THE MOVIE: A live-action adaptation of Uncharted, a popular video game series developed by Naughty Dog and Sony, is in development. Uncharted follows modern-day treasure hunter Nathan “Nate” Drake who travels around the world to uncover various historical mysteries and action packed adventures.
Updates: David O. Russel (Three Kings) dropped out of the planned movie adaptation of the action-adventure game series. In the meantime, Sony is currently bringing in a new writer for the project. Details on the “creative differences” can be found here.
AICN notes that Limitless’ Neil Burger is now attached to adapt Uncharted. | Dark Horizons posted an excerpt from Craveonline on Burger’s approach to the film. | On a related note, Gamespot has details on a promotional deal in which you can play the third game early at select AMC theaters.
BREAKING NEWS: Collider reports that director Seth Gordon (Horrible Bosses, King of Kong) is in negotiations to helm Uncharted.
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