CBD Shatter 101: What Is CBD Shatter and How Do You Use It?
CBD Shatter 101: What Is CBD Shatter and How Do You Use It?
In the last several years, CBD usage has skyrocketed in the US. An estimated 64 million Americans have used CBD in the last year. Among those users, 22 percent reported that CBD has helped them reduce the usage of prescription drugs.
While there is much mystery surrounding CBD because of its lack of research, there is no doubt that many find comfort, relief and health benefits from using CBD. One of the most common and effective CBD products on the market is CBD shatter.
We’ve broken down what CBD shatter is and the best way to use it to experience maximized effects.
What Does CBD Do?
In the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, the US banned the production of industrial hemp. Although they have no addictive or mind-altering properties, CBD products saw no legal differentiation with other marijuana products. However, the 2018 US Farm Bill federally legalized hemp production, since then allowing for a major rise in CBD products for health.
While often referred to as the marijuana plant’s “cousin”, CBD has no psychoactive properties and therefore, can’t get you high. CBD is associated with a wide range of health benefits like easing anxiety and reducing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. CBD is also reported to potentially reduce depression and chronic pain.
A 2018 report found that CBD was majorly effective in reducing epilepsy symptoms in children that typically don’t respond to usual seizure medicines. The report also concluded that CBD may be extremely helpful in reducing insomnia and inflammatory pain.
Click here if you want to experience the effects of high quality, flawlessly pure CBD Shatter for yourself.
What Is CBD Shatter?
CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is a chemical compound found in the Cannabis Sativa plant. Naturally occurring and non-psychoactive, CBD does not produce any sedative or mind-altering effects.
CBD shatter is an isolate of CBD, meaning it contains nothing but pure CBD. Shatter, a variety of CBD isolate, has a hard and brittle texture that cracks when handled.
CBD shatter is made by extracting cannabinoids from a hemp plant and continuously filtering the remaining plant compounds. After the filtration process, the leftover concentrate usually contains over 90 percent CBD. CBD isolates come in many different forms like powder, wax or crystals, but is commonly used as shatter because of its powerful effects.
CBD was deemed safe by the World Health Organization in 2017, and while the positive effects have not yet been proven, scientists are slowly working toward building evidence in its favor.
Ways to Use CBD Shatter
The most effective and common way of using CBD shatter is through a process called dabbing. Dabbing is a process of inhaling CBD vapor when shatter is placed on top of a heated surface. Dabbing is best done with a dab rig or dab pen.
By heating the surface with a torch and then placing the shatter on it, the vapor is released quicker. Powerful components in the CBD are also well maintained. When inhaling CBD shatter from dabbing, it takes around five minutes to feel the effects.
This is a much quicker process than other methods like taking CBD edibles or using CBD topically. If using a dab rig or pen, remember that CBD shatter contains over 90 percent pure CBD, and only small doses are necessary.
Experience the Benefits Today
If you experience chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia, or stress, CBD shatter may be a solution to your suffering. We recommend taking CBD in small doses to start out and conducting extensive research before buying rigs or pens.
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