‘Put Up Your Dux: The Story of Frank Dux’ to screen at The X Fest (and you’re not attending)

"Put Up Your Dux" Theatrical Poster

"Put Up Your Dux" Theatrical Poster

Put Up Your Dux is a documentary about Frank W. Dux (pronounced “dukes”), an American martial artist who was the inspiration for the 1988 Jean-Claude Van Damme film, Bloodsport.

Put Up Your Dux explores Dux’ controversial martial arts career (many believe he is nothing but a fraud), his undercover government agency rumors (he supposedly trained Navy Seals), and his legal battle with Van Damme (Dux demanded profits from 1996’s The Quest, claiming it was similar to a manuscript he co-wrote called Enter the New Dragon).

Be sure and check out the trailer and an interview with the filmmakers. Still no word on a North American Blu-ray or DVD release.

Update: Put Up Your Dux will be showing at The 5th Annual X Fest on Sunday, May 13th. Unless you live in South Africa, forget about attending. Oddly enough, a German Blu-rayBlu-ray 3D and DVD have been available for sometime — yet, it’s currently screening at a festival in South Africa? This world makes no sense at all. And then they wonder why torrents and youtube uploads are so popular.

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8 Responses to ‘Put Up Your Dux: The Story of Frank Dux’ to screen at The X Fest (and you’re not attending)

  1. Johnny says:

    Frank Dux is a fraud. I’m surprised that this otherwise excellent website wasted space to promote this. There are numerous articles online picking apart this guy’s stories so I won’t waste time rehashing them here. Talk to any real martial artists who have ever encountered Frank Dux (ie. Don “The Dragon” Wilson) and they will tell you the same thing.

  2. We try to report anything that’s relevant to martial arts movies, period. Even though Dux might be sketchy, the fact that a cult-classic like ‘Bloodsport’ was based off his “stories” makes it news worthy. I think it’ll still be interesting, even if just for a good laugh. Besides, it discusses the legal battle with Van Damme and seems to have some hilarious stock footage. And if he is a fraud (truthfully, I’ve never even did research on the guy, but i know enough of the basics), maybe this documentary will support his bullsh*t even more.

    I apologize if you think this post cheapens COF, but I’m simply just spreading the word, with no intentions to ‘promote’ the documentary as a positive source. Anyways, hope you continue to visit the site. =D

  3. ActionJackson says:

    I did some research and found this.


    I’m not saying Frank Dux is full of bullshit, because he may be telling some truths. There needs to be more documentation or visual description.

  4. ulric henry says:

    I cannot believe the audacity people have to delibrately lie on this man.First off,Frank Dux is not a fraud,how i know this is because if anyone has ever done their investagation properly would know that the reporter who wrote the article on frank dux had no obtained knowledge of his army history,clearly had a falsified document of him purchasing a trophy from a pawnshop in 1982 when he recieved the trophy in 1976 not only that the reciept clearly describes the trophy as being 4 foot tall gold trophy with judo descripitions and frank dux’s trophy is just the complete opposite which is a 2 foot base with a silver top,proving frank dux has been lied on and he is far from being a fraud. I meet him and he said that somethings in his life have been a little exadirated but the kumite was true,the things people should tell the truth about they don’t which is pityful like saying he was in highlander, he personally said he never was in that movie it was a rumor just like tbe rumor of him being a fraud.stop talking about things you don’t know about people it’s very annoying and spiteful and for the record a man who can punch through bullet proof glass and trains the us corps and handicap people with the exception of of being credited by other world renonwned martial artist is not a fraud.
    That reporter is a fraud trying to make himself important just to get reconition.hidy ochiai recently said bruce lee was a fraud and i have one answer to people who say these spiteful and ugly things stop being jeaously and do sometbing more constructive with your time

  5. ulric henry says:

    Oh and one more thing if someone is going to fasilfy a document at least spell the man’a name right it’s dux not dukes another example that frank dux is not a fraud.

  6. ulric henry says:

    i didn’t spell his name wrong i spelled his name dux, I said on the reciept it was spelled dukes

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