Today’s Deal on Fire is the Blu-ray for Boyka: Undisputed (aka Boyka: Undisputed IV), starring martial arts sensation Scott Adkins (The Debt Collector, Max Cloud and Ip Man 4: The Finale).
In the fourth installment of the Undisputed franchise, Scott Adkins returns as Yuri Boyka, the most complete fighter in the world, a man looking for his shot to fight for the ultimate championship belt. After he accidentally kills an opponent in the ring, Boyka reaches out to the fallen opponent’s wife. But when the wife gets kidnapped by a crime kingpin, Boyka must take on a series of lethal opponents in the ring to keep her from a life of servitude.
This time around, Todor Chapkanov (Viking Quest) directs, while Isaac Florentine (Close Range) serves as producer. Boyka: Undisputed also stars Teodora Duhovnikova (Corpse Collector), Alon Aboutboul (The Dark Knight Rises), Julian Vergov (Until Death) and Valentin Ganev (Undisputed II).
Order Boyka: Undisputed IV from today!
Screw Ninja 2 bring on Undisputed 4 because those films blow away that crap attempt at a Ninja movie.
Yer it’s sick. This is the best news ever! Will we see a mafia Boyka?
Ninja 2 was very good movie super fights
I’m going to go buy a bottle of Vodka to celebrate Boyka’s return!
you are the best one
You are the most complet fighter acter movie of the centuari
there has not been any impressive martial arts display films within the last 10years like undisputed wait give it 20years forget van damme! This is more than he ever achieved
We are anxiously waiting for undisputed 4. Bring it on adkins even if it’s possible today, make it happen man
I wanted to know if there will be undisputed 4.??? I am anxiously wanted to watch this film make it happened man……..
I could wait for the movie by 2015 but i am so interested about the plot of the movie, where does he fights and more important, who is the main opponent! And also will the Mykel Shannon Jenkins (the USA boxer from undisputed 3) apear and fight against Boyka
I’m waiting Undisputed 4!!!!!
Yuri boyka can’t beat Chuck Norris.
In his days boyka can not beat
good joke
Are you retarted ?!
Chuck can’t even jump lol
Here Malta. We want boyka beck .
Because you puch Martial arts up
Love UNdisputed nd Ninja 2..Scott AdkiNs rulz..Best Action Hero eva..watng 4 His Next movie……
Wooowwwww!…… I Don’t even have a word to express how I am exited to know Undisputed 4……Scott adkins,……is the one and the only favorite actor of mine in the world………long live for you Scott
Exactly, These people doesn’t giving shit about that they are robbing their hard working money. I really would say, please people… if you want boyka then you better help scott adkins by buying films… not download!!
there is no dvd to buy in my country so i must download the movie
Waiting for Boyka bring it on
ME=i have to watch….
Turbo= Watch what?
Me=Return of Boyka
Me= I am the most complete Fan of Boyka i the world..
Me= My whole life i tried for what ..
He will be the next Rambo.
Scot announced that Undisputed 4 will be like Rambo.
Keep doin what u do scott cos u ar vry good at it cnt for more action
I’d love part 4 to be a prequel about how Boyka ends up in prison. And for it to not have 4 in the title. Maybe ‘Undisputed: The Beggining’ (or something more imaginative). Then we can all forget about the first Undisputed film which doesn’t really have much to do with the sequels and have a proper starting film to the series.
I really want to know what happens when boyka geta out of jail. Will he see turbo Again? I hope he does. I wonder if they’re gonna have that rematch. Will gaga return as Boyka’s manager? so many questions.
You are the most complete fighter in the world. ………..
We are waiting. …..Boyka
I want Boyka to return… N I promise I ‘ll buy undisputed4 DVD
Not gonna gv a flying shyt abt Undisputed 4 until its confirmed dat CHAMBERS/JAI WHITE is bak. UNDISPUTED BELONGS 2 CHAMBERS. Y cant d makers just hv Chambers & Boyka patch things-up, leave d past in d past, partner-up & kick serious @$$?
Aint never seen someone like uri boyka.been following undisputed and still watching it after all this time….well uri boyka left with a case full of money right,turbo said*untill next time*…that makes me exited…I would love uri waste all his money and then cought up in the erge to do street fighting for money”he is the best fighter in the world”so let’s make a undisputed 4 guys and if you donot know the story line yet.I don’t say make it exactly the same but think of the movie…*blood and bone*…glad to have helped* and yeah shot include turbo aswell.
And bring back chambers….would love to see chambers and turbo dalla
Can’t wait for undisputed 4 ! what’s the big deal to buy such movie!! We will buy it!!! maybe we will see undisputed 5 in the future
Right nkee,bad nkee, no nkee…. You still the best fighter in the world…. Especially when u angry:D.Boyka is the best an forever!
I want Tony Jaa to be casted
Boyka is the best….and i want boyka to fight with george chambers and win….
First,I’m glad he’s back,I hope this isn’t the final sequel,b/c I would love to see more undisputed films with or without boyka and The film needs a good catching title name for the sequel.
im very queries to see undisputed 4
damn its already 2015 wtf we want boyka the most complete fighter in the world
aka the reincarnation of achilles
We’re still awaiting for undisputed4.please make it happen………………
We wanna know why not play as Boyka. There are alot of martial art fans out here who would rather see mixed-martial arts than another ninja movie. Bring on Boyka against anybody!
I can’t wait for undisputed 4,plzzz make this movie immidiatly
Can’t wait to see Uri Boyka 4. Welcome to PNG.
I don’t get it? Is Iko going to be in part 4 or something??? Why was Iko prison scene edited with Undisputed 3??? What does it have to do with part 4?
They should pick up where they left off in the last movie when he was walking on the road that what I want to see just like the last Rambo movie yeah buddy.
Boyka…… Can u beat our vidyut jamwal????? He is the complete fighter in the world
Boyka! boykaaa…boyka boyka boyka. I wish they knewn how u gave urself to martial artist – for me is to be come the most complete fighter in the world I can see that and each day u try a new style to come on top. keep it up man push it till come itself. craziest fun of ours
Boyka I wish ua fun could understand why u gave uaself to martial artist and why ua still pushing it, for my understanding I think ua not there yet but I can see how hard u trying even skills to understand ua inner desire that why u wanna be the most complete fighter in the world. ua crezies fun
lastly dot what ua doing but dot forget there is creater of heaven and earth which is God who gives what man can not.
right now funding is most biggest issue that u what to make undisputed 4 happen that will came to pass it will and still u gonna think for another so be passion cool down ua inner most and let. God be ua fast priority.
Fuck ninja 2 we want undisputed 4
Bring it on…Boyka
בויקה חוזר !!!אני ממש אהבתי את בילתי מנוצחאני מקווה שהוא יחזור
My Dad starting teaching me Martial arts from the age of 3, It’s my passion and Dream to be where you are Scott Adkins. You are an inspiration to the world, The kicking Techniques you have mastered are unbelievable. I Can’t wait for Undisputed 4, BTW if you need a cheap fighter to be in the film Contact me at
Bring it On Scott.
What I wouldn’t give to spar Adkins. I was a huge van damn fan when I was younger. I’m 27,in great shape and would pay my life savings just to get my ass kicked. I’m sure I would, but still idk many people who can do what I do and Adkins makes me look like an infant.
plzz watch The Raid uko uwakis
aaahhh damn
scott ” The most complete fighter in the world “
I m very happy bcoz boyka is back..
Boyka- manly n extremely entertaining.
Amazing kicks, complete form of martial arts.
I have not missed any of your movie Mr. Adkin.
Hoping more with the fourth sequel. So rock on.
It is the time we applaud …BOYKA!
I hope the directors don’t mess up this movie….. I am going to be really pissed if they do!!!!
Bring boyka back!!!!! I for one will pay cash money to see that movie 100%!!!
actor:scott adkins javad ramezani
Sorry to correct you but I worked on the film, and Tim Man was the fight choreographer.
Thanks for the correction. Updated.
you are a smart, beauty, amazing fighter in world………
Adkins u truely a man,keep it up man & I really like u my brother
Scott Adkins is the best actor and martial artist of all time.I like him
Wooooowwe… Just watched the trailer and its awesome
Yuri..boyaka….I see soo..many moves of ur fighting is like warrior …….If..I get a chance to fight….I will fight like you…now this minute I am… fat I cant u….but all I need is my transformation …I will …do…this..becaz I am the biggest fan of …..boyaka…..yuri boyaka…
Whn is the realise date anybody can tell me
Mr scott, no one like you.
shut the fuck up biatch ass .. boyka is a star… you are not even a shit put that crap in you ass .. you modaF**kr
Haven’t seen a good martial arts movie since undisputed 3. I literally squealed with our excitement after seeing this trailer! Watching Adkins makes me feel like I’m watching the old school legends from back when I was a kid but with a new generation spin to it. Boyka is one of the most intriguing characters I’ve seen. It’s weird how even though he was the big baddie in Undisputed 2 and I was rooting for Chambers, there was a part of me that was drawn to Scott’s character and I started to root for him too. And I am a full blown Boyka fan!
I too wouldn’t mind a prequel story that would give us some background about Boyka as long as they keep the same crew and production members to helm story (if they decide to do this).
Boyka would get easily destroyed by Superman. Why? Because Superman has superpowers and that all he has to do is punch through Boyka once and he is dead. What? Can’t handle the truth? Too bad then, LOL!
it was supposed to be released on 1st september…
Recently Hard Target 2 was great with Scott.
Let us hope Boyka Undisputed is as good as Undisputed 2 and 3.
Let’s hope everyone shows some support and watches it legally.
They changed the release date again to April 2017
Thank you!
Starting to give up on this movie it’s never going to come out it got pushed up too many months 1st July 2016 then Sept 2016 Jan 2017 now April 2017 what’s next Oct 31? Jan 2018? Come on already!!!!!
I am hardcore fan of boyka…. I watched that movie over and over again, the truth is i couldn’t compare any. Other martial art movie whith undisputed… I can wait to watch undisputed 4.. Without watching any other movies… Thanks…
Any news about its release in Spain? Can’t wait to get it!
I love this movie