A Beginner’s Guide to Cannabis in Sports: Everything to Know

Remember Lauren Goss?

In 2019, 11-time Ironman champion Lauren Goss was banned from competing for 6 months because the cream she was using for treating an ankle injury contained THC. Now, if you know a bit about the compounds in marijuana, then you know that THC or tetrahydrocannabinol causes euphoric effects. Meanwhile, CBD or cannabidiol, another chemical found in cannabis, doesn’t cause a “high.”

As an athlete or a fitness enthusiast, you might be wondering, what’s the real score when it comes to using cannabis? Here, we’ll talk about the use of cannabis in sports, focusing on the reasons why you should consider giving it a try to improve athletic performance.

First Things First: What Are the Laws on Marijuana for Athletic Events?

According to the World Anti-Doping Agency, all cannabinoids (natural and synthetic) are prohibited, except for CBD. That means if you plan to try CBD, you should make sure it’s not contaminated with THC, or like in the case of Goss, mislabeled.

Of course, with CBD products categorized as supplements, the FDA doesn’t regulate the market. That means it’s up to the consumer to evaluate which brands offer high-quality CBD products. If you’re a CBD beginner, it’s best to go for CBD isolate instead of full-spectrum products.

Now, if you plan to join a competition and there’s drug testing, you should err on the side of caution and just avoid taking CBD.

Understanding the Benefits of Cannabis in Sports

One of the benefits of marijuana is pain relief. For fans of CBD, it’s a better alternative to opioids or NSAIDs because there’s no risk of addiction and there are no side effects such as gastrointestinal issues to worry about.

If you’re training and you need to get relief from workout-induced aches and pains, topical CBD products are worth trying. Think about it, when you have a strict exercise schedule to follow and you can’t push through these sessions because of muscle pain and inflammation, you’ll try anything that can improve recovery time. For some athletes, that means using CBD and CBD-infused products.

Another benefit of CBD has to do with improving focus, which could be related to its anxiety-reducing effects. If you always feel pre-competition jitters or performance anxiety, taking CBD might help you calm down and just enjoy the game.

As for athletes who still want to keep in shape during the off-season, it’s worth looking into full-spectrum CBD products. It’s still advisable to steer clear of recreational marijuana, though, unless bills to legalize recreational marijuana get adopted nationwide.

Want to Know More Cannabis News and Features?

Now that you know more about the use of cannabis in sports, you might be interested in learning about the industry.

For more news on CBD, cannabis businesses, and more, feel free to check out our other articles. We also have film reviews, interviews, and other sections you might be interested in reading.

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