Deal on Fire! Iceman 2: The Time Traveler | Blu-ray | Only $10.98 – Expires soon!

Iceman 2: The Time Traveler | Blu-ray & DVD (Well Go USA)

Iceman 2: The Time Traveler | Blu-ray & DVD (Well Go USA)

Today’s Deal on Fire is the Blu-ray for Iceman 2 (now titled Iceman: The Time Traveler), an oddity (read our review) starring martial arts superstar Donnie Yen (Big Brother).

Iceman: The Time Traveler also stars Wang Bao Qiang (Kung Fu Jungle), Huang Sheng-Yi (Kung Fu Hustle), Simon Yam (Operation Red Sea) and Yasuaki Kurata (Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars).

During Iceman’s production in 2014, it was decided that it would be split into two films (ala Kill Bill Vol. 1 and Vol. 1). In the end, this sequel finally saw the light of day in 2019.

Iceman: The Time Traveler is curiously directed by Raymond Yip (Bruce Lee My Brother), which is an odd observation, considering Law Wing Cheong (Punished) supposedly shot both films back-to-back (this whole fiasco is eerily comparable to the uncrediting of Richard Donner from 1980’s Superman II, despite Donner shooting most of Superman II back-to-back with the 1978 original).

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Order Ice Man 2 from today! 

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30 Responses to Deal on Fire! Iceman 2: The Time Traveler | Blu-ray | Only $10.98 – Expires soon!

  1. Paul Bramhall says:

    I’d say it’s more Yen’s version of ‘Kung Fu Cult Master 2’ than ‘Full Love’. 🙂

  2. Emma Domeny says:

    Hoping this doesn’t turn into an Airbender sage..Am not usually a fan of this art form But Iran has caught my eye and looking forward to the second film. Loving the historic theme intermittently woven into the present. Good luck!

  3. John jeremy olindao says:

    More please I love it Iceman 2 abangan ko yan

  4. Ed says:

    It was a good movie with quite a few points of humor in it. But I guess you have to be into Chinese fight flicks to catch on some of the more subtle scenes where it pokes your ribs, ala Jackie Chan. Only a few points of unbelieveability, but overall, very well done. I’d watch it a few more times because it was fun to watch.

  5. Inna B. says:

    I love movie Iceman! I can not wait to see an Iceman2!

  6. Liked iceman one,and would like to know when the second sequel will be out,

  7. AllanRoberts says:

    Enjoyed the iceman want to see a sequel to the first,don’t leave us hanging

  8. Ann says:

    Donnie Yen is one of my all time favorites! I love kung fu action movies cant get enough of them! It would be great to see Iceman 2!!!

  9. Tony Williams says:

    I’ve been waiting for ICE MAN 2 since it was first shown as Ice Man. I Can’t wait for its sequel. Please Release part 2 As Soon As Possible so that i can complete my Collection. I am one of Martial Arts biggest fans. So far i have a Collection of over 1,000 Martial Arts Films.

  10. Twesigye Alex says:

    Pliz am waiting for it coz i love it , we have waited for so long !!!!!

  11. Palvinder Singh says:

    Me India but I love Chinese movie I wait you Iceman 2 plz fast next movie released date

  12. mrk says:

    I like Huang Shengyi (Eva Huang) since Kung Fu Hustler.

  13. Tasha says:

    Please, I loved the movie and all the wonderful actor’s and actresses. Give is the sequel. I want to know what happens.

  14. Andrew Hernandez says:

    I’m suspecting these pro Iceman comments are from the same person using different names.

  15. Shannon autrey says:

    Been wondering if it would happen. Come on with the 2nd part of Iceman!

  16. Micheal Kilpatric says:

    No, the comments are not the same person. I also am now wanting to have the second one finished too; and this is my first time on this site.

  17. victor says:

    waiting for this movie long long time …. come iceman 2

  18. Andrew Hernandez says:

    I have several questions. The first being WHAT?

    I was positive everybody involved moved on to other things. It’s ONLY been 4 years since the first movie? It feels like forever ago! For movies, I don’t think it’s good business to leave the audience on a cliffhanger for that much time.

    I wonder if this could be a Wolf Warrior 2 situation where it’s better than the predecessor.

    • JJ Bona says:

      Or even a Superman 2 situation where it’s better than the predecessor (but over time, the original Superman reverted back to being the better film).

    • I think most of the cast have moved onto other things, however it’s worth noting that both the original and the sequel were filmed back to back….the 2nd installment has just been stuck in post-production limbo, and had various re-shoots filmed, since the 1st didn’t exactly set the box office alight like the studio had hoped. So essentially we’re going to be watching a 4 year old movie, but one that likely has been edited fairly recently.

      I confess to not minding the light tone and fantasy action of the first one, and think I’m one of the only people on the net that actually gave it a fairly positive review (check it out here). It was rare at the time to see a hark back to Yen’s ‘Mismatched Couples’ style of goofy acting, and it was nice to see him not being his usual bad ass self.

      • Andrew Hernandez says:

        I was under the impression that even back to back, the movie still had more to shoot, but I’m guessing the reshoots were to improve on whatever bothered everyone else. I would like to think that the reshoots weren’t simply a case of “polishing a turd.”

        I gave the movie a chance, and I didn’t hate it. I was surprised that Donnie and Huang had good chemistry despite their age gap. but I just couldn’t get fully onboard.

        Ending on a cliffhanger for years after spending more time setting up for the next film was a cardinal sin. I don’t know why Iceman couldn’t have been it’s own movie instead of a commercial for the next. Assuming Part 2 is any good, Part 1 might not even be nessesary to watch.

  19. Am I correct in thinking the first installment doesn’t have a release in the U.S.? I would have thought Well Go would have gone for a juicy 2-for-1 package deal and purchase distribution for the first Iceman as well.

  20. Amit says:

    How to download iceman 2 in hindi

  21. dash says:

    when is the part 2 goin to be out, i have been waiting since 2016

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