Cartels | aka Killing Salazar | Blu-ray & DVD (Lionsgate)

Cartels | aka Killing Salazar | Blu-ray & DVD (Lionsgate)

Cartels | aka Killing Salazar | Blu-ray & DVD (Lionsgate)

RELEASE DATE: September 19, 2017

On September 19, 2017, Lionsgate will be releasing the Blu-ray & DVD (the film is currently available via VOD) for Keoni Waxman’s Cartels (aka Killing Salazar). The film stars Steven Seagal (Contract to KillEnd of Gun), MMA’s Georges St Pierre (Kickboxer: Vengeance) and Luke Goss (Tekken).

In Cartels, (read our review), an elite team of DEA agents are assigned to protect a drug lord and take refuge in a luxury hotel while they await extraction. They soon find themselves at the center of an ambush as the drug lord’s former associates launch an explosive assault on the hotel.

Stay tuned for pre-order information.

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8 Responses to Cartels | aka Killing Salazar | Blu-ray & DVD (Lionsgate)

  1. Pingback: Killing Salazar - Seagal, St-Pierre et Goss réunis au grand-écran - Cinémasculin

  2. Zach says:

    Although almost every contemporary Seagal film is fairly dreadful, I would kill for Under Siege 3. It’d be pretty hilarious to see Seagal bring those lame sunglasses and do rags of his over to the classic character of Casey Ryback.

    • I have a feeling producers are going for the “Godfrey Ho/Richard Harrison”route for Seagal. lol In other words, they’re just filming scenes with him, then splicing his footage into as many films as they can, so they can market them as “A Steven Seagal Film” (most of his recent movies have been guest starring roles). Killing Salazar is another “extended cameo” by Seagal. I guess Seagal learned a thing or two from Executive Decision. And this is not to mention all the body doubles he uses; some of which don’t make any sense – I saw one the other day where they use a body double (half his weight) for a scene where Seagal walks up to a door (and it’s not a distance shot either). They’re not even trying.

      And yes, it’s about time Seagal loses those orange sunglasses (it’s not 1998) and loses some weight instead (not saying that to be mean… it’s the truth!)

      All that aside, this film doesn’t look too bad. But you know how it goes… trailers can be deceiving.

  3. Jerry Johnson says:

    This looks surprisingly well done. Seagal actually looks like he did all of his own scenes again. He still has a chance to come back and make good movies again but I dont think he really gives a damn anymore.

  4. Juan says:

    I think seagal should workout for a entire year and lose all weight and make a good action flix

  5. Devonian Wrighton says:

    seagal vs van damme thats the ticket everybody wants come on make it happen

  6. MLO says:

    This movie ends halfway through. That means there has to be a sequel coming.

  7. Dennis Richard says:

    am I the only one that thinks seal is a complete retard and a joke, how stupid do you think people are ( well I guess they are) but to have seagal destroy a guy like George saint pierre even in a cheap made for video movie. I suppose the people still watching steven seagal crap are the same ones that think wwe is real.

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