Martial arts action star Michael Jai White (Blood and Bone), Josh Herdman (Harry Potter franchise), and Gina Gershon (Face/Off) are set to star in Cagefighter, an MMA-themed drama from writer-director Jesse Quinones (Calloused Hands).
In Cagefighter, an MMA champion Reiss (Herdman) unexpectedly loses a heavily promoted match. A downward spiral sends him to the brink of losing his wife (Michelle Ryan) and his best friend (Jason Maza). Deemed erratic and out of control, he alienates his long-time trainer (Jai White) and the biggest MMA promoter in the business (Gershon). He must dig deep to find a path back to victory (via Deadline/FCS)
Cagefighter is currently in pre-production phase. Stay tuned!