and Well Go USA are giving away 3 DVD copies of Legend of Bruce Lee: Volume One to three lucky City on Fire visitors. To enter, simply add a comment to this post and describe, in your own words, the video below.
We will be selecting a winner at random. Be sure to include your email address in the appropriate field so we can contact you for your home address. Also, please ‘Like Us‘ on’s Facebook by clicking here.
Legend of Bruce Lee: Volume One was officially released on November 1, 2016. We will announce the 3 winners on December 15, 2016.
CONTEST DISCLAIMER: You must enter by December 14, 2016 to qualify. U.S. residents only please. We sincerely apologize to our non-U.S. visitors. Winners must respond with their mailing address within 48 hours, otherwise you will automatically be disqualified. No exceptions. Contest is subject to change without notice.
WINNERS: Ben, Sharon and Jimmy P.
Reminds me a little bit of Daler Mehndi’s Tunak Tunak Tun lol. In German!
Jeff, you have out done yourself with this video.
Does anyone else think it sounded like an old Bay City Zrollers song?
🙂 I’ll take that as a compliment.
It is lol. Tipping my hat to you.
I honestly think that the only person on drugs is the guy dancing around. The others are very serious about what they are doing.
It’s hard to leave a comment when a video makes you absolutely speechless. However…I very much want that gold cape. Don’t judge.
Well that was 3:05 minutes of my life I will never forget. Ha! Ha!
Well, somebody already mentioned Bay City Rollers, so I’ll say it reminds me of some crazy mash up of BCR’s and Slade. Would LOVE to see these guys do a cover of “Merry Xmas Everybody”. Please tell me that exists!!!! LOL
It started out funky then turned into an anime theme lol. Love the outfits!
Brave Archer: The Musical World Tour…Coming to a city near you!
Oh my, I think I am speechless. And that’s not an easy feat to accomplish. Just ask my boyfriend. 😉
Haha reminds me of 80’s low budget Indian movie songs!
WTF! If it was about Genghis Khan, his spirit will be rolling off from his eternal peace.
This must have been a time when Vegas had a very small budget.
WoW!! where did you find this music video? It’s a good laugh for sure.
Ching! Ching! Chinghis Khan!
This was great.
It all started when ABBA fanatic and noted Village People memorabilia collector Igor Tchaikovsky was returning from a re-release screening of THE SEVENTH VOYAGE OF SINBAD and happened upon a sidewalk sale for gold lamé in front on NYC’s fabric powerhouse Mood. As he held up a bolt of the glittering fabric he remembered the words of Robert Plant after he’d sung him an impromptu soliloquy upon a chance meeting at an airport. “Don’t sing” the Led Zepplin front-man had opined. Igor knew this was likely said out of fear of the soaring competition his heavenly vocals would be for the rocker and his band… a battle for the airwaves and the hearts of all humans with functioning ears. Everything had fallen into place. As the LSD he’d taken after the film kicked in, he saw the future of music shining back at him from the king-worthy cloth in his hand, he knew that his days of mongoose training were a thing of the past, and that the future was Dschinghis Khan. And that’s how the world’s next level of music was born. – Betsy T. Heavens
Betsy: So THAT’S what happened to my cousin Igor!!
OOH! AH! Um I don’t know what to say. Retro band. 😀
found my new disco outfit,yay yay
This has to be the first video posted where I have no idea how to simply post a comment. Lol!! I can only describe the video in my own words as: “Fun, German Disco”…….I think??
Having flashbacks from the 70’s.