88 Films reveals more titles for 2022: Mark Dacascos, Jackie Chan, Jimmy Wang Yu, Shaw Brothers and more!

The UK-based company (with certain titles now hitting the U.S.) has announced a load of New Blu-ray/4k releases. Details are coming in bits ‘n pieces, but here’s their full upcoming Asian/martial arts film release schedule (so far) for 2022.

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11 Responses to 88 Films reveals more titles for 2022: Mark Dacascos, Jackie Chan, Jimmy Wang Yu, Shaw Brothers and more!

  1. YM says:

    Not as exciting as the Arrow Shaw collection but still some great stuff in here.

  2. Gagalagaille says:

    There are so many good movies that would deserve to be in that collection… But no, Erotic ghost story, Robotrix (a piece of …), Riki-Oh (another piece of …).

    Cat III doesn’t mean it’s good. Cat III doesn’t mean it’s “so bad it’s good either”. Most of those movies are just bad.

    Well, that’s my opinion, I’m just tired of exploitation movies.

  3. Gagalagaille says:

    So, that’s gonne be In hell, Armour of god and Black cat. Not the biggest Shaw Brothers fan (except a few ones: 36th chamber 1 and 2, The 14 amazons, Martial arts of Shaolin, 8 diagram pole fighter, Five fingers of death, the first The flying guillotine I still have to watch The vengeful beauty). And probably a few Chu Yuan and Liu Chia-liang.

  4. Jet Li’s The One is an absolute guilty pleasure of mine. It’s one of Li’s worst movies, but I literally can’t hate the movie. It’s just so bonkers with an awesome soundtrack. The opening in The One is one of the best openings ever, but it also has an awesome ending. Everything else in between? Meh…But I love it anyway. Cyborg is another one that I love.

  5. sho says:

    Oh man Flag of Iron is a great movie. I just love the action as of course our favorite lizard is the main hero makes it even better!

  6. The press release has been updated it said Eastern Film Fans forever, but it should say:
    [new] Audio commentary by Kenneth Brorsson & Phil Gillon of the Podcast On Fire Network

  7. Kiril Valkov says:

    By the way, some dates are no longer correct, Legendary Weapons are listed for February 2022 and Shaolin Mantis and Monkey Kung fu are for March 2022.

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