Don Lee takes on Satan? Capelight Pictures picks up the South Korean action thriller ‘Holy Night: Demon Hunters’

“Holy Night: Demon Hunters” Theatrical Poster

“Holy Night: Demon Hunters” Theatrical Poster

Ma Dong-seok, aka Don Lee (Derailed, Roundup: Punishment) co-stars with Seohyun (Seeking the King) and David Lee (Svaha: The Sixth Finger) in Holy Night: Demon Hunters, an upcoming action-thriller from first time director, Im Dae-Hee, who co-wrote the film with Ma.

Holy Night: Demon Hunters sees Seoul descend into chaos as a devil-worshipping criminal network takes control. In a desperate plea for salvation, the police are forced to enlist “Holy Night”, a trio of demon hunters – played by aforementioned trio – who are armed with supernatural powers (via Variety).

Holy Night: Demon Hunters also stars Kyung Soo-Jin (The Vanished) and Jung Ji-So (Parasite).

The film will be released in the U.S. by Capelight Pictures later this year. Watch the film’s latest Trailer below:

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4 Responses to Don Lee takes on Satan? Capelight Pictures picks up the South Korean action thriller ‘Holy Night: Demon Hunters’

  1. Andrew Hernandez says:

    I like the look of it. It almost has a 2002 (The HK film) thing going for it where you have cops who monitor and take down the paranormal kind of like Ghostbusters meets Men in Black. (Before the RIPD books were made. Forget the movies) Combine that with eastern mysticism alá Dr Cheon, Divine Fury, Mr Vampire, and Encounters of a Spooky Kind, and this could be cool.

  2. KayKay says:

    Be it zombies on a train, mutants in a post apocalyptic wasteland or scumbags in the streets of Seoul, if Don Lee’s punching them, count me in!

    • KayKay says:

      Be it zombies on a train, mutants in a post apocalyptic wasteland, scumbags in the streets of Seoul, and now demons from God Knows Where, if Don Lee’s punching them, count me in!

  3. dakuan says:

    should have called it The Roundup 5 and finally take the franchise into Fast and Furious territory.

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