How Much Kratom Should You Really Be Taking?

The worst thing for an addict is to relapse. But withdrawals can lead to pure anguish, driving addicts to give in against their will. Fortunately, kratom may be the key to kicking addiction.

Kratom has become known as an opioid alternative, producing similar effects while still being legal. It can help addicts to tackle cravings and withdrawal symptoms, but is also an excellent solution for pain and other conditions. The question is, how much kratom should you take?

There’s no one answer that will work for everyone. Keep reading as we discuss how to determine the proper kratom dosage for you.

A Word of Caution Before Taking Kratom

Of course, exercising caution is the best way to proceed. If you have never taken kratom before, always go slow. Begin with the minimum recommended dosage on the package that you buy it in.

That said, not every company that sells kratom will give you accurate information. That’s why it’s important to read on to understand how this drug works in your body. Then you can have a better understanding of how to proceed when taking it.

Further, make sure when buying kratom to get it from reliable dealers. Shop for wholesale kratom powders here and avoid substandard products.

Kratom Regulations

At the time of writing, there is no regulation on kratom by any US government agency. This means that there are no standards of quality. No formal recommendations for usage, and no official research on kratom.

You need to do your due diligence when you receive your kratom. We recommend that you get lab tests to test the quality before trying it. These tests will be able to check for contaminants or other filler drugs.

How Much Kratom Should You Take?

As we said, it’s best to start small. Your reaction to kratom will be very different from that of another person.

Prepare yourself before you first take it. Make sure you have had a full meal and have gotten a full night’s sleep. Make sure that you are not operating heavy machinery or driving a vehicle.

Ideally, give yourself an evening to experiment. Free up your schedule so that you are not using it while you are out in public. Make sure you’re in a comfortable place and perhaps have a friend nearby to help just in case.

Take approximately 2-4 grams on your first go. Wait for about half an hour.

Pay close attention to how you’re feeling. If you feel nothing–or very little–then take another gram.

Stop immediately if you experience any stomach discomfort or nausea. The same goes for a high body temperature or sweating. This is normal if you take too high of a dosage, but if it happens at low dosages, you should perhaps stop all kratom usage.

How Often to Take Kratom

Again, how many times per day or week that you take kratom will depend on you. Keep in mind that kratom, like any other drug, loses effect the more you use it. This is because your body begins to build a tolerance to it.

If you take kratom multiple times per day, every day, you will need more to feel the same effects. People can get addicted to it, so do exercise caution.

Avoid taking it just to feel good. Only take it when you really need pain relief or withdrawal relief. Otherwise, take very small doses that won’t get you addicted.

Generally speaking, you can take kratom 2 to 3 times per day at low doses. You can take it on a daily basis, too. But again, if you take larger doses then you will develop a tolerance.

Taking a Safe Dose of Kratom

Even once you get used to taking it, do exercise caution with how much you ingest. It doesn’t matter how much of a tolerance you build against it. There are limits to how much you should use.

Never take more than 12 grams. Anything above 8 grams will produce a powerful effect. Only take high dose if you are suffering from serious withdrawals or pain.

Consider taking microdoses above all else. These are when you only take 2 to 4 g at a time. The effects are not as pronounced, but they do provide some pep and mild pain relief to your day.

Generally speaking, the big doses are for pain relief. Small doses, or microdoses, work best for those who just want to feel energized.

Other Factors that May Affect Your Kratom Sensitivity

Have you ever wondered why the anesthesiologist needs to know your weight and height? This is because the taller and bigger you are, the more mass and blood you have in your body. This affects how quickly you can process a drug and how long it stays in your system.

If you are very tall or heavy, you may be able to take heavier doses. But exercise caution if you are much smaller or lighter.

Also consider how fast your metabolism is. People with a strong metabolism may need more kratom to feel the same effects. Conversely, those with a slow metabolism may need very little to get a good boost.

Another factor will be the strain of kratom that you are using. There are different types of kratom, so do your research to determine whether you should take a certain strain.

Take the Right Amount of Kratom for You

How much kratom you take will depend first and foremost on what you intend to use it for.

People in need of more energy will take small amounts. Those looking for pain relief and withdrawal relief need larger amounts. Other factors such as your weight, height, and metabolism will play a role.

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