Today’s Deal on Fire is the Blu-ray for Dai-Kaiju Mono, a 2016 action-comedy directed by Minoru Kawasaki (The Calamari Wrestler).
In Dai-Kaiju Mono, things aren’t looking good in Japan. The weather is acting strangely, volcanoes that don’t normally erupt are erupting, and… oh yes… the giant monster Mono is running amuck and gobbling up the human population. What a nuisance! Fortunately, disgraced Doctor Totaro Saigo thinks he has the solution: a special formula that can be injected into a normal human, causing the injectee to grow into a colossus of Tokyo-skyscraper-stomping proportions! With any luck, that means the good doctor’s lab assistant Nitto will be able to take on Mono, hand to claw, in “mano a Mono” combat!
Dai-Kaiju Mono stars Kota Ibushi (Crossroads), Syuusuke Saito (The Lady Shogun and Her Men), Saki Akai (Immoral: Kogoeru Shitai) and Minoru Suzuki (Tanaka Hiroshi no subete).
Order Dai-Kaiju Mono from today!
I’ve been a Kota Ibushi fan for a long time. He had great wrestling matches in NJPW and Ring of Honor. I wish he made it to WWE, but hopefully his high flying acrobatics make him a movie star.
Yeah, it’s a trip seeing him in a movie like this. Kind of a dream movie I didn’t know I wanted.