Cityonfire and Well Go USA are giving away 3 Blu-ray copies of ‘Tai Chi Hero’ – WINNERS ANNOUNCED!

Tai Chi Hero | aka Tai Chi Zero 2 | Blu-ray & DVD (Well Go USA)

Tai Chi Hero | aka Tai Chi Zero 2 | Blu-ray & DVD (Well Go USA) and Well Go USA are giving away 3 Blu-ray copies of Tai Chi Hero to three lucky Cityonfire visitors. To enter, simply add a comment to this post telling us what your favorite martial arts film is, along with a brief explanation of why it’s your favorite. We will be selecting three winners at random. Be sure to include your email address in the appropriate field so we can contact you for your home address. Additionally, please ‘Like Us‘ on’s Facebook by clicking here.

The Blu-ray & DVD for Tai Chi Hero will be officially released on July 2, 2013. We will announce the 3 lucky winners on June 28th and ship out the prizes immediately.

CONTEST DISCLAIMER: You must enter by June 27th to qualify. Also, because Well Go USA holds the film’s U.S. rights, only U.S. residents may enter the contest. We sincerely apologize to our non-U.S. visitors.

WINNERS: Congratulations to Jason, Chad Harry and David. You have all been notified via email. If you didn’t win, don’t worry, we’ll have another contest soon!

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23 Responses to Cityonfire and Well Go USA are giving away 3 Blu-ray copies of ‘Tai Chi Hero’ – WINNERS ANNOUNCED!

  1. David says:

    My all time favorite is the one most everyone list as number one. Enter The Dragon. Need I say more. I also have a soft spot in my heart for Five Fingers Of Death. It was my first martial arts film.

    Loved Tai Chi Zero; can’t wait to see how this all plays out.

  2. Matthew says:

    My favorite martial art film is Once upon a time in China part 2, it has great action, comedy and the fight scene with Jet Li and Donnie Yen is amazing.

  3. Derek says:

    Ong Bak is my favorite martial arts movie. It ignited a passion for the genre in me and showed something different than a lot of other martial arts movies. I still remember seeing it for free with my buddy and being blown away by it. It also introduced the world to Tony Jaa.

  4. Ben says:

    I’d say my favorite martial arts film so far is Ip Man, because it’s based on real events. I’m hoping Donnie Yen and Wilson Yip eventually get around to making the third Ip Man film!

  5. Chris says:

    I think my favorite would have to be “Project A” It’s just a really a fun movie, with incredible set pieces, awesome fights, and excellent Buster Keaton style humor. I could, and do watch it whenever I get the chance. I always love an excuse to show old Golden Harvest/Raymond Chow movies to people.

  6. FTWMeSSiaH says:

    Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon because the action, drama and cinematography made the movie awesome!!!

  7. Chad Harry says:

    After rewatching Flashpoint.. I have to say it has become a personal favorite. The fight scenes are just intense and bone breaking. Donnie Yen as always does a fantastic job.

  8. Jeff says:

    My all time favorite is ‘Fist of Legend’. All the fight sequences were exciting and fast pace. When it first come out I would watch and re-watch it many times. Back then it was on VHS and so you would have to rewind to all the fighting sequences to watch them.

  9. Carlos says:

    this is a tough one…of the more “modern” films, I’d have to go with CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON because it simply blew my mind back then and still does. Plus, the music, man oh man what a score.

  10. James says:

    Drunken Master II. Everything about this movie is great. The performances are great. The comedy works even if you don’t like reading subtitles. The fight scenes are some of the most amazing scenes ever put to film. The fight scenes keep growing in awesomeness until the end where places all the bets on the table to defeat the bad guys. A wonderful movie that I could never tire of.

  11. bill norris says:

    awwwww man someone said Drunken Master 2 already…. gotta love the many leveled drinking establishment fight scene with the huge cutting bamboo log and people falling and bouncing outta the building…awesome

  12. Sam says:

    I’ll go with Crouching Tiger because it has the beautiful fantastical imagery of wuxia films and polishes it and puts it inside of a great love story.

  13. Travis says:

    Such a hard question…it’s not a constant, but right now I’d still give the edge to Drunken Master II.

    Every time I watch this movie, it makes me happy. It’s a pretty perfect blend of action and comedy. This one never gets old. Also: nothing beats that finale! Loved the craziness.

  14. Michael Buckley says:

    I would have to say Ong Bak 2. It may not be the greatest movie but the action i believe is some of the best ever.

  15. Kyle Warner says:

    Tough one, but I’m picking Drunken Master II. There was a year or two that I used to watch this thing obsessively with my brother. I still put the DVD in now and then whenever I’m in need of a kung fu fix and a few laughs. Like others have also said, it’s a film that I could never grow tired of.

  16. I’ll have to say THE BIG BOSS. This movie did for martial arts flicks what Elvis Presley’s debut album did for Rock ‘n Roll. =D

  17. Alan says:

    Who could forget The Raid Redemption, for now the fight scenes were over the top and very realistic and intense.

  18. Prodigal_Son says:

    Hmmmm… This is a tough one. There’s so many awesome kung fu movies. Ip Man, SPL, Fist of Legend, Danny the Dog, etc. But if I can only choose one, I’d have to go with The Prodigal Son. Directed and choreographed by Sammo Hung and starring Yuen Biao, you can’t go wrong. This movie has a great story and phenomenal fight scenes. And it’s hilarious. A must see for all kung fu fans.

  19. Michael Sinkus says:

    Above the Law. It’s the first movie to showcase authentic Aikido. The action was raw, and the plot wasn’t the 80’s standard revenge movie. The intro was also a nice. Watching Seagal in his gi demonstrating was a joy to watch.

  20. Will G says:

    Danny the Dog – because Jet Li played the roll perfectly..

  21. Ron says:

    There is no question that “The Way Of The Dragon” is my favorite martial art movie of all time. I’ll go on and say that it’s my favorite movie of all time. Not only is it my favorite, it acted as a blueprint of how i conducted myself at school growing up, never cussing (I watched the dubbed version growing up), standing up for those who couldn’t do it themselves and fighting fair. Though those situations rarely happened in the playground, when it did I would get really giddy.

    To me, the movie had it all, great set up, great characters, good comedy, great lines (It like the “Rocky Horror Picture Show” to me. I say every line) and obviously the fighting. Every fight scene offered something different. From “movement number 4, dragon seeks path” to the dual nunchucks, this movie still gets all of my attention. And that Colosseum fight with Chuck Norris… Man, no other movie has the set up of a last fight like this this one.

    Movies have gotten better in their production, story and fighting, but this one is Bruce’s baby and I see that every time I watch it. This is one of a very few films/shows where the nostalgia doesn’t deceive you.

  22. Jason says:

    My favorite would have to be Police Story. The ending is so awesome, and I think it was the first Jackie movie I ever saw.

  23. Scott says:

    Jackie Chan’s First Strike aka Police Story 4. As far as I can remember FS was the first martial arts film I ever saw and opened up this awesome world of Kung Fu action. Stand out moments are of course the helicopter leap, the ladder fight, and the shark tank fight. I’ve always enjoyed the music as well.

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