Can Matt Reeves Create a Realistic and Compelling Version of Mr. Freeze in his Next Batman Movie?

Matt Reeves stunned audiences with his take on Gotham City in The Batman, and the reception has been astounding. Some critics believe that this darker and more realistic version of the Caped Crusader is even better than Christopher Nolan’s vision in his Dark Knight trilogy.

Reeves recreated the Riddler – a character that has always had a somewhat comical appearance in the Batman canon – as a sinister killer, and this transformation suggests the same could be done with some of the other less realistic characters from DC Comics. Fans are already getting excited about the prospect of seeing a new version of Mr. Freeze.

The Riddler was the Highlight of The Batman

Paul Dano played the Riddler in The Batman and, among a highly talented cast who all performed their parts well, was the star of the show. Dano and Reeves worked on changes to the traditional expectations of Edward Nygma.

In the comics and other films, the Riddler has always worn a green suit and a bowler hat, with a purple eye mask and question mark staff. Both actor and director agreed that this simply wouldn’t fit in the gritty and grounded version of Batman they wanted to bring to the screen. Therefore, they opted to change his look and make him much more gritty than previous versions.

Reeves has Expressed a Desire to Bring Mr. Freeze Back

After the success of his debut outing as Batman director, there is no doubt that there will be future movies from Reeves in Gotham City. Now, fans are speculating about what other villains could appear in this deeply unsettling iteration of the famous comic book metropolis. It seems unlikely that any of the bad guys from the Suicide Squad pictures will appear any time soon.

In a recent interview, Reeves expressed an interest in bringing a character like Mr. Freeze into his universe. He described how it would be a challenge to make him more believable and grounded, especially with Arnold Schwarzenegger’s extravagant version from Batman & Robin acting as the reference point for most viewers.

What Other Batman Villains Could Reeves Include?

There are, of course, innumerable enemies of the Dark Knight that Reeves could select from in future movies. Poison Ivy is another character that hasn’t appeared in a Batman film since Uma Thurman’s turn alongside Mr. Freeze in the 1997 picture from Joel Schumacher.

The Mad Hatter is one villain that could fit into Reeves’ vision of Batman. However, the villain could be too similar to the Riddler. Then there are options like Man-Bat and Clayface who haven’t been represented much on the silver screen. These characters are both unrealistic, though, and may be hard to make believable.

Reeves has done excellent work so far in reimagining some classic Batman characters. It is exciting to think what he will achieve in his next film, and a brand-new version of Mr. Freeze could be a hit.

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All U Need is Love (2021) Review

"All U Need is Love" Teaser Poster

“All U Need is Love” Teaser Poster

Director: Vincent Kok
Cast: Louis Koo, Tony Leung, Eric Tsang, Francis Ng, Gordon Lam, Philip Keung, Julian Cheung, Louis Cheung, Fiona Sit, Alex Fong, Cecilia So, Cheung Tat-ming, Michael Hui, Chin Kar-lok, Jackie Chan, Yuen Qiu
Running Time: 102 min. 

By Paul Bramhall

If there are 2 movies that show the differences between Mainland China and Hong Kong cinema, then it has to be Chinese Doctors and All U Need is Love. Both came out in 2021, and both put the COVID-19 pandemic front and centre, but that’s where the similarities end. While one is a stirring straight faced story of medical heroics on the front line, the other is a light-hearted comedy involving an ensemble of characters quarantined in a luxury hotel. While one may look to pluck on the heart strings, the other is more concerned with jokes about cleavage and being gay. What both productions were likely banking on was that the pandemic would be in its final stages, or perhaps even over, by the time of their release. The expectation being that audiences could kick back, knowing that whatever’s onscreen is no longer the reality that awaits them beyond the cinema doors. As the expression goes – best laid plans.

Essentially a charity production created to raise funds for out-of-work members of the Hong Kong filmmaking community, All U Need is Love features what may well be every Hong Kong actor who’s currently active onscreen in some capacity, all of whom agreed to appear for free. Much like 1992’s The Twin Dragons was created to raise funds for the Hong Kong Director’s Guild, and featured cameos from a who’s who of HK cinema at the time, so All U Need is Love provides a similar star spotting experience for fans of the territories output old and new. In the directors’ chair is Vincent Kok, his first time helming a movie since 2018’s Keep Calm and Be a Superstar, and a frequent Continue reading

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What are the effects of using kratom on our liver?

What are the effects of using kratom on our liver?

Kratom is one of those herbs you think is a safer, natural substitute for other medicines. But don’t be fooled. Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is a Southeast Asian tree that has garnered interest worldwide. The leaves contain mitragynine, which acts similarly to opioids like morphine. Kratom, like opioid medications, has pain-relieving properties and is one of the most popular kratom. There are a few benefits to utilizing it, depending on how much you take and which kind you choose. Low doses of kratom may enhance your energy levels, improve your attention and alertness, and make you more social. Higher doses of kratom tend to have an analgesic (pain-relieving) and soothing effect and produce an overall sensation of well-being. Although there are concerns regarding its daily usage to prevent liver disease, it can certainly help treat other diseases. One should be aware to buy Kratom products from reputable brands like kingdom kratom.

Kratom and its Use

The kratom plant is smoked, chewed, made into tea, and ground into powder for capsules. The drug functions as a stimulant in modest dosages, enhancing energy and decreasing weariness. Larger dosages, on the other hand, may create euphoric effects. Many individuals worldwide have begun to use kratom as a substitute for other illegal substances and treat opiate withdrawal. Kratom has several advantages depending on how much you take and which type you choose. Kratom dependency has long been recognized and recorded despite its traditional medicinal benefits. Because of the growing interest in Kratom extracts in other various countries, scientific study on Kratom and its effects on users has expanded during the last ten years. Due to the long-term usage of Kratom, particularly by day laborers, to increase endurance and tolerate physical labor and hard-working circumstances, both the stimulant and opioid-like analgesic effects may contribute to dependency and addiction. Using it daily has adverse effects in 6 out of 10 people. Moreover, the liver is the main organ affected by its extensive use.

What happens to the liver if we consume Kratom daily?

Kratom is a drug that has variable effects on different individuals, primarily dependent on dose quantities. When taken, the impact usually occurs within ten minutes and lasts around 90 minutes. People claim that a modest amount of these improves alertness and sociability, while more significant dosages have the reverse effect, making them feel sluggish and heavy. Using kratom daily may have unpleasant and perhaps life-threatening long-term consequences.


The recreational use of Kratom has been linked to rare cases of acute liver damage. Injury to the liver generally occurs between 1 to 8 weeks of regular kratom powder or pills, with symptoms of exhaustion, nausea, pruritus, and dark urine followed by jaundice. The pattern of liver damage is usually cholestatic or mixed, and it may be severe, with serum bilirubin levels exceeding 20 mg/dL. Acute renal failure and bone marrow toxicity may accompany severe cholestasis. Fever is prevalent, but there is generally no rash or eosinophilia, and autoantibodies are lacking. Cholestasis may be extended, although it typically resolves on its own. In suspected kratom hepatotoxicity, corticosteroids and N-acetylcysteine have been tried, although their efficiency is unknown. Kratom is a prohibited substance in many parts of the nation, and it is regarded as a drug of abuse rather than a nutritional supplement—at least two dozen instances of clinically apparent liver impairment with jaundice. A comparable number has been reported to the Food and Drug Administration’s adverse event database.

Supplemental Side Effects

There is a minimal association between Kratom use and liver damage, albeit there may not gather enough evidence gathered at this time since it is a newer substance. According to the website, researchers released material in 2019 indicating that liver harm is a probable adverse effect of Kratom usage. They looked at 404 instances of liver injury caused by dietary supplements. Eight of the instances, which happened between 2007 and 2017, were linked to Kratom, and the substance was used two to six weeks before the symptoms of liver damage surfaced. Five patients were diagnosed with jaundice (yellowing of the skin), six with itching, five with gastrointestinal discomfort, and three with fever. Because of the unique combination of compounds in Kratom, the short-term effects of the medication are complicated and unpredictable. The quantity determines the balance between stimulant-like and opiate-like effects, and even while taking the exact dosage, different users have had significantly different experiences with the drug.


Effects of Kratom in Moderate to High Doses

Kratom has stimulant-like effects at low dosages (1-5 g). These may be felt in as little as 10 minutes and persist for 90 minutes. While most users think these effects are pleasant, others report feeling nervous and disturbed. Kratom’s stimulant-like effects include increased energy and alertness, similar to amphetamine but less potent. Kratom produces largely opioid-like effects at moderate to high doses that last for many hours (5-15 g). The medication’s euphoric “high” is thought to be less intense than that of other opioids, and some users experience it as unpleasant or dysphoric. Analgesia is another opiate-like function (pain reduction).

  • Drowsiness.
  • In a dreamy frame of mind.
  • Suppression of cough
  • Opioid withdrawal symptoms are lessened.

Kratom dosages are more extensive than 15 g cause effects comparable to high opioid doses, including profound drowsiness and, in rare instances, loss of consciousness.


To conclude, this article has served its purpose as a kratom strains guide. People claim that a modest amount of kratom improves alertness and sociability, while more significant dosages have the reverse effect, making them feel sluggish and heavy. The gut and digestive system might slow down when using kratom regularly and long-term. While this isn’t a life-threatening disease, having infrequent, difficult-to-pass bowel motions may be painful. If actions to ease the condition are not performed, this might lead to colon difficulties or even ruptures in extreme situations. Therefore, have a house physician handy if any problems arise. Detecting its usage aids in early diagnosis and treatment and prevents future risks.

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The PhD of Delta-8- Everything you want to know? 

The present era has inclined towards organic products more than chemical-based products. One must wonder how we got here? The answer is quite simple. It is not something new but a throwback to the older times. The ancient times did not have modern production machines. Most products came from natural origins, and they came in handy for several clinical benefits. Many physicians prescribed herbal medicines to many patients, and they were efficient and slow. The natural origins were a seal of approval for many, and it also meant affordable rates, unlike the chemical-based medicines of today.

Then the period of scientific advancements came. The period also had increased ailments in individuals. The technology at hand also grew, and there were many more diagnosable diseases. Sophisticated instruments were able to find out the secrets of the human body. They were also able to find new benefits of the older products. It was possible due to the clinical trials, which show the advantages of a particular product. A study by the Drugbank states the presence of more than 15,000 chemical and organic-based medicines in the United States of America. The trend of using organic products particularly has increased in the recent past. There are many countries that now actively have separate organizations for their promotion.

Recreational products are also natural products as they come from herbs and often have top-notch quality. The older times were quite different. The recreational products of ancient times were barely about quality. Most relied on quantity to compensate for the low quality. Modern times are unique. There are products like Delta 8, which have excellent quality and popularity among consumers. We will dive deeper into the highlights of Delta-8 and its related products. This article will contain all the information you require to know about the same.

What is Delta-8?

Delta is indirectly a product of the Hemp plant. This plant first came from parts of Asia and now has spread globally. The Hemp plant is also known as the Cannabis plant by many. The plant is more than 1 meter in height. It usually takes 45 days to grow and requires more than 10 hours of sunlight. The leaves of the plant are the source of the Hemp extract. This compound goes through physical processes to yield Delta-9. Delta-9 is another THC product, which is potent but lacks in quality. The yield percentage is very high, making it affordable. It is an excellent entry product for new users. For experienced users, they require something more potent. Delta-8 vape juice are a popular product among experienced users.

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For the specific purpose, the Delta-9 then goes through another chemical process to form Delta-8. The yield percentage is minimal, making it a rare Marijuana-based product. It is expensive but potent. Many surveys suggest Delta-8 be the favored product for experienced users in the industry. It contains THC in a larger quantity than other Marijuana-based products. It also has an excellent Hemp extract, which has many clinical benefits. The products come as oil, cigars, wax, cookies, and many more. There is a product for every consumer’s needs.

What Makes Delta-8 unique?

It is a unique product in the industry. It has a top-notch quality which makes it safe for the consumers. Many users rave about having no side effects due to the excellent quality of Delta-8. It is more potent than other THC products in the industry. Some describe it as the most strong THC product. It can send the user into a trance immediately after consumption. When compared with other THC products, it has many unique selling points. It also makes Delta-8 more expensive than the others.

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Now, we will discuss some benefits of Delta-8 products-

Benefits of Delta-8

  • Decreases Anxiety- Anxiety can be a problem in your everyday life. The reasons are many. Some individuals complain of not completing the task due to high anxiety levels. In some cases, it leads to procrastination. It dampens your productivity and sends your to-do list to zero. A study by Single care states more than 260 million adults globally suffer from extreme anxiety levels. Some countries seem to be affected the worst. The trance-inducing property of Delta-8 can help your brain concentrate. It will relax the receptors and stop them from going haywire. The enzymes inside can help you complete your task faster.
  • Increases Energy- Most of us start our day with low energy levels. It can be due to many reasons. Most of the reasons incline with excessive physical strain and lack of sleep. It can cause energy drain, which further causes tiredness. It will stop you from doing your daily workout. Studies by many organizations highlight that most adults in the United States of America complain of low-energy levels. The Hemp extract in the Delta-8 will interact with your mind and help the metabolism. It will increase your tendency to relax and recharge your energies. It makes you feel fresh and gives you that extra energy booster after consumption. There are many cases of trainers using recreational products to relax their bodies after tiring workouts.
  • Helps with Calmness- The years post 2020 have not been excellent for many of us. The pandemic came and shattered many lives. Some faced economic losses and some lost their loved ones. The regular news regarding the pandemic often decided our mood for the rest of the day. It disturbed many schedules and also caused unrest. The THC in the Delta-8 products treats the same. It will calm down your mind and promote calmness. Experts suggest a calm mind improves the efficiency of the individual. Regular consumption will help you stay away from that bad Twitter news for a while.

Delta-8 products can come in handy in other ailments too. They can help with pain and arthritis. Several efforts are in place to make them usable for animals. It is possible to do the same after reducing the potency. One can give them as gummies.

Delta-8 comes from the popular Hemp plant. Hemp extract is legal in the United States of America, and recent laws legalized it. Many vendors actively spread awareness about the benefits of Delta-8.


Delta-8 is beneficial in many regards. One can easily take it inside their tea or the daily dinner. How to use it depends totally on the user. This flexibility is the reason for its wide-scale popularity. The sales of this product are at an all-time high. Many expect it to compete with CBD-based products, which also belong to Marijuana-based products. Many other countries are now trying to legalize Marijuana-based products with high THC content. They see its potential clinical benefits, and they outweigh the risk. One must use these products in a controlled manner to stay safe from side effects. There are immense qualities in Delta-8, which one can harness with regular intake.

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Can Consuming CBD Gummies Help In Treating Thyroid In Kids?

The healthcare community has gone crazy over CBD. CBD appears in a wide range of health products, from supplements and oils to shampoos and cosmetics. Indeed, this chemical component is present in a wide range of goods, treating many health issues. Since CBD has only been publicly available for a short period, we are constantly learning more about how it impacts various physiological systems. You may be distressed that your child is more concise than her peers and lacks the same level of enthusiasm.

When a child’s growth is slow, a doctor will look into the possibility of a sluggish thyroid gland. The hormones produced by this bow-tie-shaped gland near the base of the neck are crucial for children’s physical and mental development. They would prefer to sit and color than participate in a game of tag. These aren’t uncommon issues. However, when combined with other symptoms such as constipation, dry skin, and a cold feeling, they could indicate a thyroid problem.

In this article, we will know how CBD Gummies affect the thyroid gland in Kids and related thyroid hormone levels for kids with a thyroid issue.

Thyroid Disorders In Kids: What Are They?

The thyroid is a tiny gland in the front of the neck that produces hormones involved in various bodily activities. Thyroid hormones, in particular, stimulate and regulate the thyroid. When the thyroid functions correctly, the body produces the optimum hormones to keep the metabolism running smoothly.

Thyroid abnormalities, often known as thyroid illnesses, arise when the thyroid produces too many or few hormones. Weight gain or loss, fatigue, and an inability to tolerate chilly conditions are all possible side effects of any illness.

Hypothyroidism can be congenital (meaning it was present at birth) or acquired as your child grows older. The reason for hypothyroidism is uncertain in some circumstances. Genetics has a role, and some children inherit the condition from their parents, but not all. The child may get diagnosed with a specific form of hypothyroidism, depending on the origin of his thyroid, which might alter therapy and long-term consequences.

When the thyroid gland does not develop enough specific hormones, autoimmune illnesses, radiation therapy, some drugs, hyperthyroidism therapies, a pituitary gland issue, a congenital ailment, and even some medications can cause this. Muscle weakness, joint discomfort, stiffness and swelling, thinning hair, poor memory, weight gain, and a raised blood cholesterol level are all symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Is CBD Helps To Treat Thyroid Disorders In Kids?

CBD’s actions may impact thyroid diseases in kids, such as hypothyroidism (a form of the thyroid), and its potential to slow the growth of thyroid cancers. It also can alleviate the symptoms associated with these illnesses. The thyroid gland’s cannabinoid receptors have been affected by cannabinoids. CBD may influence thyroid function (secretion of thyroid hormones).

When the thyroid gland swings into overdrive, it is hyperthyroidism. It causes an increase in metabolic rate as well as a quick heartbeat. While there is no proof that CBD gummies can help normalize this illness, the ability of cannabinoids to regulate the activity of cannabinoid receptors in the thyroid suggests that CBD gummies may help (production of too much or too little T4, as in hypothyroidism). CBD and other cannabinoids have been displayed in various studies to help treat some of the symptoms associated with thyroid problems in kids, including:

  • Pain Inflammation
  • Parched Skin
  • Appetite loss.
  • Insomnia

CBD has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties to assist with the inflammation and pain associated with thyroid disorders. It also helps to treat sleep disorders like insomnia. Thus, it could be helpful here. Weight loss due to diarrhea is often a symptom of thyroid problems like hyperthyroidism, which CBD can help with.

Different Kinds of CBD Products and How to Use CBD for Kids

If you’re thinking, “how do you use CBD for Kids,” the answer is straightforward. CBD is available in various forms, including CBD sweets like gummies. These are convenient and simple to use, especially for first-time users. How to use CBD for thyroid depends on the product you purchase.

All of the CBD consumption methods are successful. However, you may find it hard or challenging to make your kid consume it, so CBD gummies or candies are the way to go. The effects of using the gummies can be evident after 30 minutes of application and can last for up to 6 hours. However, some CBD Products ingestion methods take a long time before you start to experience the effects.

CBD creams and gels are an excellent option to relieve thyroid problem symptoms while improving skin health. These forms can get applied to any part of the skin that your kid likes. When shopping for CBD creams, make sure that the product is formulated to allow CBD to pass via the dermal layers of the skin into the body.

What does the Study Say?

The involvement of the endocannabinoid system in the thyroid got investigated in a clinical trial. They discovered a link between CB1 and CB2 receptors and tumor malignancy, or the likelihood of a tumor spreading and becoming harmful. These receptors were discovered to influence thyroid in Kids in the study, representing potential targets for future therapy.

Another study discovered that the endocannabinoid system’s CB1 receptors regulate thyroid hormone secretion. CBD stimulates these receptors; therefore, CBD may affect thyroid issues via this route. More study on human models is required. There is not much research done on CBD for thyroid issues yet. Researchers have only touched the surface of the subject. However, no research with negative results on CBD for thyroid disorders has been conducted; thus, CBD may play a role in thyroid health.


Thyroid disease has become a common disease in today’s society. It is primarily kids who get afflicted by its types. As a result, it’s critical to have your kid’s thyroid checked daily, especially when experiencing symptoms. Furthermore, it is preferable to take measures rather than seek a cure. So, make your kid eat well, get enough sleep, and maintain a healthy exercise routine to keep diseases at bay. On the other hand, CBD Gummies are coming to save the day.

If you want to test CBD for your kid, make sure you get it from a trustworthy supplier that uses third-party testing to confirm the product’s quality and safety. Make no changes to your healthcare routine without consulting your trusted healthcare professional beforehand.

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Watch the Trailer for the ‘Die Hard’-esque actioner ‘Lockdown’ starring Michael Paré and Bai Ling

Lockdown | DVD (Lionsgate)

Lockdown | DVD (Lionsgate)

On May 10, 2022, Lionsgate Home Entertainment is releasing Lockdown to On Demand, Digital and DVD. This upcoming actioner stars Michael Paré (Streets of Fire), who plays an FBI agent tasked with taking down three savage criminals who have taken an entire police station hostage.

Official details:

In this white-knuckle action-thriller, hell on Earth erupts as three sadistic criminals take over a precinct and hold the police force hostage. Promising to kill one cop ever hour, the three gunmen – a rapist, a serial killer, and their psychotic leader – play sadistic games with the terrified cops and a high-strung prostitute (Bai Ling, The Crow). Meanwhile, an FBI agent (Paré) is racing to rescue the officers, but as time runs out, the hostages may have to fight to save their Continue reading

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Sword of the Beast (1965) Review

"Sword of the Beast" Theatrical Poster

“Sword of the Beast” Theatrical Poster

AKA Samurai Gold Seekers
Director: Hideo Gosha 
Cast: Mikijiro Hira, Go Kato, Toshie Kimura, Kantaro Suga, Takeshi Kato, Shima Iwashita, Yoko Mihara, Shobun Inoue, Kunie Tanaka, Eijiro Tono
Running Time: 85 min. 

By Henry McKeand

“I want to become a beast like you. I can’t stand living for a mission anymore.”

While Hideo Gosha has never come close to reaching the same level of Western acclaim as Akira Kurosawa, his 1960s chambara (“sword-fighting”) films positioned him as one of the most influential Japanese directors of his time. As opposed to Kurosawa, who saw feudal Japan as an epic tapestry, Gosha created pared-down films about morally ambiguous swordsmen. This trend was established in his first feature, Three Outlaw Samurai, and it continued into his sophomore effort, the blistering Sword of the Beast. While much of samurai cinema focuses on the flaws of feudalism, Sword of the Beast is a particularly scathing portrayal of samurai hypocrisy. Clocking in at less than 90 minutes, it’s also an example of early action filmmaking at its most thrilling and economical.

The film centers on the disgraced Gennosuke, played by the exceptional Mikijiri Hiro, who is on the run after assassinating a counselor from his clan. After escaping from a group of his clan’s swordsmen, he teams up with a scheming farmer named Gundayu and embarks on a quest to steal the shogun’s gold. This causes him to cross paths with an idealistic samurai named Yamane and his wife Taka, who are working together to steal the gold for their own Continue reading

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New Trailer for Wai Ka Fai’s ‘Detectives vs. Sleuths’ starring Lau Ching-Wan, Carman Lee and Raymond Lam

"Detectives vs. Sleuths" Theatrical Poster

“Detectives vs. Sleuths” Theatrical Poster

Frequent Johnnie To collaborator Wai Ka Fai (Too Many Ways to be Number One, The Longest Nite) is back to directing Hong Kong star Lau Ching-Wan (Integrity, Shock Wave 2, Call of Heroes) in Detectives vs. Sleuths (formerly titled Cold Detective).

The upcoming film also stars Charlene Choi (Kung Fu Dunk, New Police Story), Raymond Lam (P Storm) and Carman Lee (Burning Paradise, Loving You), via AFS.

When Hong Kong is rocked by multiple gruesome murders, the police forms a task force to investigate. Jun (Lau Ching-Wan), once a brilliant detective who suffered a mental breakdown, begins his own investigation. Eventually, the police learn that the murder victims are all suspects of cold cases being rubbed out by a figure known as “The Sleuth”. Now, Jun and a detective from the task force Continue reading

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Don’t miss the Trailer for Luong Dinh Dung’s Vietnamese martial arts actioner ‘578 Magnum’

"578 Magnum" Teaser Poster

“578 Magnum” Teaser Poster

If you’re looking for a fresh dose of slicin’, dicin’ and other forms of martial arts action, then brace yourself for 578 Magnum, an upcoming Vietnamese actioner from writer, director and producer, Luong Dinh Dung (Drowsy City).

The film stars French actor Alexandre Nguyen (End of a Gun) with action from Korean stunt veteran Oh Sea Young, whose work includes The Yellow Sea, Snowpiercer and Parasite. The film also features director of photography by Morgan Schmidt, who has worked on Veronica Ngo Thanh Van’s Furie (via SA).

Official Plot: A container truck driver, Hùng, lives an idyllic life with his little daughter, An. The father and the daughter become the closest companions in every journey with their orange container truck. Life goes on like that until An has to leave her father to go to school. One day, Hùng is informed Continue reading

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Preparing For Your Upcoming Movie Night

You likely work through the week and want to enjoy yourself on the weekend. There are numerous ways to do this, but some methods are better than others. If you’re looking for a quiet, comfortable way to enjoy yourself, you should grab a book. However, some are looking for a more exciting hobby. If you fit into the latter category, you should think about planning a movie night. Doing so will prove to be well worth it. However, you must plan extensively to ensure that your movie night is going to be well worth it. Within this guide, readers will learn how to plan an upcoming movie night.

Home Or Away?

First and foremost, you need to find out where you want to hold your movie night. Typically, you’ll have several options. For starters, you can watch a movie at home with your friends and family members. Alternatively, you can watch a movie at your friend’s place. Finally, you have the option of going to a theater with your buddies. Which method is going to be best for you? Ultimately, there are perks associated with each option. Watching a movie at home allows you to spend money on other things including snacks and drinks.

However, movies are often more enjoyable at the theater. It is a good idea to talk to your friends. Discuss your options until you find out which is going to work best for you and your group.

Pick Movies

One of the biggest obstacles you’ll face is finding out which movie you want to watch. Unfortunately, this is going to be the hardest decision. After all, there are thousands of movies. It will be difficult to decide which movie is going to satisfy you and your friends. With that being said, it is a good idea to ensure that you have several options. If you’re going to rent movies from a rental store, pick several movies. However, you can also use a streaming service like Netflix or Hulu.

Doing so will allow you to pick a wide assortment of movies. When your friends arrive, hold a vote to decide which movie you should watch. If you don’t like the movie, you can always enjoy yourself playing สล็อต นอก.


You shouldn’t be responsible for paying for everything. Instead, you should try to split the responsibilities among your friends and family members. Who is coming to the movie night? Are you inviting numerous friends? These individuals are going to enjoy themselves too. Therefore, you should ask them to cooperate and help. They should be happy to bring snacks or drinks. Find out what they’re willing to do and go from there.

Getting help from your friends will minimize the cost and help ensure that everyone is happy.

Snacks & Drinks

You’re going to be watching several movies with your friends and family members. Therefore, you’ll want to make sure that you’re going to be comfortable all the while. You’ll also want to get everything you need before the first movie begins. To achieve this goal, you should work with your friends to get snacks and drinks. You don’t want to have to stop midway through the film to run to the store for snacks. Instead, you should have these things ahead of time.

Be sure to buy a wide variety of drinks and snacks. Doing so will help ensure that each member of your party is going to be satisfied in the long run.

Choose Wisely

At the end of the day, you’ll want to enjoy yourself to the fullest. You likely only get to watch the latest movies on the weekend. Therefore, you don’t want to do anything that could ruin the experience for you or your friends. With this in mind, you have to choose wisely. There is a good chance that you have a few friends who like to cause trouble. They might get tipsy and begin trash-talking others. You don’t want this to happen because it’ll ruin the experience for everyone. To avoid potential problems, you should choose wisely.

If you’re going to invite friends to your place for a movie, be sure to pick compatible individuals. Don’t pick people who are going to argue and fight with one another.

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What You Need to Know Before Your Next Casino Trip

Are you planning a casino trip?

These establishments offer endless fun and excitement! But, they also carry a few tricks that can cost you a lot of money.

To maximize your enjoyment, arm yourself with information. Keep reading to learn tips for your trip!

Join the Loyalty Program

When you enter the casino, head to a service center. Here they will sign you up for the casino loyalty program.

You will most likely receive free plays or some other type of reward. This allows you to test the waters before spending your own money.

You get a card that slips into the machines or goes to the dealer upon arrival. This card will hold credits for machine gambling. They also keep track of your spending and give high rollers gifts.

Wear a Watch

When you visit a casino, you will not see a window on the gaming floors. They purposely block your view of the outside world and light up the inside with bright, flashing lights.

This makes it easy to lose track of time since you cannot see whether it is light or dark outside. You will not find a clock on the wall either.

At the tables, you cannot keep your phone out. So wearing a watch can help you keep your bearings. Set alarms for reminders to pull out of the games and into other activities.

Budget Yourself

On a gambling trip, you can mindlessly spend your money without setting a budget. Set strict budgets to help keep you out of sticky situations.

Bring cash for gaming. Do not allow yourself to draw from an ATM to increase your spending limit.

Never spend money meant for important bills thinking you can make more. This leads to financial issues and serious gambling addiction.

When you win, setting aside some of it into a special envelope can help you avoid putting it back into the game. This may help you bring money home.

Limit Your Drinks

When you visit a casino, they want to keep you at the tables. For this reason, they will offer complimentary cocktails.

Pay attention to how many you order. Alcohol impairs decision-making and lowers inhibitions. This can lead to making poor gambling choices that cause you to lose money.

Learn the Games

If you hope to make money, do not embark on your gambling trip without learning the casino games! Learning the rules will make your trip more enjoyable and potentially profitable.

If you do not learn the rules and the, you can lose money fast. People at the tables may also get frustrated if it affects their play.

Check out an online casino to learn hands-on. Practice playing online roulette and other popular casino games!

Make Your Casino Trip a Win

You can never guarantee winning money on a casino trip. But, by following these tips, you can make it an overall win no matter what!

We value entertainment of all sorts, but films take the cake! Find new and upcoming releases on our website to keep the excitement going after your trip!

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88 Films’ ‘Black Cat’ Deluxe Collector’s Edition now shipping from U.S. seller Goodie Emporium

Black Cat | Blu-ray (88 Films) 

Black Cat | Blu-ray (88 Films)

U.S. seller Goodie Emporium is now shipping 88 Films’ Blu-ray (Region B) for Stephen Shin’s Black Cat, a 1991 Hong Kong film starring Jade Leung (Satin Steel) and Simon Yam (Final Run).

Not to be confused with the various retellings of Poe’s famous tale, Black Cat is a high-octane Hong Kong action thriller that provides a hugely entertaining pre-curser to the likes of Tarantino’s Kill Bill Vol 1 (2003) and south Korean cult classic, The Villainess (2017).

When Catherine (Jade Leung), a mentally disturbed young woman, is detained by the police after accidentally killing a truck driver, she finds Continue reading

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How to Design An Onsite Movie Theater 

Do you enjoy movie time with your family? Many families utilize movie time to discuss the latest happenings in their lives. This is the ideal time to open up about issues you encounter on a daily basis. There is no doubt, some public schools and workplaces have some of the most stressful environments. Movie time can help you and your children cope better at school and work. You can also utilize movie time to strategize summer vacations, neighborhood get-togethers, and church garage sales. There is no end to the possibilities when your home features an onsite movie theater. Get started by reading the content provided in the article below.

Choose A Location

Location is key to achieving a successful onsite movie theater. When it comes to choosing a location for your onsite theater, discreteness and quietness are everything. Without these two qualities, your new movie theater will become an internal interference for your family. Watching movies will not be possible because the external noise will overpower the sound while bright sunlight will render the screen unintelligible. 

Most home theaters are located in the basement while others are in a wing off the family room or den. Whatever the case may be, location is key to achieving a quiet, isolated, and peaceful environment for your onsite movie theater.

Creating A Quiet Environment

With the location out of the way, it is time to start framing in the area. This is basically a process that entails building a shell for the onsite movie theater. Experts recommend 2x4s spaced at least 16 inches apart. Once the shell is completed, it will be time to start focusing on the insulation. Why is insulation so important for an onsite theater? Insulation plays a major role in keeping external noises out and internal noises in. Basically, the insulation partially seals the movie sounds inside the theater. In addition to sealing in movie sounds, insulation also keeps external sounds out of the theater.

In addition to R30 insulation, you must utilize a sound barrier. Before the sound barrier insulation, you must complete the electrical wiring. For homeowners with little to no electrical wiring experience, hiring a licensed electrician is highly recommended. 

While the electrician is installing the wiring, you can focus on the sound barrier. You can also utilize this time to สมัครสล็อตเว็บตรง. Who knows, you may win some extra cash to apply your onsite movie theater project. 

The primary purpose of the sound barrier is to absorb the movie sounds to keep them retained inside the theater. Experts recommend a combination of zero-sound drywall and sound barrier wall panels. Sound barriers are available in wood, plastic, masonry, steel, and vinyl. You can also add carpet and drapes to absorb the movie sounds as well.

Sound Creation

A theater would not be a theater without a high-quality surround sound system. There is a broad selection of surround sound systems on the market. So, consumers do not need to be concerned about breaking the bank. 

A surround sound system will distribute the sounds of the movie evenly throughout the movie theater. The home entertainment package includes seven separate channel speakers and a subwoofer. The channel speakers need to be installed evenly across the theater. Measure out the interior area and divide by seven to find the right placement for each channel speaker. If the speakers are not installed appropriately, the movie sounds will be distributed unevenly across the room. In other words, the movie sounds will be louder or quieter in some areas of the movie theater than others.

The surround sound system comes with a step-by-step installation guide. If you encounter any issues during the installation process, you can contact the manufacturer. If any electrical issues are noted, do not hesitate to contact the electrician responsible for the initial electrical wiring installation. 

To prevent the hub from becoming an eyesore for your movie theater, it is recommended to install inside of a cabinet or closet. Just make sure it is not visible to visitors. 

Bring Your Movies To Life

Now, you need to focus on the movie projector and screen. These components must be premium-quality to deliver maximum visibility across the theater. Only consider brands that will allow you to replicate the real movie experience.

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Pink Force Commando (1982) Review

"Pink Force Commando" Theatrical Poster

“Pink Force Commando” Theatrical Poster

Director: Chu Yen Ping 
Cast: Brigitte Lin Ching-Hsia, Elsa Yang Hui-Shan, Sally Yeh Chian-Wen, Hilda Liu Hao-Yi, Blacky Ko Shou-Liang, Alan Liu Te-Kai, Hsu Pu-Liao, Sylvia Peng Hsueh-Fen, Teresa Tsui Jun-Jun, Wang Kuan-Hsiung, Yu Kam-Po
Running Time: 87 min. 

By Paul Bramhall

I may well have swindled myself by watching Pink Force Commando. At the time of writing I’m in the latter stages of a 12-month detox from madcap Taiwanese director Chu Yen-Ping, having had what we’ll call a ‘bad experience’ with King Swindler last year. So when the opportunity to check out a couple of Taiwan’s all-star female ensemble pieces from 1982 – Golden Queen’s Commandos and Pink Force Commando – upon seeing Yen-Ping’s name at the helm of the former, Pink Force Commando it was. According to the Hong Kong Movie Database, Pink Force Commando was the directorial debut by one of Golden Queen’s Commandos writers – Fu Li – however upon digging a little deeper, other sources such as hkcinemagic (and IMDB, but when it comes to Asian cinema, they hardly have a reputation for being reliable) list Yen-Ping as the director. Did I just unintentionally finish my detox early? It’s possible I’ll never know.

Either way, Pink Force Commando brought the 7 leading ladies of their earlier jaunt back together, some of them playing the same role as they did in Golden Queen’s Commandos, others playing different characters. What they do have in common is that the ladies are once more playing a group of bandidas – we get the legendary Brigitte Lin (Handsome Siblings, Deadful Melody), here still very much known as a dramatic actress in Taiwan, and a full 10 years away from her late career roles in various Hong Kong new wave wuxias. She plays the leader of the group, and is joined by Cantopop star Sally Yeh (I Love Maria, The Killer) clocking in only her 3rd screen appearance, returning as the Continue reading

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Ways to Watch Movies Online With Friends

Can’t watch movies together because everyone has their place or no time? The movie streaming service Netflix has solved this problem for us. Now you can stream movies from your iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Mac, PC, Android device, and smart TVs. The following is a list of the ways to watch films online with friends.


The most popular option that we listed above, you will need an active subscription to use their service. If you are new to Netflix, there is also a free trial version available. You just have to go to to get started. Once logged into the service, click “Watch Instantly” to start watching movies instantly or “Try It Free” to try it out for 7 days without any fees.


Hulu provides more than 20 million hours of online pokies australia  content over its website and mobile apps. With Hulu for movies, users can enjoy a wide range of movies via various devices such as iPhones, iPads, Macs, PCs, Roku Players, Amazon Fire TVs etc. Some of the best films like Avengers: Endgame, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Jurassic World, Thor Ragnarok, Toy Story 4, and many more are all up for streaming on this site.

Amazon Prime Video

If you love binge-watching classic movies like Mad Max, Blade Runner, Alien, Star Wars, Terminator, The Matrix, Predator, and many more, then Amazon Prime video is worth adding to your favorites. This one is perfect if you love documentaries too. There are plenty of them here so that you don’t feel cheated when you choose to spend quality time with your favorite people by watching these things.Did you know you can now see sports betting results on amazon prime too.


Whether your family members live far away or you simply want to share some special moments with someone who doesn’t live near you anymore but remains close to your heart, streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Youtube, and others let you do exactly that. However, the key thing you should remember is to be sure to choose the right ones based on your needs, price point, preferences, and much more.

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