Disney considers refueling ‘The Rocketeer’ for a reboot

"The Rocketeer" Japanese Theatrical Poster

"The Rocketeer" Japanese Theatrical Poster

Long before director Joe Johnston delivered pulp-y, World War II-era thrills with last year’s Captain America: The First Avenger, he explored much the same territory with his 1991 film The Rocketeer. That movie wasn’t exactly a hit for Disney but it has since developed a cult following thanks to Blu-ray, DVD, and, well, the internet. The story was based on the comic book by Dave Stevens and followed actor Bill Campbell as a test pilot turned jetpack-wearing hero.

Now comes word that Disney is heading back to the drawing board: the House of Mouse is currently meeting with writers to discuss a possible reboot of the property. It’s all in the theoretical stages but, who knows, the studio had some success with their Tron revival – maybe we’ll see a Rocketeer relaunch get the greenlight. In the meantime, catch up with the theatrical trailer for the original.

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3 Responses to Disney considers refueling ‘The Rocketeer’ for a reboot

  1. HKFanatic says:

    That Japanese poster – priceless!

  2. Bruce says:

    Been a Rocketeer fan since I saw the film opening night. Absolutely love this film! Never happy about remakes, but if one is coming let it have the same success, financially and creatively, as Iron Man did. Interested, but hesitant if you know what I mean.

    • HKFanatic says:

      I hear you. The Rocketeer is one of the first movies I can remember seeing in theaters. I’d love to see Disney try and revive the property. Unlike some fans, I thought they did a great job with Tron: Legacy. I’d like to see them apply that same level of care and detail to a Rocketeer reboot.

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