’s ‘Kung Fu Movie Bundle’ DVD Giveaway! – WINNER ANNOUNCED! and Mill Creek Entertainment are giving away a 74-film ‘Kung Fu Movie Bundle’ to a lucky visitor. The 74-film bundle includes the following DVD sets: Great Impersonators, Way of the 5 Finger Death Strike and Iron Fist Frenzy.

To enter, simply add a comment to this post telling us what your favorite old school kung fu movie is, along with a brief explanation of why it’s your favorite. We will be selecting a winner at random. Be sure to include your email address in the appropriate field so we can contact you for your home address. Additionally, you must ‘Like Us‘ on’s Facebook by clicking here.

The DVD sets for Great ImpersonatorsWay of the 5 Finger Death Strike and Iron Fist Frenzy are also available for purchase. We will announce the lucky winner on June 27th.

CONTEST DISCLAIMER: You must enter by June 26th to qualify. U.S. residents only please. We sincerely apologize to our non-U.S. visitors. Winners must respond with their mailing address within 48 hours, otherwise you will automatically be disqualified. No exceptions. Contest is subject to change without notice.

WINNER: Congratulations to Danny Sierra-Santana. You have been notified via email.

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26 Responses to’s ‘Kung Fu Movie Bundle’ DVD Giveaway! – WINNER ANNOUNCED!

  1. Matthew A. says:

    One of my favorite old school kung fu film’s would be Crippled Masters, I love it because it has great action from two real badasses and I like the story also.

  2. Casey says:

    I really like Return to the 36th Chamber of the Shaolin. I think it is a greatly overlooked film, with very interesting training sequences that kind of turn the original on its head.

  3. Chris Lane says:

    My favorite old school movie would have to be Mystery of Chessboxing featuring Ghost Faced Killer. The choreography and acting in that movie were great and its one of the most entertaining classics imo.

  4. S. A says:

    My favorite would probably be Crippled Avengers/Return of the Five Deadly Venoms for the simple fact that it got me back into watching MA films again.

  5. Cullen Dixon says:

    My favorite kung fu movie would have to be “The Master Of The Flying Guillotine”. I loved this movie when I was a kid and I think it is one of the best of the “Flying Guillotine” films.

  6. Lee Golden says:

    A favorite of mine would be The Prodigal Son. I’ve only seen a handful of Kung Fu movies all my life and because of it, I’m just a little more knowledgeable on Golden Harvest than anything. But I love the premise of the film, the quality of the comedy and physical performances. It’s right up there with Snake In The Eagle’s Shadow and The Magnificent Butcher.

  7. sito says:

    the original drunken master. still jackie’s best!

  8. mpm74 says:

    Five Element Ninjas! It has the gore, the pacing, it’s directed by Chang Cheh, it has ninjas and a lot of action! Minimal plot is also a PLUS! =D

  9. David F says:

    When i saw Chinatown kid at a local theatre i knew what wad my calling and that is kung fu movies!!

  10. David K says:

    Have to go with Five Fingers of Death because it was the very first martial arts film I saw as a kid. It will always have a place in my hearts.

  11. OpiumKungFuAsshole says:

    My favorite old skool kung fu movie that I usually go back and revisit constantly would have to be: Prodigal Son. Wing Chun/shapes choreography galore, Yuen Bao is awesome as well as the rest of the supporting cast!

  12. Ralph R says:

    My favorite is Dragon Fist. Jackie’s only serious kung fu movie that was great. Possibly Lo Wei’s best film (after Fist of Fury of course).

  13. Herm says:

    Favorite is Jackie Chan’s Fearless Hyena. Saw it as a kid in the theater and at that time thought it was the funniest movie ever made.

  14. Andrew says:

    5 Deadly Venoms. This movie started my lifelong addition to MA movies. Great Plot, Set Pieces and Acting!! One of my all timers!!

  15. Nate Fancher says:

    Five Element Ninja, hands down. Fond memories of watching kung-fu films on Saturday afternoons in my youth. But this one, with the ninja in themed action (the earth ninjas were particularly nasty!), it stood out among the others.

  16. ulric says:

    Shout factory martial arts movie marathon is better

  17. Chad Harry says:

    Mad Monkey Kung Fu.. It’s a fun film and badly overlooked.

  18. Juan H. says:

    My favorite would have to be The Chinese Boxer. Jimmy Wang Yu being the man that learns the iron palm technique (kinda) and Lo Lieh being the badass villian, what more can you ask for!? Great action and bloody as hell, you have to give it up for this film and it brought the unarmed combat into the mainstream and this movie is chock full of awesome fight scenes, this is one of the best.

  19. Dave says:

    The Way of the dragon. One of the first VHS tapes I bought with my own money. I’ll never get tired of watching Bruce and Chuck battle it out in the coliseum.

  20. Robo Ky says:

    I know it’s hardly original, but by far I’d have to say my favorite is King Boxer aka Five Fingers of Death. It holds a special place in my heart for not only being one of the first martial arts flicks I ever saw, but a film my father shared with me. Being one of his favorites, he was very excited to dust off his old vhs copy and sit me down in my early teens to watch it. I can still remember the first time seeing the scene where Chi-Hao is training by pushing his hands into hot iron pellets. I just thought that was so badass haha.

  21. Danny Sierra-Santana says:

    The Buddhist Fist directed by Yuen Woo-ping has been the most overlooked chopsocky martial arts movie that I’ve ever seen. The choreography with all the weird characters in the mix had me grinning throughout the whole movie. Just this one fight scene with a Jiangshi inspired antagonist and his moves that a bonecrunching sfx accomapanes with it remains a favorite of mine. This movie has charm, comedic moments, and a storyline that gets serious at the end which had me rooting during the last fight scene that I was hoping it will never stop is something I’ve never done before until The Raid 2 of course. Highly, HIGHLY recommend anybody to check The Buddhist Fist out. It even got me collecting vhs tapes of martial art movies again as a hobby! 🙂

  22. Nick says:

    So many good old school films. Recently, I have really taken a liking too to Mad Monkey Kung Fu. I enjoyed the story, the characters and of course the action. It even has some beautiful cinematography moments.

    And I liked your facebook page a long time ago. Also I follow you on Twitter and Tumblr. You guys are honestly one of my favorite sites.

  23. Ben says:

    Hands down, I’d have to say 36th Chamber of Shaolin. I’m a fan of Gordon Liu anyhow, but I enjoyed how the character overcame his trouble circumstances.

  24. James Lohmann says:

    Snake in the Eagle’s Shadow. This was the first Jackie Chan movie I saw after Rumble in the Bronx hit the U.S. and it is a great movie. Simon Yuen and Jackie Chan have great chemistry which adds to the comedy. The fight scenes are great as are the training sequences ( a staple in 70’s martial arts cinema)

  25. Dan DeBlasio says:

    My favorite is “The Victim” !!!!! Beardy + Sammo + Chang Yi + Wilson Tong & finally Sammo’s stunt team = The finest pure Old School Shapes Kung Fu Classic!!!! Great comedy & performances from all. It made me a Sammo fan for life. The last half is pure Kung Fu chaos at it’s best. First class all the way. Sammo’s choreography is beautiful to watch. Leung Kar Yan VS Wilson Tong, Sammo VS army of henchmen & finally Leung Kar Yan VS Chang Yi in a battle to the death. What more could you ask for in a Old School flick? THE BEST!!!!!

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