What 1979 all-star kung fu film is the next Blu-ray release from VCI Entertainment’s Pearl River Collection?

"Duel of the 7 Tigers" Theatrical Poster

“Duel of the 7 Tigers” Theatrical Poster

If you’re a die hard kung fu movie collector, chances are you already know about VCI Entertainment’s Pearl River Collection, a U.S. company (masterminded by actor/martial artist Michael Worth) that describes itself as a line “dedicated to important classic and neglected martial arts films from Asia in editions that offer the highest technical quality available and original supplements and content.”

To date, The Pearl River Collection has The Leg Fighters and the recently released Dynamo under their belt, kung fu film enthusiasts are already wondering what the company’s next release is (Note: VCI’s Bruce’s Deadly Fingers technically doesn’t count, since it was manufactured prior to the establishment of The Pearl River).

According to VCI themselves, the next release (or at least one of their next releases) is 1979’s Duel of the Seven Tigers (aka Shadow of the Tigers), a Goldig film directed by Richard Yeung Kuen, who is noteworthy for having directed Leslie Cheung in The Drummer, Moon Lee in The Revenge of Angel, Bruce Li in Image of Bruce Lee and Carrie Ng in Candlelight’s Woman. 

Here’s the official details for the upcoming release:

Duel of the Seven Tigers (read our review) is a reworking of Kurosawa’s classic The Seven Samurai in a Chinese martial arts adventure. A group of fighters must band together to defeat a fighter who seems all but unstoppable. The film stars Phillip Ko Fei (Dragon Bruce Lee, Part II), Cliff Lok (Crippled Kung Fu Boxer), Sharon Yeung Pan Pan (Angel Terminators), Han Ying-Chieh (The Big Boss), Cassanova Wong (South Shaolin vs. North Shaolin) and Hung Gar expert, Chiu Chi Ling (Lackey and the Lady Tiger).

A release date is still pending for the film. Until then, here’s its Trailer:

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9 Responses to What 1979 all-star kung fu film is the next Blu-ray release from VCI Entertainment’s Pearl River Collection?

  1. Killer Meteor says:

    Exciting! The more, the merrier!

  2. Killer Meteor says:

    I’m surprised Big Boss 2 didn’t get a wider video releases back in the day. As it’s directed by the assistant director of the original, it is a semi-legit sequel!

    • JJ Bona says:

      Every “sequel” was sorta “semi-legit” in their own regard.

      Fist of Fury 2 (Bruce Li) featured a couple of actors from the original FOF. New Fist of Fury (Jackie Chan) was of course directed by the same director/co-star of the original, plus it had Nora Miao. And of course Game of Death 2 (aka Tower of Death), was put out by Golden Harvest studios, but is less of a sequel given the fact that’s it’s not supposed to be a sequel to a movie that wasn’t even Bruce Lee’s original storyline. Pure madness. lol

  3. That Dynamo release could have been alot better as far as picture quality.What do you guys think? Seems to be too sharp and out of focus a bit.Doesnt really look like high definition.


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