7 Facts About Alzheimer’s and Dementia That You Need to Know
Your loved one’s memory has started to slip, so you take her to the doctor for an evaluation. Unfortunately, her doctor confirms your greatest fear.
She has Alzheimer’s disease. And she’s not the only one. Research shows that more than five million people across the United States have this disease.
Navigating this complex, life-altering health condition with a family member can understandably feel overwhelming. This is especially true if you’ve never encountered a person with Alzheimer’s before.
In light of this, here’s a rundown on seven facts about Alzheimer’s that can help you to better understand and take care of your loved one in the months and years ahead.
Let’s get started.
1. Routine
An important fact to consider is that people who have Alzheimer’s generally prefer familiar settings and schedules. That’s because change can be difficult for them.
For this reason, if you have to break your loved one’s routine, consider leaving them a reminder of this on their refrigerator. Alternatively, you could mark this change on a big calendar for them.
Leaving written reminders can be helpful because individuals with Alzheimer’s usually comprehend what they’re reading even if they can’t comprehend spoken words.
You may also want to leave written notes around the home of your loved one showing them how to get to their bathroom, for instance. In this way, their surroundings will remain comfortable and familiar.
2. Activities
If your loved one has Alzheimer’s disease, it’s critical that you keep them engaged in familiar hobbies and tasks. This can help them to feel both happy and productive.
Just keep in mind that you may have to slightly adjust your loved one’s favorite activities in light of their memory loss.
For instance, if they love to bake cookies, they might not be able to complete the entire baking process from start to finish on their own like they used to. However, they could still complete certain steps of that process, like stirring the batter.
Likewise, if they’ve always loved doing construction projects, feel free to let them do some painting rather than use power tools.
3. Decision-making
Another important fact about Alzheimer’s disease is that individuals with this disease can easily become flustered when it’s time to make a decision.
As a result, you might have to take over some of their everyday choices.
For instance, giving them two shirts to choose from rather than having them choose shirts from their entire wardrobe.
Also, let them choose from just a handful of menu items at their favorite restaurant, rather than focusing on the entire menu.
4. Movement and Sound
Individuals with Alzheimer’s may also become overwhelmed by noise and crowds rather easily.
Therefore, try to avoid shopping in crowds with your loved one. Instead, choose a small shop for your shopping adventure.
Likewise, try to avoid gathering in large groups. Instead, let small groups of friends or family members stop by their house to visit them during the holidays.
Also, consider keeping the television set off when your loved one is completing other activities. This is important because they could easily become confused between real life and what is happening on TV.
5. Remembering Information and Improving Skills
Another noteworthy fact about Alzheimer’s disease is that this disease might make it difficult for your family member to remember directions or to improve their skills.
For this reason, you may need to adjust how much they can do in a given task.
For instance, you can let them remove forks and spoons from the dishwasher to the best of their ability. Then, you can rearrange these pieces quietly later.
Also, rather than constantly reminding them not to drink from a jug of juice that you bought for the entire family, you could get them their own jug to drink from.
6. Home Care
If your family member is dealing with memory issues, they may no longer be capable of caring for themselves by themselves.
Fortunately, in this situation, home care may be the solution.
With home care, your loved one will receive the support they need to remain safe and healthy at home. This means that you don’t have to worry about not being able to take care of them while trying to juggle your busy life.
Check out these great resources regarding how home care can benefit your loved one.
7. Sundowning
Finally, people who suffer from Alzheimer’s tend to become upset easily — a phenomenon known as sundowning.
To keep your family member calm, consider turning on lights around the house. This may be helpful since having rooms that are well lit might make them more comfortable.
Also, note that your family member may worry about facing an intruder in their home. In this situation, it’s best not to dismiss their feelings.
Rather, show them that you have locked their windows and doors. These small steps may help them to feel safe and thus more relaxed at home.
Facts About Alzheimer’s: Learn How We Can Help
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For instance, you can find out about the newest movies and series airing on Netflix. You can also explore tips for navigating family and relationship matters.
Take a peek at our site to learn more about how to enhance your life and those of your loved ones in the months and years ahead.
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