Showdown at the Cotton Mill (1978) Review

"Showdown at the Cotton Mill" DVD Cover

“Showdown at the Cotton Mill” DVD Cover

Director: Wu Ma
Cast: Chi Kuan Chun, Dorian Tan Tao Liang, Tong Siu Man, Lee Keung, Fai Wan, Cheung Paang, Chang Chi Ping, Chan Sam Lam, Cheng Sai Gang, Hoh Gong
Running Time: 84 min.

By Ian Whittle

Originally planned as a Chang Cheh production, part of his Chang’s Film Co productions for Shaws, this ended up becoming orphaned when the company collapsed. It’s the third version of the story of Shaolin hero Hu Huei-Chien to be produced by Chang and to star Chi Kuan-Chun, but at least here he is the star, rather than being ignored in favour of Fu Sheng. And since he’s directed by Wu Ma rather than Chang Cheh, Chi is rather better at acting here, as Chang would often direct him by saying “Expression 5!” (that’s Chi’s excuse anyway!)

The film gets off to a dynamic start, with Hu avenging his father’s murder, and beating the life out of Shan Mao (an actor who sadly was dead from a real life fight by the time of the film’s release). The choreography is very effective, retaining the styles Continue reading

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How to Protect Yourself at All Times: A Guide

How to Protect Yourself at All Times: A Guide

How to Protect Yourself at All Times: A Guide

There were over 16,000 murders in 2018. The good news is that this is a small number for a nation of over 300 million people.

As a general rule, crime rates have been dropping since the early 1990’s. Still, somebody makes up the statistics, so it’s important to protect yourself at all times.

It probably seems that crime is always going to happen when we’re least prepared. However, that’s not always the case. Sometimes, things go right and a crime is stopped before there are any serious consequences.

That doesn’t always happen, though, so you need to be prepared.

We’ll talk about how to protect yourself in the next few paragraphs.

1. Pay Attention to Your Surroundings

What do snakes, cats, crocodiles, and violent criminals all have in common? The answer is that they’re all ambush predators. Their entire strategy revolves around their prey not knowing it’s in danger.

It’s important to look around. Take note of where you are and what’s going on there.

If you see or hear something you don’t trust, try to avoid it. If you encounter a person you don’t trust, avoid them.

Finally, trust your instincts. Sometimes, the feeling you get that something bad might happen is right. It’s one of those weird perks of evolution that we’ve never quite been able to explain.

2. Defensive Tools

Sometimes, trying to avoid danger doesn’t work. Something doesn’t go right, and you end up in a situation you’d rather not be in.

The good news is that there are ways to stay safe even when an assault is in progress. One way is to carry a personal defensive tool.

Many people hear the term ‘personal defensive tool’ or even ‘self-defense’ and think ‘gun.’ While that is one potential option, it’s not the only one. There are ways to stay safe even if you’re not comfortable with guns.

One of them is pepper spray. People sometimes worry about the legality of pepper spray, but it’s legal in all parts of the US. The only rules are that you have to be 18 to buy it, you can’t have any felonies on your record, and it needs to be pocket-sized.

3. Don’t Show Fear

The truth is that we’re going to be afraid when we’re in danger. It’s a natural reaction most creatures have developed to keep them alive.

It’s also something your attacker is looking for. If they can make you afraid, they can take control. In many cases, they’re just as afraid as you are.

Protect Yourself at All Times, Preparing and Responding to Danger

It’s important to protect yourself at all times in this scary world of ours. The good news is that there’s no shortage of ways to do so.

We’ve offered some of our favorite tips in this article, but there are plenty of others. It may be best to do more research on your own to make sure you’re truly safe.

If you’re into Asian cinema and want information on the industry and what’s coming up please visit our site.

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5 Incredible Uses of Film Lighting

5 Incredible Uses of Film Lighting

5 Incredible Uses of Film Lighting

Did you know that New Jersey was actually one of the origins of the film industry? Yes, “Lights, camera, action!” all began in Jersy.

Speaking of which, in that famous phrase, what comes first? Lights!

Film lighting plays a huge role in creating the final product of a movie. Often one of the integral parts of cinematography, the way that a movie is lit will influence the tone of each scene for its viewers.

Let’s dive into five of the best lit movies of all time to understand how film lighting can really make a movie incredible.

1. Citizen Kane

Citizen Kane always seems like a movie beast for several reasons. It was released all the way back in 1941 and has stood the test of time thanks to its story, acting, and release sensationalism.

The lighting in the movie is a brilliant combination of film and natural light where the silhouette of Kane’s character impacts his whole being.

2. The Dark Knight 

The Dark Knight seems like an ironic title for a movie with great lighting, but your eyes are not deceiving you!

The Dark Knight uses lighting through shadows to display mood but also manages to make “light” in a dark room without using too much light. That takes so much skill and craft in the movie industry, where a big, high bay LED is needed just to make a room look normally lit in some cases.

3. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a movie that really embodies the use of light as a tool.

The lighting in this film really helps the reader understand the difference between reality and memory and all of the funky moments in-between as the characters race through the complicated cycle. In a way, the lighting is its own character!

4. Apocalypse Now

The rollercoaster that is Apocalypse Now is also a great example of well-done film lighting.

Apocalypse Now uses lighting that compliments or accentuates the colors in the film perfectly, with an emphasis on natural lighting. Often, the movie is warmed and intensified because of the glow of a fire’s light.

5. Drive

Finally, one of the hands-down best examples of a well-lit movie is Drive.

The lighting in this movie so expertly expresses emotion and character in its combination with the colors present. If you take time to carefully watch Drive, you’ll notice the way that the lighting singles out Gosling’s character’s emotions.

The contrast between warm and cool colors using light is so specific it hurts!

Film Lighting Fiesta

What was your favorite movie on the list? Or do you now have to load up your watch queue?

Now you’ve got some solid examples of movies with incredible film lighting to talk about with your local film snob or just to enjoy on your own if you are the film snob in question (no shame!)

If you liked this post, be sure to check out some of our others and to come back again soon for more content.

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What Is Full Spectrum CBD and Why Does It Matter?

What Is Full Spectrum CBD and Why Does It Matter?

What Is Full Spectrum CBD and Why Does It Matter?

Buying CBD products shouldn’t be a struggle. You expect to walk into the store and pick up the first bottle you see, but it’s not that easy. You’ll soon find yourself presented with a number of options including full spectrum CBD, broad spectrum CBD, and isolate.

What does any of that even mean?

Let’s take a closer look.

What Is Full Spectrum CBD?

A lot of people assume that full spectrum CBD is the way to go thanks to the word “full,” and in a way they’re right. However, full spectrum may not be right for everyone.

Full spectrum CBD refers to any CBD product that contains natural cannabinoids and terpenes beyond CBD. This includes trace amounts of THC, however, the THC percentage usually has to fall under 0.3%. Cannabinoids that may be present in full spectrum CBD products include but aren’t limited to:

  • CBG (purported anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor properties, glaucoma relief)
  • CBN (purported sedative, anti-inflammatory, anti-seizure properties)
  • CBC (purported anti-depressant, anti-cancer properties)
  • CBDV (purported anti-nausea, anti-seizure, anti-inflammatory properties, pain relief, and mood booster)

These are just a select few of the hundreds of possible cannabinoids and terpenes that can be found in full spectrum CBD products. Each of these cannabinoids adds distinct benefits to the product overall, which stack on top of each other to make the CBD more effective. This is called the entourage effect, which we’ll explore in more detail below.

Why Use Full Spectrum CBD?

Many people consider full spectrum CBD to be the most natural way to take CBD.

Cannabinoids occur naturally within the cannabis plant. They offer a host of additional benefits to those of the CBD, including everything from inflammation reduction to cancer-inhibiting properties and pain relief benefits.

The way these cannabinoids mesh with the effects of the CBD is known as the entourage effect. The entourage effect describes how each unique cannabinoid profile enhances the effects of a given CBD product. In this way, full spectrum products aren’t just more natural than other products, they’re also more effective.

Will the THC Get Me High?

The presence of THC is the only detracting factor for many considering full spectrum CBD products.

THC is the psychoactive compound responsible for getting you high when you smoke marijuana. This obviously causes stress to those who want to take CBD without getting high. They worry that they’ll take some CBD and lose the ability to function properly throughout the rest of their day.

Fortunately, for something to be considered a CBD product rather than a marijuana product, it needs 0.3% CBD or under. This trace amount isn’t enough to get anyone high. In CBD products, THC works as more of a supplementary cannabinoid like the others present in full spectrum CBD oil.

THC has plenty of health benefits and is purported to help ease pain, conquer insomnia, and increase appetite among other things. This contributes to the overall entourage effect of a given CBD product. If you can get past the fear of getting high, these benefits add another reason to use full spectrum CBD tincture and products.

When Not to Use Full Spectrum CBD

The only real reason you should avoid using full spectrum CBD is if you’re in a situation where you can’t have THC in your system.

Many athletes, for example, undergo drug testing. While cannabis is legal in a lot of states now, it’s still not going to fly during drug testing a lot of the time. So, if you’re a drug-tested athlete, you may want to avoid full spectrum products.

This goes for anyone who regularly goes through drug tests, including those on certain types of parole, and those who work government jobs.

What About the Other Types of CBD Oil?

Beyond full spectrum CBD, there are two other common types of CBD products. To fully understand full spectrum CBD oil, it helps to know about the other two types, too. So, let’s go over each one.

Broad Spectrum CBD Oil

Broad spectrum CBD products contain all the same naturally occurring cannabinoids that full spectrum products do, minus the THC.

To do this, CBD producers will strip the THC from the oil during the production process. This ensures you’re still experiencing the entourage effect, just without one of its contributing factors. This is perfect for those who want an all-natural experience without the fear of THC entering their bodies.

You can learn more about full vs broad spectrum CBD here.

CBD Isolate

The other option you’re likely to see is CBD isolate.

CBD isolate is 100% CBD without any of the natural cannabinoids or terpenes. This takes the form of a white powder before being incorporated into an oil or tincture. You don’t get any of the entourage effect here — just pure CBD.

Some people prefer the effects of CBD isolate despite it being a less natural product. If you’re curious about it, there’s no harm in experimenting.

Finding the Best Full Spectrum CBD Products

Now that you know what full spectrum CBD is, it’s time to try it for yourself.

There’s no set “best” full spectrum CBD product. Like any other CBD product, the best way to find the one for you is through experimentation. Pick up a bottle of full spectrum CBD oil, read some reviews, and buy one that offers the benefits you’re looking for.

If you’re an isolate person, you may just love the difference that the entourage effect makes.

For more news, film reviews, and interviews, check out the rest of our blog.

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Choosing CBD For Life: How To Find Your End All CBD Product

Choosing CBD For Life: How To Find Your End All CBD Product

Choosing CBD For Life: How To Find Your End All CBD Product

If you’d like to live a more fulfilling life, look no further.

Most people suffer from things like anxiety and pain daily, making it difficult to get through the day without feeling down. While this is a problem that greatly affects people, it doesn’t have to last forever.

When someone is feeling down, they’ll try to seek a medication that will make them feel better. In most cases, these medications stop working after you use them a few times. This isn’t the case with CBD, which can be a powerful tool that will improve your life.

Keep on reading to learn why you should use CBD for life and how to choose a product.

What Is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a type of cannabinoid that comes from cannabis and hemp plants. It’s extracted in a liquid form and placed in various products that are used for health benefits. While cannabis does contain CBD, most of the commercial CBD is extracted from hemp plants.

One of the common misconceptions that people have is that CBD can get you “high.” However, the cannabinoid responsible for that is THC. Although THC is also found in cannabis, CBD doesn’t provide any mind-altering effects similar to THC. Instead, CBD provides most of the benefits that people get from using cannabis.

Benefits of CBD

The main reason why people use CBD is to reap the many health benefits that it provides. CBD is often used to treat those that have problems with sleeping, focusing, and pain.

Pain Relief

Many people suffer from pain, especially as they get older, due to infirmities like arthritis. This can be a hassle to deal with because you can get prescribed medication and it may not have a positive effect on you. Fortunately, CBD can drastically reduce the pain that one feels from arthritis and other health conditions.

Inflammation is one of the most common causes of pain and it can be difficult to deal with unless you use medication. You can use CBD for pain because it reduces inflammation in joints and other parts of the body, significantly reducing pain or getting rid of it altogether.

Stress Relief

Aside from pain, stress is another common issue that many people have. Similar to pain, stress can be caused by a variety of reasons. Whether you’re having a rough day at work or a major life event is affecting the way you think, stress will prevent you from being happy and getting things done.

Taking CBD can help you calm down and think through things rather than running in circles in your head. Those that are regularly stressed are often advised to take CBD daily as a measure to ease their symptoms.

Mental Clarity

When CBD relieves your pain and stress, you’ll find that you gain mental clarity because you’re able to focus on other things. Instead of being worried about something, you can figure out a solution. CBD essentially helps you realize that you shouldn’t be as worried about things as you usually are.


Using CBD for its many benefits will greatly improve your quality of life. One of its benefits that people often overlook is the fact that it can be used in many ways.

Because CBD is extracted in a liquid form, it can be placed in things like food, lotions, vape cartridges, and more. This gives you a plethora of options to choose from to make using CBD easier than ever. Whether you’re looking to use it as a daily supplement or whenever you’re feeling stressed, there’s an option for you.

Choosing a CBD Product

When it comes to choosing a CBD product that will suit your needs, you need to think about what you’re using it for. For example, those that want to use it as a daily supplement should opt for CBD pills. Those that want to relax after work can get a CBD beverage or use a vape.

Using something like a CBD quiz will make it easier to choose a product because you can describe what you’d like to use it for. You won’t be forced to use a specific product because all CBD products provide the same health benefits.

The only difference between all of the products is the way that you’ll take the CBD. You can eat, drink, vape, and apply CBD on your skin. Purchasing CBD oil will let you make edibles and mix it with drinks. You essentially need to think about which product will help you fit your lifestyle.

Although you can use any product, you should be aware that using CBD lotion may not relieve stress and pain. However, these lotions will make your skin healthier, so you can use them alongside other CBD products for a complete package.

Start looking into the many strains of CBD to see if there’s a specific one that interests you. From there, you can decide which products you’d like to use.

Start Using CBD for Life

You can use CBD for anxiety and pain whenever you’re feeling them, but it’s best to use CBD every day to improve your overall quality of life. Using CBD for life will make your day-to-day experiences better, letting you feel fulfilled. The only thing you’ll need to do is decide how you’ll use it.

We recommend you start with CBD edibles because they’re simple to use and you can use them as daily supplements. You should also look into using CBD oil for vape pens or to mix with other products.

Check out our other articles to learn more about CBD!

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New Green Hornet and Kato animated TV series in-the-works from ‘Clerks’ filmmaker Kevin Smith

"The Green Hornet" Japanese Poster

“The Green Hornet” Japanese Poster

The Green Hornet and Kato will once again be buzzin’ and kickin’ in a new Green Hornet animated TV series that’s currently in-development from Clerks filmmaker Kevin Smith and WildBrain production company.

Smith has long been a fan of the Green Hornet; in 2004, he was hired to write a feature film screenplay based on the character for Miramax. That project never materialized on screen – it was subsequently written by and starred Seth Rogen, directed by Michael Gondry and released in 2011 (via Deadline).

The Green Hornet originated as a radio show during the 1930s based on the vigilante Britt Reid character, owner/publisher of The Daily Sentinel. The 1966 TV series introduced Bruce Lee to the United States as Reid’s sidekick Kato. Seth Rogen, as Reid Continue reading

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American Fighter (2019) Review

"American Fighter' Theatrical Poster

“American Fighter’ Theatrical Poster

Director: Shaun Paul Piccinino
Cast: Tommy Flanagan, Sean Patrick Flanery, George Kosturos, Christina Moore, Allison Paige
Running Time: 98 min. 

By Martin Sandison

One of the prototype underground fighting films is Hard Times, Walter Hill’s testosterone-fuelled gritty classic with Charles Bronson as the man fallen on tough times who must fight to survive. American Fighter feels much closer to Hard Times than any other recent films in the same genre such as the Never Back Down series, and the characters are echoes across time of the ones that Bronson and Coburn immortalised. Where that film had a raw feel with a grimy 70’s aesthetic, American Fighter is pretty glossy and stylised, and draws influence from other stalwarts such as the original Karate Kid. The spin is that Continue reading

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Trailer for Season Two of Bruce Lee’s ‘Warrior’ arrives

"Warrior" Promotional Poster

“Warrior” Promotional Poster

Season Two of Cinemax’s Warrior, a 10-episode crime series based on unpublished writings by the late Bruce Lee, continues in October.

Warrior stars Andrew Koji (Finding Akira), Olivia Cheng (Marco Polo), Jason Tobin (Pound of Flesh), Dianne Doan (Descendants 2), Kieran Bew (Green Street Hooligans) and Dean Jagger (Game of Thrones).

The series follows Ah Sahm (Koji), a martial arts prodigy who immigrates from China to San Francisco under mysterious circumstances, and becomes a hatchet man for one of Chinatown’s most powerful tongs (Chinese organized crime family).

Other cast members include Joanna Vanderham (What Maisie Knew), Tom Weston-Jones (Copper), Hoon Lee Continue reading

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Deal on Fire! Shin Godzilla | Blu-ray | Only $5 – Expires soon!

Shin Godzilla | Blu-ray & DVD (Funimation)

Shin Godzilla | Blu-ray & DVD (Funimation)

Today’s Deal on Fire is the Blu-ray for Shin Godzilla (aka Godzilla: Resurgence), the recent Japanese reboot of the Godzilla franchise by Japan’s Toho Company.

It’s a peaceful day in Japan when a strange fountain of water erupts in the bay, causing panic to spread among government officials. At first, they suspect only volcanic activity, but one young executive dares to wonder if it may be something different… something alive. His worst nightmare comes to life when a massive, gilled monster emerges from the deep and begins tearing through the city, leaving nothing but destruction in its wake…

Shin Godzilla (read our review) is written and directed by Hideaki Anno (Cutie Honey, Evangelion: Death & Rebirth) and stars Hiroki Hasegawa (Attack on Titan), Yutaka Takenouchi Continue reading

Posted in Deals on Fire!, News |

The Black Dragon: New American Superstar | Blu-ray (Dark Force)

The Black Dragon: New American Superstar | Blu-ray (Dark Force)

The Black Dragon: New American Superstar | Blu-ray (Dark Force)


Later this year, Dark Force Entertainment is releasing the Blu-ray for Ron van Clief’s The Black Dragon (aka Tough Guy).

Made from the only known existing 35mm print with extensive scene by scene color correction, 1974’s The Black Dragon stars Ron van Clief (Fist of Fear, Touch of Death), Jason Pai Piao (Shaolin Prince), Tony Ferrer (Blind Rage), Thompson Kao Kang (The Black Dragon’s Revenge) and Philip Ko Fei (The Fists, the Kicks and the Evil).

Decent, simple, honest Chinese farmhand and ace martial artist Tai-Lin goes to the Philippines to seek his fortune. He befriends scruffy petty street hoodlum Siao-Mao and gets a job as a dock worker. When Tai-Lin discovers that the people he works Continue reading

Posted in Asian Titles, DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Martial Arts Titles, News |

Zeta: When the Dead Awaken (2019) Review

"Zeta: When the Dead Awaken" Theatrical Poster

“Zeta: When the Dead Awaken” Theatrical Poster

Director: Amanda Iswan
Writer: Amanda Iswan
Cast: Cut Mini, Dimas Aditya, Jeff Smith, Edo Borne, Joshua Pandelaki, Willem Bevers, Revaldo, Natasha Gott, Chicco Kurniawan, Atiq Rachman
Running Time: 94 min.

By Paul Bramhall

Indonesia may have put itself on the map over the last decade thanks to its martial arts offerings, with the likes of The Raid and its sequel making an impact on action movie fans across the world, however the country has also left a distinct impression with its horror output. The likes of the Mo Brothers Macabre and May the Devil Take You (and its sequel – both helmed by Timo Tjahjanto), and Joko Anwar’s Impetigore and remake of Satan’s Slaves, haven’t shied away from getting bloody, resulting in some of the most original horror in recent years. Of course, Indonesia has also had a tendency to cast Japanese AV stars in their horror flicks, who can forget Maria Ozawa in Carriage Ghost, or Sasha Grey Continue reading

Posted in All, Indonesian, News, Reviews |

How Does Debt Consolidation Work Exactly?

How Does Debt Consolidation Work Exactly?

How Does Debt Consolidation Work Exactly?

Aside from mortgage debt, the average American adult has around $38,000 in debt. That might seem like a lot of money to owe, or it might not seem like much – depending on the amount you owe.

If you owe a lot of money and feel like you could use some help paying it off, you could consider debt consolidation.

Many people know about this option, yet most wonder, “how does debt consolidation work?”

Learning more about this process can help you know if it’s the right option for your debt load, so here are some details about how it works.

There Are Two Main Methods

When consolidating debt, you can use one of several methods. Most people use one of two methods, though.

The first debt consolidation method requires getting a loan for the total debt you owe. You borrow the money from a lender through a personal loan or a similar type, and you use the proceeds to pay off your debt.

The second method involves hiring a debt consolidation company. The company you hire creates a plan for your debt. You pay a monthly amount to the company, and they pay your debts.

Both Focus on the Same Goals

When you use any type of bill consolidation program, including the two mentioned above, they have the same goals. Here are the goals of all debt consolidation programs:

  • To offer one monthly payment that covers all your debts
  • To save money on interest for the debt
  • To have a plan with an end date

When you consolidate debt through a program, it should have these goals. If you want to compare several programs before choosing one, you can compare them with these features.

For example, you can compare the monthly payment amounts for each program. You can also compare the number of months each program takes.

Comparing the programs provides a way to find a plan with the lowest amount of money and the shortest duration.

Some Programs Include Debt Settlement Strategies

Additionally, you might find that some companies include debt settlement strategies in their plans. When this occurs, you might pay less in all for your debt.

When you settle a debt, you work out a deal with your creditor to satisfy the debt with a lower amount than what you owe.

Every company that offers debt consolidation services is unique in some ways, and you should always research a company before hiring them for help.

If you are wondering why it matters, research it, and you’ll find out. Some companies do not provide effective services, while others do. You’ll want to find the most effective plan, as it will benefit you more.

How Does Debt Consolidation Work? Learn More Before You Use It

Living with debt might cause stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also hinder you from achieving goals, such as buying a house.

Are you still wondering, “how does debt consolidation work?” If so, research your options. You can also check our blog for more helpful tips to find a way out of debt.

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Trailer for ‘Jay Sebring…. Cutting to the Truth’ puts a legend in the forefront of the Manson murders

"Jay Sebring.... Cutting to the Truth" Theatrical Poster

“Jay Sebring…. Cutting to the Truth” Theatrical Poster

On September 22, 2020, Shout! Studios is set to release Jay Sebring Cutting the Truth, a new documentary feature directed by Anthony DiMaria.

This fascinating, in-depth look at the legacy of revolutionary sixties Hollywood trendsetter Jay Sebring follows his meteoric rise as a cultural icon and his untimely murder at the hands of the Manson family.

Filmmakers Johnny Bishop (producer/editor) and Sebring nephew Anthony DiMaria (director/producer) embarked on a 12-year quest to decipher the facts. Among those interviewed in the documentary include Dennis Hopper, Nancy Sinatra, Quentin Tarantino, Quincy Jones, Robert Wagner, Linda Lee (Bruce Lee’s wife), Paul Anka, Andy Williams, Vidal Sassoon, Max Baer Jr., Vanity Fair’s Dominick Dunne, Fred Segal, Barbara Luna Continue reading

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Indonesian zombie thriller ‘Zeta’ raids Amazon…

"Zeta: When the Dead Awaken" Theatrical Poster

“Zeta: When the Dead Awaken” Theatrical Poster

An Indonesian zombie thriller titled Zeta: When the Dead Awaken (read our review), is currently invading the U.S., by way of Amazon Prime. The film marks the debut of  filmmaker Amanda Iswan and stars Cut Mini (Two Blue Stripes), Dimas Aditya (Dear Love) and Jeff Smith (4 Mantan).

Zeta: When the Dead Awaken tells the story about a Deon, a student in Jakarta, Indonesia who witnesses a strange incident at his school when a friend bites a nurse’s neck and becomes a raging cannibalistic flesh eater. Suddenly, he realizes the entire city has become ravaged by a zombie apocalypse caused by an amoeba Naegleria-Zeta parasite. Deon, along with his mother Isma, who is suffering early signs of Alzheimer’s, are forced to quarantine in their sky rise apartment and eventually team up with a rebel gang to get the best combat strategies against the zombie horde.

According to FCS, Zeta: When the Dead Awaken is Continue reading

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7 Must-Have Supplies for Your First Hunting Trip

7 Must-Have Supplies for Your First Hunting Trip

7 Must-Have Supplies for Your First Hunting Trip

Are you looking to get kitted out for your first hunting trip? Well, you’re not the only one! The average hunter spends around $2,500 on hunting equipment every year.

For good reason too.

After all, you’re out in the wild for extended periods of time. You cover large distances over an array of terrain, in all kinds of weather. You’re stalking potential prey and handling lethal weapons the entire time.

It’s imperative that you have the right gear to facilitate a safe, comfortable, and effective hunt.

The tricky bit for a newbie, though, is knowing what you actually need! Want some help deciding what to take? You’re in the right place.

Keep reading to learn about 7 key pieces of kit for your first time hunting.

1. Weapon of Choice

Having a weapon is what separates hunters from hikers. You’re not just heading out into the great outdoors for a casual jaunt! You’re there to catch and kill your dinner.

Generally speaking, your choice of weapon will be between a bow and a rifle.

Rifle hunting’s the simpler, cheaper, and more popular option- especially for newbies. You can take down big game from a distance, with less physical effort to boot.

Using a bow takes far more time to master. You have to get closer to your prey (think 40 yards or less) and be a crack shot to bring it down. Yet you also get the satisfaction that comes from the skill involved and a longer season in which to hunt.

Many bowhunters will take their rifle on a hunt as well, though. There’s nothing stopping you from doing the same (assuming your hunting gear budget stretches far enough).

2. Hunting Apparel

The clothes on your back are all important too.

You need camo-apparel that’s waterproof, comfortable to wear, hardy, and appropriate for the climate. To pick wisely, consider the time of year, the weather forecast, how long you’ll be on the hunt, and what you’ll be hunting.

Spare socks, camo-pants or shorts, under-layers, mid-layers, warm vests, waterproofs, and coveralls are all possible items to wear/take along. A camouflage head net and pair of gloves could also come in handy if you plan on getting up close and personal with your prey.

Our top advice? Make sure whatever apparel you buy is high-quality and well-made. When you’re outside in awful weather, you’ll be pleased you paid a little extra for better quality.

3. Sturdy, Waterproof Boots

Your favorite sneakers might be great for walking around the local mall. But they’re less than ideal when you’re trekking long distances over rough terrain for days at a time.

For that, you need a quality pair of sturdy, comfortable, and waterproof boots. They’ll protect your ankles, prevent painful blisters (wear them in beforehand!), and keep your feet dry if the heaven’s open. All told, your life on the hunt will be ten-time easier.

Try to avoid budget boots though. A better pair will cost more upfront, but they’ll last longer and feel more comfortable too (that’s invaluable on a long hunt).

4. Durable Backpack

Don’t underestimate the value of a rugged, durable, waterproof backpack either.

Remember, all your equipment, including spare clothes, food, water, and shelter, will be on or inside it. You’ll be wearing the pack for days at a time; hauling it through adverse environments every step of the way.

You can’t afford for it to break, let water in, be unbalanced on your back or uncomfortable to wear. Like the boots on your feet, any issues can make your life on the hunt an absolute misery. Find a backpack that’s well made, an appropriate size, offers good back support and has all the straps and compartments you could ever need.

5. Binoculars

A hunter without binoculars may as well go home! Why?

Because you need to scope out the territory and scour the horizon for signs of possible prey. Only then can you create a plan of action and get started with the stalk. Without binoculars, you’re relying on guesswork and good fortune; going in a particular direction through instinct as opposed to evidence.

You could even buy a pair with night-vision capabilities. That way, you aren’t limited to daylight hours. You can search for distant movement in the darkness as well.

6. Two Way Radio

Are you going hunting with friends? Well, having a set of two-way radios will always be useful- and fun! You can go your separate ways and still remain in contact.

There’s a crucial safety element here as well. Having two-way radios means you can verify your positions when lining up a kill and ensure nobody gets caught in the line of fire.

Aim to buy the best two way radio for hunting possible. That way, you’ll never have to worry about being out of range, suffering unexpected issues, or struggling with a lack of channels.

7. Headlamp

Don’t forget your headlamp either! It’ll be invaluable when the sun goes down and you’re setting camp, cooking dinner, and making a shelter.

An ordinary flashlight’s better than nothing. But the hands-free nature of headlamps makes them better suited to the task. With both hands available, everything you do in the darkness will be far easier.

Remember These Supplies for Your First Hunting Trip

There’s nothing more exciting than the thrill of your first hunt.

However, passion and anticipation can only take you so far. Enjoying a safe and successful hunt hinges on being prepared for the task ahead.

Getting the requisite hunting gear together is easier said than done when it’s your first hunting trip though. With no direction or prior experience, it can be hard to know what you actually need!

We hope this post has helped out in this regard. Keep the suggestions in mind and you’ll be geared up and ready to go hunting in no time! Would you like to read more articles like this one?

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