5 Vet-Approved Tips for Calming an Anxious Dog
5 Vet-Approved Tips for Calming an Anxious Dog
An estimated 72.5% of dogs show anxiety and anxiety-like behaviors.
This means that many of the behaviors most people attribute to being a “bad dog,” such as barking, hiding, climbing on people, and aggressive and destructive acts, are actually due to anxiety.
As a dog owner, dealing with an anxious dog can be an exhausting and frustrating experience. Many owners have sympathy for their dogs but aren’t sure how to help combat their anxiety.
Fortunately, there are several effective methods for calming an anxious dog. Using some of these vet-approved tips and tricks, you can help your pet feel better, which will result in a change in their behavior.
If you are a dog owner who wants to help calm your anxious dog, here are several ways to get started.
1. CBD
CBD oil is a natural way to calm anxiety and provide emotional relief for many people. Fortunately, CBD also works for calming your pets when they feel anxious.
You can purchase CBD for pets and follow the directions to help your pet feel safe and secure.
2. Background Noise
Putting on soothing background noise is a great method to reduce anxiety in dogs. Studies have shown there are a few genres of music that induce calm in kenneled dogs.
The next time your pet is feeling and acting anxious, put on reggae or soft rock to help them feel better.
3. Belly Rubs and Petting
A great tip for how to calm an anxious dog is to use physical contact in the form of petting and belly rubs. Physical contact is effective because an owner’s touch can instantly make a dog feel safe and secure.
The next time your dog is showing signs of anxiety, try soothing him with a lengthy petting session.
4. Calming Treats
Calming treats are an effective way to calm your dog and also make him happy.
Many calming treats use all-natural soothers, like melatonin, to calm your dog without using harmful chemicals. As a bonus, calming treats may reduce anxiety behaviors, such as excessive barking and chewing on items.
5. Conditioning
A great dog anxiety treatment is to condition your dog to the situations that cause them anxiety. For example, if your dog becomes anxious whenever they see their carrier, place treats inside the carrier even when you have nowhere to go. Eventually, the sight of the carrier will not cause anxiety, and you will have an easier time with transportation.
These Are the Best Tips for Calming an Anxious Dog
Calming an anxious dog doesn’t have to be a confusing or lengthy process.
Using CBD oil, calming treats, or aromatherapy is a great way to calm your dog naturally. Calming your dog can be as simple as using physical contact, putting on soothing background noise, or finding a way to distract him. In some cases, an anxious dog simply needs to be conditioned to the situations that cause him anxiety.
Whatever method you use, these tips can help you calm your anxious dog.
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