
If you’re looking to learn, then you can’t depend on the classroom alone to learn the lessons you need to learn in life. If you like to watch movies, then you have a wonderful opportunity to use them to learn some of the most important lessons in life. As it turns out, movies can teach us a whole lot if we watch them with an open mind. In fact, some movies are made so well and packed with so much wisdom that they can teach us a lot more than a classroom ever will. To make it even better, they’re entertaining! That’s why movies make for such great sources of education!

We were particularly interested in the movies coming out of Asia and the USA that were especially educational on aspects of life in these places. These are the kinds of movies you should consider watching if you’re moving between these countries and want to understand the culture and psychology better. So, to help you on your journey, we made a list of the 10 best movies from the two regions, 5 from each, to help you understand what makes them tick better.

Top Movies of USA and Asia

All these movies are great, and you should work your way through them one by one. You may find that it consumes a lot of your time, and you may not have the time to get around to your assignments. Don’t worry about it. Edubirdie located in Canada is a great service that can help with your assignments as you take your time to learn new things. 

There are actually a lot of services that help with this. TopicsMill is yet another one that helps with theses and essays, helping you come up with interesting essays on a variety of topics. 

Movies from the USA

1. Good Will Hunting

This iconic American movie stars Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, and Robin Williams. It features a 20-year old man who is immensely talented in chemistry and mathematics, but has to get through some serious psychological issues before they can truly tap their potential. It’s a great film for those looking to learn how to reign in their pride and be open to learning new things.

2. Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump has long since become a permanent feature of American culture since it was screened for the first time in 1994. Not only did it launch Tom Hanks to stardom, but it also taught people that anything can be achieved with the power of will alone. In it, Forrest (Tom Hanks) is a low IQ man that nevertheless overcomes obstacles in his life to become a decorated soldier, a consummate sportsman, and a rich businessman. 

3. The Theory of Everything

Stephen Hawking will forever be a celebrity icon of the world of science, having fought acute ALS. When he was first diagnosed with the condition in his college days, the doctors only gave him 2 years to live. He defied their predictions and went on to live for 76 years, formulating many groundbreaking physics theories, writing books and papers, and gaining recognition as a charming science commentator in the process. The movie is a view of his life, and Eddie Redmayne does a remarkable job of depicting the distinguished scientist.

4. The Social Network

Marc Zuckerberg is the archetypal college drop-out who went on to start a billion-dollar internet company. The Social Network looks at his journey from the Harvard dorm where he started Facebook to the media giant, he built that has since influenced the lives of billions. Whatever you think of Marc Zuckerberg as a person, it’s hard to deny the many lessons of this movie.

5. The Pursuit of Happyness

This movie is yet another example of the things one can achieve through the sheer force of an indomitable will. Will Smith stars as Chris Gardner, a homeless man that goes on to become a millionaire with his own stock brokerage, overcoming many obstacles along the way.

Movies from Asia


6. The Propaganda Game

This movie takes a deep dive into the state of media in North Korea and its role in maintaining docility and conformity in the population. If you’ve always been interested in how totalitarian states run propaganda machines through the media, then you will love this movie.

7. Ong Bak

Ong Bak is a movie about fighting against the odds to uphold your principles. IT follows Tony Jaa as he seeks to return the Buddha head stolen from his village and reinstate the dignity of his people. The Buddha head is really just a McGuffin, since it could really be anything else and the lessons would still stick. This movie also has great action sequences if you’re into that kind of stuff.

8. Myanmar

This film is really a documentary and seeks to pull back the curtain on the goings-on of a country that has largely succeeded in keeping its operations isolated from the rest of the world for decades. Yet another movie about totalitarian regimes and how they maintain their power, it’s a great study on the subject.

9. At the Height of Summer

This movie is all about women and how they go through everyday struggles that are uniquely female. The 3 sisters in the film juggle several responsibilities and face many challenges, but still manage to come out on top in the end.

10. Summer at Grandpa’s

This movie depicts the stark contrast between urban and rural life in Asia. It shows the challenges children from the two environments face when they are in alien places, and how they overcome those challenges. 


All these movies make for a great time with lots of entertainment and education. By the time you’re done, you will have a much broader perspective of the world and how it works. 

Author Bio

Nicholas Walker is a writer and editor with 5 years of experience. He primarily writes about travel, education, and entertainment. His favourite pastimes are meditation and hiking, and you can often find him on the local trails over the weekend.

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