Bruce Willis returns as John McClane in a New ‘Die Hard’ commercial

"A Good Day To Die Hard" Japanese Theatrical Poster

“A Good Day To Die Hard” Japanese Theatrical Poster

Remember that 6th Die Hard sequel/prequel from director Len Wiseman (Live Free or Die Hard) that was supposed to be titled McClane? If you do, forget the idea ever existed, because it has been scrapped.

Cancellation of Fox’s McClane should have come as no surprise, given Disney’s acquisition of 21st Century Fox last March. But now, a reputable source claims that Disney is moving forward with an entirely new Die Hard project, not related to McClane.

Disney’s new take, which will be a reboot of the franchise, which means we will be introduced to a younger McClane (i.e. Bruce Willis was 33 when he made the first Die Hard).

Again, this is a rumor. For all we know, Disney is reverting back to Ben Trebilcook’s Die Hard 6 idea from 2013. In it, McClane found himself a ‘fish out of water’ in Japan, teaming up with Samuel L. Jackson’s character from Die Hard with a Vengeance. Or maybe they’re going with producer Eric D. Wilkinson’s idea, which he pitched by way of a full-page ad in “The Hollywood Reporter.”

Whatever they do, let’s just hope they leave John Moore (A Good Day to Die Hard) out of the picture. In fact, don’t let that guy make another movie ever again.

And the question still remains, who will have the grit, charisma and that one-liner confidence that only someone like a 30-year-0ld Bruce Willis could carry? Mississippi-based actor Jeremy Sande (Deepwater Horizon) is throwing his hat in the ring to play the young John McClane in the upcoming film. “My degree of separation isn’t very far at all,” he told MH. “I blasted a couple of representatives and publicists. I’m picking up the bread crumbs and seeing where they lead me. It sounds crazy but if it works then I’m a genius.” Think he’s got a chance? See for yourself in the short “fan” film.

We’ll keep you updated with anything Die Hard-related as we learn more.

Update: Bruce Willis returns as John McClane in an ad for Die Hard car batteries. Joining him are a couple of familiar faces from the series as well. We’re not sure what to think about it, but we know it’s a 100x better than A Good Day to Die Hard, that’s for sure. Check it out below:

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43 Responses to Bruce Willis returns as John McClane in a New ‘Die Hard’ commercial

  1. Tomas says:

    Honestly, Old Habits Die Hard sounds a whole lot better than Die Hardest. If it is true, I hope McTiernan will bring back the humor to McClane………especially after what John Moore did to him in the last installment.

    • Tory says:

      Yeah, he was borderline-psychotic last go-around. McClane’s always been a wise-ass, but under all that was a good cop. He was an able guy trying to do the right thing. In the last one, we saw him getting dozens of innocent people killed. That’s not John McClane. When sequels are made, I’m all for changing things up in the name of keeping things interesting, so I’m into the screenwriter’s ideas. But I really hope they fix the character. And please, please…more McTiernan.

      • Seriously, if they let McTiernan do another one… that’ll make up for the last two Die Hards (I didn’t like Len Wiseman’s until I saw John Moore’s)… I wish I can get a hold of McTiernan.

        • Tomas says:

          Len’s wasn’t too bad………….Moore’s was the worst. That’s just my opinion, though.

          • Tory says:

            Yeah, Wiseman’s I didn’t mind so much. The first three are Die Hard through and through. Live Free was a pretty good action movie but a so-so Die Hard movie. And the last one…*fart* I liked Behind Enemy Lines, but A Good Day was no Die Hard.

            And ditto the Die Hard 2015 idea. I like that. Bring back McTiernan and let the character go out with a bang, something Willis and the fans can be proud of.

          • Moore’s was not only the worst Die Hard made, it was one of the shittiest, off-paced, under-developed, uninteresting garbage of shit I’ve ever seen in my whole life. Not only did I want to walk out of the theater, i was also falling asleep. This why it’s perfect to bring McTiernan back… just as he did with Die Hard 2 (which I love), he can ignore all expect for Die Hard and Die Hard III.

    • They should just call it DIE HARD 2015. That brings it full circle, with no BS attached. Just the title and the year. Let it be the absolute last one (Willis is getting old anyways).

  2. Casey Chong says:

    Nonsense! The prequel idea is totally preposterous! Instead of a needless origin story, why don’t just settle with a sequel that concludes with John McClane fighting against the terrorists in a cramped space such as building?

  3. Andrew Hernandez says:

    I’m still pissed about Willis’ shitty treatment of other people throughout his career, but I would still welcome him doing a last Die Hard in a blaze of glory.

    Hopefully he’s not going to act like an ass again, and force changes to the script and scenes. I’d be happy with Len Wiseman returning, but he needs a director he gets along with and listens to.

    • JJ Bona says:

      “I’d be happy with Len Wiseman returning, but he needs a director he gets along with and listens to.” With that said, I think John McTiernan should be back in the director’s chair – or shit, how about M. Night?

      • Andrew Hernandez says:

        I’d like to think they’ve moved on from the past, but I remember when Bruce said of McTiernan on Inside the Actor’s Studio, “I’m done with him.” I don’t know if McTiernan directs anymore since he’s been out of the game.

        Shyamalan may have redeemed himself lately, but this is not his forte.

        Walter Hill night work. Maybe even Rian Johnson since he got along with Bruce in Looper.

        • JJ Bona says:

          What year did willis make that comment about mctiernan?

          • Andrew Hernandez says:

            2001. Who knows what’s next? I know McTiernan has project on IMDb, but it’ll be his first film since Basic.

        • Z Ravas says:

          Rian Johnson’s ‘Die Hard’ would be a dream. I’d be up for M. Night Shyamalan, but I realize he would be a dark horse candidate for most folks.

          I think John Kosinski (‘Tron Legacy,’ ‘Oblivion,’ ‘Only the Brave’) or Peter Berg (‘Patriot’s Day,’ ‘Deepwater Horizon’) could be a good fit.

          Or what about Taylor Sheridan (‘Wind River’)?

          • Andrew Hernandez says:

            Taylor Sheridan would be great. His movies are more realistic though, so I’m not sure how he’d do with something over the top.

            Peter Berg would definitely be great. His work on The Kingdom earned him his stripes.

          • Jeremy Sande says:

            I could definitely see Pete Berg directing a Die Hard film.. he was an amazing director to work with.

  4. Alvin George says:

    There is an episode of the YouTube series “What the Flick?!” where three people (Christy Lemire, Alonso Duralde, and Matt Atchity) decide what should happen to Bruce Willis. To watch the episode, check out the following link/URL:

  5. DougWonnacott says:

    Which Bruce Willis is this? The charismatic Bruce Willis from the first three Die Hards or the charisma free, can’t be bothered to even try to act Bruce Willis from the last 15 years or so.

  6. Andrew Hernandez says:

    OK! McClane is a good title for this (hopefully) last film in the series. I’m glad Wiseman and Bonaventura are involved since they can get enthusiasm out of Bruce.

    The last time Bruce Willis seemed to have any fun was in Red 2 and maybe Death Wish 2018. Glass should be his comeback before he has a final great outing.

    It would be great to have another Asian influence in the movie have him team up with Korea or China’s top star.

    • Dude, I think one Bruce Willis & Fan Bingbing flick is quite enough for this generation. 🙂

      • Andrew Hernandez says:

        The version of Air Strike that’s been released has 20 minutes cut out and all the Chinese actors dubbed into English. For all we know, the original version might be tolerable.

        Bruce did well pairing up with Lee Byung-Hun. I’m sure he’d do well with Jung Woo-Sung, Tony Jaa, Tony Leung, or since he’s not in enough movies, Louis Koo.

  7. Aerosniff Someglue says:

    In fact, don’t let that guy make another movie ever again

    I’d say the same for guys like Rob Cohen, Paul W. S. Anderson or… Len Wiseman. Just shoot them, don’t let them shoot anything else.

    • JJ Bona says:

      “In fact, don’t let that guy make another movie ever again

      I’d say the same for guys like Rob Cohen, Paul W. S. Anderson or… Len Wiseman. Just shoot them, don’t let them shoot anything else.”

      Agree 100%.

      • Andrew Hernandez says:

        I still got a liking for Dragon, XXX, Underworld 1&2, Die Hard 4, Mortal Kombat, Event Horizon, and Resident Evil 1,2, and 4.

        John Moore certainly can’t do those.

  8. Aerosniff Someglue says:

    team up with Korea or China’s top star

    I don’t they need that has been.

  9. Aerosniff Someglue says:

    team up with Korea or China’s top star

    I don’t THINK they need that has been.

  10. mike leeder says:

    There’s been so many abandoned Die Hard reboots and rejigs, why do the bad ones always get made? There was the MOST DANGEROUS GAME/HARD TARGET’ish Die Hard being kicked around after Affleck and Willis worked together on Armageddon where Mclaine and his son/son in law depending on which pitch you got were kidnapped and hunted…and lets not even get started on the Ben Trebilcock pitchs…

    A young McLaine reboot could work,but who would play the young JM and don the sweaty vest and ‘welcome to the party’ shit eating grin?

    Ref the Ben Trebilcock scripts, i am sorry and no disrespect to the man, but the various contradictory it was a fan script, a pitch script, a real script commission interviews he did…and yet nobody ever made him sign an NDA? I mean hats off to the man for getting the exposure and i liked his ideas

  11. Screw ‘Die Hard 6’, we need ‘Death Wish 6: Kersey’.

  12. Z Ravas says:

    After watching that short film, Jeremy Sande has my vote. He’s got the look and the voice, with Bruce’s signature voice arguably being the most critical part, heh. He most reminds me of Bruce around ‘Die Hard With a Vengeance,’ which is still the best sequel in the series. Somebody make it happen!

  13. Ashish Sahu says:

    I don’t know who this Jeremy Sande guy is, but he def seems like he has the drive. And, he def seems like he’s got the look and sound down pat. I vote he gets the role.

  14. Ash says:

    It’s alive! Some soap opera starring Glenn Close and Dianne Wiest called Easter (Die, Detective!) is Die Hard 6.

  15. Ningen21 says:

    They already did a ‘young’ McClane movie when they made Justin Long the wing man in Part 4. Plus, the son showed up in Part 5, so…

  16. Andrew Hernandez says:

    This is terrible news. The McClane project would have given the series some closure, but now Part 5 is the official last movie while an unneeded reboot happens.

    I’ll be happy if I’m wrong and the reboot is special, but no one has gotten my hopes up.

  17. Pingback: DIE HARD 6 With BRUCE WILLIS Canceled. UPDATE: Advance Auto Parts Ad | M.A.A.C.

  18. Andrew Hernandez says:

    It’s been hard not to think about this lately even if it was a long time ago.

    It was terrible news to learn of Bruce Willis getting aphasia which turned into dementia. I wish he could have finished his career on his terms instead of this happening.

    That Die Hard battery short film may not have been the movie we wanted, but it was a million times better than Die Hard 5. Then again, a video of the COF staff jerking off would be better than Die Hard 5. 😛

  19. Andrew Hernandez says:


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