Underdogs Kids | DVD (Anchor Bay)

Underdogs Kids | DVD (Anchor Bay)

Underdogs Kids | DVD (Anchor Bay)

RELEASE DATE: July 7, 2015

Anchor Bay presents the DVD for Underdogs Kids, directed by and starring Philip Rhee (Best of the Best series).

It’s a few weeks before the big karate tournament, and the struggling Mid-City Community Center has just lost their instructor. But when former MMA champ Jimmy ‘The Lightning Bolt’ Lee (Rhee) returns to the old neighborhood, he reluctantly agrees to train the misfit kids for their match against the undefeated Beverly Hills team. | Watch the trailer!

Pre-order Underdog Kids from Amazon.com today!

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7 Responses to Underdogs Kids | DVD (Anchor Bay)

  1. Bewarmaii says:

    Looking forward to this. This is the martial arts “expendables” version. Hopefully it won’t be a disappointment. Rhee’s best movies were best of the best 1+2.

  2. STDZ says:

    Cool I’m looking forward.

  3. Chad Harry says:

    Awesome. I for one actually like all of the Best Of the Best films. They were big part of my child hood. I mean luckily I had Shaw Bros., Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee films as the bigger influences but films like Best of the Best, Karate Kid and anything with Ninjas(Sho Kosugi of course) were right there with them. Its nice to see Phillip Rhee make movies again.

  4. Tien Kwon says:

    there is a lot to say about phillip rhee… but i don’t know where to start… he’s been gone too long. frankly, i’m a little disappointed. it’s cool that he has a facebook and we can see him update on whatever he’s doing. after best of the best 3, i’m like thinking… phillip is on his way to stardom. then he does best of the best 4…. i was at blockbuster renting movies on VHS back then haha and i noticed botb4 on the shelf. of course i rented it… uh i wasn’t satisfy with the outcome of the film. part 3 is clever, and we get a little connection of part 1 and 2. part 4 is like happening in another universe and tommy lee is back, but in a different movie. we don’t get no prequel references and none of that. it’s like a quick flick for a quick buck. phillip does contribute to the film, but it’s not enough. the story falls flat and they don’t have much of a screenplay. not to say that part 4 is completely bad. there are moments of adequate scenes. they should have just rename the movie to something else and change rhee’s character name. the whole time i was watching it, i was like… phillip, are you thinking anymore? plus, to make things worse… seemed like he gotten weak… or soft… also, he slimmed down.

    about the action… there are moments where the timing is right, but other times, i don’t know what rhee is trying to show? take an enemy to the distance? a sign of never give up even when you’re running out of fuel? when he was fighting while being exhausted or while being drained, it was pitiful to see. the athlete in him wasn’t there. i wanted to impress my cousins with phillip rhee, and part 4 was their first rhee movie that they saw. they weren’t into it at all… and that kind of says the movie failed. like that one liner from part 1, it ain’t the same tommy lee we saw in fresno.. lol something like that.

    i’m following rhee on facebook… and where he says:
    “New movie means getting in shape. No more In and Out Burgers, no fries, no pizzas, no fried Calamaris… Time to work… waking up at 6am and hitting the gym… today was weights and heavy bag work. Body aches, but I accept the challenge and welcome the pain.”

    doesn’t this bother you guys? because it bothers me. i remember on a show, i forgot what it was about, bruce lee’s name came up. so like the asian celebrities who were there comment on bruce. they cut to phillip, and he was saying that he’s like bruce, etc. i don’t remember every single thing he said, but he sounded like a very passionate dedicated martial artist. so from that, i was thinking we will see more of him soon. it has taken him this long to finally go back to movie making… after the tony jaa craze, and donnie yen’s comeback, the expendables lol. it’s been too long. he’s making this new flick right now, and he’s being honest about the food he eats. i like his honesty lol, but wouldn’t that be more of uninspiring? phillip is a public figure, so there is a lot on his shoulders. he needs to be careful what he says and what he does out in the open. maybe it’s just me having my own expectations from him. when you’re a martial art movie star, you need to stay in shape, or you’ll ruin your name and your image. he still look like the same shape as before. he is a martial artist and a instructor so he’s able to maintain his body, but shouldn’t the martial artist exceed their limits though? i mean there are guys like sammo hung, and he shows his physique, but for phillip, obviously the guy was showing off how ripped he was, his muscles, etc. i guess i was hoping he would exceed himself and be more of his higher self. i’m just not pleased because here he is making enough money from his martial art school, so doing movies isn’t necessary at all. he doesn’t have to be an struggling actor to make a living. with the money he makes though, if he was so dedicated, he should continue to improve his martial arts, his health by eating right and exercising, his whole body, his muscles, you know? take things to the next level. a martial artist who does this… i think… is bruce lee. this is why bruce is still internationally well-known and everything. every time we see bruce in his next movie, he looks stronger than before… and his presence is completely different from all of these other martial art stars we see today…. so this goes back to what phillip rhee was saying… that he’s like bruce lee…. i don’t think so.

    i hope phillip continues to make more movies after the underdogs. the worse case scenario is, he won’t make another movie after this one in 5 years. lol

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