First Time Smoking Cannabis: What to Know and Expect

According to the World Health Organization, approximately 2.5% of the world’s population or 147 million people enjoy smoking weed. Around 94 million people in the United States have admitted to using marijuana products at least once.

This is why domestic marijuana production grew tenfold over the last two decades, from 1,000 to 10,000 tons. If you have never smoked weed and want to experience the positive health benefits, it is normal to feel nervous when first time smoking.

Here is everything you need to know about the effects of cannabis with smoking tips to give you the most enjoyable experience.

Preparing for First Time Smoking

The first step to being prepared for your first time smoking is choosing the best cannabis strains. Finding the right product is crucial to avoid damaging your throat and lungs.

Even though smoking weed is different compared to cigarettes or cigars, there is always some risk associated with smoking in general. This can also worsen if you buy cheaper products to save money because they can be laced with other chemicals.

Then you may experience pulmonary diseases. The immediate trade-off of getting a buzz and saving more money is not worth the long-term medical conditions you may face.

Therefore, you should always buy cannabis strains from reputable businesses that are fully licensed. Their products will have all the ingredients and safety instructions listed carefully. There are also qualified staff members to help answer all your questions.

Another alternative is to do your own testing to ensure that you are safely consuming the right product. Check out this cannabis testing equipment to accurately determine THC and CBD potencies to avoid becoming ill from smoking poor-quality weed.

Take Small Doses

If you want to prevent the likelihood of a bad trip, you should always start smoking weed in small doses. Instead of thinking of cannabis like a cigarette, you should only light one or two doses and take a break.

You can attempt to go back to your other activities and then come back to smoke more if needed. This is the best way to slowly introduce yourself to the effects of cannabis.

Not everybody reacts the same way to smoking weed. It is always best to ward off any adverse side effects by giving yourself time to adjust to the new feeling.

The effects of cannabis should kick in within a few minutes, so you do not need to take a very long break. Sit back for up to 10 minutes after a puff, and then decide if you would like to feel more buzzed or not.

Lower your cannabis expectations and do not aim for a massive high right away. Take things slow and increase the dose when you become more comfortable consuming cannabis.

The Right Atmosphere

You do not want your first-time smoking experience to be in a place where you are not comfortable. It is important to be in a location where you feel mentally and physically calm to have your first smoke session.

Think about places where you can be most stress-free. You can choose to smoke cannabis in your backyard with a nice view or in front of the TV if you want to watch some Netflix.

Smoking weed at home is the best option for your first time. This is because many public areas may have anti-smoking laws, so you do not want to get in trouble the first time you smoke.

Depending on the cannabis strains, some people also feel a little fatigued after smoking. So, you should have somewhere to take a nap or sit lazily to allow your body time to process the experience instead of working or driving.

Remember that you may also feel vulnerable and afraid of trying cannabis for the first time. You should invite some friends over and tell them that it is your first-time smoking weed.

Your trusted companions can help you feel more comfortable, especially if they have experience with cannabis and smoking tips to ensure that you have a safe and sound time.

What to Expect?

If you have never smoked weed before, you will have a very low tolerance. Therefore, you should expect an immediate effect even if you take one or two quick puffs.

It does not matter if you do not smoke much because cannabinoids pass through your lungs directly into the bloodstream and go straight to your brain. Edibles take longer to feel because they are processed through the liver first.

THC is the primary cannabinoid associated that causes a potent psychoactive effect. You should expect positivity, calmness, clear-headedness, and pain relief, depending on how much you smoke.

Some Coughing Is Inevitable

Anyone who has never smoked before should prepare to cough the first time they take a puff of marijuana smoke. This is because your body is not used to inhaling smoke, so you should expect a strong throat hit that can make you cough.

Marijuana flowers also trap a lot of moisture, which can make you cough more since the smoke will be thicker. However, this feeling will not last long when you continue smoking weed and become used to the experience.

Do Not Focus On the High

Many first-time marijuana smokers get excited about the high and build up their cannabis expectations. Some smokers also believe they need to get as high as possible to feel the maximum positive effects.

This is unnecessary since you can still receive therapeutic benefits no matter how little you inhale. Avoid pressuring yourself to smoke too much or keep up with others who may brag about smoking several joints a day.

Stick to your comfort level until you discover how much cannabis your body can handle safely to suit your lifestyle.

Enjoy the Best Smoking Experience

Cannabis products that affect one person do not affect another the same way. Your first-time smoking experience should focus on your comfort and how your body reacts to each puff.

When you become familiar with the high, you should ease into different strains. For instance, if you want to feel energetic and sociable, it is better to smoke Sativa.

Otherwise, Indica-dominant strains are best for a sleepy and relaxed effect. If you enjoyed reading these smoking tips, check out our other posts for more information.

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