5 Incredible Uses of Film Lighting

5 Incredible Uses of Film Lighting

5 Incredible Uses of Film Lighting

Did you know that New Jersey was actually one of the origins of the film industry? Yes, “Lights, camera, action!” all began in Jersy.

Speaking of which, in that famous phrase, what comes first? Lights!

Film lighting plays a huge role in creating the final product of a movie. Often one of the integral parts of cinematography, the way that a movie is lit will influence the tone of each scene for its viewers.

Let’s dive into five of the best lit movies of all time to understand how film lighting can really make a movie incredible.

1. Citizen Kane

Citizen Kane always seems like a movie beast for several reasons. It was released all the way back in 1941 and has stood the test of time thanks to its story, acting, and release sensationalism.

The lighting in the movie is a brilliant combination of film and natural light where the silhouette of Kane’s character impacts his whole being.

2. The Dark Knight 

The Dark Knight seems like an ironic title for a movie with great lighting, but your eyes are not deceiving you!

The Dark Knight uses lighting through shadows to display mood but also manages to make “light” in a dark room without using too much light. That takes so much skill and craft in the movie industry, where a big, high bay LED is needed just to make a room look normally lit in some cases.

3. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a movie that really embodies the use of light as a tool.

The lighting in this film really helps the reader understand the difference between reality and memory and all of the funky moments in-between as the characters race through the complicated cycle. In a way, the lighting is its own character!

4. Apocalypse Now

The rollercoaster that is Apocalypse Now is also a great example of well-done film lighting.

Apocalypse Now uses lighting that compliments or accentuates the colors in the film perfectly, with an emphasis on natural lighting. Often, the movie is warmed and intensified because of the glow of a fire’s light.

5. Drive

Finally, one of the hands-down best examples of a well-lit movie is Drive.

The lighting in this movie so expertly expresses emotion and character in its combination with the colors present. If you take time to carefully watch Drive, you’ll notice the way that the lighting singles out Gosling’s character’s emotions.

The contrast between warm and cool colors using light is so specific it hurts!

Film Lighting Fiesta

What was your favorite movie on the list? Or do you now have to load up your watch queue?

Now you’ve got some solid examples of movies with incredible film lighting to talk about with your local film snob or just to enjoy on your own if you are the film snob in question (no shame!)

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