How to Win In the Casino According To the Movies

Win Big Like They Do In the Movies

We all go to the casino with the intention of bringing home the big buck, but the sad truth is that most of us have never experienced the thrill of taking the jackpot. What does it take to be a winner and how do we up our game? 

The answer may be found on the silver screen. Long have movies enjoyed taking us to the casino and long have we sat enthralled by images of high stakes games and mind-boggling wins. It may be fiction, but some of these movies contain valuable tips that shouldn’t be dismissed. Let’s take a look at some true Hollywood-style casino show-downs.

Rain Man 

Rain Man taught us that card counting is a sure-fire way to win big at the blackjack table. Unfortunately, you have to have an incredible memory and lightening quick processing abilities, which means card counting is not for everyone. It’s also heavily frowned upon and if you get caught you’re likely to get thrown out on your ear. It’s not illegal though. 


21 took card counting to the extreme and taught us that it’s better to work as a team than work alone. The difference between this film and Rain Man is that 21 is based on a real story. A group of MIT students won millions in Vegas using complicated card counting methods. They got busted in the end, but they proved that teamwork goes a long way.


This film centres on Matt Damon’s character and his ability to bluff his way to the win. The game is Texas Hold’em and the stakes are sky-high. Watch this movie and learn a few tips on how to perfect your poker face and how to ride out your bluff to the bitter end. It takes guts to go for a win with a dud hand but if you can mask your emotions and control your tells, you could take home all the glory.

Casino Royale

No list of casino movie moments would be complete without the inclusion of the debonair and daring Mr Bond. Daniel Craig sits down to play Texas Hold’em in the 2006 version, but the original game was baccarat. Baccarat attracts high rollers and risk takers. What we learn from James Bond and his opponents is that unless you’re willing to go all in you shouldn’t be at the table. Learn how to stay cool under pressure and learn how to spot your opponent’s weakness. 

Lucky You

Lucky You might be the least familiar name on this list, but it probably has the most important lesson to teach us. In this film, father and son face off against each other in the World Series of Poker. Huch Cheever has to put his bitter feelings aside in order to keep his cool and win the game. 

The lesson here is that playing casino games requires a level head. If you’re angry, sad, tired or bitter, or if your senses are dulled by too much drink or lack of sleep, then it’s time to take a break. Step away and come back to fight another day – unless, of course, you can do some kind of Jedi mind trick and master your thoughts and emotions.

Do yourself a favour and have a casino-flavoured movie marathon! You could learn plenty of lessons from those intrepid gamblers that went all in, not least of which is when to walk away! There does seem to be one link that unites all of these movie moments – the bankroll. You need a pretty heft bankroll if you’re going to take on the big guns.

Your best bet is to start off making small bets on low limit tables until you build up the confidence and skill to go bigger. And if all else fails, hit the online Canadian lotteries – these guys will help you get started: – and pray for a win that will get you a seat at any casino table that takes your fancy.

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