Kim Tai Chung
Korean martial arts movie star Kim Tai Chung, also known as Kim Tai-Jung or Tong Lung, has passed away. Kim Tai Chung was considered the only “mainstream” of the Bruce Lee copycats because of his work on Raymond Chow’s Golden Harvest classics “Game of Death” (1978) and “Tower of Death” (1981). He is also known for appearing in Corey Yuen’s 1986 U.S. film debut, “No Retreat, No Surrender” (1986) alongside Kurt McKinney and Jean-Claude Van Damme. There are currently no details on his passing, but there’s speculation that he died of internal stomach bleeding. He was 68.
Update: Since Kim Tai Chung’s death, a youtube dedication video (featuring stills and photos from his memorial service, including Wang Jang Lee and Casanova Wong) and a pack of website links featuring more photos have surfaced.
– Thanks to MG Lerox, Bengs, WalkOn and Shapes for the heads up
I’ve been a fan of “No Retreat, No Surrender” since I was a kid and yet I had no idea until today that Cory Yuen directed it. No wonder the martial arts scenes still hold up to this day, unlike many 80’s action movies. R.I.P. Tong Lung.
Kim Tai Chung did an excellent job as Billy Lo (the ‘Bruce Lee’ part in Game of Death). In spite of its flaws, it is an excellent martial arts film, and serious martial fans and students appreciated the fight choreography and excellent cast in that film. I don’t think Kim was 68 when he passed away in 2011. He was born in 1957, thus he was 54. Much too young.
I was very impressed by him in Game of Death and especially Tower of Death. Just found out he passed away. Sad piece of news indeed. What I don’t understand is why he stopped making movies. Also, despite being cheesy, No Retreat, No Surrender surely had its charm. R.I.P.
R.I.P Kim Tai Chung.
Rip Kim Tai Chung