Extreme Crisis (1998) Review

"Extreme Crisis" DVD Cover

“Extreme Crisis” DVD Cover

Director: Bruce Law
Cast: Julian Cheung, Theresa Lee, Shu Qi, Kenya Sawada, Wong Yat Fei, Spencer Lam
Running Time: 95 min.

By Tequila

Imagine The Rock on acid…that is the only way I can describe this movie. I was expecting a clone of The Rock from the reviews and my expectations were pretty low – this film is pretty much just crap acting and a bunch of explosions on the first VCD and I was only kept interested by the psychotic shootings and shit.

BUT THEN!!! *Dum Dum Dum!* The second VCD has to contain the most glorified and sick violence ever, it’s as if Bruce Law realized his film was beginning to suck and just decided to murder everybody – in close up, slow mo, with splatter and sound effects. If you just feel like watching innocent people get their brains plastered on walls, get the VCD of this NOW! Who cares about the appalling acting when the cast speak English or the average 1st disc?


The most shockingly violent moment in Extreme Crisis is when the female cop, nervous to shoot, takes the main lieutenant of the Japanese cult hostage with a gun to his head. You think she’s going to make up for her past errors and blow the cunt’s brains out but instead gets shot point blank by a terrorist and that is that. A little boy also takes a head shot at one point, and some Navy Seals get burned at shot in slow mo.


Basically, Extreme Crisis is a sick and twisted version of The Rock, if you hate Hollywood and want mindless action, go see this.

Tequila’s Rating: 6.5/10 (1 mark off for scummy 1st disc)

By Numskull


The only extreme thing about this movie is the body count. Defenseless hostages get gunned down by the shitload. Nothing I can’t handle, but it’s a little more unnerving here than in something like Hard Boiled, because Extreme Crisis is not what I would categorize as an action movie. Not in the Hong Kong sense, anyway. In some ways it reminded me of The Rock, only…well, worse.

There are two elite cops, one Chinese and one Japanese, who try to foil this Japanese cult’s plan to massacre Hong Kong’s citizenry since they’re pissed off about their leader being imprisoned. The Chinese cop’s girlfriend is a news anchor who works in the TV station that the cult takes over and there’s also a stuffy female cop who just can’t bring herself to pull a trigger.

Three languages are used throughout the movie: Cantonese, Japanese, and, most of all, English. The woman who plays the non-ass-capping cop isn’t much of an actress, but she does speak English really well. Kinda like a female Michael Wong. The other performances are OK, nothing outstanding. The cult’s sub-leader says “I have made myself very clear” but it sounds like “I have made myself very queer.” That would explain the haircut.

Some people get shot, some shit gets blown up, there are a couple of fights…passable stuff, but nothing that will really grab you by the balls. The production values are quite good and the music is above average, and there really isn’t anything fundamentally WRONG with the movie, unless you count it being somewhat Americanized. It just doesn’t hold your attention very well. Sorry, people. There are worse films out there, to be sure, but if your spare time is limited, you’d be well advised to avoid this one.

Numskull’s Rating: 5/10

Posted in All, Chinese, News, Reviews | Tagged , , , |

JSA: Joint Security Area (2000) Review

"JSA: Joint Security Area" Korean Theatrical Poster

“JSA: Joint Security Area” Korean Theatrical Poster

Director: Park Chan-wook
Cast: Lee Byung-Hun, Song Kang-Ho, Shin Ha-Kyun, Lee Young-Ae, Kim Tae-Woo, Gi Ju-Bong, Lee Han-Wi, Lee Dae-Yeon, Kim Myung-Soo, Kim Kwang-Il
Running Time: 100 min.

By Equinox21

J.S.A. has been my favorite Korean movie, my second favorite Asian movie (behind Chungking Express), and one of my top 5 favorite movies in general ever since I first saw it. Everything about it (save for one minor aspect) is absolutely top notch; acting, music, story, direction, ambiance… all perfect. As outstanding as J.S.A. is, watching it still brings down my day a bit as it is a great example of a classic tragedy.

When there’s a murder in a North Korean watch tower on the border between North and South Korea, Swiss-Korean investigator for the NNSC (Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission), Major Sophie Lang (Lee Yeong-ae), is called in to solve the mystery. The South Korean soldier that shot and killed 2 North Korean soldiers and wounded a third in the tower, while being wounded himself, has already been identified. What the Major must discover is exactly why the shootout took place. She doesn’t get any help from the two surviving players in the shootout, as North Korean Sgt. Oh (Song Kang-ho) claims that Sgt. Lee (Lee Byeong-hyun) simply walked in and started shooting, and Sgt. Lee claims that he’d been kidnapped and was forced to shoot the North Koreans in his escape. Through the course of the movie Major Lang must prevent hostilities from increasing all while she discovers the shocking truth. The story is absolutely perfect, and easily one of my favorites because of the great implications that the truth holds.

So as not to spoil any of the surprise, I’ll just say that the acting was terrific from Song Kang-ho, Shin Ha-kyun, Lee Byeong-hyun, and Kim Tae-woo. The entire impact of the movie rests on their shoulders, and they do not disappoint!

The direction was brilliant by Park Chan-wook. There are a number of elements he adds to the movie to keep the suspense and drama on overdrive. In particular is one seemingly minor scene in the first act that is repeated at the very end of the movie, but from a different angle in which it yields an entirely different emotional impact the second time around.

The music was extremely well placed in J.S.A., and has one of my favorite soundtracks of any Korean movie. It fits the tragic mood of the movie very well. It’s also such a moving soundtrack that it’s one of the few that I’ve bought. It couldn’t have been any better.

The ONLY negative aspects of this movie were the few portions that were in English. Lee Yeong-ae’s limited ability to speak English hurt the movie in only those few parts, but thankfully this had no impact on the overall story or feel. I just ignore these few scenes negative aspects when watching the movie, because every other scene more than makes up for it.

Everyone should watch this movie because, simply put, it is brilliant. Everything about it, except that one minor flaw, was perfect. This was a huge success in the South Korean box offices, and rightly so. See J.S.A. as soon as possible, if you haven’t already.

Equinox21’s Rating: 10/10

By Dragon Ma

Would you risk a certain death for something greater? I’m not sure that’s the question JSA is asking but it’s along those lines. This film deals with a friendship that occurs after someone takes a risk and walks over a line that’s marked certain death for the person who walks over it and anyone who greets him at the other end.

The film opens with a shooting and two men, Sergeant Lee (Lee Byung-Heon) and Sergeant Ho (Shin Ha-Kyun) from South Korea surviving and two from North Korea Lieutenant Choi and Private Jung (Kim Tae-Woo) dead and another North Korea, Sergeant Oh (Song Kang Ho) surviving. Major Sophie-Jean (Lee Young-Ae) is brought in by the NNSC (Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission) to find out what really happened. As Sophie begins to investigate she finds not everything is as straightforward as she thinks.

After the success of Shiri came another film dealing with the division of North and South Korea, only this one is not as loud and bombastic as Shiri. It’s more of a detective story but as you watch the film it explains early on what happened, the only thing that needs to be explained is why and that’s where JSA gets interesting. As both sides meet for the first time and realize neither is made out to be the enemy that they’ve been told you begin to appreciate the friendship although you know it’s not going to last and that’s the tragic part, this friendship will not survive because of the pervading outside forces that threaten it. The acting is superb across the board, the only weak link that maybe considered is Lee Young-Ae who never grew up in Korea but speaks perfect Korean but has broken English. Park-Chan Wook’s direction is smooth and assured and he doesn’t miss a step, although there is a misguided attempt at history somewhere in the film but that’s only a minor point, he also brings a great visual sense to the film but it’s used only sparingly so it doesn’t distract from the story or the characters. I recommend this excellent film to anyone who is interested in watching Korean films, it’s a great introduction as to why there has been such a buzz surrounding that country and here is your proof.

Dragon Ma’s Rating: 10/10

By Alexander

There are many things to like about Joint Security Area, from its fresh perspective of the volatile border between the two Koreas, the inclusion of a neutral Swiss investigative party depicted by competent (!) gwailo actors, a compelling and suspenseful narrative and deft direction by Park Chan-wook. But the most appealing quality of this dramatic thriller are the dynamic performances of Song Kang-ho (Shiri) and Lee Young-ae. Lee is particularly riveting as a South Korean soldier torn between his loyalty to an unexpected friend and his duty to his country. He effortlessly shifts from the expected stoicism of a border guard to boredom to terror as his character is faced with mounting dilemmas after an ill-advised encounter in North Korea.

JSA should not be dismissed as a straight action film ala Shiri or the dozens of films being churned out by Hong Kong crap factories. It’s so much more than a violent shoot-’em-up framed by the always topical conflict between North and South Korea. Rather, it’s a moving story that personalizes the agony faced by many Koreans separated from loved ones by political ideologies and massive, guns-at-the-ready armies.

JSA is REQUIRED viewing, and would serve as a fantastic introduction to the exciting (and rapidly expanding) world of Korean cinema.

Alexander’s Rating: 8.5/10

By Len

Between the two koreas lies a demilitarized zone, guarded by soldiers on both sides who are trained to be enemies. One night, this balance of terror is upset by a weird shootout on the North Korean side in which several soldiers from both sides are injured and killed. A young South Korean sergeant makes a confession on which he states that he’s responsible for the bloodshed, but what was he doing on the wrong side of the DMZ in the first place?

UN sends a neutral committee from Switzerland to investigate this volatile situation, headed by a young korean-born female officer. From here starts a intriguing mystery told in flashbacks and eyewitness accounts as slowly pieces of the puzzle start to reveal themselves.

Starting off like a normal, by-the-numbers actioner, JSA soon starts to develop into a intriguing drama where instead of political issues, the relationships between people are the main focus. As both sides give their views on what happened, the viewer starts to understand the actual course of events leading to the shootout but right until the end some things are kept under wraps, and thus the film constantly manages to surprise. Not only with plot revelations, but with the quality of the drama also.

Like some of you might have guessed already, I love this film. Director Park Chan-Wook knows how to keep the suspense until the very last scene and never loses touch of the actual human beings involved in the incident. This isn’t a film about soldiers, but a film of real people, with actual lives, who just happen to be soldiers in two rival nations. The brilliant acting plays a big part in this. Song Kang-Ho, who some might know from Foul King and Shiri, is just awesome as the north korean officer somehow involved in the shooting and Yeong-Ae Lee is very convincing as the South Korean sergeant who’s obviously trying to cover for someone by confessing.

In the end, the last piece of the puzzle is revealed as the camera slowly tours over a photograph taken by a tourist earlier in the film and forces the viewer to think about what (s)he has just seen.

A great film.

Len’s Rating: 9/10

Posted in Korean, Reviews | Tagged , , , , |

Five Element Ninjas | aka Chinese Super Ninjas (1982) Review

"Five Element Ninjas" Chinese Theatrical Poster

“Five Element Ninjas” Chinese Theatrical Poster

AKA: Super Ninjas
Director: Chang Cheh
Cast: Ricky Cheng, Chan Wai Man, Chen Pei Hsi, Lo Meng, Wong Wai Tong, Lung Tien Hsiang, Wong Lik, Kwan Feng, Chui Tai Ping, Chu Ko, Chan Hung
Running Time: 104 min.

By Joe909

This isn’t a review, it’s a love letter.

I first saw this movie on a local channel when I was a kid. It blew my mind and I knew I was witnessing something special. I saw it again years and years later; in fact, I know exactly when it was: Summer of 1992. It was on the USA Network on a Saturday afternoon, and I remember my Mom came into the living room, right at the part when Shao Tien-Hao’s about to take care of a little “Nuisance,” and my Mom said, “What in the hell are you watching?” She said it more in horror than annoyance, because it’s a pretty shocking scene: something you won’t see the normal Hollywood hero do, that’s for sure.

The movie already had great importance to me, but it rocketed into the mythic stratosphere just a few months later, when I entered college and met a guy who loved the movie as much as I did. But the important fact was that he had a copy of the original US video release, which was, cue fanfare, UNCUT. In fact this movie was partly responsible for the friendship between me and this guy, Ken, a friendship which continues to this day. So that’s just one of the many reasons I’m such an admirer of this cinematic tour de force of violence, heroic sacrifice, and “forced prostitution.”

I’ll usually complain if a movie has too much action and too little story, and it’s true that Five Element Ninja (or as I’ll probably always call it, Super Ninjas) is mostly action. But when it’s done this well, when the movie’s this cool, who really cares? If you want crackerjack kung-fu choreography, bizarre yet deadly weaponry, cool characters in cool costumes, sexy ninja chicks in fishnet stockings, and warriors tripping over their own intestines, then boy do I have the movie for you.

Cheng Tien-Chi stars as Shao Tien-Hao, a cocky young kung-fu whiz kid. We really don’t get to meet him for a while, though; instead, the opening half of the movie concerns a sparring match between Shao’s school and a rival school. Things don’t go so well for the rival school; even their guest fighter, a samurai, is defeated. The samurai calls in his ninja pals right before slicing open his own stomach. Eventually the ninjas issue a challenge to Shao’s school. Their teacher, who’s lost his kung-fu due to a poisoned dart the samurai threw at him right before committing suicide, sends off several of his best students, but keeps Shao and Chi Shang (portrayed by Venom Lo Meng) by his side.

Shao’s schoolmates are slaughtered by the ninjas. There’s no other word for it. Representing each of the five elements, there’s the water ninjas, who come out of the water, the fire ninjas, who use fire and smoke tactics, the earth ninjas, who erupt out of the ground, the gold ninjas, who blind their opponents with their golden shields, and the wood ninjas, who hide inside of trees. During this long battle sequence the movie offers many grisly moments, with the aforementioned intestine-tripping, multiple hackings and dismemberings, and even (in the uncut version) a quick glimpse of a female fire ninja’s breasts.

The ninja leader then sends in female ninja Senshi to gather information on Shao’s school. Cozying up with the gullible Chi Shang, she successfully gathers enough details for the ninjas to mount a nighttime assault. This leads to the destruction of the school, the murder of the teacher and Chi Shang, and the capture of Shao. He’s able to escape, due to a lesson he once received from an elderly Chinese ninja master. Shao finds this old man and learns the ninja arts. Eventually he’s able to issue his own challenge to the ninjas, he and his three new brothers meeting each group and kicking ass. Along the way he settles his score with Senshi (“I was right. WAS I right?”), wastes tons of ninjas, and gains his vengeance.

The fighting in this movie is great across the board. It’s one of the few kung-fu movies you could watch over and over, and never get bored. The Venoms movies can be seen as the peak of the Shaw Brothers kung-fu flicks, but sometimes their choreography was a bit too “hey, look at me!” sort of stuff. Five Element Ninja has acrobatic leaps and kicks and punches, just like the Venoms, but it’s all certainly more hard-hitting. Weapons fighting takes predominance over kung-fu, but this isn’t your typical swordplay movie at all. The choreography is flawless and shows off the obvious skill of the performers.

I have a feeling that if the Shaw Brothers had continued making films, the actors in this movie would have gone on to become Chang Cheh’s “New Venoms.” Most of them had already appeared in the final Venoms movie, House of Traps, but here they get a chance to shine on their own. In particular I’ve always liked lead actor Cheng Tien-Chi, who seems to me like the “Voltron Venom.” If all the other Venoms combined, he would be the result: he’s got the lead-actor qualities of Kuo Choi, the on-screen charisma of Lo Meng, the comedic talents of Chiang Sheng, the weapons mastery of Lu Feng, and the kicking ability of Sun Chien. I wish he’d made more movies, but he faded along with the Shaw Brothers moviemaking empire. A footnote to the Cheng Tien-Chi story is that he was good friends with Venom Chiang Sheng; it was Cheng Tien-Chi who discovered Chiang’s body, dead from a heart attack, in 1991.

The other actors who stand out for me are the mustached Tien Hsiang-Lung as Brother Li, who makes a lone stand against the fire ninjas, the evil ninja leader Chin Tien-Chun, played by Chan Wai-Man (who’d been appearing in Shaws movies for at least a decade), and the three brothers who join Shao’s cause. Then of course there’s Lo Meng, who’d quit the Venoms crew years before, but stayed with the Shaws until the very end. He’s always been one of my favorites. According to his biography on the new Celestial DVD release of Five Venoms, Lo’s a TV star in Hong Kong these days, and lately he’s been attempting to refashion his image as a comedic performer!

The pacing of the narrative is perfect. You might think this is just a schlocky fight-fest, but there’s emotional content here. In fact, the ending gets me every time. Seeing the punishment the ninja leader puts his three new brothers through, Shao realizes what he must do. His final mad dash toward the leader, as various clips from the film flash before his eyes, is to me one of the many highlights of the movie.

This film is one of Chang Cheh’s best, even if the sets are a bit cheap-looking (at one point you can see paint bubbles in the sky), and the costumes at times are too outrageous. (I don’t know too many ninjas who would wear bright gold costumes, and believe you me, I know lots of ninjas.) In some ways, Five Element Ninja can be seen as an ultraviolent combination of Chang’s earlier, more artsy (but bloody) movies and his later kung-fu fests. It’s unfortunate that this was his last movie to make any impact, but at the same time, it’s fitting.

I could go on and on, make this review epic length, but I’m trying to hold myself back. Hopefully I’ve managed to convey my enthusiasm. You know how sometimes you’ll be watching a movie, and you’ll wonder, “wouldn’t it be cool if?” Like, “Wouldn’t it be cool if ninjas erupted out of the ground?” Or, “Wouldn’t it be cool if that dude killed himself with an axe?” Or, “Wouldn’t it be cool if they fucking ripped the main villain in half?” Well, Five Element Ninja meets and exceeds your every “wouldn’t it be cool if” wish.

As a final word, I advise all to out the Panmedia-released, uncut DVD of this film, which is generally listed as “Chinese Super Ninjas uncut.” It’s just a bootleg dub of a video, much like the NS DVD version you can find in stores is a bootleg dub of a video, but whereas the NS release is sourced from an edited version, the Panmedia disc is truly uncut, as it’s taken from the original US video release. The same version my pal Ken showed me, all those years ago. And then when Celestial finally gets with it and releases the remastered version on DVD, buy that one, too. You’ll want both. I’m dreaming of the day when Celestial releases this movie, but dreading it, too. Because I’m so familiar with the English dub (I could quote lines from it all day and not get bored), it’s going to be hard getting used to everyone speaking in Mandarin. But, just to see this movie in widescreen, I can deal with that, no problem.

If I had to make a list of my top five favorite Shaw Brothers movies, Five Element Ninja would rank in the number one position. That’s about the highest praise I can give it. I’m patiently awaiting the Celestial release. (By “patiently,” I mean I’m kicking puppies every chance I get.)

Okay, I’ll limit myself to just one more of my favorite lines in the English dub: “Look at this one! His GUTS are all over!”

Joe909’s Rating: 10/10

By Alvin George

“Five Element Ninjas” is a blood-soaked and highly entertaining martial-arts flick from the early ’80s. The music score is more appropriate to a production of a decade earlier and the English dubbing leaves much to be desired, but the movie is still rewarding. It is proof positive that you don’t need Sho Kosugi, Tadashi Yamashita, or Michael Dudikoff to make a far-out ninja movie. Um, did Japanese gals really wear fishnet-type outfits back in day? Where’s the excrement in that one scene where that one Chinese fighter has intestinal stuff hanging out? OK, so the movie might be somewhat worthy of the “Mystery Science Theater 3000” treatment, but “Five Element Ninjas” is consistently entertaining, with expert fight choreography. I personally would’ve preferred more notable actors to appear in the movie, but what the hey! The Tokyo Shock DVD I rented features a print that was apparently remastered–and a wonderful job at that.

Alvin George’s Rating: 8.5/10

By Alexander

I was hesitant to even give Chinese Super Ninja a chance. I’m not a big fan of martial arts films. In fact, I’m pretty ignorant of the genre entirely as evidenced by my favorites: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. House of Flying Daggers. Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story. (See?) I also didn’t grow up on any of the Shaw Brothers films (no Kung Fu Theater on cable in England and rural Michigan), so I knew I wasn’t going to give Super Ninja a great rating solely because I remembered it fondly from my youth. I remember watching Betamax copies of all of Bruce Lee’s films, but my experience with kung fu-heavy action films was pretty much limited to that and whatever Hollywood crapped out, like Big Trouble in Little China, The Last Dragon and Bloodsport.

To my surprise, however, Chinese Super Ninja kicks ass. The fact that it has dozens of ninjas with a variety of ninja weapons and performing all sorts of ninja moves is almost reason enough to give this movie a perfect score. But it also has a sexy, fishnet-stocking clad hot female ninja. It has cool color-themed ninjas representing the elements. (Think the symbolic use of color of Zhang Yimou’s Hero and Flying Daggers, but add bad dubbing and more gore and you’ve got “element ninjas.”) The plot is simple, but the defend-the-fort story-line is one of those action movie staples that always seems to work (see also Night of the Living Dead, Assault on Precinct 13, Rio Bravo, etc.). The combat is well-choreographed and plenty bloody (a guy steps on his own…was that a nearly-severed, dangling thigh muscle? An intestine?). Even the acting isn’t as bad as you’d imagine it might be in one of these low-budget, filmed-entirely-in-a-warehouse-with-painted-backdrops types of films (even the shockingly fake “water ninja” scene–which looks like it was filmed in someone’s above-ground swimming pool–is highly entertaining).

The bad? I’ve never liked dubbed movies. I know it’s a staple of the genre (like quick zooms to close-ups and absurd sound effects), but because I am hearing impaired, it’s almost necessary that I can read the dialogue in subtitles. Because the dubbing is usually out of sync with the actor’s lips and the audio is generally pretty poor, I miss most of the dialogue, and ultimately most of the story. Did this detract from my enjoyment of the film? Yes, a little, but it’s obviously the nature of the low-budget kung fu film beast, so I’m able to overlook this annoyance and appreciate Chinese Super Ninja for what it is: a fun and colorful action flick filled with gore, great fight scenes and ninjas. Lots and lots of ninjas.

Alexander’s Rating: 9/10

By Milkcan

Chang Cheh’s “Super Ninjas” is a fastpaced and vicious kung-fu flick full of amazing fights, blood, guts, and brilliant death scenes. When you think about the movie after having watched it, you smile immensely. The plot is, of course, simple: Japanese ninjas versus Chinese warriors. And while most of these types of movies’ story telling methods are painfully bad, this one cannot be put in that list. It is, of course, not brilliant, but we aren’t ducking under our seats in horror. The stupid dialogue and goofy dubbing make for some great entertainment. It gets the job done with what the director, actors, and cheesy set pieces can do. Fine. Now, let’s not dwell on the story more than it deserves…

As mentioned before, “Super Ninjas” is loaded with incredible fight sequences. They are absolutely a sight to behold! The film successfully makes itself look as if an anime show or a videogame were brought into live-action. Our heroes battle against an array of ninjas, all based off the five elements: gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. The ninjas are brilliantly realized: the use of colors, weaponry, and techniques are all well done. The movie stays true to these elements by keeping the ninjas in different locations and by adapting them to their environments in some pretty neat and cool methods. I especially enjoyed how the ninjas clad in black move through the night without making a sound. The fighting is propelled at a blazing speed, and the editing can be razor sharp at times. Not only is there outstanding choreography and actors with great martial arts skills, but there is also some crazy cool death scenes, all drenched in fake blood.

I’ve never laughed as much as I did when several ninjas met their gruesome and “creative” deaths (The best one has got to be the final wood element ninja in the ending). A good thing too is that these fights last for a long periods of time, providing non-stop enjoyment as the carnage ensues. I recommend this to anyone looking for a good time or just a great kung-fu movie. There’s plenty adrenaline, excitement and cheesiness to keep you coming back for more of this violent and bloody actioner. With a heavy emphasis on fighting and creativity, “Super Ninjas” is an insane, campy-as-hell, must-see classic!

Milkcan’s Rating: 10/10

By Woody

Even if you hate kung fu movies, this you need to see. I’d say it’s better than sex, but what do I know? I haven’t even had any yet. Unless vacuum cleaners and right hands count as sexual partners. Then, I’m a regular Ron Jeremy, albeit a skinnier and less hairy one. Getting on with it, this movie rocks. It’s the kind of movie that brings back all of the excitement that you got from watching movies when you were a little kid. You know, when you would finish watching a movie and then run over to your best friend’s house, describing the whole movie, in that nonsensical, breathless, endless sort of way.

Case in point: When I got home from seeing Terminator 2. I remember walking next door to Justin”s apartment at 2:00 P.M., and leaving at 6:00 P.M., talking nonstop the entire time. “So then, uh, you know, like, the guy with the morphing thing….no, no, not the Terminator…yeah, that scary guy, he turned into the mom, and, oh yeah, and,ummm, later, yeah, he chased that crazy lady in the car and the Terminator was in the car and the kid was in the car and earlier on the kid, ahhh dude, it was so cool, get out your bike , I’ll show you what he did….” I could go on for hours… describing the plot, ruining the best moments, acting out the characters, making a mess of my buddy’s room, eating all of his food, and then going home to whine and cry to see it again.

Yep, Chinese Super Ninjas is that kind of movie. Immediately after watching, I was, like, “Duuuddde!”, Keanu Reeves, Bill and Ted-era style. I found myself breathlessly hyping it up to my friends. “And then the dude, not that dude, the good dude, trips on his own guts, man. Ahhh, man, it was fuggin’ crazy! And later on, this one dude’s back is fried cause he gets stuck to a fuggin door…seriously….yeah you can watch it at my place, as long as you don’t smoke any weed. Why? Why? Remember last time, you ate all my food! Fine, then. Fuck you, too! I’m just gonna watch it myself dude.”

Anyways, I’ll do the obligatory praising. Chang Cheh is a mad genius. He’s like a whacked out kung fu version of John Woo, only crazier. He has guys tripping on intestines, ninjas who swim under water and burrow under the ground, more fake blood than , uh, a fake blood factory(hey, I’m tired), and all kinds of cool stuff. The sets look fake as hell, but it just feels right for a surreal movie like this.

Blood, gore, bad sets…tons of movies have those things, but none of them have the insane energy and drive of this one. If you see one kung fu movie this year, make it this one.

In conclusion, there was this one dude, and um, oh no, my bad, it was the other guy, and he was the bad guy, and he totally got pulled in two, and it was like WAHHHH!, you know, and then this one chick, he didn’t even bang her..no, not the dude you’re thinkin’ of…the one dude! Yeah, him…

Woody’s Rating: 10/10

Posted in Chinese, Ninja, Reviews, Shaw Brothers | Tagged , , , , , , |

Chawz DVD/Blu-ray (Magnolia)

RELEASE DATE: April 26, 2011

Magnet will be releasing Jeong-won Shin’s Chaw, about a man-eating boar that goes on the rampage. It has been retitled to Chawz for its US release (as an ode to Jaws?).

Posted in Asian Titles, DVD/Blu-ray New Releases |

Muay Thai Fighter DVD (Lions Gate)

Muay Thai Fighter

Muay Thai Fighter

RELEASE DATE: April 12, 2011

In battle, the human body is the ultimate weapon. Lionsgate takes mixed martial arts to a new level with the DVD, Digital Download and On Demand premiere of Muay Thai Fighter. The action-packed film has been honored with five of seven Thailand National Film Association Awards including Best Actor (Akara Amarttayakul, Saving Private Tootsie) and Best Supporting Actor (Sonthaya Chitmanee, upcoming Slice). An “…effective piece of film making” (TwitchFilm.net), the DVD debut of Muay Thai Fighter includes a never-before-seen featurette complete with interviews.

Posted in DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Martial Arts Titles |

Bruce Lee Ultimate DVD Trilogy (20th Century Fox)

RELEASE DATE: March 8, 2011

This new set, with newly designed box art, contains: The Big Boss, Way of the Dragon and Game of Death. Why they included Game of Death – and not Fist of Fury – to the “Ultimate Trilogy” is beyond me.

Posted in Asian Titles, DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Martial Arts Titles |

Tower of Death | aka Game of Death 2 (1981) Review

"Tower of Death" Korean Theatrical Poster

“Tower of Death” Korean Theatrical Poster

AKA: Game of Death II
Director: Ng See Yuen
Cast: Tai Chung Kim, Hwang Jang-lee, Roy Horan, Casanova Wong, Lee Chun Hwa, Lee Hoi San, Tiger Yeung, Roy Chiao, To Wai Wo, Bruce Lee (stock footage)
Running Time: 90 min.

By Joseph Kuby

Game of Death 2 (or Tower of Death as it is otherwise known) is not only one of the most unique martial arts/Hong Kong films made from this period but one of the most unique films ever made period.

The film manages to combine a period, contemporary and futuristic setting into a truly dazzling melding pot of a spectacle that promises and delivers high-camp/high-tech/high-kick fun! This film also features some of the best work ever to come from Hwang Jang Lee and Yuen Woo Ping.

Heck, Yuen Biao does more action in this as a stunt double + small role player than he does playing a lead character in Yuen Woo Ping’s Dreadnaught (which should tell you about the scope of the action in this film). The highlight is no doubt the finale. The idea of having an electrical panel covering the bottom of two opposing walls which threatens to electrocute any trespasser is imaginative.

Put it this way – this film is probably the only chance you get to see Yuen Woo Ping, Sammo Hung and Corey Yuen Kwai choreograph fight scenes within the context of one film (with Drunken Master being an exception – according to HK film critic Stephen Teo), so it’s certainly a rare treat.

Sammo Hung and Corey Yuen Kwai were uncredited co-directors for Game of Death 2 a.k.a. Tower of Death. Corey was also the co-director of Dragons Forever. What’s interesting is that both finales of said films involve a villain (a moustached villain might I add) landing into a crimson-tinted narcotics pool.

The only thing wrong with this film is that the film’s plot leaves a few holes and that there’s some cases (not all) where the archive footage doesn’t gel well with the new footage (though it’s certainly more successful than the prequel’s attempts at this).

Beyond that, there’s the obvious use of stunt doubling as well as the flawed production values (whilst the film’s budget looks huge for its time, one can see a shaky wall as Kim Tai Chung kicks two silver-dressed henchmen on the staircase during the finale – highly reminiscent of the critically panned UK soap drama Crossroads).

If you still feel bad about the Bruce Lee connection, then order the Korean version (which omits the Bruce Lee footage) on the Rare Kung Fu Movies site.

The ultimate guilty pleasure flick, need I say more?

It was during the post-production of Game of Death that the inevitability of a sequel was already kicked into the spotlight, as Raymond Chow planned a follow-up to Bruce Lee’s original idea of the ascending pagoda and the use of his remaining footage that he shot before his death.

Perhaps it is a symbolic indication of things not going to plan or things spiralling downward into cinematic oblivion, that the idea of a descending pagoda came into fruition.

Finding a title was also a task: the title Tower of Death would only be used if the film didn’t succeed in it’s expected levels. Raymond hired Seasonal Film director/producer Ng See Yuen to be the visionary behind the project seeing as how his “midas touch” or “sixth sense” in locating talent had turned Jackie into Hong Kong’s hottest property. Chow had hoped that Ng would be willing to work in unison with Golden Harvest’s script, envisioning that he would work his magic into this production – which was supposed to have begun as soon as the first installment was out of theaters but it didn’t, for reasons that Ng couldn’t use the useful Lee scenes which were in 8 & 1/2 blocks of footage but the many outtakes, behind the scenes footage and different camera perspectives (for some reported outdoor scenes) made them impossible to coherently arrange.

This conflicted with the script and a rewrite was ordered delaying the project for a year. Ng gave his technical thoughts for his rewrite with GH concerning a descending tower with a science fiction twist. Bruce was to appear in the first half before then being replaced by a double which would be Kim Tai Chung and Chen Yao Pao. But neither of them could be found until Hwang Jang Lee brought Kim over from Korea, although Jackie Chan was considered as an early replacement for Kim once he finished production on Fearless Hyena (so that GH could quickly secure a place for him within the studio via contractual agreements), but Ng wasn’t particularly too fond or so crazy about the concept of using him for what was essentially the type of exploitation piece that Chan yearned to escape from – to follow in the footsteps of Bruce Lee.

Chow also wasn’t very crazy about Ng’s work on the film cancelling any involvement with GH production units though officially Chow was still involved (if briefly) as not only did he initialize the project but he owned the copyrights too. It was at that particular moment when Seasonal Films took over the film’s production unit (Chow’s connection not withstanding) and the rest is history.

Although Ng took full credit in direction, Ng hired Corey Yuen Kwai to direct and choreograph the alley fight scene and the fight scene that preceded it. Sammo directed miscellaneous material – various things here and there – such as the opening duel between Hwang Jang Lee and the Caucasian Kung Fu practictioner, the duel between Roy and the two brothers and the first duel between Tang Lung (or Kim) and the masked valet. Billy Chan Wui Ngai, in particular, helped out Sammo in the co-ordination of these scenes – with Biao dropping by to give a few pointers. The second and final duel between Tang and the valet was designed by Yuen Da and Tsiu Siu Ming (who directed Jet Li’s Born To Defence after Jet suffered a nasty back injury during production). Yuen Woo Ping directed the underground scenes with Kwai (basically, they choreographed everything after the final fight between Tang and the valet). Yuen Cheung Yan assisted Ping for these scenes too, whilst the former had helped Biao for the abbot/temple scenes in terms of martial arts direction. It could be argued that the fight scenes are the first to combine Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do with Hong Kong style choreography (or at least the most successful).

The completion of the acting scenes were extremely difficult since Tang spoke very little Cantonese aside from his Korean. Prompting him to receive a great deal of translation fron Hwang. It even leaves gaps in the movie since Tang speaks little and looks like as if he is really concentrating on his lines.

The film was very successful (more successful than the first film in terms of Asian reception which speaks volumes about this film’s success) but Chow was still disappointed.

He had one of the best years of GH with the box office profits of JC and SH (during the three years it took to get the film made and released, Jackie had made a record-breaking HK$ 10 million {US$ 1,289,939} with The Young Master and Sammo made a ground-breaking and critically well-received hit with Close Encounters of The Spooky Kind with a total gross of HK$ 5,675,626 {US$ 732,121} within the space of a week) but this movie was his project and he wanted the best for the movie.

He determined that Tower would be released as Game of Death 2 in the states. He also edited in the greenhouse fight from the Chinese version of the first film because the film didn’t capitalize enough with the Bruce Lee scenes and intended to add even more than what’s seen in the finished product, until Ng See Yuen refused any more footage to be added – leaving his name to be dropped and in some versions, Corey is the only listed director.

Many results happened as carriers flourished and halted as there was no more communication between the two aforementioned studios.

However, Ping and Kwai (who were contractually obligated to Ng’s Seasonal Films) caught Chow’s eye and money was given to them by Chow for productions over the oncoming years i.e. Righting Wrongs and Blonde Fury for Kwai and the GH/D&B co-productions of the Tiger Cage films, In the Line of Duty 4 and Once Upon a Time in China 2 for Ping. On the other side of the coin, Yuen Biao and Tsiu Siu Ming were already contracted with GH.

On further note, Hwang Jang Lee’s character’s name is Moshikawa (as was spoken on the set) as opposed to Jim Koo/Chin Ku/Jin Ku.

In regards to the swastika on the coffin (click here)

There have been several various edits of Tower of Death (in some cases, I may refer to Billy Lo’s {or Bobby’s} character as Lee since he is a different character in the Asian prints):

* Japanese version – A totally different movie. The beginning has Lee teaching a Jeet Kune Do class while he is challenged by Hwang Jang Lee from phone. After numerous attempts at Lee, he flies to Korea and enters the pagoda. Reportedly, this has numerous outdoor scenes – whether this is the missing footage of the ‘real’ Bruce Lee or the footage he shot of the others remains unclear.

* South Eastern Asian Version – This premiered in certain parts of the Philippines and Korea. It has the same description as the Japanese version, only there is claimed to be more fight scenes in, and actual Lee footage with the actors in the same frame.

* Korean version – This version of the movie removes the Bruceploitation factor (i.e. the clips of Bruce Lee) and just plays it as a straight-up independent Kung Fu flick. There is a much more longer demonstration of Hwang Jang Lee practising his martial arts skills in the beginning. There is a new scene involving Lee reading a newspaper concerning Hwang’s death (this isn’t meant to be the same scene which used Enter the Dragon in the regular version). In the finale, as Tang Lung is about to find the elevator, he steals and uses a pair of nunchaku against a guard.

* Hong Kong version – This might not apply to all Hong Kong prints. This version, which may be relegated to a few prints, is almost the same as the UK VHS release except the night club scene where Lee talks to Hwang’s illegitimate daughter is extended, using outtakes (possibly more) from Enter the Dragon of Lee talking to the dart lady in Han’s guestroom. The flashbacks at the end of Lee practising his Jeet Kune Do are longer and so is the Tang Lung vs. Hwang Jang Lee brawl, with more acrobatics from Yuen Biao and, even, Yuen Wah. The theme music plays throughout the entire final fight. Halfway through the film, there are alternate versions of the fights. Plus, there’s more footage of Lee looking in different rooms and his garden, more abbot footage as well as more scenes featuring Hwang Jang Lee’s daughter (i.e. the actual woman who played her rather than just the ETD footage).

* US Game of Death 2 version – The disclaimer is the same as the above (i.e. it might not apply to the DVD prints e.g. the 20th Century Fox release). Instead of the above, Lee’s face from Way of The Dragon is shown instead of the ETD scenes in the beginning. The abbot scene is condensed to only the stationary Roy Chiao scenes, with WOTD outtakes (only the ones that specifically reveal Bruce Lee’s face) and a redubbed version of a black and white movie featuring a young Bruce. The scenes featuring Lee searching his brother’s apartment and crying are deleted in turn of the greenhouse scuffle from the Hong Kong print of Game of Death. The meeting with Hwang’s daughter is condensed to the WOTD indoor facial shots of Lee and one scene not shown in the HK print of Tower of Death that has Lee sitting down on a couch. The drawback here is that Lee’s actual yells are not dubbed in, but the soundtrack is edited in the correct scenes, a problem the HK version has.

* Spanish version “Towel Del Muerte” – This version is much different than the previous two, since all the Lee dialogue scenes are censored, with the footage of the abbot, apartment search, crying scene and Casanova fight removed. Instead, the outdoor fight scenes from WOTD are edited in and the unreleased mirror scenes from ETD are used as flashbacks.

Joseph Kuby’s Rating: 8/10

By Joe909

One of the best Bruceploitation movies, Tower of Death holds up on its own as a classic chop-sockey. In some ways it’s more of a New Wave film than your normal old-school flick, with some energetic and impressive martial arts combat that looks advanced even by today’s standards. Kim Tai-Chung (aka “Tang Lung”) is legitimately fast in this, and he shows off a level of martial arts skill that wasn’t even hinted at in the 1978, Robert Clouse-directed Game of Death abortion. But for all I know it could just be Yuen Biao with the impressive moves; Biao acted as Kim’s stunt double in both films.

Of course, the Bruce Lee gimmickry employed throughout the first half of the film is disgraceful: like Game of Death, Tower of Death freely and jarringly inserts shots of Bruce Lee from his various movies into the film. So you’ll see Kim Tai-Chung walk into a room, then suddenly there will be a close-up of Bruce Lee, copped from Fist of Fury or something. And like Game of Death, these splices wouldn’t fool a ritalin-crazed third-grader. Luckily though, director Ng See Yuen was against the Bruce-splicing from the start, and so came up with the idea of murdering his character halfway into the movie, and pushing Kim up to the lead role for the remainder of the film, as Bruce’s brother.

The Bruce-splices in the first half were only left in at the behest of producer Raymond Chow, and one can see that Chow originally intended to insert Bruce clips into the remainder of the film. The reason I say this is because the astute viewer will notice that Kim Tai-Chung wears outfits throughout Tower of Death that are the same as those worn by Bruce Lee in his movies.

When Kim sneaks around the Tower, he wears a black nightsuit with a white rope hanging from his shoulders; perfect for inserting clips from Bruce Lee’s dungeon battle in Enter the Dragon. When Kim receives a film briefing on the Tower of Death, he sits in a projection room and wears a gray, three-piece suit; perfect for inserting clips from the projection room scene in Enter the Dragon. And so on. It’s just that Ng refused to insert anymore splices into the film, and for that he should be given credit.

There’s hardly a plot at all, but this is excusable when you take the quality of kung-fu into consideration. Yuen Woo-Ping handled the choreography, and gives us one wonderful battle after another. The end fight sequence is action-packed from beginning to end, with Kim first taking on a group of lackeys who (for some reason) wear silver, “futuristic” outfits, then a big guy in a leopard outfit, then a Shaolin monk, and finally the main villain, who (not so) surprisingly turns out to be Hwang Jang-Lee. Hwang and Kim go at each other in what has to be one of the longest fights of all time. It’s almost as long as that street fight Rowdy Roddy Piper gets into with his friend in They Live. Yuen Woo-Ping pays Bruce Lee tribute in this fight, having Kim Tai-Chung implement jeet kune do moves to counter Hwang’s wooden sword.

But regardless of the great fights, there’s a lot of lameness on display. The battle with the “lion” is unforgivable, as is the pointlessly-nude crack whore. At least, I assume she’s a crack whore. The fact that Roy Horan’s one-armed servant is a traitor is blindingly obvious, and Hwang’s underground empire is hard to swallow. But still, the movie is heads and shoulders above Game of Death. At least we don’t have to look at Bob Wall in this one.

Special mention should be made of Roy Horan’s character Lewis, easily the most interesting character in the film. As the English subtitles declare, he’s a “kung-fu nut” (I believe the English dub says he’s “crazy about kung-fu”), and he fights with wild abandon. Sure, he looks goofy with his white-guy afro, but he’s damn fast, and should’ve been in more movies. The bit with him eating raw deer meat and drinking blood just begs for more development, but instead he gets murdered in the night and we’re left wishing we could see more footage of him in combat.

The best version of this on the market is probably the Hong Kong Legends release, which includes both the English and the Cantonese dubs, with all of the footage. Those without the ability to play Region 2 DVDS should just get the Media Asia release; although it doesn’t feature an English dub, the Hong Kong version of Tower of Death is preferable in that it includes clips of Bruce Lee from Enter the Dragon that have otherwise never been released, even in Warner Brothers’ 25th anniversary Special Edition of Enter the Dragon. I’ve also read that the English version’s final fight isn’t as long as the Hong Kong version’s.

Joe909’s Rating: 8.5/10

Posted in Bruceploitation, Chinese, Golden Harvest, Reviews | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Park Chan-wook makes movie on iPhone

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Acclaimed South Korean film director Park Chan-wook is wielding a new cinematic tool: the iPhone.

Park, director of the internationally known “Old Boy,” ”Lady Vengeance” and “Thirst,” said Monday that his new fantasy-horror film “Paranmanjang” was shot entirely on Apple Inc.’s iconic smartphone.

“The new technology creates strange effects because it is new and because it is a medium the audience is used to,” Park told reporters Monday.

“Paranmanjang,” which means a “life full of ups and downs” in Korean, is about a man transcending his current and former lives. He catches a woman while fishing in a river in the middle of the night. They both end up entangled in the line and he thinks she is dead.

Suddenly, though, she wakes up, strangles him and he passes out. When the woman awakens him, she is wearing his clothing and he hers. She cries and calls him “father.”

The movie, made on a budget of 150 million won ($133,000), was shot using the iPhone 4 and is slated to open in South Korean theaters on Jan. 27. Park made the 30-minute film with his younger brother Park Chan-kyong, also a director.

Park Chan-wook’s “Old Boy,” a blood-soaked thriller about a man out for revenge after years of inexplicable imprisonment, took second place at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival. His vampire romance “Thirst” shared the third-place award at Cannes in 2009.

Park Chan-kyong said that a wide variety of angles and edits were possible because numerous cameras could be used.

“There are some good points of making a movie with the iPhone as there are many people around the world who like to play and have fun with them,” Park Chan-wook said. Compared to other movie cameras, the iPhone was good “because it is light and small and because anyone can use it,” he said.
He said the directors attached lenses to their phones and nothing was particularly different from shooting a regular movie.

Lee Jung-hyun, who plays the woman, said the film has a bit of everything.

Though it is a short film with a running time around 30 minutes it “mixes all elements from horror and fantasy to some humor,” she said.

Posted in News |

Joy Luck Club producer burns bright with Tiger Mother adaptation

Source: THR

The most recent big screen adaptation of a book touching on themes of mother-daughter relationships among Chinese-Americans is 1989’s The Joy Luck Club ($33 million domestic gross). Two of the film’s producers interviewed by The Hollywood Reporter have expressed a strong interest in seeing Chua’s book brought to the screen.

The national debate her memoir has sparked is one obvious reason for the entertainment industry interest. The extreme-parenting anecdotes about the author forcing her daughter to play the piano have prompted a record number of comments on the Wall Street Journal website (7,507 and counting).

Ron Bass co-wrote the Joy Luck Club screenplay with the book’s author, Amy Tan, and co-produced the movie. Bass was so excited about Chua’s book as a movie prospect that he almost lied about its worth to throw others off the scent.

“I was tempted to say, ‘Nah, there’s nothing here,’ ” he says. “And then I was going to have my agent find out if the rights were available. Not only is there a movie here, I definitely think it’s more than one movie.”

In his estimation, the least interesting angle is the simple retelling of the Chua story.

“If the question is whether Amy’s story itself is a movie, of course it could be,” he says. “Is that the best way to make the movie? I doubt it.”

The more gripping perspective would be a fictionalized account based on prevalent parenting themes in the book. But as for more specifics, Bass is keeping mum.

“I’m not going to give you the take,” he says. “There will be 300 other people going, ‘ya, absolutely.’ ”

One aspect he promises: “It wouldn’t be a comedy.”

Fellow producer Patrick Markey believes Chua’s work “absolutely has potential” for a movie.

“There’s some radical stuff here,” Markey says. “To think of treating children like this. Those kids are going to be in therapy their entire lives.

“It may not be a glowing portrayal of motherhood and raising kids,” he adds. “But there’s certainly a hell of a lot of controversy right now.”

As for middle-America being interested in the movie, Markey says, “there is a universal sense of the family that we all get. We can all learn something from this. That’s why I think there is a movie here.”

If Chua’s team has a deal, they are keeping it under wraps. A call to Chua’s Los Angeles agent was met with a terse “no comment.” And that was just the assistant. Chua’s Penguin books press person had no comment as well.

One Los Angeles literary agent who specializes in bringing properties to the big screen was skeptical of any theatrical aspirations. “I just don’t see it; it’s not jumping off the page at me,” the agent says. “If anything, there’s a better chance for a television show.”

While the national controversy is a plus for the screen possibilities, the agent adds that one prohibiting factor is the marketability of an Asian-American lead actress.

Posted in News |

Last Godfather w/ Harvey Keitel and D-War Director gets U.S. release

Source: THR

SEOUL — The Last Godfather, the latest comedy featuring Harvey Keitel from a comedian-turned-director Shim Hyung-rae (D-War), will be released on April 1 in 12 cities, including Los Angeles and Vancouver, across North America, the film’s distributor CJ Entertainment announced Wednesday.

The number of screens is currently under negotiation with Roadside Attractions LLC, the film’s distributor in the North American region.

The Last Godfather, about a New York mafia boss and his illegitimate son opened here last month and attracted 2.55 million admissions. Shim stars in the movie as Young-gu, the son of the mob boss played by Keitel.

Posted in News |

Dragon Lives Again, The | aka Deadly Hands of Kung Fu (1976) Review

"The Dragon Lives Again" US Theatrical Poster

“The Dragon Lives Again” US Theatrical Poster

Director: Lo Ke
Cast: Bruce Leong (aka Hsaio Liang or Siu-Lung Leung), Eric Tsang Chi Wai, Simon Yuen Siu Ting, Alexander Grand, Jenny, Sraina Sai, Chang Li
Running Time: 90 min.

By Mighty Peking Man

“Dragon Lives Again” (not to be confused — or related to — the superior Bruce Li film, “The Dragon Lives”) is fantasy-comedy flick that takes place after Bruce Lee’s passing in 1973. The film starts with “Bruce” (Bruce Leong) rising from his death and waking up in a mysterious after-life universe where people like James Bond, The Godfather, The Blind Swordsman, The One Armed Swordsman, Clint Eastwood, Dracula, Emmanuelle, Zombies, Mummies and Popeye roam the streets. Bruce takes on most of these guys (sometimes, in his Kato outfit).

Obviously, Al Pacino, Sean Connery, Clint Eastwood (and so fourth) are not in the film; Instead, we get 3rd rate talent who barely resemble the pop culture icons.

Sounds pretty cool in a bizarre sort of way, right? Well, at first it is, but the novelty wears off quick.
Either I’m getting too old for this shit or “Dragon Lives Again” is just an unwatchable film. Keep in mind that I’m a rabid Bruceploitation fan and the wackier the film, the better; But damn, I just can’t recommend this one. Not even for shits and giggles. Not even to potheads or drunks.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

If you decide to ignore me and seek the film out, here’s the plus side: The fights are decent. It has an early appearance by Eric Tsang, who plays Popeye. There’s also nudity, sex scenes and dirty jokes.

Mighty Peking Man’s Rating: 3/10

Posted in Bruceploitation, Chinese, Reviews | Tagged , , , , , |

Last Train Home DVD (Zeitgeist)

RELEASE DATE: February 22, 2011

Every spring, China’s cities are plunged into chaos as an astonishing 130 million migrant workers journey to their home villages for the New Year’s holiday. This mass exodus is the largest human migration on the planet – an epic spectacle that reveals a country tragically caught between its rural past and industrial future.

Working over several years in classic verité style Chinese-Canadian filmmaker Lixin Fan (with the producers of the hit documentary Up the Yangtze) travels with one couple who have embarked on this annual trek for almost two decades. Like so many of China s rural poor, Zhang Changhua and Chen Suqin left behind their two infant children for grueling factory jobs. Their daughter Qin – now a restless teenager – both bitterly resents their absence and longs for her own freedom away from school, much to the utter devastation of her parents.

Emotionally powerful and starkly beautiful, the multi-award-winning Last Train Home’s intimate observation of one fractured family sheds unprecedented light on the human cost of China’s economic ‘miracle’.

– Stunning new anamorphic transfer, created from HD elements
– Deleted Scenes from Guangzhou Train Station
– Travelogue: Guang’an to Shenzhen City
– U.S. Theatrical Trailer

Posted in Asian Titles, DVD/Blu-ray New Releases |

Alien Vs Ninja DVD/Blu-ray (Funimation)

RELEASE DATE: February 22, 2011

The filmmakers behind Tokyo Gore Police and The Machine Girl join studio Sushi Typhoon to add this side-splitting horror-comedy to their line of entertaining cult cinema.

In ancient Japan, the fiercest ninjas of the Iga clan face their toughest enemies – and they aren’t from this planet! A fiery mass crashes in the forest and soon horrifyingly savage creatures reduce the warriors to tasty snacks. But these jerks from outer space have bitten off more than they can chew. The ninjas’ swords and throwing stars may fail against the unearthly goons, but their skills don’t stop at sharp stuff. If you’re into Army of Darkness, you’ll be taking bets over who’ll win this over-the-top battle for survival!

Posted in Asian Titles, DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Martial Arts Titles |

Return of the Tiger | aka Silent Killer from Eternity (1979) Review

"Return of the Tiger" US Betamax Cover

"Return of the Tiger" US Betamax Cover

Director: Jimmy Shaw
Writer: Wang Cheong, Chang Shun Yee
Producer: Jimmy Shaw, R.P. Shah
Cast: Bruce Li (aka Ho Chung Tao, James Ho), Paul Smith, Chang Yi, Angela Mao, Lung Fei, Hsieh Hsing, Cheng Fu-Hsiung, Hsueh Han, Wu Chia-Hsiang, Wang Yung-Hseng, Wang Fei, Ko Shou-Liang, Cheng Tien Chi
Running Time: 92 min.

By Perkele

This amusing film begins perfecly with a big kung fu brawl, which has Angela Mao challenging a whole martial arts school of male fighters. The Commodores’ “Brick House” bassline accompanies Angela as she throws her beautifully executed kicks to knock fown at least 20 opponents. When a few guys try to throw knives at her, she suddenly jumps high in the air (with very cheesy looking wire trick, only adding to the entertainment) to catch the knives! This is some neat shit (I still can’t believe that the same dude who directed this is responsible for “Fist of Fury II”, the worst HK movie ever!).

The film cuts to a scene, which might be the worse lip-sync ever, where a Chinese dude “sings” Wild Cherry’s “Play That Funky Music” at some night club. Meet Bruce Li, a vengeful fighter whose father has been murdered by crime boss, Paul Smith. Li is at his best, looking extremely cool in his 70’s clothes; Actually, he’s dressed pretty much in today’s fashion with his denim jacket, three-striped Adidas shoes & shirt (that goes to Angela, too). What’s more; he isn’t imitating Bruce Lee! That’s right, though he somewhat looks and fights like him, a first-time Bruce Li viewer wouldn’t guess he’s an imitator if it wasn’t for his name!

The first half of the film moves swifly as the plot builds up and Li beats the crap out of Paul Smith’s assistants in a few excellent bouts; When the second half of the movie begins, the pacing slows down. There’s a dull 20 minutes without any action scenes, and the next one (the motorcycle fight) is stupid and unexciting. From then on, we are waiting for the big final showdown, which ends up being a let-down; Mostly due the fact that the main villain, Paul Smith, can’t fight worth a shit; He’s the stupid Goliath-type – big, strong Westerner who doesn’t even notice when someone hits him in the head with a bench.

Another annoying thing is that the martial arts expertise of Chang Yi isn’t showed at all! He has only one very lame fight with that roaring gorilla, Paul Smith. The scenes which DOES NOT include Smith are good, but the actual end-fight is boring. It’s a shame because this flick could’ve really been something!

Perkele’s Rating: 5.5/10

Posted in Bruceploitation, Chinese, Reviews | Tagged , , , , |

Fists of Bruce Lee | aka Interpol (1978) Review

"Fists of Bruce Lee" US Theatrical Poster

“Fists of Bruce Lee” US Theatrical Poster

Director: Ho Chung Tao 
Producer: Chang Yon Har
Cast: Bruce Li (Ho Chung Tao, James Ho), Chan Wai Lau, Lo Lieh, Wong Fei Lung, Wong Chi Sang, Paul Wei Ping Ao, Sham Chin-Bo, Chu Shao-Hwa, Robert Kerver
Running Time: 94 min.

By Joseph Kuby

Semi Spy Spoof!

The true title for this film is Interpol as the film has no real connection to Bruce Lee other than that the film’s star James Ho was billed as a Bruce Lee imitator (Hong Kong film producer Jimmy Shaw gave him the name Bruce Li – interestingly this was an alternate spelling of Bruce Lee’s name).

On the other side of the coin, we first see him sparring in trousers similar in design to the bottom half of Bruce’s (in)famous catsuit. Within the indent of that side of the coin, you also have Paul Wei Ping Ao in this film along with the usage of the nunchaku by Robert Kerver (but then again using a nunchaku in a martial arts movie became kind of synonymous with the image of Bruce Lee anyway).

James Ho’s directorial debut is a spy movie as well as a semi-parody of such kinda films, kind of like how Demolition Man succeeds in being an action film and a parody of them. But the difference between both films is that Interpol is only a parody in small doses rather than being simultaneously a spy movie and spy parody because almost every single scene in Demolition Man could be viewed and interpretated from the perspective of it being parody or looked at on a stand-alone basis.

As it comes to mind, I think a lot of the spy parody elements comes from the way James does things in a tongue-in-cheek manner, first & foremost in the way he plays with conventions of the spy genre (unusual gadgets, such as teddy bears & dolls which shoot out poison darts), conspicuously in the way certain characters are presented as caricatures in a self-mocking manner that seems intentional rather than accidental.

To name a few examples to illustrate my points, there’s the old man (Master Lo as played by Chan Wai Lau – famous character actor who played Jackie Chan’s teacher in Fearless Hyena) who hires James (Mr. Lee) to install a security camera system in his mansion. His demeanour is very comical and theatrical in manner and vocal tone (one gets the sense that the tone of the voice would have been just about the same as in the Chinese version even if the dialogue was different, yet also one gets the sense that the humour would still have been present in the dialogue). His bow tie reminds me of the bat comment Bey Logan made in the commentary of Bullet In The Head for the Hong Kong Legends DVD release.

His housekeeper, called Po Chee Chang, portrays and routinely embodies the characteristic stereotype of somebody who pampers their face with a cloth when nervously perspiring.

James’ foray into directing is actually an above-average effort which manages to infuse some ideas into a contemporary actioner, something that I find is piquantly enthralling.

Firstly, we have an attempt to make a spy thriller/parody in Hong Kong during a time when there weren’t so many movies of this type being produced in Hong Kong.

Secondly, we have several nods towards Yojimbo with James (and his partner) playing off two rival gangs against each other.

…and thirdly we have an attempt to make a contemporary version of one of the most typical plot-lines used in a period martial arts flick: bad guys trying to get a rebel name list.

Watching this movie made me recall Sam Peckinpah’s The Osterman Weekend due to its subject matter of surveillance, people trying to outsmart each other and mysterious figures shown to be controlling them and playing them off each other (though it’s never done with the same level of perspicaciousness and seriousness as Peckinpah’s misunderstood masterpiece).

Coincidentally, there’s also a scene involving someone using a bow & arrow and the same concept of having the surveilled house turning into a battleground, whilst somehow avoiding it being used for the climax of the film.

Interestingly, there’s the same issue being made that in the privacy of our homes a kind of virus colours our perceptions, poisons potentially floundering friendships and creates death, anarchy & paranoia (which is highlighted through Master Lo’s refusal to leave his household and his inability to listen to or trust anyone). There’s also that sense that not everyone is who they appear to be as shown by Lee and one of the villains who turns how to be Lee’s sidekick. Not to mention that both films have a confusing nature to them.

To make the Sam Peckinpah connection more relevant (since this is technically a Bruceploitation movie), in a 1975 interview with the “Los Angeles Herald-Examiner,” Sam Peckinpah said that his preparation for his action film The Killer Elite consisted of watching Bruce Lee movies.

Lo Lieh’s role (as To Ho Yen, who we’re told by Po Chee Cheng, that he’s the director of the hunting club which would explain the caucasian with the bow & arrow) in this is really more of a glorified/extended cameo role, I guess what they would call “special starring” in Hong Kong but special guest appearance anywhere else. The way his talent is utilized reminds me of the way Robert Vaughn was marketed and, to a lesser extent, used in the UK TV series Hustle i.e. “HEY, LOOK at us, WE’VE got Robert Vaughn!” (the hint here being that both actors were clearly thrown in to add weight to the sales, especially in the US where they had obtained cult stardom) However what they do succeed in is that they both came off as slick and shrugged off the whole commerical capitilization factor and just proceeded to look cool whilst keeping their street credibility intact!

His introduction comes in the form of him looking sly & sleek as he plays what seems to be a pinball version of snooker (minus the lights)!

I like the way the film begins. Besides films which begin with an opening credit sequence without having any particular footage shown (so as to give you time to get into the film’s atmosphere courtesy of the music), I like films where there’s footage shown before the film officially begins with a credit sequence (it kind set ups the atmosphere {although slightly ambiguously} and allows for the build-up to pay off in the credit sequence and later on in the film – the John Irvin-directed Arnold Schwarzeneggar vehicle Raw Deal comes to my mind and maybe Commando to a lesser extent).

The opening shot here is a stationary helicopter shot of Hong Kong followed by some random chit-chat setting up the Chinese nutty professor and Lo Lieh’s cool as ice (not Vanilla Ice) hitman. As well as a precursor to another cool gimmick the director put into this movie – a booby trapped forest.

Then we commence to what appears to be the standard standing-in-front-of-a-coloured-backdrop- whilst-doing-Kung-Fu-schtick so inherent in so many movies of this era, except for one thing: cool and pretty nifty blind-folded sparring going on (not exactly a patch on the same year’s {production year} Warriors Two by the illuminatingly illustrious Sammo Hung but then again what is).

What’s cooler and prettier niftier is the score, backing it up, which is from Average White Band’s Pick Up The Pieces. Whilst some might scream derivative, I shout delightful! If there’s anything ground-breaking about this film, it’s the amount of music cues ripped off left, right and centre.

Going back to Ho Chung Tao’s willingness to take apart conventions, instead of the standard freeze frame that ends the display of considerable martial prowess, rather, we see him being delivered a telegram by his female secretary.

We then see him travel by plane to meet his contact called Owlpuss (played by Paul – sporting a chav style hat in design if not in shape, I guess you have to know UK culture to understand what I mean). Owlpuss is with some associates of his (presumably gangsters/bodyguards) of whom Lee proceeds to beat up. This happens because Lee finds out through conversation that Paul is lying through his teeth which he detects by observing his inconsistent vocal patterns and jittery facial expressions). The best way to understand this scene is you think of the Tsui Hark produced Jet Li Vehicle Black Mask where Lau Ching Wan’s cop character tests his “partner” by asking confirmation about a false fact, to which his partner wrongly confirms, forcing Lau to shoot him clandestinely.

Mr. Li then picks up a card from the unconscious Owlpuss which gives him a name of a location – Hotel Fortuna. The next location we see Mr. Li is supposedly the hotel, where he & this pseudo waiter (another spy friend of his) pretend to order food when they’re really discussing whether any other gangs know about the plans they agreed to discuss and follow.

After the quick meet-up, a suspect runs off and Lee discreetly follows him to this janitor’s hallway area only to find that he’s been beaten to death by someone (either to keep quiet by one of his associates or by a rival gang). Out of nowhere, a mysterious attacker attacks Lee from behind with a chair (which causes all the guests to leave), Lee tries to find him but the mysterious attacker has vanished and killed the other spy.

The cops arrive so now Lee will be accused of a crime he hasn’t commit unless he gets in this car (driven by a Hwang Jang Lee lookalike who is actually Lee’s partner and who’s also undercover – though we don’t know it yet when we watch the movie at this point), their conversation which involves a possible business deal (where they pretend that Lee’s an electronic expert whilst not giving any suggestion that they know each other) is being heard by a gang of crooks lead by some cigarette-smoking mafioso (let’s call him Ciggy) via a two-reeler audio system.

Lee’s partner tells him that in order to see Master Lo, he must go through Po Chee Chang of whom he eventually meets at the Lo household (as well as Miss Lo {Master Lo’s daughter}, who is armed with a rifle). Lo makes a speech about he despises the term expert but will allows Lee several days to install the security system.

After Po shows Lee round the area (a lovely & vast garden that accompanies the luscious looking & fairly post-modern looking mansion), the latter detects a suspicious figure moving away from the mansion. Po notifies Lee that it’s lawyer Sheng (the actor of whom you may recognize from Chang Cheh’s Vengeance) who wants to purchase a name list of secret societies from Master Lo.

We then see To Ho Yen (Lo Lieh) inform the two that Lo doesn’t want to sell the list not because the price ain’t right. Po discloses to Lee Ho’s occupation and that he is supposedly a friend of Lo. During the conversation, Lee is made aware of a security trapping system that’s been designed in the woods outside Lo’s mansion to keep intruders out. Lee asks Po where the garbage facility in Kowloon is due to the appointment he made in the car with his partner (the Hwang Jang Lee lookalike – let’s call him Pseudo Hwang). Lee shows up in the area at night time as planned when, out of the shadows, comes a group of gangsters (dressed casually) who proceed to assault Lee in what I would call an above average fight scene with some minor pole/staff work and swift acrobatic manuevers. After defeating the thugs, Lee meets his partner (who is still posing as a gangster) as well as the aforementioned mafioso (Ciggy) who appears to be in cahoots with one another. It turns out that they also want to enlist his services. When Lee refuses their offer, the two shifty figures listen to a voice hiding behind a tree (supposedly their boss who we assume is lawyer Sheng, his true identity is nicely concealed throughout the movie until the final reel) who wants to see Lee get snuffed out (think of that scene in Big Boss where the two Chinese workers refuse to push drugs for the manager) so Psuedo Hwang whistles out to his cronies (who are armed with more staffs) in this nearby amusement park (which is very colourful).

What follows appears to be a good fight scene (if it weren’t for the extremely cropped image and dull visual quality) that seems to have caught Jackie’s attention in its concept of turning a place of pleasure into a place of pain as, like Chan, Lee makes good use of the locations to do something fresh.

Halfway in the fight, someone throws white powder into Lee’s face (like what Bolo did to Van Damme in Bloodsport) and he has to incorporate some of the blind-folded fighting he did earlier on (is it just me or does this sound a LOT like what happened in Warriors Two?!), though because he’s taking on multiple attackers he can’t handle himself until Robert Kerver* (the geeky gwailo** Jeff was referring to) shows up unleashing his nerdy fists & feet of fury with the help of his trusty but not crusty nunchaku. Lee regains his sight and commences to whoop ass on the same thug who temporarily blinded him, subsequently more men advance to help Lee (they seem to come from the same gang Rob belongs to).

The culmination of the fight leads Lee to another mafioso who wants to deal with him – Owlpuss. Lawyer Sheng is also there, along with some caucasians and a black guy. As the plot thickens we come to know that Lo is worth 3 billion US dollars, they want his money even if it means resorting to kidnapping, something to which surprisingly Lee agrees to do in order to get to the bottom of things (priceless reverse psychology I tell ya).

The next day, he’s checking up on Po’s office to find clues and realizes that Po has an obsession with Miss Lo after he finds photographs of her underneath Po’s pillow. Two security personell come along suspecting Lee to be shifty, he tells them he’s just doing his job. When he’s outside installing security mechanisms, they question the validity of that end of the security spectrum, so he electrocutes one of them (though mildly). A fight breaks out between Lee and the guards with Lee using a black baton until the daughter breaks it up. He tries to check the circuits in her room but she won’t let him thanks to her gadgets (the teddy bears that launch poisonous projectiles – she’s not a kid by the way). The first gang try to persuade Lee (through a much more formal meeting) to be on their side which he concedes to think about after their proposal. After Lee leaves their headquarters, we (and he) find out there will be a meeting (at the same garbage facility) between the two gangs to settle the dispute as to who gets the name list. It turns out the first gang want the list (which the second gang possesses) but the second gang wants Lo. The two bosses of each gang (Owlpuss, Ciggy, Pseudo Hwang & Sheng) decide to step inside this building area, Psuedo Hwang kills Owlpuss (seemingly) which causes a fight to break out between the two gangs (particularly a sweet little bout between Pseudo Hwang and Rob).

Lee adds fuel to the fire by disguising a bowling ball (wrapped in paper) as a bomb and rolling it towards them. After Lee vanishes (before anyone can trace him), Owlpuss turns out to be alive – something that confuses even Rob.

After managing to sway the charms of Lo’s daughter, he takes her out for a walk only to be confronted by the first gang, another good fight scene comes up where he tries to protect her & himself simultaneously.

The action at this point resembles quite a lot of the movies made at the time, in that the action isn’t particularly intricate but still manages to entertain. Just like one fight in Goodbye Bruce Lee: His Last Game Of Death, this one takes place in a park. Not quite as inspired as that one but it still contains a neat stunt where one of the main henchmen (the Samurai from the aforementioned Bruceploitation flick) gets kicked off of one of the park’s contraptions (though it’s not truly Chan-esque like in Bruce Lee, We Miss You where James was fighting on top of a moving bus with various stuntmen leaping off at various stages and quite painfully too – in some ways that sequence is more dangerous than the similar sequence Jackie did in Police Story).

Following the fight with the gang, Lee agrees to give Lo’s daughter to Pseudo Hwang if only he fights him first. What follows is a much tighter affair between the two with some crisp exchanges. Lee manages to knock Pseudo Hwang to the ground, forcing the couple to be allowed to leave. When they arrive home, feelings between the two develop that go beyond the platonic so Po becomes jealous.

As the film progresses, the second gang manages to kill off the gang that belongs to Ciggy & Psuedo Hwang, including a sharp fight between Rob and the aforementioned Samurai guy which encompasses ninja stars and a nunchaku. What’s cool about Rob’s nunchuks is that it’s actually a baton that has blades pop out of the ends before its eventually pulled apart to make a nunchaku – it adds a new dynamic to what, at the time, was already becoming an increasingly cliche weapon. Interestingly, the last guy to get bumped off looks a lot like Venoms actor Lu Feng!

Then things start to get complicated when it turns out Rob double-deals Ciggy and Pseudo Hwang betrays him. Ciggy turns out to be a Kung Fu expert having defended himself against Rob & the other Westerners that make up Owlpuss’ gang, but is no match for Pseudo Hwang’s multiple kicking technique before being promptly dispatched by Rob’s baton-spear (in that it’s used as a javelin); the latter of whom attempts to fufill Owlpuss’ requirement of kidnapping Miss Lo before Lee intervenes and engages Rob in a fight where Rob tries to mimick Bruce’s shuffle. The fight is good and what makes it the more interesting is the fact that it takes place in a bedroom (ala the fight between John Ladalski and Dan Inosanto in The Chinese Stuntman). There’s a certain comic nature to the fight due to the contrasting nature of the fight against the backdrop of which it takes place in (look at the above pic to see what I mean – the compositioning of the two fighters, the bear on the bed and the picture on the wall was intentional).

The location of the fight then moves to the garden area which is external to the mansion, it provides a unique backdrop and one with dazzling scenary to what is already an original fight (probably the best in the whole film) as Lee decides to combat Rob’s nunchaku with his jacket (already torn to ribbons), a scene that’s vaguely reminiscent of the final encounter between Bruce Lee and Han Ying Chieh in The Big Boss.

Anyway, more caucasians arrive and Lee has to use the forest’s security trapping system to his own advantage with unmixed results. Lee’s fight with the gweilos is intercut with Po trying to rape Miss Lo (he does so out of frustration with his job and jealousy), the denouement of Po’s attempted rape ends with Po being beaten by Pseudo Hwang which causes Po to land in between the legs of a teddy bear – a cordial touch that’s delicately ironic (i.e. his character ends up in between the legs of another thing altogether).

Miss Lo gets kidnapped (It’s at this point we see To Ho Yen {Lo Lieh – if you remember} come into the mix) and Lee goes after them on a bike (he steals it from a delivery guy who’s exporting goods near the mansion – this scene is played out humourously as Lee ensures that people don’t take things too seriously). Things appear to be moving at a brisk pace for Lee until two associates of the people he’s against try to trip him up by using a rope before he continues to threaten them for information (something which is thankfully played with comic touches than dramatic strokes).

Owlpuss tries to rape Miss Lo at a construction site as he waits for further instruction, Pseudo Hwang steps in to beat the crud out of Owlpuss before Owlpuss takes off Miss Lo’s clothes. It’s at this point that we see shades of his agent persona as he offers Miss Lo a jacket to wear to cover her shredded top, she acknowledges his kindness – something he shrugs off.

Lee catches up with several more gang members, he asks one of them a question about the whereabouts of Miss Lo but he’s so impatient with the sluggishly-paced reply that he decides to smack them before the gangster’s finished his sentence.

To Ho Yen and Sheng get into a debate about who gives who what info which leads to an assassination attempt on behalf of Sheng. Unfortunately all of Sheng’s men are dead at the hands of Yen. Po Chee Cheng and Master Lo show up, adding more boil to the brew stirring up between Sheng and Yen. Po, who has the name list, is killed, covertly, by Yen which forces Psuedo Hwang to fight Yen.

The fight between them shows some good kicking on behalf of the Hwang lookalike (he manages to keep his leg in the air to perform nine kicks in one shot) whilst Yen concentrates on blocking and chopping. Yen gets the better hand (pun partially intended) but PH manages to survive despite a nasty stomach piercing. Fortunately, Lee comes to the rescue and the fight between Lee and Yen tops the previous one.

Po, on his last breath, manages to take out Yen. Sheng tries to shoot Lee, PH intervenes so that he can “kill” him in a mock fight, Sheng tries to shoot Lee again, PH stops him, a two on one fight ensues, PH is wounded by one of Sheng’s bullets, Lee impressively evades his bulletss, PH distracts Sheng’s attention allowing Lee to kick him and then the two succeed in arresting him. Master Lo is confused by everyone’s identity changes and Miss Lo wants to slap Lee.

Though the dubbing hampers a lot of the film’s dialogue, miraculously Lo Lieh still manages to sprout forth some of the film’s best dialogue*** (“It takes thousands dead to make a hero”). He also has one of the film’s best fight scenes – the claw attached to a chain is priceless.

The story may seems sorta bewildering but I guess it’s one of those films where you have to pay attention, decipher what’s going on and think about what’s happened after when you’ve seen it. You could say that, in a way, James Ho Chung Tao has crafted a thought-provoking film that has an intriguing quality to it. In some sense, the bizarre twists & turns kind of add to the parody element of the film as if Ho is poking fun at the narrative structure of spy movies.

Some thought has obviously been given to consumption by the Western masses due to the spy plot, the sight of American playboy magazines, pin-up posters of atrractive models and the sight of Westerners.

James Ho was also a very good actor and it’s a shame that he never allowed himself to stay in the industry long enough to go on and make films with classic directors like John Woo and Ringo Lam in the same way fellow Bruce Lee imitator & exploitation movie actor, Danny Lee was able to. Much like Bruce Lee, he was never able to explore more of his directorial reign & vision beyond two movies, despite a vast cinematic chasm waiting to be explored; but he was talented.

He might not be as talented as Mickey Rourke as far as pure thespianship goes or be so gorgeous that you’d turn gay if it weren’t for the sex, he may not be so mesmerizing as a director like Johnnie To that if you had to (if you REALLY had to), you’d fuck him and he may not create cinematic sugar-tooths like Quentin Tarantino, but he was still talented be that as it may! 😉

The visual quality on the UK disc is very misleading as was the case for a lot of the Hong Kong films of the era i.e. because of the full screen format, weakness of colour & blurry focus, it’s easy to think & say that the film was compositioned poorly (in terms of camerawork, the mise-en-scene and blocking – the positioning of the actors); especially if the film was cut (as tended to be the case for a lot of the films from the era – which might be one of the reasons {alongside the dubbing} as to why the storyline for the film seems incoherent, incomprehensible and downright convoluted).

Let’s take for instance the international video prints of the Shaw Brothers and Jackie/Lo Wei movies, the visual quality made the films seem dull whereas on the recently released DVD versions, everything looks ten times better and really compliments the cinematography (another example which illustrates this is the opposing versions of The Stranger & The Gunfighter).

On my behalf, I remember when I saw this music video by The Chemical Brothers which featured footage from Two Champions Of Shaolin. The footage was taken from the VHS master and because of the visual quality and my unfamiliarity with the film, I naturally assumed it was some typically cheap Kung Fu movie until I saw stills and a trailer which indicated otherwise. It changed my perspective on how I looked at unrestored/unremastered prints of Hong Kong movies. So you could say it broadened my peripheral awareness of such an issue.

Having said what I said, I think it’s safe to say that the components which make up the visual element of the film (sets, clothes, camerawork & fights) would be much better if we saw the restored/remastered version.

Otherwise, not a bad flick at all (I’ve been through and can think of worse fodder) though I think Ho Chung Tao surpassed himself with The Chinese Stuntman.

* I don’t know much about Robert Kerver, but like crazy old Roy Horan from Snake In The Eagle’s Shadow and Game Of Death 2 (who was interviewed on the Hong Kong Legends disc release of the latter), it’d be nice to know who this strange guy is. Both Rob & Roy (hehe Rob Roy – the Liam Neeson flick) appeared in Bruce Lee’s Secret (a.k.a. Story Of The Dragon – scenes from this film can be seen on the Top Fighter documentary when the emphasis goes from Bruce Lee to Bruce Li as well as in the closing credit sequence of said documentary) and Snuff Bottle Connection (the Yuen Woo Ping flick about the alliance between the heinous Manchus and Russian allies). Maybe Roy is friends with Rob?!

** Gwailo or gweilo is the term referred to caucasians, it’s meant derogatively though the more politically correct term would be sai yan.

*** Another instance of this can be found in James Ho’s Fist Of Fury 2 where the dialogue spoken by Lo Lieh prior to the final fight was the film’s highlight. Something which was pointed out in a conversation that took place between Bey Logan and Quentin Tarantino.

Joseph Kuby’s Rating: 7/10

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