What Are Challenge Coins? A Simple Guide
Have you ever seen military coins and wondered what they were all about? This incredible history of challenge coins is something many of us have been curious about.
However, like many military traditions, they are often shrouded in secrecy.
What are challenge coins, and why are they a big deal? Keep reading for a simple guide to the fascinating challenge coin.
After learning more, you may even want to design your own coin.
What Are Challenge Coins?
If you’ve ever wondered, ‘What is a challenge coin?’, you’re not alone. Many outside of the military and emergency services are unfamiliar with the term, but they actually have a fascinating history.
Challenge coins are a tradition that began within the US military. After a specific mission, a unit or battalion might be given a commemorative coin.
This confirms membership in the group or acts as a reminder of a shared experience. They hold sentimental value and offer a lot of meaning to those who have been given a coin in honor of their bravery or service.
What Organizations Use Challenge Coins?
You most commonly see challenge coins used by military groups — there are many navy and army challenge coins. Any military unit may create their own coin, so you’ll also see them with marines, air force, and elite service divisions.
However, they have also become popular with first responders, including fire departments, policemen, and law enforcement agencies.
Challenge coins have started to increase in popularity with groups such as charities and businesses. However, they are still mainly used by the groups mentioned above.
What Do They Represent?
Challenge coins represent many things, but most importantly it’s the shared sacrifice and experience of a group.
It’s a physical reminder and reward of your service and dedication to your country and your career, therefore challenge coin recipients highly value their coins. Many even turn to them for comfort in hard times.
Can I Create My Own Challenge Coin?
If you’ve been thinking of creating a challenge coin for your unit or division, it’s a good idea! You can honor the dedication of your team with a specialized coin featuring your logo, colors, mission statement, or insignia.
You can compare pricing on challenge coin designs and start thinking about what sort of coin would work best for your needs.
Then, choose a special occasion to distribute your coins to their intended recipients.
Use Challenge Coins in Your Organization
Now that you know the answer to ‘What are challenge coins?’, you may be ready to create your own! If so, get started by reviewing coins from other organizations and getting ideas about your own coin.
Then, find an artist and a designer who can bring your new challenge coin to life!
They’re a special and unique way to provide acknowledgment to your colleagues. Plus, challenge coins will always be an important part of American military history.
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