Asian and American Education Systems – The Difference

Did you know that in top 10 world universities, five are from the United States, with top four being MIT, Stanford, Harvard, and Caltech? Asian universities are represented with two from Singapore and one from China between 10 and 20.

This might paint the picture of the superiority of education in America. The problem is if you look at the performance of students in different subject on standardized tests.  Hong Kong, Finland, and South Korea student have the best scores in math.

There is a clear difference in the Asian education system vs. American, and we will browse through the main differences.

The main differences between Asian and American education

Approach to school and the relations between students and teachers are the underlying main difference between the western and eastern form of education.

Approach to classes

Student-teacher culture and relationship in classes are the exact opposite in Asia and the US. American schools encourage kids to participate in class, to ask a question and give opinions. It’s not uncommon to discuss specific topics within the classroom and with the teacher.

Asian students live in a different, less creative, and more disciplined environment. The curriculum is lecture-based, and a lot of memorization is required. Discipline and not standing up to the teacher is valued. On the other hand, there are cases of students sleeping In classes, and Asian teachers try to look around.

More school after you’re done with school

The reason many students are tired is because of the principle of going to another, private school after the classes are over. These private schools and academies, to make things worse, teach kids the same subjects and topics they study in public school. The reason so many kids go to private school is that they feel going only to regular school or college won’t be enough.

Different grading system

Exams are stressful for students both in the US and in the Asian counterparts American student get the grade ranging from excellent A to insufficient D grade. Asian schools use a relative grading system, meaning that top 35% of students receive an A grade, while the next 40% get grade B. Asian schools to share a focus on exams and performance on exams. Exams are important in US education, but the system is not so focused on the number and the performance on the exams.

Classroom and class size

Teachers in American schools have up to 30 students in one class, while Asian class could have up to 65 students. This is possible because of the lecture-centric approach. For more interactive classes, it would be impossible for a teacher to communicate with that many students effectively.

Another big difference is the classroom itself. In Asian schools, students are situated in one classroom, and teachers come to them, and there is usually one headteacher responsible for the class. American students change classrooms and classmates from class to class.

Both American and Asian students use technology in classrooms, and computers are a vital part of literacy in 2019. The software they use is probably different.

Homework and additional work

Asian students often go to another school after the regular one. Private academies teach the same subjects, but Asian parents believe that only regular school will not be enough to prepare kids for higher education and the workforce.

American students go to school, get homework, and that is basically it. They would probably be overwhelmed in the Asian system. For some, US education is tough too, especially if you factor in modern technology, extracurricular activities like sport and music. There is a lot of homework sometimes, and students must write various essays. For those who can’t always finish everything on time, you could ask professionals to write my thesis or find freelancers that could help you.

Going to school

Yellow American school bus became a part of popular culture, and kids that go to school go with this organized transportation. Once they turn 16, American students often have their car, and sometimes parents drive kids to school.

In Asia, students mostly go to the nearest school and walk, or drive a bike to school. In high school and college, they opt for public transportation. It is not common to go to school by car.


Education systems are quite different in Asia and the US. Questioning facts and authority with more interaction is common in North American educational system while confronting Asian teacher is frowned upon.

Kids have a different schedule, classroom size, class organization, and even transportation is organized entirely different.

Approach to the grading system and exams are maybe to the most significant difference between two educational methods. Both have some advantages and disadvantages. While higher education is the best in the US, kids from the Asian education system get better PISA results. Both systems could probably learn something and benefit from Finish school system that is along with Singapore considered among the best in the world.

Nicholas Walker is a freelance author and blogger who enjoys shaping opinions with highly informational articles. His topics range from education to technology, and many areas in between. His mission is to produce high-quality, referenced, and researched articles on a wide variety of topics in a friendly and conversational manner.

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