Outrage Coda | Blu-ray (Film Movement)

Outrage Coda | Blu-ray (Film Movement)

Outrage Coda | Blu-ray (Film Movement)

RELEASE DATE: November 20, 2018

Ready for another dose of organized brutality? On November 20, 2018, Film Movement is releasing the Blu-ray for Outrage Coda (aka Outrage: Final Chapter), a Yakuza thriller directed by, written by, and starring Takeshi Kitano (Mozu: The Movie).

Outrage Coda (read our review) is the follow up to Outrage and Beyond Outrage. The first film did for dental offices what Jaws did for the beach…

Other returning stars include Toshiyuki Nishida (Sukiyaki Western Django), Sansei Shiomi (Crows Zero), Tatsuo Nadaka (Onnagai), Ken Mitsuishi (Kaidan), Ikuji Nakamura (Shin Godzilla), Yutaka Matsushige (Crows Zero) and Hakuryu (The Good, The Bad, The Weird).

Pre-order Outrage Coda from Amazon.com today! 

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11 Responses to Outrage Coda | Blu-ray (Film Movement)

  1. Big Ben says:

    Yes! Love this franchise and it will be great seeing Kitano directing Ren Ohsugi again!

    When you say domestically, you mean in Japan correct? I don’t want to get too excited yet, but hoping Mangolia picks up the rights to this film like it did for the first two!

    • Paul Bramhall says:

      Hi Ben, yes domestically refers to Japan, however hopefully Magnolia will pick up the rights for this one as it did the first two.

      The final moments of ‘Outrage: Beyond’ have to rate as one of Kitano’s finest laugh out loud moments, it took me completely by surprise.

  2. Kyle Warner says:

    Kinda wish Magnet got the rights, so we could look forward to an Outrage trilogy box set someday. But oh well, Film Movement are good folks. Hopefully they do end up giving it a Blu-ray release.

    • Big Ben says:

      Yeah, Film Movement does a good job with their releases. Only issue is this may not get a physical blu-ray release. If we show interest by contacting Film Movement, it increases the chances of it happening. Apparently they are gauging interest at this point.

      • JJ Bona says:

        I guess BOILING POINT and BOILING POINT didn’t sell too well.

        • Big Ben says:

          I think you mean Violent Cop and Boiling Point?

          The main reasons those didn’t do well was that there was very little advertising that those were coming out. Hardcore Kitano fans didn’t even know. Second, the covers were horrible. Reading on forums people were thrown off by how they turned out. Finally, price point was really high. Most people aren’t going to pay more than $30 bucks for a film, if it’s not something that decked out like a Criterion/Arrow release.

          Either way, this one has the potential to sell much better than those two. It’s never had a release in the States before, and the first two had releases. Plus, they are modern films. There is much more potential for higher sales on this one.

          Hopefully Film Movement sees that.

  3. Big Ben says:

    Looks like this should be getting a blu-ray release after all! FM posted on FB that they are going to release the film, and the comments came in wanting a blu-ray. The president of the company himself said it’s coming. So it looks like crisis averted, and hoping the fan support helped in making this decision for them.

  4. Aerosniff Someglue says:

    Could anybody tell me if the Blu-Ray is zone free, or at least Region B compatible? And is the DVD zone free or at least zone 2 compatible? Thank you in advance.

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