Can Cannabis Improve Your Sex Life?
Sex and weed.
Now that we’ve got everyone undivided attention, let’s put the jokes aside and actually explore this fascinating topic. There are a lot of beliefs out there surrounding cannabis and sex.
Is there a benefit to using cannabis for sex? Some people swear by it but does smoking weed make men impotent? Keep reading to learn more about the facts when it comes to getting high and getting intimate.
Oysters or Bong Packs?
It’s no question that sex is one of the greatest motivating factors for humanity. There are about a thousand different treatments and remedies for erectile dysfunction and “natural male enhancement.”
Throughout history, a number of foods, such as oysters and chocolate, have been purported have aphrodisiac qualities. Read more now to learn about the history of sex and cannabis.
But what about sex and marijuana? Can it really cause low sperm count or is that an old wives’ tale to get people from having amazing sex? You be the judge.
Taking Cannabis for Sex
Nowadays, with the explosion of medical cannabis and CBD, you can find people swearing that it cured them of X condition.
However, studies have confirmed its safety and effectiveness in a number of conditions. The research has actually been extremely promising.
It has been slow due to federal regulations but you should expect to see many more studies and trials coming out soon. Let’s see what the studies on marijuana and libido, low sperm count, and other factors have shown.
Low Sperm Count
This is one we’ve heard since we were little. Men who smoke weed overtime are supposed to get oligospermia (low sperm count). It’s been mentioned in movies and TV shows but should men who want to have kids really avoid cannabis?
There have been several smaller studies that could suggest that heavy smokers could have significantly lower sperm counts and impaired motility. However, it wasn’t possible to confirm the effect is due to cannabis.
It might be reasonable for men who smoke and want to have kids to get their sperm tested or lay off for a little while. However, there are plenty of men who consume cannabis and have no problem fathering children.
Erectile Dysfunction
If sex and cannabis go so well together. How is it some people claim it can lead to erectile dysfunction (ED)?
There are actually some conflicting studies. Some studies indeed show increased ED in males that use cannabis but others show improved performance.
Indeed, it seems to help men who have anxiety or pain.
Increased Libido and Toe-Curling Orgasms
Here is the other side of the coin. Cannabis and sex go together like peas in a pod for some people.
Several studies show that women report increased desire and sexual pleasure. They reported increased lubrication and stronger orgasms.
Marijuana and sex seem to work for some people. They report that it gets them in the mood and makes them more adventurous in the bedroom.
The Bottom Line
To be frank, the science is actually a little murky when it comes to cannabis for sex. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence that cannabis is actually good for intimacy.
However, there are also studies that link weed to ED and low sperm counts. But it seems reasonably safe for most people to try it.
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