Crime Story | 4K Ultra HD (88 Films)

RELEASE DATE: May 26, 2025

On May 26, 2025, 88 Films is releasing a 4K Ultra HD for Crime Story, a 1993 Hong Kong thriller from director Kirk Wong (Taking Manhattan, The Big Hit).

Troubled Hong Kong CID inspector Eddie Chan (Jackie Chan) is assigned to oversee the safety of controversial businessman Wong Yat-Fei (Law Kar-Ying), who is then kidnapped. A major investigation is launched and leads to Taipei and back to Hong Kong but, unbeknownst to Chan – his new partner, Inspector Hung (Kent Cheng) is an accomplice to the crime, throwing the authorities off the trail.

Details are still pending.

This title will soon be available at The Goodie Emporium, a U.S.-based online store that currently has many Import Shaw Brothers/Golden Harvest/martial arts DVD/Blu-ray movies in-stock – with New titles being added regularly!

Watch the film’s Trailer below:

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4 Responses to Crime Story | 4K Ultra HD (88 Films)

  1. Andrew Hernandez says:

    I’m happy with the way Crime Story was presented in the Blu Ray set by Shout Select. I’m wondering when Blu Ray will be discontinued and there’s only 4K UHD. (Then again, physical media remains in danger in spite of our efforts!)

  2. Ningen says:

    I don’t remember it being one of his notable works, but I’ll take it over Miracles.

  3. Typo says:

    And another one!!!!

    Let’s buy this, everybody! Again, like Miracles, Dragon fist and “Heroes shed no tears”!

    Let me guess: they are something more than on the “simple” Blu-Ray only release: interviews n’ stuff, a booklet, a fews cards, maybe?

    It’s becoming ridiculous… I won’t buy an 88 Films Blu-Ray again, except the 4KUHD/BD versions. Support physical media doesn’t imply to get f… over and over by greedy labels!

    • Ska Martes says:

      Yeah getting fleeced multiple times comes with the territory when it comes to physical media. I upgraded my dubbed VHS copies to DVD in the late 90s. Then again around 10 years later when Blurays came out. I then double dipped again around 2018/9 when Arrow88Eureka released better Blurays. Against my better judgement I then picked up a few 4K HDR discs to see what the fuss was all about. Some do offer better color reproduction/black levels/film grain (Fong Sai Yuk) but some just look like the color grading was done by someone whos never seen the movie before (Police Story). Generally speaking though 4K is great if your TV is properly set up and can handle HDR properly.

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