The Tiger Mask is an upcoming live-action adapation of a Japanese manga series of the same name by Ikki Kajiwara. The series first appeared in the late 60s and by the early 70s, The Tiger Mask made its way onto TV, courtesy of Toei Animation.
According to Film Combat Syndicate, The Tiger Mask follows a highly feared and viciously skilled heel wrestler who changes his tune and chooses to become a symbol of heroism after a young boy approaches him and expresses that he wanted to be just as villainous as he was in the ring.
The Tiger Mask is directed by Ken Ochiai (Memory Sculptor) and stars Eiji Wentz, Natsuna and Sho Aikiwa. The film will premier at the Fantasia International Film Festival in Montreal this July, then will have a theatrical run in November 2013. Until then, check out the teaser trailer.