Why are Old Movies Better than the Majority of Movies We Have Today?


Page Title: Why are Old Movies Better than the Majority of Movies We Have Today?

Meta Description: Old vs New: movie debate. Why are old movies better? Read on to find out.

Olden is Golden

How many times can we all say we’ve been in the position where we are snuggling on the couch, scrolling through Netflix, Hulu or Amazon, and have absolutely no idea what to watch? This happens far more than people can even keep track of, and usually, instead of trying something new, we go back to watching an old movie or a TV series from the 90s.

Why? Because we take comfort in older things, many people believe that movies from earlier years are much better than the ones we have today. Read on to find out why! 

What Makes the Old ‘Better?’


1.       The style of acting

According to recent studies, it is suggested that modern movies can’t be compared to old movies. The reason for this is that old movies use a different acting system, a technique that was developed by Constantin. This technique is based on humans being able to summon emotional inspiration when acting in particular scenes. He introduced the concept of ‘Emotional Memory’ which means that when an actor is in a scene, they must use emotional memories from their past to relate to their character’s emotions. Acting in older movies had to be ‘more natural’ as there was less reliance on special effects.


2.       Scenes are less rushed

Some people say they ‘fall asleep’ during older movies due to the slow pace. In reality, this is just because older movies tend not to rush things and provide much more explanation. Conversations were longer and usually filmed from the same angle, which is unsurprising why it might bore some millennials. Modern movies today are largely not focused on deeper conversations, many moviemakers instead choose to focus on the action behind a scene and the special effects and CGI that will catch viewers’ eyes more so than the dialogue.

According to previous studies, it is reported that older movies focused a lot more on character development and conversation. The moviemakers made these movies with the general assumption that people had the time to watch these longer films. Today, modern films are focused on actions that adapt to our everyday life. Editing techniques have stepped a level up, meaning that people can learn them quicker, producing more movies. Although the skills have been upscaled, it doesn’t always mean that these movies are worth watching! We can all relate to watching a new movie, then when coming out of the movie theatre wishing we’d saved the money not going.

3.       Different topics/subject focus

The major difference between old and modern movies is usually around the subject or main themes you can find in the films. Today, a younger audience with a shorter attention span wants movies to be more fast-paced for a thrill and overall stress reliever.

It is not impossible to find old movies that follow a similar fast-paced storyline, but many old movies focus more on love or war. With them, it was easier to become attached to a character’s story arc as there was a lot of time put into explaining their past and what led them to the moment you’re watching.

Previous research has also suggested that older movies introduced their viewers to different and ‘better’ worlds. After watching a movie, a viewer could take the lessons they learned and adapt them to their real-life situations with ease. If you think about it today, how many ‘modern’ movies are just remakes of older classics? There is less originality today in plot lines and new concepts. The future is uncertain of how these movies will develop or if they will continue this pattern of just recreating what’s already been done.

If we are truly being honest, it is correct to assume that without old movies leading the way, there would be no such thing as ‘modern movies.’ Some of the most respected movie directors, actors, and producers were all mentored by older-generation legends. These movies and people paved the way for the overall growth and success of the movie industry we know today. Modern directors today are struggling to make something new, something where people might actually learn something. Instead, they run back to rebranding older movies thanks to fancy new technology.

People don’t want this rebranded version, classics are classics for a reason. Instead, what modern viewers want is something unique.



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