (2022’s Commando) that has been picked up by Premiere Entertainment.

The film is based on the popular spy thriller novels by the late Bangladeshi writer Qazi Anwar Hussain. Hussain published 550 novels in the series, which was modeled after the James Bond series. Plot details are being kept under wraps, but we understand Sumon plays the lead character Masud Rana, a secret agent under the codename MR-9 for the Bangladesh Counter Intelligence Agency (via Deadline).

MR-9: Do Or Die also stars Sakshi Pradhan, Niko Foster, Omi Vaidya, Oleg Continue reading

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Eureka’s Blu-ray set for Ricky Lau and Lam Ching-Ying’s ‘Hopping Mad: The Mr Vampire Sequels’ is now available!

Hopping Mad: The Mr Vampire Sequels | Blu-ray (Eureka)

Hopping Mad: The Mr Vampire Sequels | Blu-ray (Eureka)

Eureka’s Hopping Mad: The Mr Vampire Sequels – a Blu-ray (Region B) collection that includes Mr. Vampire 2 (1986), Mr. Vampire 3 (1987), Mr. Vampire  4 (1988) and Vampire Vs Vampire (1989) spread out on 2 discs – is now available at Goodie Emporium!

After the huge success of Mr Vampire, Hong Kong audiences were desperate for more vampire-hopping action and the films’ producers were more than happy to oblige. A steady stream of jiangshi content was produced over the following years, and presented here are 4 of these classic titles from stunning new restorations.

In Mr Vampire II (aka Vampire Family) an archaeologist and his students unwittingly set free a family of hopping vampires who wreak havoc in 1980s Hong Kong. Mr Vampire III returns to a period setting and sees Continue reading

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Deal on Fire! Iron Mask | Blu-ray | Only $11.99 – Expires soon!

Iron Mask | Blu-ray (Lionsgate)

Iron Mask | Blu-ray (Lionsgate)

Today’s Deal on Fire is the Blu-ray for Iron Mask (read our review), which also goes by the titles The Mystery of the Dragon Seal: Journey to China and Journey to China: The Mystery of the Iron Mask, a Chinese-Russian produced adventure film featuring Jackie Chan (The ForeignerDragon Blade) and Arnold Schwarzenegger (Maggie, Aftermath).

The Iron Mask is a sequel to 2014’s Viy 2 (dubbed “the highest grossing Russian movie of all-time”) is directed by Russian filmmaker Oleg Stepchenko.

The Iron Mask is set in the 18th century and focuses on the adventures of English traveler Jonathan Green (Jason Flemyng), who is assigned to draw a map of Russia’s Far East. However, his travels Continue reading

Posted in Deals on Fire!, News |

A Guide to the Different Kinds of Smoking Herbs and Their Benefits

With over 7,000 chemicals in a tobacco cigarette, smoking herbs can be a healthier alternative. The right organic herbs can help you kick nicotine addiction, be healthier, and enjoy their natural benefits.

There are countless herbal smoking blends out there, many of which you may never have heard of. How do choose? What are the benefits of smoking herbs?

In this guide, we’ll cover some of the most popular herbs and their effects. All of the smoking herbs below are nicotine free, and each has its own unique benefits.

Let’s take a walk through the smoking herbs garden. Read on!

Damiana Smoking Herbs

Damiana, or Turnera diffusa, is a herb native to Central America, South America, and several Caribbean islands. It is popular in traditional Mexican medicine as a treatment for anemia, bronchitis, fever, chronic pain, gastric illness, and respiratory conditions.

When used in tobacco-free herbal cigarettes, damiana is an ideal substitute for tobacco and can help you beat nicotine addiction. It is also known as an aphrodisiac, and it can have a mildly stimulating effect.

Lavender Flowers

The lavender flower has long been known for its calming properties. Its active ingredient, linalool, has an anxiolytic effect in humans. It works its magic when inhaled as smoke or vapor.

Herbal cigarettes with lavender are ideal for relaxing before bed. By contrast, tobacco is a stimulant and can make it hard to fall asleep. With lavender herbal cigarettes, you’ll drift off into a peaceful slumber.

Lavender smoking herbs can also help you quit tobacco. The anxiety and craving for nicotine can be calmed with lavender, helping you resist until the craving passes. This can take 15 to 20 minutes on average.

Mullein Smoking Herbs

Mullein, or Verbascum thapus, is a herb native to Europe, North Africa, and Asia, but it feels at home in America, too. The herbal smoking of mullein dates back to the Native Americans, who used it to treat respiratory illnesses like whooping cough, tuberculosis, and pneumonia.

Mullein helps expel mucus, reduces inflammation, and helps you fight microbial pathogens. This is useful if you are recovering from illness or have recently quit smoking tobacco. Mullein’s expectorant properties could help you clear your airways faster.


Peppermint, Mentha spicata, is the epitome of freshness, but it is ideal in herbal smoking blends due to its beneficial health effects. Peppermint can help improve blood circulation, boost lung capacity, and improve cognition.

Peppermint can be mildly stimulating, yet calming, and is a perfect substitute for tobacco cigarettes. Its flavor alone will bring a smile to your face, and it is ideal for smoking with other organic herbs.

Rose Petals

Rose petals look enticing, almost ornamental, with their shades of scarlet, ruby, and cherry red. Dried in the sun, their fragrance will spark romantic tones even before you add them to herbal smoking blends.

The benefits of smoking herbs with rose petals go beyond aesthetics and olfactory pleasure; they have many beneficial qualities for your body and mind. Rose petals have an uplifting effect when you smoke them, and they can help alleviate mild depression.

The sense of inner peace rose petals invoke makes them ideal for helping you quit a nicotine habit. The inner anxiety of nicotine withdrawal can send you running for tobacco. Instead, follow your nose along the rosy path to better health.

Pedicularis Densiflora

Pedicularis densiflora, Indian Warrior or Warrior’s Plume, yields purple buds with several medicinal benefits. Wait, can we just take a second to think about the sheer awesomeness of its nickname?

Okay, we’re good now. Pedicularis densiflora was used by the Native Americans to treat insomnia, anxiety, and muscular tension. It has a sedative effect but also antibacterial and antioxidative properties which could help protect your cells.


Mugwort, Artemesia vulgaris, sprouts from Europe and most parts of Asia where it was traditionally used as a tobacco alternative. This widespread use earned it the nickname, sailor’s tobacco. Today, mugwort remains a healthier alternative to tobacco with some extra effects on the side.

Mugwort is related to wormwood, the flavoring agent used in traditional absintheLike wormwood, mugwort can induce mild euphoria, relaxation, and vivid dreams when consumed.

Mugwort is an ideal addition to flavorful herbal cigarettes as it boosts the flavor of its fellow organic herbs.


Skullcap, Scutellaria lateriflora, may sound a bit scary, but its tension-relieving effects will help earn your trust. It acts as a nervine agent and antispasmodic, inducing a deep sense of calm at the right doses.

A herbal cigarette with skullcap can relax you, easing anxiety, and soothing your muscles. It could help you sleep and aid natural rest. Despite its relaxing effects, skullcap will keep you clear-headed and able to go about your day.

Holy Basil

You may know holy basil, Ocimum tenuiflorum, as an aromatic culinary herb famed in Thai and Indian cuisine. Holy basil is sacred in the Hindu religion and is used in ceremonies in its native South and Southeast Asia.

Ayurvedic medicine prizes holy basil for its ability to treat dermatological infections, control blood sugar levels, and lower stress hormones. It has a calming effect when smoked and can be mixed with herbs to aid relaxation.

Marshmallow Leaf

The endearingly named marshmallow leaf, Althea officinalis, is a medicinal herb used by the ancient Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks for millennia. The first part of its scientific title, Althea, comes from the Greek word, althainein, meaning to heal.

True to its name, marshmallow leaf helps promote healthy blood flow, relaxation, and dispersal of excessive heat in the body. Marshmallow leaf is an ideal base for your herbal smoking blends.

Explore the World of Smoking Herbs

Smoking herbs can open the gates to new health, well-being, and recreational benefits. Pick the most natural herbal smoking blends you can find, free from additives, isolates, and synthetics.

Experimentation is key, and we hope this guide helps you find your perfect smoking herbs. The herbs on this list are generally considered safe but consult your doctor if you experience any adverse reactions.

Looking for more health, lifestyle, and fitness tips? Leaf through the rest of our site today!

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