Netflix’s Top Animated Shows: Where to Start

As the days where animated shows were seen as products made exclusively for children fade into the distance, more and more adults are beginning to delve into the world of animated shows, cartoons, and animes. With popular US shows like Rick and Morty taking the world by storm and Asian anime Attack on Titan holding some of the top-rated IMDB episodes of all time, it’s only so long before the nay-sayers give in to the hype and watch some good old animated shows. If you’re not familiar with animated shows, here are some great reccomendations of where to start using your Netflix subscription.

Source: Unsplash

Disclaimer (Don’t say you weren’t warned)

Netflix is known for having a pretty good algorithm; that is, the shows they recommend to you based on your previously watched are normally pretty good – and relevant! Well, although this world of animated TV is amazing, the genre is quite a bit different from the rest of the content on Netflix, meaning your recommendations will be skewed pretty heavily after delving into these. If you turn out not to be a fan of these specific shows and find your feed filled with unwanted recommendations, ExpressVPN’s guide on how to delete your history might help you’re watch list going forward. Otherwise, enjoy your heavily anime-filled recommendations and get stuck into this amazing world of TV!

Avatar: The Last Airbender

This may be a controversial start because, technically, the show is American and only ‘anime-inspired’. However –  this show is a great hybrid of American /Asian TV culture and a classic animated series. The show follows Aang, a young boy who was born with the gifts of the Avatar – an immortal being destined to bring together the tribes of each element (water, earth, air, and fire) in peaceful harmony. When the Fire nation threaten to take over, Aang must master his ability to bend all four of the elements in order to overcome his adversity, alongside his newfound friends Katara and Sokka.

The show is pretty light-hearted throughout, though it has some really cool animated fight scenes, perfectly capturing the classic Asian-Anime style scenes with a tinge of American culture just leaking through.

Source: Unsplash

Demonslayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba

While this is a relatively new anime, the show is host to some of the best drawn scenes in the genre that make for quite the visual spectacle.

After losing his family to a demon, Tanjiro pledges everything he has to becoming a Demonslayer – an epic fighter who protects the vulnerable people of the world from the dangers of the evil ones. This anime is breathtakingly stunning and accumulates into a sensory spectacle, where the fight scenes are guaranteed to leave you in awe. With his infallible determination, unbreakable virtue, and awesome fighting ability, Tanjiro encompasses everything a classic Shonen Anime character should have and this show will definitely leave you wanting more, which is why Demonslayer makes for such a good starter animated series. While only the first season is on Netflix currently, we should be able to expect the second season soon – exciting stuff!

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