4 Life-Saving Defensive Driving Tips
Did you know that there are over 6 million car accidents in the US each year? This equates to over 16,000 car accidents per day.
While car accidents can happen to anyone, the good news is, you can minimize the chance of getting in an accident with the right defensive driving techniques.
Check out this guide to discover the top life-saving defensive driving tips.
1. Keep Your Eyes On the Road
While keeping your eyes on the road is a basic tip, it can save your life. When driving, you should never be doing the following:
- Texting or talking on your cell phone
- Eating, smoking, or doing your makeup
- Fiddling with the radio or your GPS
- Daydreaming
Also, make sure you’re not allowing your surroundings to distract you. Your eyes should be on the road at all times, and you should be focused on the cars around you.
2. Give Other Vehicles Plenty of Space
We all hate it when someone tails us in their car. Yet, many of us are guilty of tailgating as well.
When following another car, you want to follow the three-second rule. This rule dictates that when the car in front of you passes a certain stationary object, three seconds should pass before you reach that object.
If you pass that object (it can be a billboard, road sign, or anything that isn’t moving) before three seconds is up, then you’re driving too closely and you need to back off.
If you get in a car accident due to tailgating, you’ll need to hire a car accident lawyer.
3. Pay Attention to the Drivers Beside and Behind You
The car in front of you isn’t the only car you should be worried about. You also want to make sure that you’re paying attention to the cars beside you and behind you.
For the cars next to you, make sure that you’re not in their blind spot. Also, make sure that you’re staying in the center of your lane. If possible, try to drive so that you have an open space beside you so that you can quickly switch lanes in the event of an emergency.
You also want to make sure that the car behind you isn’t tailgating you. If it is, switch lanes so the car can pass. But, don’t forget to check your blind spot before you change lanes.
4. Don’t Depend On Other Drivers
Just because you’re driving defensively, doesn’t mean that other drivers are driving this way too.
Don’t assume that a driver is going to move out of the way to allow you to merge. Also, don’t assume that other drivers aren’t going to run red lights or stop signs. You always need to be ready for the worst-case scenario and have a plan of action.
Defensive Driving Tips: Time to Drive Better
Now that you’ve read these defensive driving tips, it’s time to put them into action. These tips will help make the road safer for both you and other drivers.
Be sure to check back in with our blog for more safe driving tips and tricks.