Memories of Murder (2003) Review

"Memories of Murder" Korean Theatrical Poster

“Memories of Murder” Korean Theatrical Poster

Director: Bong Jun-Ho
Producer: Cha Seung-Jae
Cast: Song Kang-Ho, Kim Sang-Kyung, Kim Roe-Ha, Song Jae-Ho, Byun Hee-Bong, Ko Seo-Hee, Jeon Mi-Sun, Park No-Shik, Park Hae-Il, Seo Yeong-Hwa
Running Time: 127 min.

By Raging Gaijin

“Memories of Murder” was a blockbuster hit in South Korea in 2003 and it’s just now finally seeing a DVD release in the US. The film is the chilling tale of South Korea’s first recorded case of a serial killer. Given the movie’s success and its subject matter, one might expect “Memories of Murder” to be a slick, commercial thriller modeled after “Seven” and “Silence of the Lambs”. Fortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. “Memories of Murder” is an irreverent and unconventional detective film that is original in nearly every way. Simply put, this is one of the best Korean films I’ve ever seen.

Although it tackles a grisly topic, “Memories of Murder” is actually full of quirky humor and laughs. The central characters are a group of colorful and unique cops, each with their own distinct personalities. Their various methods and inadequacies at tracking down the killer provide the “Memories of Murder” with an unexpected charm and humor. Kang-ho Song (JSA, Shiri) shines in the lead role as a simple cop whose life in the countryside has left him totally unprepared for such a cunning serial killer. He and his partner’s idea of interrogation is hanging a suspect upside down and beating him until he gives them the confession they want to hear, regardless of whether or not the prisoner is guilty. Once it’s clear that they’re in over their heads, a streetwise detective from Seoul is set in to help them. Sang-kyung Kim gives an incredible performance in this role and, in my mind, he slowly but surely steals the film as the most interesting character to watch. When he is first introduced to the case, he is calm, methodical, and ready to catch the killer. His world is gradually pulled out from underneath him, however, when he begins to learn that even his university education and big city sleuthing may not be enough to solve the case.

The cinematography is gorgeous: the opening shot immediately grabs your attention and the film doesn’t let go until it’s over. Joon-ho Bong’s direction is fluid, superb storytelling. There’s honestly very little to critique about this film. I’m sure a few minutes could have been trimmed here and there (the movie is over two hours long) but it rarely seems slow or tired. There are several scenes which are hilarious yet they don’t feel out of place, even though it’s a film about a serial killer. Joon-ho Bong effortlessly maintains this tone where anything can happen, whether it’s Kang-ho Song belting it out in a karaoke bar, the cops taking part in a violent bar brawl or stumbling upon a pervert dressed in women’s underwear trying to pull a Pee-Wee Herman, or the killer springing forth from out of nowhere when you least expect him. In “Memories of Murder”, anything can happen and it makes the movie that much more exciting to watch.

I sat down to watch “Memories of Murder” expecting to see a grim and gloomy film about a serial killer terrorizing the citizens of South Korea. What I got was one of the most entertaining and offbeat Korean films I’ve seen in a long time. One thing that always made me laugh was the cops’ way of stopping suspects; whenever they needed to apprehend someone, they would usually leap through the air with both legs straight out to perform a drop-kick. They’d typically jump off a hill or table first as well. It’s hilarious; just another example of this film’s off-the-wall humor.

“Memories of Murder” is based on a true story (it actually takes place during the 80’s as well). I’m not sure how much of it corresponds to reality as sometimes the movie gets rather strange; but, hey, truth is often stranger than fiction. Regardless, “Memories of Murder” is a film I highly recommend to anyone with an interest in Korean cinema. It’s simply a delight to watch, and a movie I won’t be forgetting any time soon.

Raging Gaijin’s Rating: 8/10

By Equinox21

Before I get into this review, I’d like to post a disclaimer· I am NOT a psycho. I have never killed a person, nor do I ever intend to. That said, on with the review·

I LOVE serial killer movies. Not necessarily the “stylized” and “flashy” serial killer movies out of Hollywood (such as Seven [even though I loved it, it wasn’t the type of “serial killer movie” I prefer] and The Cell [which was fairly lame]), but instead the realistic and gritty ones. I love seeing the process the police use to narrow in on the killer, catch him [I say “him” as there’s only been one recorded case of a female serial killer], and see the resolution and an end to the killings. I don’t know WHY I enjoy them so much; maybe it’s because in my impressionable youth I saw the events of the media extravaganza that was the Jeffrey Dahmer case play out in my home town of Milwaukee. But, don’t worry, my interest in them is only in knowing about and even studying them. I even applied for the FBI (and even though, at the time of writing this review, I haven’t heard back from them yet, I am, unfortunately, pretty confident that I won’t be an FBI agent), because I would have liked to have been a part of those types of investigations.

So, when I found out about a Korean movie based on a real-life serial killer in rural Korea in the 80’s, I was excited. I was really anticipating this movie, and was thrilled when it was finally released and I got the chance to take it in, and I certainly wasn’t disappointed. The movie starts out by saying that it was based on “an unresolved criminal investigation”, so you know right off the bat that they never find the killer. However, that’s not enough to make you disinterested, because you’re able to make up your own mind about which of the potential suspects you think is the killer, if it’s even one of them.

Detective Park (Song Kang-ho) is a rural cop, none too experienced in solving crimes such as serial murders. Though as a detective, he has undoubtedly “solved” regular murders (is there such a thing?) in the past. Normally, he and his sidekick just beat confessions out of suspects they feel perpetrated the crimes they’re investigating, guilty or not. However, after the first two bodies are discovered murdered in a similar fashion, Seoul Detective Suh (Kim Sang-kyung) joins them in an effort to help crack the case. The first half of the movie has Park and Suh constantly butting heads over how to proceed with the investigation; with Park set in his small town ways, without many realistic ideas as to how to track down a serial killer, and Suh resented by Park for his big city ideas, and no knowledge of the area or community he finds himself in. Eventually, as they get closer and closer so the murderer, their differences get worked out, and they find themselves on the same page.

This was the best element of the movie, in my opinion. They start out barely talking to each other with Park even laughing and ridiculing the ideas that Suh comes up with (which ultimately tend to be the best ideas). But, eventually their relationship grows to the point that they’re working together like a well-oiled machine and making real progress on the investigation.

The cinematography was pretty amazing as well. There were lots of long shots of green fields (which inevitably became crime scenes), grey skies and, whenever the murderer struck, lots of rain. The inside settings were dank, dark basements and cement buildings, all with very little color. There was very little color in any of the characters’ clothes, as well. There just seemed to be no color anywhere, except in the vivid red clothes that the victims usually were wearing. There were very few bright, sunny scenes. Perhaps this was to convey the dark, depressing and constricting feel of the military dictatorship that South Korea was under at the time. Whatever the reason, it worked wonders for the feel of the film.

I needn’t dwell on the acting, which was as expected· brilliant. At this year’s Grand Bell Awards, Song Kang-ho won Best Actor and Joon Ho-bong won Best Director for their work on this film, which also took home the Best Film Award.

If you like realistic cop/investigation movies, this is definitely one to check out. I really feel like I want to dock it points because of the ending, but as it simply followed real life events it can’t be blamed. So, it’s pretty much a flawless film.

Equinox21’s Rating: 10/10

Posted in Korean, News, Reviews | Tagged , |

Bad Blood | aka King of Triads (2010) Review

"Bad Blood" Chinese Theatrical Poster

“Bad Blood” Chinese Theatrical Poster

AKA: Mie Men, Mit Moon
Director: Dennis Law
Cast: Simon Yam, Andy On, Bernice Liu, Hung Yan Yan, Chris Lai Lok Yi, Pinky Cheung Man Chi, Jiang Lu Xia, Ken Lo, Chan Wai Man, Lam Suet, Eddie Cheung, Hau Woon Ling, Hon Chun, Amy Tan En Mei
Running Time: 95 min.

By HKFanatic

Can I recommend a movie based solely on the strength of its fight scenes? If that were the case, I’d tell just about anybody who enjoys Hong Kong action movies to find a way to watch “Bad Blood.” But no – this is not a good movie, at least not one I can recommend with a clear conscience. Despite some astounding fight choreography, “Bad Blood” fails in just about every other way.

I lay the blame on Dennis Law – he wrote, produced, and directed the thing. The story is decent enough: it focuses on the feud that arises among the remaining members of a Triad organization after their leader is killed. Everybody’s backstabbing everybody in order to get their hands on the Triad’s money. The cast includes Simon Yam, who could play this kind of role in his sleep (and he kinda does here).

To put it bluntly, Dennis Law’s direction is lazy and borderline-incompetent. The production values are great but camera-takes linger way longer than necessary, creating awkward silences between cast members. Law films his cast of talented and attractive people doing the most mundane of things like putting on make-up, changing their underwear, or starting their cars. There are a disconcerting number of scenes of Simon Yam sitting at a table, sucking on (yes, sucking on) peanuts. Despite several films to his credit, with “Bad Blood” Dennis Law seems to lack the most basic knowledge of what is compelling to watch onscreen. In a sense, the guy has got to go back to Filmmaking 101.

But the fight scenes are good enough that they nearly redeem the entire production. I suspect they were more or less ghost directed by choreographer Nicky Li, a former member of Jackie Chan’s Stunt Team. I’ve heard that in Hong Kong, the director will often leave the set during fight scenes and lets the action choreographer take over. That would probably explain why the fight sequences in “Bad Blood” are so visceral, kinetic, and well-shot compared to the rest of the movie. And, thankfully, they are numerous.

Andy On (“Black Mask 2,” “White Dragon”) is one of those guys who’s always seemed like a competent martial artist but has never had a movie that really showcased his talents. “Bad Blood” is his movie. His moves are just wicked in this flick; you believe his kicks could really send someone flying across the room, and he’s particularly lethal with a blade. Alongside him, Luxia Jiang of “Coweb” fame continues to cement her status as a female fighting force. Her acting range is limited here by the fact that her character is mute, but the action scenes are where she really shines. Her fight with Andy On is superb and, later on, she has a standout moment where she takes on about 20 thugs armed with aluminum bats.

The choreography is excellent, with a minimal use of wires; there’s only one moment in an actual fight where the wires are obvious, the rest are a few instances of parkour-style leaps. “Bad Blood” attempts to get back to that vintage, no-frills Hong Kong feel – at least when it comes to the action. The movie itself suffers from some really pedestrian filmmaking. Also distracting is the fact that everyone in the movie wears gaudy as hell 80’s fashion, even though it’s set in present times. The music, too, draws negative attention to itself since it’s 90% guitar rock noodling.

I should probably mention Bernice Liu (“The King of Fighters,” Miss Chinese International 2001), who plays the femme fatale character. Despite her numerous fight scenes, I never once bought her as a real martial artist. Her motions appear artificially sped in post production to make her look like The One or something. But, hey, she’s good at playing a bitch.

If great fight scenes are all it takes to make you enjoy a film, or at least not feel embarrassed that you watched it, then “Bad Blood” is not a poor way to spend an evening. Fans of Andy On and Luxia Jiang will definitely go home happy with the way their stars are represented here. More discerning critics may wonder how so many decent actors signed up for a movie with such a shoddy a script or how Hong Kong circa 2010 could produce a movie with worse directing than a student film.

HKFanatic’s Rating: 6.5/10

Posted in Chinese, Reviews | Tagged , , , , , , , , |

Dazed and Confused Blu-ray/DVD (Criterion)

Dazed and Confused Blu-ray/DVD (Criterion)

Dazed and Confused Blu-ray/DVD (Criterion)

RELEASE DATE: October 25, 2011 America, 1976. The last day of school. Bongs blaze, bell-bottoms ring, and rock and roll rocks. Among the best teen films ever made, Richard Linklater’s Dazed and Confused eavesdrops on a group of seniors-to-be and incoming freshmen. A launching pad for a number of future stars, Linklater’s first studio effort also features endlessly quotable dialogue and a blasting, stadium-ready soundtrack. Sidestepping nostalgia, Dazed and Confused is less about “the best years of our lives” than the boredom, angst, and excitement of teenagers waiting… for something to happen. Check out the trailer here.


– High-definition digital transfer of the director’s cut, supervised by director Richard Linklater and cinematographer Lee Daniel
– Dolby Digital and DTS 5.1 soundtracks
– Audio commentary by Linklater
– Making Dazed, a fifty-minute documentary by Kahane Corn
– Rare on-set interviews and behind-the-scenes footage
– Footage from the ten-year anniversary celebration
– Audition footage and deleted Scenes
– Original theatrical trailer
– A booklet featuring essays by Kent Jones, Jim DeRogatis, and Chuck Klosterman; memories of the film from the cast and crew; character profiles; and the original film poster by Frank Kozik

Posted in DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Other Notable Titles |

Kuroneko Blu-ray/DVD (Criterion)

Kuroneko Blu-ray/DVD (Criterion)

Kuroneko Blu-ray/DVD (Criterion)

RELEASE DATE: October 18, 2011

In this poetic and atmospheric horror fable, set in a village in war-torn medieval Japan, a malevolent spirit has been ripping out the throats of itinerant samurai. When a military hero is sent to dispatch the unseen force, he finds that he must struggle with his own personal demons as well. From Kaneto Shindo, director of the terror classic Onibaba, Kuroneko (Black Cat) is a spectacularly eerie twilight tale with a shocking feminist angle, evoked through ghostly special effects and exquisite cinematography. Check out the trailer here.

– New high-definition digital restoration (with uncompressed monaural soundtrack on the
Blu-ray edition)
– Video interview with director Kaneto Shindo from the Directors Guild of Japan
– New video interview with critic Tadao Sato
– Theatrical trailer
– New and improved English subtitle translation
– PLUS: A booklet featuring an essay by film critic Maitland McDonagh and an excerpt
from film scholar Joan Mellen’s 1972 interview with Shindo

Posted in Asian Titles, DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Martial Arts Titles |

Harakiri Blu-ray (Criterion)

Harakiri Blu-ray (Criterion)

Harakiri Blu-ray (Criterion)

RELEASE DATE: October 4, 2011

Following the collapse of his clan, an unemployed samurai (Tatsuya Nakadai) arrives at the manor of Lord Iyi, begging to be allowed to commit ritual suicide on the property. Iyi’s clansmen, believing the desperate ronin is merely angling for a new position, try to force his hand and get him to eviscerate himself—but they have underestimated his beliefs and his personal brand of honor. Winner of the 1963 Cannes Film Festival’s Special Jury Prize, Harakiri, directed by Masaki Kobayashi is a fierce evocation of individual agency in the face of a corrupt and hypocritical system. Check out the trailer here.

Posted in Asian Titles, DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Martial Arts Titles |

Aftershock DVD (New Video Group)

Aftershock DVD (New Video Group)

Aftershock DVD (New Video Group)

RELEASE DATE: October 18, 2011

Also known as “Tangshan Great Earthquake” is a 2010 Chinese drama film depicting the aftermath of the 1976 Tangshan earthquake directed by Feng Xiaogang. The film stars Xu Fan and Zhang Jingchu, with a supporting cast including Li Chen. It was released in China on July 22, 2010, and is the first “big commercial film” IMAX film created outside the US. Check out the trailer here.

Posted in Asian Titles, DVD/Blu-ray New Releases |

Netflix does an asshole move: 60% price increase



Netflix was awesome 24 hours ago.

I was currently paying $9.99 a month for a plan that included Unlimited Streaming and Unlimited DVDs (1 out at-a-time). Now, starting September 1st, if I want to continue, it’ll be $15.98 instead of $9.99. They call this inscrease a “split into 2 distinct plans,” I call it an asshole move. Check out the email they’ve been sending to all their members:

Dear Mighty Peking Man,

We are separating unlimited DVDs by mail and unlimited streaming into two separate plans to better reflect the costs of each. Now our members have a choice: a streaming only plan, a DVD only plan, or both.

Your current $9.99 a month membership for unlimited streaming and unlimited DVDs will be split into 2 distinct plans:

Plan 1: Unlimited Streaming (no DVDs) for $7.99 a month
Plan 2: Unlimited DVDs, 1 out at-a-time (no streaming) for $7.99 a month

Your price for getting both of these plans will be $15.98 a month ($7.99 + $7.99). You don’t need to do anything to continue your memberships for both unlimited streaming and unlimited DVDs.

These prices will start for charges on or after September 1, 2011.

You can easily change or cancel your unlimited streaming plan, unlimited DVD plan, or both, by going to the Plan Change page in Your Account.

We realize you have many choices for home entertainment, and we thank you for your business. As always, if you have questions, please feel free to call us at 1-888-357-1516.

–The Netflix Team

Well, f–k you, too.

Even though I’m not happy about the increase, I still prefer Netflix’s $15.98 fee a month compared to a trip to whatever is left of the Blockbuster Video Chain (a couple of visits to this place can easily equal $18) or even the hassle of a Redbox (I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t want to rent something for a buck knowing I have to stop by a grocery store the next day to return it; and don’t get me started on the person in front of me taking their sweet time, browsing titles, WHILE on their cell phone).

Or maybe I should cancel my 1 out at-a-time DVD option and just keep my Netflix streaming plan for $7.99 a month. But I gotta be honest: I get sick of Michael Paré’s face and the so-called “visually striking” movies that never seem to change.

I have to admit, seeing movies like “I Saw The Devil,” “Copland” and “Straight Time” (in HD) on Netflix streaming always puts a smile on my face.

Either way, Netflix is still an asshole.

Update: Netflix speaks out.

Posted in News |

Scorsese’s George Harrison documentary on HBO

Something about the way his guitar weeps...

Something about the way his guitar weeps...

Paste Magazine reports: After acquiring the North American television rights to Martin Scorsese’s George Harrison: Living in the Material World, HBO will air the documentary in October.

The film will give viewers a rare glimpse to the world of this much-beloved musician. The Oscar-winning director traces Harrison’s life from his Liverpool origins and through his journey as one of the world’s most influential musicians. The documentary combines never-before-seen footage with interviews with the former Beatle, performances, home movies and photographs.

Read full article here. – Thanks to Tony F. for the heads up

Posted in News |

Princess Madam | aka Under Police Protection (1989) Review

"Princess Madam" Chinese Theatrical Poster

“Princess Madam” Chinese Theatrical Poster

Director: Godfrey Ho
Cast: Sharon Yeung, Moon Lee, Michiko Nishiwaki, Anthony Tang, Liu Kai Chi, Yueh Hua, Kenneth Tsang, Cheng Yuen Man, Mark Houghton, Steve Tartalia, James Ha Chim Si, John Ladalski, Lau Shung Fung, Lee Chun Hwa
Running Time: 92 min.

By Brmanuk

Directed by the king of cut-and-paste Godfrey Ho, ‘girls and guns’ flick Princess Madam is actually one of the director’s better efforts. When a secretary agrees to testify in court against a semi-retired Triad boss, two cops, Moon (Moon Lee) and Lisa (Sharon Yeung), are ordered to protect her from being assassinated. When Moon kills a would-be assassin, his girlfriend (played by Michiko Nishiwaki) vows revenge. Matters are complicated further when Lisa’s stepfather, an accomplice of the Triad boss under investigation, is ordered to sever all ties with his stepdaughter. Add in a plot twist and you have a decent narrative which unfortunately becomes muddled due to shoddy editing.

The problem, it seems, is that Godfrey Ho couldn’t decide which plot line to focus on, and as such, Princess Madam meanders between numerous sub-plots before dropping most of them almost all-together. The film eventually finds its focus about half-way through and concentrates on Sharon Yeung’s character, Lisa, who is torn between upholding the law and honouring her stepfather. Yeung brings some surprising depth to her character and, along with Moon Lee, provides some decent, if slightly generic action sequences. With the presence of Moon Lee, Michiko Nishiwaki and Sharon Yeung, one would have expected the action scenes to have been better than they are. Whilst they are entertaining they certainly don’t break new ground, and the film has a tendency to rely a little too heavily on poorly choreographed shootouts.

Although the film appears to have been made very cheaply and, judging by the muddled editing, very quickly, Princess Madam is a fun flick which keeps a steady pace and never becomes boring. It’s just a shame that Godfrey Ho didn’t hire a better editor.

Brmanuk’s Rating: 6/10

Posted in Chinese, Reviews | Tagged , , , , , , , , , |

Hobo with a Shotgun (2011) Review

"Hobo with a Shotgun" International Theatrical Poster

“Hobo with a Shotgun” International Theatrical Poster

Director: Jason Eisener
Writer: John Davies
Cast: Rutger Hauer, Gregory Smith, Molly Dunsworth, Brian Downey, Robb Wells, Nick Bateman, Peter Simas, Jeremy Akerman
Running Time: 86 min.

By HKFanatic

One thing you can’t accuse “Hobo With a Shotgun” of is false advertising. No matter what happens during its unrated, 86-minute runtime, you will witness a shotgun-wielding hobo. The film’s content may shock and appall the religious right or anyone with a weak stomach, but if you pulled up your lawnchair to watch Rutger Hauer blast people to bits with a pump-action shotgun then you will get what you came for.

Beyond that, I can’t really say if this film met my expectations or not. This is basically a Troma movie like “The Toxic Avenger” except with Rutger Hauer in the lead role. It’s got that sadistic streak to its funnybone, maybe a bit like the original “Death Race 2000,” that involves homeless people and children slaughtered for pure shock value. I suppose what “Hobo With a Shotgun” is missing is the sense of fun inherent in those films. Instead this just felt mean-spirited and depraved for the hell of it.

The gore is plentiful and holds nothing back, like Takashi Miike in his direct-to-video days. The script is a series of brain-dead one-liners and sexually explicit dialogue, like “I just love the smell of your asshole” and “The only thing I’m gonna let slide, is my dick and your pussy.” Most of the characters act in a hyper-exaggerated, cartoon sort of way, like Biff from “Back to the Future” on steroids.

In other words, I get the feeling that this movie might have been unwatchable without Rutger Hauer. But he’s in it and he’s so damn good. Where else are you going to see the man given some decent monologues to deliver at his age? I’m not sure if he’s acting broken-down and weary because he’s getting in to his hobo character or because he has to be in a movie like this, but whenever he’s onscreen you can’t take your eyes off him. He plays the whole movie straight, without a trace of irony or winking at the camera, and even manages to sell all of his corny, hobo-related one-liners (“I’m gonna sleep in your bloody carcasses tonight!”).

I agree with Ningen’s critique that his voice is kind of low and hard to hear at times, which might be the result of bad mic-ing, but if you can hear him Rutger manages to take mundane dialogue and make it seem like poetry. From “Blade Runner” to “The Hitcher” to now, the man just has this otherworldly quality that makes him immensely watchable. It’s damn good to have him back even if he’s stuck in a rather thankless role in a “grindhouse” flick when he deserves something as meaty as a Colonel Hans Landa in “Inglorious Basterds.”

“Hobo Without a Shotgun” is not without its highlights. The score is frequently fantastic, with bubbling 80’s synthesizers and gated drums that will remind you of your favorite ratty VHS tapes. A pair of villains are introduced late in the film, known as The Plague, and they’re about as gleefully over the top as you could hope for in a flick like this. Dressed head to toe in a cross between medieval armor and bondage gear, they stalk the halls of a hospital and slaughter people in a highly efficient manner. Later on, a wall of portraits reveals their past executions and the list includes Jesus Christ, Joan of Arc, and the Easter Bunny. Word has it that writer/director/editor Jason Eisener is planning a spin-off film devoted exclusively to The Plague. Now that I would genuinely be interested in.

Maybe this sounds silly considering it’s called “Hobo With a Shotgun” but I think I was hoping for more more heart to this film. The movie presents a city so infested with murder, sexual torture, child molesters, and street gangs that it’s beyond redemption, and then plays everything for laughs – you have to wonder where the entertainment value is supposed to come from. Yeah, it’s great to see Rutger Hauer cleaning up the streets but here he’s clearly fighting a losing battle – against crime, and in trying to give a respectable performance in the film.

HKFanatic’s Rating: 6.5/10

By Ningen

Rutger Hauer plays a traveling bum who wanders into a really bad neighborhood which has degenerated into a community of people too desensitized or corrupt to clean it up. Hauer’s character is only really interested in owning a lawn mower, but is forced to buy a shotgun and rid the city of the criminal elements when they push him too far. But the only help he can count on is the support of a sympathetic prostitute named Abby. Does he have a chance against the kingpin, Drake?

Hobo with a Shotgun is clearly for people who grew up on 70s and 80s grindhouse tough-guy films in which the good and bad guys were clearly defined, but not as much as the gore. This director really knows his “testosterone-sploitation” flicks, as you can see homages to movies as varied as Ricki Oh (where both characters are forced to eat broken glass) and The Toxic Avenger. Hell, even the music is retro, with frequent 80s syth-inspired tracks playing in the background. Plus, they still shoot videos on VHS tapes and drive DeLoreans in this “world”.

However, Hobo is not as “R-rated friendly” as its predecessors, as it goes in directions with its violence which you won’t believe they’d allow. It’s not as gory as you think, though it does deliver in that area. Rather, it intentionally screws with your preconceived notions of who lives and dies in these types of movies.

As for Hauer himself, he’s likeable, but either his accent or the ADR hurt the delivery of his lines. The audio occasionally lacks in terms of balance. But that just makes me wonder if they weren’t intentionally going that way to remind people of older films on tape which did not have good recordings.

The action itself is brutal, but not so disgusting that you can’t keep your lunch down. Though your mileage may vary on violent content. The main villains could use more work in terms of standing out better, but the actors do a good enough job of making you despise their characters. The story’s short and simple, so people tired of having to sit through “action” movies padded out at 2-3 hours with only about 15 minutes of actual combat will be overjoyed at being remembered again. I’d say the only thing the film lacks is the cheap and gratuitous sexual thrills which made these things a staple of the b-movie circuit. I know seeing “Grandpa” Rutger score would turn off a lot of people, but at least they can give us some non-Hobo softcore porn.

Still, all in all, Hobo’s a great reminder of what action movies used to be like before they became focused on pointless details like characterization: Gritty, not afraid to pull punches, and dealing with situations outside of the Internet. It won’t win any Oscars, but it does serve its purpose.

Ningen’s Rating: “Holy shit, they did not just go there!” moments: 10/10 Actual fights: 8/10 Memorable baddass ranking: 7.5/10 Overall satisfaction: 8/10

Posted in All, Other Movies, Reviews | Tagged |

G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009) Review

"G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra" Korean Theatrical Poster

“G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra” Korean Theatrical Poster

Director: Stephen Sommers
Cast: Channing Tatum, Sienna Miller, Christopher Eccleston, Karolina Kurkova, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Rachel Nichols, Marlon Wayans, Ray Park, Lee Byung-hun, Dennis Quaid, Jonathan Pryce, Gerald Okamura
Running Time: 118 min.

By JJ Hatfield

The overall response to the newest “first” chapter of the “Joe” world seems to be mostly positive. In other words from the studio to the Hasbro company cranking out new and improved “Joe” items, everyone is happy making money.

Perhaps I am too jaded and seen too many movies marketing but it seemed to me the only reason to make this movie was for a quickie cashcise (a new word for greedy franchises). However I dispensed with pre-determined judgments and watched the movie. With virtually no background in “G.I. Joe” I was not certain who belonged in that world and who did not and had to wait until the movie begins to fill in the huge craters of a plot.

The plot is only one of the problems in Joe land. Channing Tatum is “Duke” who is recruited to be in the special “Joe” unit. They must have needed him to shore up a set. His wooden performance could be confused with an inanimate object except for when he is screaming or lamely tossing out one liners. This guy can dance with or without clothes? Even knowing nothing about Joe Land I immediately was confused by Snake Eyes and his ridiculous looking upper body with abs and a good physique literally built right into the suit he was forced to wear. Apparently the studio thought it looked ridiculous as well but it’s hard to believe they agreed to the silly costume. The director audio commentary stated that “they tried to shoot around the suit, or hide it behind something”.

The only real type sort of martial arts is when Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow meet. In one of the very few scenes I liked was a bit of back story behind Snake Eyes and Storm Shadows relationship and partially at least why they loathe each other.

Lee Byung-hun plays Storm Shadow but he isn’t given much to work with but demonstrates he can perform in English speaking movies. To see some of his work check out “A Bittersweet Life”. As for Snake Eyes (Ray Park) how could you possibly tell if he can act or not? He doesn’t speak and that gawd awful suit – it could be anyone in there! The Big Guy in all of this is “Joe” General (Dennis Quaid) who barks one liners and pep talks so old they turned to dust as he says them.

One aspect I didn’t understand was why there was not more about the COBRA importance. It’s not just an evil group name and they do use cobra venom, etc., but it just isn’t discussed.

There are side stories about the main characters, I can’t even call them sub plots that are thinly sketched with no substance. Another problem is having a connection between a “Joe” and the evil Baroness. Apparently Duke needs her later as he cannot fly and fire at the same time. (insert your own joke) The special effects were just not special and in some cases made the scene look completely unreal. Taken all together I cannot go any higher than 5.5. However after talking with a number of mostly men who had fond memories of “Joe” and it was a kick to see it again for them I decided to add a half point for true fans.

JJ Hatfield’s Rating: 6/10

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Dead Alive aka Braindead Blu-ray (Lionsgate)

Dead Alive aka Braindead Blu-ray (Lionsgate)

Dead Alive aka Braindead Blu-ray (Lionsgate)

RELEASE DATE: October 4, 2011

Throw out all your preconceptions about the limits of horror! A new standard has been set with DEAD ALIVE- The Mother of All Horror Films. A young man’s mother is bitten by a Sumatran rat-monkey. She gets sick and dies, at which time she comes back to life, killing and eating dogs, nurses, friends, and neighbors. Dead Alive is dripping with state-of-the-art special effects that feature mutilations, rock ‘n’ roll dismemberments and household appliances, combining into the most bizarre ending ever filmed. Directed by Peter Jackson (“Lord of the Rings Saga”) and starring Timothy Balme, Diana Penalver, Elizabeth Moody and Ian Watkin. Check out the trailer here.

Posted in DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Other Notable Titles |

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind Blu-ray (Lionsgate)

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind Blu-ray (Lionsgate)

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind Blu-ray (Lionsgate)

RELEASE DATE: November 1, 2011

Another underrated gem! George Clooney (Ocean’s Eleven), Drew Barrymore (Charlie’s Angels:Full Throttle) and Sam Rockwell (The Green Mile) star in the comedy thriller that poses and irresistable question: what would happen if a wildly successful TV Producer was also a top secret CIA assassin? Starring Sam Rockewell, Drew Barrymore, George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Rutger Hauer and directed by George Clooney. Check out the trailer here. Trailer does this movie no justice.

Specs: No. of Discs: 1, Screen Format: WideScreen, Language/Subtitles: English, English Subtitles, Spanish Subtitles, Audio: 5.1 DTS-HD MA, Rating: R, Run Time: 121, UPC: 03139814569180

Extras: Audio commentary / Deleted scenes / “The Real Chuck Barris” documentary / Sam Rockwell’s original screen test

Posted in DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Other Notable Titles |

Cop Land aka Copland Blu-ray (Lionsgate)

Cop Land aka Copland Blu-ray (Lionsgate)

Cop Land aka Copland Blu-ray (Lionsgate)

STREET DATE: November 1, 2011

Very underrated movie! One of the best of the 90s! The sheriff of a suburban New Jersey community populated by New York City policeman slowly discovers the town is a front for mob connections and corruption. Directed by James Mangold (“3:10 to Yuma”) and starring Sylvester Stallone, Robert De Niro, Harvey Keitel, Ray Liotta, Michael Rapaport and Robert Patrick. Check out the trailer.

Specs: No. of Discs: 1 Unique Dimension: MMX, Screen Format: WideScreen, Language/Subtitles: English, English Subtitles, Spanish Subtitles, Audio: 5.1 DTS-HD MA, Rating: R, Run Time: 121, UPC: 03139814570780

Extras: Extended cut of the film with ten additional minutes of previously cut footage / Deleted scenes / Audio commentary / “Making of” featurette / Storyboard comparison

Posted in DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Other Notable Titles |

Tragic Hero | aka Rich and Famous II (1987) Review

"Tragic Hero" Japanese Theatrical Poster

“Tragic Hero” Japanese Theatrical Poster

Director: Taylor Wong, David Lai
Cast: Chow Yun Fat, Andy Lau, Alex Man Chi Leung, Carina Lau, Shing Fui On, Pauline Wong Siu Fung, Lam Chung, Peter Yang, Elvis Tsui Kam Kong, O Chun Hung, Danny Lee, Ng Hoi Tin, Ng Hong Ning, Wong Chi Keung
Running Time: 97 min.

By Joseph Kuby

Succeedingly Surprising! This is the sequel to Rich and Famous, even though it apparently was filmed simultaneously; it was released first because of Chow Yun Fat’s box office power (Chow has more screen time here). It was also released first because it was seen as the most commercial out of the two due to the action content. The gambit/gamble paid off allowing the films to make money to score hits if not ones as big as A Better Tomorrow.

Going by the original trailer to Rich and Famous, I suspect they’re both cut so I suppose any further criticisms about missing development, of plot or character, would be moot.

This film really caught me off guard as people, you don’t expect to die, die… and unexpectedly too (i.e. when and how they did). Also, it really is touching as the drama is affectionate and more sincere than its predecessor, Rich and Famous. This could be because the emphasis is on people wanting to mature and move away from their past lifestyles. The poignancy is really moving and heartfelt, which is reflected by (or even because of) the soundtrack.

The music seems to have been inspired if not lifted from Once Upon A Time In America. There’s sections of this score that really transcends the usual keyboard/plagiaristic standard of Hong Kong movies and it’s this quality which makes it comparable to international movies, it helps to give the film a timeless feel and more than makes up for any emotional resonance lacking in the previous installment.

Considering the comparisons to Once Upon A Time In America, I’m surprised the filmmakers never called it Once Upon A Time In China (a title more appropriate for this film than Tsui Hark’s Kung Fu epic centered around Chinese folk hero Wong Fei Hung).

What I’ve always liked about this film was the way it foreshadows the relationships in future (and greater) gunplay classics of Hong Kong cinema. We have a similar dynamic in this film between Chow Yun Fat and Danny Lee which foreshadows John Woo’s The Killer and one between Chow and Andy which foreshadows the great pairing of the two in God Of Gamblers. Good omens in a slightly less-than-stellar film such as this always makes for an intriguing and interesting experience.

The finale is very exciting if not done in the same excessive and surreally captivating manner as the final mansion shootout in A Better Tomorrow 2… although there’s rocket launchers. Any finale which manages to top the sheer actionated (action-oriented) excess of Scarface’s finale is still worth watching.

Watching this movie is proof as to why John agreed to make A Better Tomorrow 2. When he made the first film, he was really making a moralistic movie set within the context of contemporary society (i.e. a modern moral fable – like how George Lucas intended Star Wars to be a space-set moral fable) but the vivid aesthetics of the first film meant that Woo’s message was drowned under levels of hipness and violence (at least in the eyes of the audience if not for what the film actually is). This meant he got criticized for glorifying the Triads (when he was really glorifying the human spirit) and for glamourizing violence (when he was conversely trying to show why we should stop it).

So, with A Better Tomorrow 2 he wanted to make a film that would be so big on guns and pyrotechnics that no-one would dare to follow up, hoping this would lead to people concentrating on things like character development that would in turn lead to better moral development in contemporary Hong Kong.

Unfortunately, it’s films like Tragic Hero that did the opposite. Tragic Hero and others had emphasized more on the cool violence with superficial nods to essential filmic qualities (with the odd exceptions) which only served to heighten the popularity of these films (particularly in overseas markets) that lead to martial arts moviemakers hating Woo for killing off the popularity of the martial arts movie (save for the films made by Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung).

Of course, the hi-octane criticism Woo was facing from all borders of the modicum-globe of Hong Kong was equal to the hi-octane action in his movies (Hard Boiled didn’t exactly curtail critics accusing Woo of moral pretentions and exploitative material), which ended in his film career in Hong Kong vapourizing (save for a production credit of Chow’s Peace Hotel) and his move to Hollywood in itself, a beginning of the end.

Back to Tragic Hero, the finale surely is the inspiration for Woo’s A Better Tomorrow sequel as lots of henchmen get knocked down (though with not the same level of body-count, blood and dark humour) and there’s lot of weaponry (especially of the war movie caliber). It’s a shame it’s not as long as Woo’s high-powered finale. Just the sheer star-power is exciting alone – Chow Yun Fat and Andy Lau teaming up to bring down the mob!

Alex Mann is probably the best Triad villain I’ve ever seen in a film. His transformation from lovable if mislead protagonist to downrotten, despicable and detestable antagonist rivals the transformation of Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader seen in the Star Wars saga. The only real problem with this film is it’s portrayal of violence e.g. how people survive multiple gunshot wounds. Like its predecessor Rich & Famous, there is another assassination sequence which is even more over the top than anything remotely unreal in the previous outing.

Also, when a group of people are caught in an internal (indoors) explosion their ‘corpses’ are depicted as slightly dusty (including the face) without any real burns, scars or even blood which really ruins the credibility when later on in the film someone says that their bodies were burned beyond identification.

However, this is better than the first film and the production values of this film (and the first one) feel like what Tsui Hark would have made if he hadn’t used the box office receipts of A Better Tomorrow to film A Better Tomorrow 2 – they’re that lavish and polished!

Joseph Kuby’s Rating: 7.5/10

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