‘Bruce Lee’ arrives on high definition Blu-ray today!

"Bruce Lee Legacy Collection" Blu-ray & DVD Booklet Packaging

"Bruce Lee Legacy Collection" Blu-ray & DVD Booklet Packaging

After weeks of delays and “quality” concerns, we are happy to report that a 100% corrected version of Shout! Factory’s highly-anticipated Bruce Lee Legacy Collection is now available to purchase.

In addition to the mislabeled discs being fixed, the set will contain what was promised from the beginning: True HD remasters of all the Bruce Lee movies.

An email from Shout! Factory was sent to those who received early pressings of the faulty set, which contained “upscaled versions” (i.e. standard definition) of the four Bruce Lee films. Here’s what the email says:

“Thank you for your recent purchase of the Bruce Lee Legacy Collection. We’re sorry to inform you that you have received a set that includes discs that do not meet our highest standards of quality assurance, and therefore we will be sending you replacement discs on or around September 16th.

The affected discs are all four Blu-rays, for which we have found improved hi-rez masters, and discs 10 and 11, which inadvertently contain content swapped from each other.

No action is required on your part. This email is simply intended to let you know about this problem and the steps we are taking to rectify it. Thanks again for your order.”

Shannon Lee also posted on Facebook: From Shout! Factory: “We discovered that we had not been given the recently restored transfers used for the Blu-rays in Hong Kong and Japan, but rather the original masters done a few years ago in Canada. We therefore acquired the improved masters, and have included them on this new set, for a truly definitive Bruce Lee collection.”

With that said, you can now pre-order the set with a smile on your face. Click here for the full press release.

Update: Shout! Factory has posted an official Facebook update regarding their Bruce Lee set:

An official update on our Bruce Lee box set: our new version of the Bruce Lee Legacy Collection contains the following differences from the one originally produced but withdrawn before street date:

– Correct pairing of disc label art and media for discs 10 and 11, which had inadvertently been swapped on the original release.

– New Blu-rays for The Big Boss, Fist of Fury and Way of The Dragon. Contrary to speculation circulating on the Internet, the original set did contain hi-def masters of the first three feature films. However, after comments from fans who had received early copies of our set, we discovered that our sources were not the recently restored transfers used for the Blu-rays in Hong Kong and Japan, but rather the original masters done a few years ago in Canada. We therefore acquired the improved masters (the master for Games of Death was not appreciably different), and have included them on this new set, for a truly definitive Bruce Lee collection.

Thank you all very much for hanging in there while we made these changes – we know it hasn’t been easy, but we didn’t want to announce the details officially until we knew for sure what we were able to include. The new street date for the set is 10/22 – for the people who ordered from shoutfactory.com and received early copies, replacement discs will be issued.

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11 Responses to ‘Bruce Lee’ arrives on high definition Blu-ray today!

  1. The infamous Tyler(used to write reviews here) says:

    Thats great news if true! I was totally ready to drop the cash, but read the review. If they make the adjustment, I’m on it!

  2. I’m sure Shout! is fixing the issue. The HD versions do exist (HK and Japan have released them), so I think the new release date will give them enough time to re-produce the discs, once they get the true HD sources.

  3. STDZ says:

    How many times does one need to buy one of Bruce’s 5 movies that he put out? They have milked Bruce to death, they have released his movies a million times and people still go out and buy them like it is the first time they have ever seen a Bruce movie.

    • You have a point. However, with every release after the other, they have improved (and ruined) things in the process – whether it be audio or visual quality or even extra features. Shout Factory’s release marks the first time they will be in the blu-ray format in North America, so this upgrade is worth it (just wish they lowered the the price and limited the set to Blu-rays only). Bruce Lee’s films are sorta like the Bond and Beatles catalogue… the sales are always steady, no matter what; since people from all generations re-discover the classics of these relevant pop culture icons.

  4. The Dragon says:

    YESSSS!!!!!! I’ve waited, so impatiently! Soon!

    Thank you, SHOUT! Factory!

  5. The Dragon says:

    I’ve received my replacement discs as of this past weekend (several weeks early I might add), and I must say, what a most pleasant surprise! I quickly did a comparison/contrast test and the replacements have proven to be AUTHENTIC HD transfers! In fact, they match the K&R releases, which they probably are. I own those versions and only hoped for the Eng. dubs in at least as decent a transfer.

    Thanks SHOUT!Factory, for providing exceptional customer service.

    • So what did you do to get your replacement copies? Did you order through Shout! or Amazon?

      • The Dragon says:

        Hi.. I actually purchased from FRY’s Electronics, retailer. However, after hearing about the replacement offer to SHOUT! customers, I contacted them directly, and told them my situation. They were very nice, originally suggesting I return it to the store where I purchased. After explaining I simply wanted the replacements offered their direct buyers, I was informed to submit my mailing address. Simple as that. They were really cool. I mean I have proof of purchase and everything.

  6. J Hurtado says:

    I received a review set back in August, but decided not to write it up after hearing about the mess. However, I haven’t received any replacements, so I’m still not reviewing it. Weird. You’d think they’d want to send replacements to reviewers.

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