Deal on Fire! Vanguard | Blu-ray | Only $10.53 – Expires soon!

Vanguard | Blu-ray & DVD (Lionsgate)

Vanguard | Blu-ray & DVD (Lionsgate)

Today’s Deal on Fire is the Blu-ray for Vanguard (read our review) that re-teams Jackie Chan (The Foreigner) with noted Hong Kong director Stanley Tong (Rumble in the Bronx).

Jackie Chan leaps into action as Tang, CEO of the covert security company Vanguard in this gripping action-thriller. After wealthy businessman Qin rats out his corrupt partner in an arms deal gone fatally wrong, he and his family become targets of the world’s deadliest mercenary organization — and the fighting power of Tang’s team is their only hope to survive.

Vanguard also stars Jackson Luo (Fist of Legend), Yang Yang (The Lost Tomb) and Miya Muqi (Kung Fu Yoga).

Jackie Chan and Stanley Tong created magic together in a string of some of Chan’s most loved films of the 90s, including 1992’s Police Story 3: Supercop, 1995’s Rumble in the Bronx and 1996’s Police Story 4: First Strike. Their most recent collaboration was 2017’s Kung Fu Yoga.

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34 Responses to Deal on Fire! Vanguard | Blu-ray | Only $10.53 – Expires soon!

  1. Andrew Hernandez says:

    Assuming this movie turns out well, the tag line should be Jackie and Stanley saying “We’re sorry for our previous collaboration.”

  2. ToryK says:

    What I wish Jackie Chan would do:

    -Search China, the rest of Asia, or the rest of the globe for 5 or 6 talented young men and women and take them under his wing.
    -Give them supporting roles in his films while he works behind the scenes with his stunt team getting them ready for the big time.
    -Start putting them in features of their own, as a group – think Chang Cheh and the Venom Mob.
    -Eventually start giving them their own films, hopefully having helped create a new generation of talent.

    I know the market isn’t what it used to be, but Jackie’s name talks. It brings value. I’d have loved to see him rub some of that shine off on someone else to keep the ball rolling. He doesn’t owe it to anyone, obviously, but I wish, nonetheless.

    • That’s pretty much exactly what he did in his 2008 series ‘The Disciple’, which was created for Chan to find the ‘New Seven Little Fortunes’, and ultimately choose his successor.

      He got as far as the 2nd point, before it became obvious (and, to be honest, it always had been obvious) that Chan was never going to have the spotlight on anyone but himself in his movies.

      The winner was Tu Sheng-Cheng. If you haven’t heard of him, it’s forgivable.

      • Andrew Hernandez says:

        Eeeewww! Even after all these years, Chan is still that selfish? Unless he’s making more movies in line with The Foreigner, he should be passing the torch. (I’m ignoring that fantasy movie coming out)

        One would think that he’d want someone to carry on his legacy.

        • J says:

          Naa we want to see him as main star only

        • Karen says:

          Do u say the same to any other action stars? I’m guessing not. And most of the others also keep making films for themselves cuz the like the job. Also…jackie has had a number of roles as the costar or smaller bit player. Just let it go. Geesh

          • Andrew Hernandez says:

            Yes, I would say the same for any other action star who’s getting up in years.

            Jackie Chan, Jet Li, and all the other classic stars should go out in a blaze of glory instead of continuing to make mediocre films, and it’s good to pass the torch to the next generation of action stars.

        • AD says:

          I’m not sure I’d agree with this statement. I think the business plan is more akin to a service; ie: to offer the Jackie Chan stunt team as a service to other movies. As I recall, other movies like the original Kingsmen used people who either “graduated” from or are from the Jackie Chan stunt team. I think its more likely that the reason why you don’t see them in front of the screen is because there is more business brand value potential behind the screen through services. This is just a guess though.

        • J says:

          Why should we see other crap actors we would like to see Jackie until he can’t move anymore

    • Nightrain says:

      He has but blame it on the suits and on how most people are too pampered to be the next so-called Jackie Chan.

    • Blacketh says:

      Even if he did it would probably still not work out. You can’t just gift people a career because you somehow have to put time and money into these people and make them box office draws. It’s just too hard to do that these days. There aren’t even successors to a guy like Scott Adkins, who makes DTV/netflix stuff, let alone a Jackie Chan prodigy. Being behind the camera seems to be the option lots of action/stunt guys take. It’s better to be your own person and find your own way

  3. Andrew Hernandez says:

    Ok! The trailer looks kind of cool! I hope Jackie and Brahim A get a decent scuffle against each other.

    • Z Ravas says:

      Whether or not this will be ‘a good Jackie Chan’ movie, I’ll definitely be watching this. The action and vehicular destruction in the trailer look insane.

  4. Rico says:

    This one actually looks decent again…some terrible cgi as usual but the action could be nice, I got a “Who am I” feeling when watching this trailer..

  5. Dan says:

    Dear Hong Kong, please stop putting CGI in your movies if it’s going to look so terrible. That aside, this looks like one of the more entertaining JC films we’ve had recently. I like this but about the stairs, lol.

  6. Aerosniff Someglue says:

    The CGI (cars, “stunts”,…) look awful on my shitty natel, and it looks like another shitty generic bad movie with a big budget (but almost everything finished in JC’$ pocket). I’ll pass. JC? You are dead, so stop it right away.

  7. Kiril says:

    I don’t know what to expect from this movie – I consider Kung Fu Yoga as one of the worst films ever, not only in Jackie’s career, therefore I thread carefully when it comes to his next collaboration between him and Stanley Tong.

    Yes, Police Story 3 was nice touch in the series, and Rumble in the Bronx was nice service for his entry in the American market, but this last one is looking ok for now. Terrible CGI though, however nice action touches here and there, but what will be the overall quality of it is still hard to grasp. I’m yet to see his last released film, where he is among silly CGI mythological characters, I’ll do it when I have a chance, but this Vanguard is looking wee better on trailer at least.

    Too bad he, Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao are way too old for another film together, I was hoping they would do something before they hand over the torch to some new, young people with talents to continue making quality Asian martial arts films…

  8. leon says:

    jacky chan pls stop making movies. U are corrupting the young mind with cheap humour , cheap cgi and cheap storyline!

  9. Aerosniff Someglue says:

    Jackie Chan’s new masterpiece of shit: “You want horrible CGI? You’re gonna get it!”

  10. Kiril says:

    CGI lion – looks simply horrible on-screen, Stanley Tong becomes more and more like Wong Jing in his approach towards the movies, I’m not too sure I would like to watch this movie. The last decent film in Jackie’s filmography was “The Foreigner”, and since then more crappy family-oriented soap operas. Thanks, but no thanks.

  11. Blacketh says:

    Seen it and I think it’s def better than Kung Fu Yoga and bleeding steel but def not vintage jackie(obviously) and probably a step below or on par with CZ12 and railroad tigers depending on who you are/what you expect. The CGI isn’t the worst thing, except the gold cars, and Jackie once again lets younger stars with not much charisma do the heavy lifting while he steals certain scenes. The sheer scope and action can be fun and entertaining if mindless, so I expect most die hard fans to call it crap and people who just like to see jackie on screen might find it middle of the road. It’s not going amongst anything in his heydey. I still wish he’d stop working with this director though. He was only good at directing a more capable Jackie and Mr. Chan just needs to move away from lunar new year blockbusters already.

  12. Felix says:

    It’s barely a Jackie movie at all. The worst of his recent output.

  13. Aerosniff Someglue says:

    Almost as bad as Kung Fu yoga. Congratulations, Jackie and Stanley!

  14. Only Lionsgate could be trusted to design a cover which has Jackie wearing an expression as listless as the one he has for the entire movie. But hey, double Miya Muqi…

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