Cityonfire and CJ Entertainment are giving away 3 DVD copies of ‘The Flu’ – WINNERS ANNOUNCED!

The Flu | DVD (CJ Entertainment)

The Flu | DVD (CJ Entertainment) and CJ Entertainment are giving away 3 DVD copies of The Flu to three lucky Cityonfire visitors. See why NY Times calls The Flu “Sickly Disturbing” and according to Variety, the film “Delivers a transfusion of harrowing realism” and “builds white-knuckle tension.”

To enter, simply add a comment to this post telling us about the most disturbing film (from any country) you’ve ever seen, along with a brief explanation of why it was so disturbing. We will be selecting three winners at random. Be sure to include your email address in the appropriate field so we can contact you for your home address. Additionally, you must ‘Like Us‘ on’s Facebook by clicking here.

The DVD for The Flu will be officially released on March 18, 2014. We will announce the 3 lucky winners on March 18th and ship out the prizes immediately.

CONTEST DISCLAIMER: You must enter by March 17th to qualify. Also, because CJ Entertainment holds the film’s U.S. rights, only U.S. residents may enter the contest. We sincerely apologize to our non-U.S. visitors. Winners must respond with their mailing address within 48 hours, otherwise you will automatically be disqualified. No exceptions. Contest is subject to change without notice.

WINNERS: Congratulations to Isabel, Matthew A. and Chris M. You have all been notified via email.

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12 Responses to Cityonfire and CJ Entertainment are giving away 3 DVD copies of ‘The Flu’ – WINNERS ANNOUNCED!

  1. Ben says:

    I think “The Elephant Man” is pretty disturbing, not only because the character is disfigured, but he’s an articulate, intelligent and sensitive person who is mistreated.

  2. Bryan says:

    In terms of disturbing cinema that I’ve seen, I would have to say Lucio Fulci’s 1979 “Zombie” would be among the most disturbing. One of the most popular and controversial Italian horror films, and one of the earliest entries on England’s “Video Nasties” list of the 80’s, this film takes its basic premise and proves to be a strongly done atmospheric film. The famous eye splinter scene, or the terrifying scene with Auretta Gay coming upon the zombie with worms in its eye proved to be pretty creepy. Plus the direction and musical score add a lot of tension, along with the excellent zombie makeup on many of the extras. While other Italian films such as “Cannibal Holocaust” or others come up on such lists, this one will always be for me, the most compelling, atmospheric, and disturbing.

  3. Matthew A. says:

    “Salo or the 120 days of sodom” is the most disturbing film I’ve seen, for many reasons, torture, rape, and even eating of feces also this is done to minors, so for me very messed up.

  4. Alan tan says:

    The untold story from Hong Kong , it was based on a true story,the brutality and violent depiction gave me some sleepless nights.

  5. David K says:

    The Human Centipede both 1 & 2 can be fairly disturbing. As for something along the lines of this film Contagion is scary as I can see something like that happening.

    To bad they are not releasing this film in Blu-Ray at this time 🙁

  6. Prodigal Son says:

    The most disturbing movie I’ve seen is I Saw the Devil. It was also fairly entertaining though. The original Oldboy was also disturbing in a different way.

  7. I have yet to see a movie that truly disturbed me in the traditional sense you guys speak of. With that said, the most disturbing movie I have ever seen was A GOOD DAY TO DIE HARD.

    I’m going to leave it at that.

  8. Jeff says:

    The whole “Saw” series is considered disturbing…and gruesome.

  9. Nick EML says:

    I don’t think I see that many “disturbing” movies, but one that I liked but never sat right with me is Black Swan. Visually, audio, psychologically, pretty on all levels that movie is disturbing. Plus I saw the movie in the theater on New Year’s Eve drunk after watching the Notre Dame bowl game, so probably not the best viewing setup haha.

  10. Chris Mckenzie says:

    The remake of The Blob was pretty disturbing and freakin awesome. Also kudos to Ben-The Elephant Man- my favorite movie all time.

    • Chris Mckenzie says:

      Just the way the Blob is untroubled by conscious, or intellect, and absorbs it’s victims in scary and gruesome fashion.

  11. Isabel says:

    I would say A Tale of Two Sister also from Korea was pretty disturbing. It also had to do with the fact that I watched it at a young age. Just the fact that it has to do with multiple personalities makes it disturbing & how it has you thinking a lot on what the heck it happening haha

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