’s ‘The Tiger’ Blu-ray Giveaway! – WINNERS ANNOUNCED!

The Tiger: An Old Hunter’s Tale | Blu-ray & DVD (Well Go USA)

The Tiger: An Old Hunter’s Tale | Blu-ray & DVD (Well Go USA) and Well Go USA are giving away 3 Blu-ray copies of The Tiger (read our review) to three lucky Cityonfire visitors. To enter, simply add a comment to this post and describe, in your own words, this video.

We will be selecting a winner at random. Be sure to include your email address in the appropriate field so we can contact you for your home address. Additionally, you must ‘Like Us‘ on’s Facebook by clicking here.

The Blu-ray for The Tiger will be officially released on August 9, 2016. We will announce the 3 winners on August 11th.

CONTEST DISCLAIMER: You must enter by August 11th, 2016 to qualify. U.S. residents only please. We sincerely apologize to our non-U.S. visitors. Winners must respond with their mailing address within 48 hours, otherwise you will automatically be disqualified. No exceptions. Contest is subject to change without notice.

WINNERS: Ben, Jo and Bharat D.

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23 Responses to’s ‘The Tiger’ Blu-ray Giveaway! – WINNERS ANNOUNCED!

  1. Ben says:

    He should join MST3K lol.

  2. David says:

    Love me Some Quentin. Kill Bill was such an under rated movie. But not sure I agree you should be bringing kid to such a violet move. Wish he would do another genre film.

  3. bernie wallace says:

    I would describe it as when movie directors strike back. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope that I win.

  4. Alan Tan says:

    Way to go !Quentin! Lady , just lighten up its just a movie.

  5. hank says:

    Quentin being Quentin, baby.

  6. JD says:

    Seens like she went into the interview with an agenda, ready to cut him down, and had no interest in actually listening to what he had to say. Agree with their position or not, isn’t the point of an interview to hear the subject’s perspective, controversial as it may be?

  7. Scott says:

    Tarantino is not a happy man.

  8. John Chang says:

    A would-be political pundit stuck in a job as a local TV movie reporter picks a fight with Tarantino during an interview.

  9. Mike Butler says:

    Jan tried to ask Tarantino leading questions, but he wasn’t having none of that! In fact, she comes out looking like a fool when Quentin is done saying his piece.

    Guess you could say he’s a Natural-Born Griller.

  10. Nick G says:

    Ignorant media trying to push their own agenda.

  11. Stephen Amato says:

    Classic interview. They have real…ummmmmmmm…chemistry.

  12. 31filmtalk says:

    She brought a hat, Quentin brought his A game…a sports jersey.

  13. Matthew says:

    Man, that woman was a bitch. Tarantino is great. He handled that well. As for Kill Bill Vol. 1, I’m not a huge fan. I absolutely loved Vol. 2, though. Felt more like a traditional Kung Fu movie. And even though it had fewer fight scenes, they were better choreographed and more entertaining.

  14. Lee Golden says:

    When a cat lady should stick to being a cat lady., period.

  15. Jason Evans says:

    It’ll probably disqualify me for the blu-ray but my comment is this. An interview of Tarantino acting like his usual tool self has nothing to do with this movie or Korean cinema. Talk about a lazy contest.

    • Actually, the videos that are usually associated with these giveaways are almost never related to the movie prizes. It keeps it fun, refreshing and interesting. If we were to post the trailer for the film (or a clip), it would just be boring, typical and well, even lazier. We’re far from perfect, but we try to do things a little bit different here. Appreciate your feedback.

      • Jason Evans says:

        Well, I just got schooled LOL. Fair enough. I guess I am a little biased. I’ve always felt Tarantino was a lazy director (hey there’s that word again), and in the States at least it’s been an over saturation of him and his movies. On the other hand, Choi Min-sik, with the exception of sites like this, he’s rarely talked about. So I guess I was kinda hoping for an interview or something to do with him. Either way, thanks for listening and getting back to me at least (please don’t DQ me for the blu-ray LOL)

        • No worries. And no, nobody got schooled. 😉 We literally place names in a basket, shake it up and pick the names; with the exception of the FIRST comment, who wins one of the three prizes by default. Urgency pays. 🙂

  16. mike says:

    that woman is terrible. hahah way to go Quentin !

  17. Eric V says:

    I remember seeing this video awhile back! I used to watch martial arts movies when I was 12 too. My parents actually bought them for me and I still have a huge VHS collection of them to this day. A majority of those movies taught me about loyalty and honor when I was growing up. That’s what my parents liked about them. The violence wasn’t the point to those films. I agree with everything Tarantino said in this interview. That woman has no idea what she is talking about. Can’t stand her. No idea why she states: “Laughing all the way to the bank.” Whatever….

  18. Bharat Dhanireddy says:

    It’s not easy making movies and Tarantino’s movies simply rock, the reporter was simply dumb..all kids play games and movies which are far more violent than Kill Bill and the violence in Kill Bill has a comic book style coolness which any kid would have a blast watching. Thanks for the giveaway!

  19. Jo says:

    I love Kill Bill I and Kill Bill 2. Taratino is awesome. I love his movies. I love revenge films and also love powerful women! I loved how he took parts of Asian cinema into the movie. Thank you for the giveaway!

  20. Daniel M says:

    lady is pretty lame

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