Deal on Fire! Dragon Blade | Blu-ray | Only $7.88 – Expires soon!

Dragon Blade | Blu-ray & DVD (Lionsgate)

Dragon Blade | Blu-ray & DVD (Lionsgate)

Today’s Deal on Fire is the Blu-ray for Daniel Lee’s Dragon Blade (read our review), an action/adventure period flick starring Jackie Chan (Police Story 2013), Adrien Brody (The Pianist) and John Cusack (Love & Mercy).

When corrupt Roman leader Tiberius arrives with a giant army to claim the Silk Road, Huo An teams up his army with an elite Legion of defected Roman soldiers led by General Lucius to protect his country and his new friends.

Dragon Blade also stars Choi Siwon (Helios), Lin Peng (Viral Factor) and Wang Tai Li (East Meets West).

Order Dragon Blade from today!

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7 Responses to Deal on Fire! Dragon Blade | Blu-ray | Only $7.88 – Expires soon!

  1. Ningen says:

    I guess they called it Dragon Blade, because ‘The Myth 2’ was taken? 🙂

  2. Ningen says:

    So it’s an unofficial Hong Kong remake of Highlander? 🙂

  3. the bothanspy says:

    has anyone else notiched that it looks like really badly photoshopped image of Jackie’s face?

  4. Sunny says:

    WTF, Mel is a great actor and he would have played a the roman general with such a passion!! Won’t see the movie anymore!!!

  5. Dan says:

    The question now is, “How badly will the North American version be butchered in the editing room?”

    And is it just me or does John Cusak look terribly miscast in this role? He looks goofy as hell in that get-up. Plus Jackie still looks weird in the trailer like he did in those first pics we saw. Like he’s either been digitally de-aged or is wearing about a pound of make-up.

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