Director: Godfrey Ho
Cast: Gordon Liu, Wang Ryong, Kim Ki-Joo, Seol Ji-Yeon, Kwak Eun-Gyung, Baek Hwang-Gi, John Kelly, Choe Moo-Woong, Lung Ho-Yu, Park Hui-Jin, Lee Hwa-Jin
Running Time: 90 min.
By Ian Whittle
So I picked up the DVD assuming from the cover still of Gordon Liu in his usual monk attire that this was going to be another “Gordon from Shaolin” by way of a Korea flick, but once again I have been fooled… here Gordon is the villain! A warlord in what may be Republic era China, but it’s not very clear. And I don’t think Shaolin came into it at all!
So my thoughts on this mess….
- IFD used the Star Wars music for their damn logo!
- Gordon Liu is very miscast as a very milquetoast villain, who seems way too fond of his hot sister. I find it very hard to believe the boyish Liu is supposed to be a powerful warlord here. He’s not helped by the weird old man voice given to non-sequiturs they give him – “Arrest everyone….traitors!”
- An unexplained Roy Horan/Bob Baker/Wallish/ gwailo
- A rather repulsive hunchback traitor, disfigured with a large bright red port-wine stain AND a large cold-sore…
- Speaking of cold, even for a Korean film this looks freezing! Several of the interior scenes show the smokey breath flying out of people’s mouths like a fog machine!
- The old master is very trendy; what’s with his covid mask!?
- The masked monkey fighter on the other hand…
- Ooh, the V-Ger music from Star Trek: The Motion Picture
- Gordon looks very funny riding into battle with what looks like a dead squirrel on his head
- The hero fights Gordon on the ice, bare-chested! Brrrrr….
- Gordon is winning easily with his staff (or “bar” as the dubber calls it), so of course he then throws it away to fight bare-handed….
- Eagles ex machina
- I take back some of the mean things I said about Fury in Shaolin Temple…
Ian Whittle’s Rating: 2/10
Most, if not all, of Godfrey Ho’s movies are on Tubi, including this.
Imagine taking the week off work and marathoning every Godfrey Ho movie for a goof. I wonder how far you’d get before your soul just fled your body,.
Like most of the Korean productions IFD purchased the international distribution rights to, Godfrey Ho isn’t actually the director (his name was just slapped on for the English lanugage credits with a new title and dub). This is actually ‘Dae-Hyung Appears’, directed by Gwak Ji-un.
thanks, I couldn’t get my old KOFA link to work. Someone needs to update the HKMDB as only Ho is credited there.