Protector, The (1985) Review

"The Protector" Japanese Theatrical Poster

“The Protector” Japanese Theatrical Poster

Director: James Glickenhaus
Cast: Jackie Chan, Danny Aiello, Roy Chiao Hung, Sally Yeh Tse Man, Moon Lee Choi Fong, Bill Wallace, Shum Wai, John Ladalski, Fung Hak On
Running Time: 91 min.

By JJ Hatfield

This movie has two very different versions. The original version was made in the U.S. Jackie Chan made another attempt to break in to the movie market, even after “The Big Brawl” failed to find the fans. Jackie was almost as unhappy as many fans were with the U.S version of this movie.

The plot has Jackie as a cop in the US and partnered with Danny Aiello. They are two of New York’s finest, or something like that. Assigned to investigate the kidnaping of a wealthy businessman’s daughter the trail leads them to Hong Kong. There they find the kidnaping is somehow involved with manufacturing and smuggling drugs. Jackie has to save his partner and the kidnap victim as well as fight Bill “Superfoot” Wallace!

Clint Eastwood is Dirty Harry, not Jackie Chan. Having Jackie using big guns and tough one liners just did not work. Jackie uses comedy in his films not John Woo ballistic scenes. He was also hampered by his lack of English and had to depend on the director (James Glickenhaus) and others to tell him what US fans found humorous. Glickenhaus was a fool. He wasted Chan when he could have had a fairly good decent buddy movie.

Jackie went back to Hong Kong angry and upset. He decided to “fix” the movie and added more fights scenes, more action including the entire fight with Bill Wallace, with less inane nudity and bj’s. Involving more Hong Kong actors also raised the bar a bit. The fights are really nothing special but anything added by Jackie could only be an improvement. The result is a slightly chaotic but improved version. Still it can not be considered amongst Jackie’s best work. One way to tell the difference is by the cast. There are more Hong Kong cast members in the revised version.

If you are going to view this movie avoid the the US version. If there is a silver lining to this dark cloud hanging over his movie history it is this: Jackie was burned and learned from this experience and determined to make his own kind of police movie. That movie became “Police Story.”

JJ Hatfield’s Rating: 2/10 (U.S. version), 5/10 (Hong Kong version),

By Joe909

Possible conversation between director James Glickenhaus and anonymous financial backer, early 1985:

“So James, let’s hear what you’ve got.”

“Uh, well, [name deleted], it’s an idea I had for a cop flick. Two rogue officers, play by their own rules. Plus I’ve got some shit set in Hong Kong, like you asked.”

“Good. Golden Harvest wants this to be a total US-Hong Kong venture. I hear the studio head, some guy named Chow, has had his greedy eyes on the US market for a while. Jackie Chan’s his top attraction, I mean the guy’s like a god over there. Chow wants to break him in the US market. This could be an opportunity for you, James. This guy could be the next Bruce Lee.”

“Yeah, but that’s Hong Kong, [name deleted]. If this Ching guy thinks he can go from being a superstar over there to cock of the block in Hollywood, I’m sorry, but he’s fuckin nuts, you know?”

“I know where you’re coming from, James. But this is still a great opportunity. And his name is Chan. So let’s hear about the movie.”

“Okay, so it opens with midgets. Midgets and dudes straight out of Road Warrior. Mohawks, facepaint, armor.”

“So this is a post-Apocalypse type thing?”

“No. No, they’re just your average New York punks.”


“So they rob a truck, right? And that’s the intro for our boy. He shows up with his partner, right on the scene of the crime.”

“He gets in a fight with the Road Warrior guys? I like that.”

“No, no, those guys are gone. We only see em in the opening. Uh, Jack shows up after it’s all over. But you know, we gotta set it up that New York’s one dangerous place, right?”

“So Jackie and his partner go after the mohawk guys, then?”

“No, no, they go to a bar.”

“A bar?”

“Right. Just to let off some steam, whatever.”

“So you mean we don’t even see these Road Warrior guys anymore? Or the midgets?”

“No, [name deleted], they got nothing to do with anything, okay? I just wanted to show some bizarre shit to get the ball rolling, you know?”

“Well, okay.”

“All right. Let’s say we’ve got these guys, I want em real hardcore, Vietnam vets lookin for the latest score. They’re gonna rob a bar, right? In the middle of the day.”

“Would the place even have any money?”

“Look, that doesn’t matter. These guys are hardwired, right? I’m talkin Mac-10s, Uzis, M-16s. They go in, and get this, it’s the same bar Jake and his partner just went into!”

“I like it!”

“Yeah. I mean, these guys are so hot to rob and kill, they just kinda charge on into the place. I mean, if one of em happens to bump into the door on the way in, we’ll keep it in the print, you know?”

“Make it look real-to-life.”

“You got it. And let’s say they’re holding the place up, and one of em I kinda picture him as a big dumb guy who likes plush toys goes back to the john, and there’s, uh, Jack back there, pissing. At least, that’s how it looks. But then the little fucker turns around, right, and real quick we see he’s got his .45 in his hands, instead of his cock. BLAM! Robber’s guts all over the wall.”

“I love it!”

“Maybe he could say something like, ‘Can’t a fuckin guy take a fuckin piss any-fuckin-more?’ or somethin like that.”

“Lot of ‘fuckins,’ there.”

“He’s a cop, right? ‘Fuck’ is his favorite word. I want this guy, this, uh ”


“I want him to use ‘fuck’ as a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, all that shit. Fuck, I want im to use it as a pronoun.”

“I don’t see where he’d have a problem with that.”

“But anyway, John’s partner gets wasted during the gunfight in the bar. And speaking of which, this gunfight’s gonna be the best EVER. Slow-motion, guys screaming while they empty clips on full-auto. I got this image in mind where Jake shoots this one dude, and I’m gonna get this super-slow motion shot of the guy just getting tossed like a ragdoll through a window.”

“Jackie’s partner gets killed?”

“Yeah, so that way we can work in a revenge angle. But anyway, he gets a new partner. Preferably white. Can’t have two ethnicities in the lead roles, right?”

“That’s box office poison. That’s death.”

“Gotta be someone good lookin. For the ladies. I doubt this Charlie guy’s got drop-dead good looks.”

“It’s ‘Jackie.’ So who’re you thinking?”

“Two words: Danny Aiello.”


“I got Danny’s character in mind as a Vietnam vet, just as crazy as Jake’s character is. Two supercops, right? Plus Danny’s always lookin for a fight, plus he don’t cotton to superiors, if you know what I mean. Hates authority. And everywhere he goes, he takes his Uzi. Got in mind lots of scenes of him screamin while he just lets loose a clip on full auto.”

“That’s great stuff. Maybe you can have it so that his clothing gets torn often. So he can show off his physique for the ladies.”

“You got it. Okay, so halfway through the flick, Jeff and Danny are gonna go to Hong Kong. Let’s say they’re over there cause they’re supposed to be protectin some chick, maybe the daughter of some American criminal. I have it in mind that they’re at some fancy fashion show ”

“With a catwalk and all that?”

“Nah, I was thinkin it could be more of a deal with models dancing, maybe a couple lights, you know. Then these crooks in ski masks just bust in the place and make off with her. And then Chen and Danny find out the next morning that she’s been taken to Hong Kong.”

“The crooks get her to Hong Kong overnight? That’s impossible! I’m telling you, that’s just impossible!”

“Say, I like that. I think I might give that line to Jake and Danny’s chief. I’ve got a real good, original idea for the chief, by the way. He’s always gonna be pissed off at the two of em, callin em ‘supercops,’ and shit. You know, just something totally different than what you’d normally see in a cop picture.”


“We’ll have it so, uh, our star, he knows through reputation of the Chinese dude who runs all the crime in Hong Kong. He’s behind the kidnapping of the chick our boy was protecting. I have him in mind kinda thin, reedy, slicked back hair.”

“We gonna get a local to play the part?”

“Fuck that. What’re we gonna have him do, speak whatever language they talk over there?”


“Forget it. They’re all gonna speak English. When our boy’s talkin to the bad guy, I don’t care if both of em were born and raised in Hong Kong, they’re gonna speak in English.”

“Well, there’s a problem there, James. I just got word that Jackie’s English isn’t very good.”

“How bad is it?”

“Let’s just say he’ll need to learn his lines phonetically.”

“I don’t understand what that means.”

“It means we’ll have to hire someone to teach him how to say all of his lines: pronunciation, delivery, everything.”

“FUCK! Now you tell me this shit! I thought you told me he’s made a coupla movies over here already?”

“The Cannonball Run pics and something that ‘Enter the Dragon’ guy, Bob Clouse, directed. All of it shit.”

“Oh, yeah. I loved Cannoball Run 2. He was in that?”

“He was the Japanese guy in the high-tech car.”

“So he’s Japanese?”

“No, he just played one.”

“Same difference. Now let’s talk boat chases.”


“I want at least five of them.”


“I want this guy, this whatsisname, Johnnie?”

“It’s Jackie, James. You know, like Gleason.”

“I want this little fucker to LIVE on a boat. Someone steals a woman’s purse, I want the bastard on a boat, chasing his ass. Fuck, he’s in the DESERT, I want a boat chase. Oh, shit.”

“What’s wrong? People love boat chases, right?”

“It’s not that. I mean, this guy’s from China, right? He’s probably never even SEEN a boat before. You know how that place is. Lots of shantytowns and villages full of VC and shit, fish heads and rice for dinner. We’ll probably have to stunt-double him for the boat chases.”

“I’m figuring we’re gonna have to stunt-double him throughout.”

“No shit. I mean, all those people make are chop-sockies, right? Nickel and dime budget, lots of punching and kicking.”

“No boat chases!”

“Exactly. No boat chases! Shit, there goes my idea for havin him dangling from a helicopter. The little bastard would probably run away as soon as the blades got going.”

“But about these boat chases, James you’ll have to make sure people know where they’re taking place. I mean, we spend the money to shoot in Hong Kong harbor, we’d better get plenty of shots of the place.”

“[name deleted], you know me. I have a reputation in this industry as a master of establishing shots. You wanna make sure people know we’re in Hong Kong? I’m gonna make parts of this movie into a fuckin travelogue! Shit, even for the New York boat chase I’m gonna have at least twenty shots of the Empire State Building, the Twin Towers, and the Statue of Liberty jammed in there.”

“So how’s it all going to end?”

“Well, Danny and our boy basically take on all of Hong Kong’s underworld. I got some great shit in my head, can’t wait to get it on film. Like the main bad guy, he’s got this drug lab that only employs ladies. But the thing is, they’re all naked!”

“Oh, have them wearing white tennis shoes, and that’s it.”


“I’ve always had a thing for naked women in white tennis shoes. I don’t know why.”

“Hey, you’re puttin up the money. Whatever you want. I’ll even try to work in a totally-gratuitous close-up of some jugs while one of em’s bagging up some dope.”

“Make em saggy ones.”


“Saggy tits in the close-up. The saggier the better.”

“Uh, okay. Yeah, sure.”

“Do you have some fireworks in mind for the finale?”

“That’s the best part. The final battle, right? The main Hong Kong villain’s got Jackson stuck in some sort of construction rig.”

“How’d he get there?”

“Who cares? Audiences’ll only be paying attention to the action scenes, anyway. I’ll just make up the story shit as I go along. So the villain’s circling around in a helicopter, shooting at our boy, let’s say with a Mac-10 or something.”

“From a helicopter? Would a Mac-10 even be an accurate weapon from so far away?”

“Who cares? But anyway, Chang will somehow lure the helicopter closer, and get hold of the rig’s controls. And then BLAM! He drops a couple tons of some shit right on the helicopter!”

“Just blowing the villain out of the sky.”

“You got it! And I have it all in my head, right? I mean, we’ll keep the camera on Johnnie there in the rig, and we’ll see the helicopter explode outside, but here’s the genius part: we’ll hear the villain scream AFTER the helicopter’s exploded!”

“It defies all laws of reality! I love it! You have any ideas for the soundtrack?”

“Don’t worry about that. They’ve got those demo keyboards you can play for free, over at Radio Shack. I’ll just get one of the assistants to go over there on his lunch break and come up with some stuff.”

“Okay, let’s go with it. I’ll call Jackie’s people, get him over here. I just have one minor concern, James.”

“What’s that?”

“Well, let’s say Chan isn’t happy with the final product. What if he takes the finished movie and re-cuts it, makes it more like his usual-type flick, and releases his version in Hong Kong?”

“That’s preposterous! Asians can’t make movies!”

Joe909’s Rating: US version (as a “movie” movie): 5/10; (as a work of pure 1980s cheese): 9/10

By The Great Hendu

If we could liken Jackie and Danny Aiello to two different vehicles Jackie would be a well maintained candy apple red Lamboughini and Aiello would be an old, ugly, beatup, rusty ’68 Ford pick-up with the bed torn off and replaced with a rotting wooden platform. HOW can these two guys be put in the same universe? If Sammo had taken this script and juiced it up and replaced Aiello with like, say, Yuen Biao, I think it could have been a decent movie. But, as is, it pretty much bites.

There are a few minor stunts, lots of shooting, very little fighting and a semi-decent motorcycle jump by Jackie. At the end of the movie Jackie fights Bill Wallace. Now we all know the possibilities are endless, but what a major disappointment it was! It could have been as good as Jackie vs The Jet, but it fell far, far short of that. It’s no wonder Jackie was disillusioned by the American market!

The Great Hendu’s Rating: 3.5/10 (U.S. Version)

By James H

There are so many things wrong with this movie, I don’t know where to begin. First we have a really bad director (Did anyone see “McBain”?), a lame plot and bad acting, except for Jackie, of course.

The action was very bad, fights seemed slow and chases were boring. Glickenhaus (who also wrote this trash) is totally at fault. He does to an action movie what a hammer does to fixing your stereo. The fights are bogged down with slowmotion crap (not the cool John Woo way) and the chases are lack excitement because they are shot from too far away. I could go into MUCH more detail, about how to film a better chase, but I won’t.

Probably the worst part of the movie was teaming Jackie with Danny Aiello (who was good in “Hudson Hawk”). He had such great lines like: “Let’s get those fuckers!”, “Gimme that fuckin’ thing!” and my favourite “Drop the gun, motherfucker!”. I mean, really, all he did was pull out his gun and swear at the bad guys. I also had a problem with the nudity in this film. Really, what kind of sick mind does Glickenhaus have? What ever made him think of having naked women in the drug manufacturing plant? Another thing that bothered me was the music. Ken Thorne, who butchered John Williams brilliant music in “Superman II” and “Superman III”, can’t write a decent theme to save his life.

There were maybe one or two cool kicks and moves, but that was it. My friends and I made a better film in Media class this year. I just wish I had those 95 minutes of my life back.

James H’s Rating: 2/10 (U.S. Version)

By Vic Nguyen

The American version of the Protector is easily one of Jackie Chan’s worst films ever. This version (HK) of the Protector is a major improvement, but was still lacking. The problems that I had with both versions of the Protector is the lack of comedy. Jackie Chan is a gifted comedian, and taking that away from his films is a complete waste unless you have a good dramatic script, and the script for the Protector is far from dramatic.

Still, the Hong Kong version had it’s strong points, especially the fight scenes. There are two new added fight scenes in the Hong Kong version, one wiith Jackie fighting 2 guys in a weight room and the other involving two friends and gangsters in a ship yard, but was still good. The major difference between the two versions is the final fight between Jackie and Bill Wallace. The fight is much faster and is more exciting. The original version’s final fight is short, with the standard punch, kick, block and repeating. This version adds acrobatics which reminds us of the old Jackie.

There is also a subplot added with ” The Killer” costar Sally Yeh. But by far the best thing about the Hong Kong version is that all of the gratuitous nudity and bad language were taken out, which is a trademark of American style B movies. Overall, the Hong Kong version of the Protector is the best version available and is worth the extra effort to find it. When you watch this version, you will forget all about the Glickenhaus piece of crap.

Vic Nguyen’s Rating: 2/10 (U.S. Version), 7/10 (Hong Kong version)

By Clint

I have only seen the American version of this poor excuse for a JC movie. I have heard that there were major improvements on it in the HK version. I have to locate a copy of that somewhere. You couldn’t find a worse script than the one this movie contains. I am not even going to point out the really bad lines in the film. No comedy in this movie at all.

The fighting is about as bad as in a Van Damme film, with the exception of Bloodsport and Cyborg, but back to the film at hand. Two halfway decent fight scenes stick out in this movie, they are the massage parlor scene, and the finale in the warehouse. What better place to hold a finale? Oh yeah, JC flips a gun off the carpet and catches it long before he did it in Operation Condor. That’s about all you get from the protector. If you must see this film, they show it on basic cable frequently.

Clint’s Rating: 2/10 (U.S. Version)

Posted in Asian Related, Chinese, Golden Harvest, Reviews | Tagged , , , , , , , , , |

Bigger Than Life (1956) Review

"Bigger Than Life" American Theatrical Poster

"Bigger Than Life" American Theatrical Poster

Director: Nicholas Ray
Writer: Berton Roueche, Cyril Hume, Richard Maibaum, James Mason, Nicholas Ray, Clifford Odets, Gavin Lambert
Producer: James Mason
Cast: James Mason, Barbara Rush, Walter Matthau, Robert F. Simon, Christopher Olsen, Roland Winter, Rusty Lane, Rachel Stephens, Kipp Hamilton
Running Time: 95 min.

By JJ Hatfield

This film is a genuine masterpiece! It was created in 1956 and was turned into reality by Nicholas Ray, the director and a superb performance by James Mason. On the surface it might be possible for some to consider it as somewhat of an over the top message about excessive drug usage. But “Bigger Than Life” is much richer and more complex than the viewer can possibly imagine.

James Mason is the protagonist, Ed Avery. He works two jobs so he and his family can be part of the “UMC” upper middle class, even though supposedly there were and are no “class” systems in the U.S. He is a very average sort of man who insists upon living a life that is a facade. He is a teacher and not well paid and has a second job dispatching taxi’s just to “keep up with the Jones’s”. Avery does not even tell his wife, Lou (Barbara Rush) about his extra work even when she thinks there might be another woman. Ed is all smiles, everything is going the way it was supposed to but there are certain actions that seem a little strong. He clearly feels that he may be a bit more intelligent than most and somewhat still an athlete as he was considered excellent back in school. He does everything at home to convince his attractive perfect 50’s wife that life is good and will only get better.

Avery has gathered around him all the things that society demanded of men in 1950’s. The family trappings are there as well, the perfect 50’s wife and son. The large home, typical yard, well decorated but he lives with a hint of something, out of the ordinary when you see pictures of other countries, exciting places, even exotic for the typical American family. Places that he knows deep down he will never see except in those pictures.

The perfect family with the perfect wife, beautiful, polite, always making excuses for her husband’s behavior when it grows too great to camouflage. She supports him without limit but has a quiet strength of her own. Considering the script there was not much from (Chris Olsen) the son to do but he turned in a fairly realistic performance especially as his father begins to spin ever darker resolutions and revolutions. Certainly more than other young actors might have pulled off.

Just as it seems Ed has reached the summit of his goals (obsessions?) he is diagnosed as having a rare arterial disease that is fatal but there is a new and experimental drug that might not only stop the incidents and pain to a great degree but save his very life!

At first Ed is slightly reluctant to take the pills but the pain is so great he is forced to and discovers he feels much better. (People were much more trusting in the conventional medical establishment in that era) As the days and drugs go by Ed becomes demonstrably manic. Insisting on re-doing his wife and starting with her clothing he spends beyond measure. Mason’s transformation for a normal guy with more than average plans very slowly shows itself. He insults the parents and others at the school when he speaks about children, one in particular as a kind of primate. At home he begins to insist upon extremely harsh demands of his son in academics and football.

Lou is very unhappy with the whole affair but is ever the dutiful wife and she does not want to do anything to send him off into increasingly bizarre and unpredictable behaviors. Ed had begun to take more than the “six per day, no more no less”medication. When he felt a drop in his energy he would take more until he began to commit legal offenses to obtain more of the drug. Some will say what follows is about the risks of cortisone and similar other drugs but nothing more. It is at this point the movie becomes an uncomfortable and frightening tale of a man who has few functioning mental inhibitors. Naturally wanting the “good life” he will do anything to obtain it, but then finds the trappings of the American family are warped and malignant. He makes bizarre and strange demands or changes. Lou does her best to be a “better” wife and yet be realistic about their son. When she confides in a family friend, played by a young Walter Matthau, everything is worse but even the friend says it’s time to get Ed to a psychiatrist. Lou still refuses to allow such a thing. It would affect his career and standing in the community and she knows how upset that would make Ed.

She plants a small smile on her face as she knows Ed will always have something – out of this world – scare inducing! At this point the viewer is completely mesmerized by the mounting changes and extremes in Ed’ demands. He is taking handfuls of cortisone and assumed the aura of not just God but some even greater god! He reads the King James version of the Bible and starts to “realize” how we had failed to be perfection. So he institutes increasingly insane orders, his voice raised not quite yelling as if to be too dignified to be hollering but he makes his point as sharp as an ice pick.

James Mason gave one of the absolute finest of his performances in films! I do not exaggerate. One reason Ed is so frightening is because he is not screaming, obviously still able to think delusionally coherent. Most of the time he pronounces his judgments in an almost calm manner. His slide into psychosis is realistic, disturbing, frightening and damned uncomfortable. Acting as military/martial law despot as well as beyond God, even saying God was wrong…speaking of Abraham and Isaiah.

Mason’s Ed Avery is terrifying and even more so be cause you really don’t know how far he will go! He has already flung morals and traditional values right out, things he held in the heart. None of that matters. He is going to correct at least a few of the mistakes.

I was overwhelmed by Mason’s performance. A very rare talent indeed. This reviewer will admit to being truly afraid of what was going to happen. At this point he has already done so much in rage and intolerance can he stop himself from doing something unthinkable?

The color, light and shadow are used often and well. Mason produced the film but still in the end had to accept “cinema scope” a form of filming that tended to make everything look the same and with high gloss. However it didn’t diminish his performance! Near the beginning the audience sees young children pouring out of school and down some steps. The school, the children – everything is literally shades of gray. Then a scarf of red flows by, another spot of red here and there. It almost feels like some sort of horror film. Is this a statement about the way Americans are all trying to go for the same thing? Or is this the way Ed sees teaching and his students? Perhaps Ed see’s the whole world in such a manner. Is this a statement by the director Ray about how he looks at life?

In another scene the red’s come into importance. While on a cortisone happy manic high Ed wants his rather typically adorned wife to be brilliantly bedecked. When they shop he has Lou model more and more brash colors until she ends up wrapped in a garish red-orange monstrosity that would be overwhelming and verging on totally tacky by any woman and Lou is no different. Even towards the end his son wears an orange jacket. Is the gray used to say similarity is boring and imposed?

When Ed has one of his attacks he is seen only in shadow, the terrible agony he is wrestling with exposed by them. More than a few instances involve shadows and what this director was able to do with them to further enhance the transformation Ed goes through.

There are numerous aspects that can be taken more than one way. Was Ed having to take a second job because teachers were underpaid (and still are) or was the point more about Ed’s obsessions in the need for a second job to keep up the charade? Is the “American Dream” gray, boring and doesn’t really exist? Post WWII everyone was supposed to be happy and secure, despite the fact we had released the first “atomic bomb” which would scar the world and many people for life. Even Dresden was a horror no one should have to go through. But in America life was good, happy and half the country was building bomb shelters in their back yard.

One of the strong feelings I came away with is that the “dream is a lie”. This may have been said by others but there is no movie or even book that suddenly presents the viewer with such a clear picture (no this is not a pun).

The drug aspect came from an article by a doctor who wrote a warning about new “miracle” drugs and discussed cortisone. Ray used that aspect of drug abuse and the fact he had James Mason interested to help get more backing. It is nearly impossible to imagine anyone who sees this as a straight forward drug message.

“Bigger Than Life” is one of James Mason’s all time best and the same goes for Barbara Rush! It is not easy to pull off the “by his side wife” in real life – much more difficult was for her to make the audience feel it too.

I do have one serious complaint or concern about the film and that point only comes at the very end. Without ruining the insanity of the ending, all I can say was I didn’t like it. It was completely unlikely.

“Bigger Than Life’ is a must have movie. You will definitely watch it again but it may be a while. “Bigger Than Life” is a very serious film that really engages the mind.

Highly Recommended.

JJ Hatfield’s Rating: 9/10

Posted in Other Movies, Reviews |

Twisted Desires: Three Pink Masterpieces DVD Set (Zeitgeist Films)

Twisted Desires: Three Pink Masterpieces DVD Set (Zeitgeist Films)

Twisted Desires: Three Pink Masterpieces DVD Set (Zeitgeist Films)

RELEASE DATE: May 17, 2011

Named ‘the King of Nikkatsu Roman Porno,’ and ‘the most important Japanese director to emerge during the 1970s,’ filmmaker Tatsumi Kumashiro (1927 – 1995) achieved unprecedented box office as well as critical success with his cinematically lavish and narratively extravagant tales of the Tokyo underworld. This three-disc box set includes remastered editions of Kumashiro’s 1970s Nikkatsu classics SAYURI ICHIJO: FOLLOWING DESIRE (1972), YAKUZA JUSTICE: EROTIC CODE OF HONOR (1973) and TWISTED PATH OF LOVE (1973).

Click here for more details.

Posted in Asian Titles, DVD/Blu-ray New Releases |

Magnificent Butcher (1979) Review

"Magnificent Butcher" Hong Kong Theatrical Poster

“Magnificent Butcher” Hong Kong Theatrical Poster

Director: Yuen Woo-ping
Cast: Sammo Hung, Kwan Tak-hing, Yuen Biao, Fung Hak On, Lam Ching-ying, Chung Fat, Wei Pei, Fan Mei Sheng, Lee Hoi San, Kwan Tak-hing, Yuen Mao, JoJo Chan Kei Kei, Chiang Kam, Tong Jing, Billy Chan Wui Ngai
Running Time: 108 min.

By Numskull

Wong Jing penned this early Sammo Hung vehicle, but thankfully, someone else directed it. The fact that that someone else was Yuen Woo-Ping makes it all the better, but pretty much anybody would have been preferable. Alas, the film is still very uneven, filled with time-eating sketch comedy-type scenes and prone to sudden, drastic changes in mood. For me, the chief source of annoyance is the distinct lack of serious fight scenes for more than half of the film; Yuen was evidently still in Snake in the Eagle’s Shadow/Drunken Master mode, and much of the action takes the form of elaborate physical comedy. (Yes, I am aware that a great deal of effort went into the planning and execution of these scenes. No, I don’t care.) Only after an hour has elapsed does the action really kick in, with Sammo’s fellow students, two relatively minor characters, ironically getting the best fights in the movie.

Spoilers now, people. Afterwards, Sammo fights…well, just beats, actually…Fung Hak-On, whose numerous acts of thuggery include the kidnapping of a woman (whose husband doesn’t bother to tell the cops), the attempted rape of his step sister (making a tremendous amount of noise in the process, which doesn’t seem to bother the sleeping couple in the next room), and the murder of Sammo’s brother (thus setting up the 3rd oldest king fu plot hook in the kung fu plot hook book…right after “Murder: Teacher” and “Murder: Paternal Figure”). Then we have the fight against Wildcat, for which you may want to turn the sound off, and then the final showdown against Fung Hak-On’s father, which, for all its impressiveness, contains too much tomfoolery for my taste, and is somewhat anti-climactic as well (see also: The Prodigal Son). I won’t argue with anyone who hails Magnificent Butcher as a classic, regardless of my being underwhelmed. I enjoyed it, but I can think of a bunch of martial arts movies that I enjoyed more. Maybe I’ll go watch one of those. Bye.

Numskull’s Rating: 6/10

By JJ Hatfield

Master Wong Fei – hung has problems with one of his students despite having warned the student many times before about causing trouble. It was meant to avoid even showing kung fu unless being threatened or to help others. Master Wong has run out of ideas and patience after yet another incident of fighting the issue is brought back to the school. Wong is forced to ban Lam Sai-wing from being his student or being at the school.

Lam sets out to help anyone he can and doesn’t mind showing his skills. He means well but before long he is mixed up with the Five Dragons School and is accused of murder. Lam will have to overcome his weak points and train to learn a new form in order to fight his enemies. (… a deja vu moment. I think I must have written the previous sentence a thousand times.) Lam will need help from an old Master who is, shockingly a drunkard.

There are several loosely connected sub plots that are pulled into mostly coherent explanation by the end of the movie. Sometimes this movie drags a bit, especially early on. The humor is better than average for Sammo’s old school flavor. There are good times and bad but Sammo includes something amusing to break up the intensity. At times that is really annoying.

This film can boast it has it all – action, drama and comedy, not necessarily in equal doses. “Magnificent Butcher” has moves you may have not seen anywhere else. Props are used as weapons or in defense. This addition allowed for a number of different angles without being shot too tightly. The viewer can see Sammo do his stuff and he is astounding in speed and agilty despite appearing flaccid and pudgy. There are five choreographers and that doesn’t include Sammo or Yuen Woo Ping, with Yuen Biao being listed first.

After another viewing it remains damn good!. Great? Not quite but close.
Yuen Biao is fantastic! If you have seen “Dreadnaught” or “Knockabout” you already know how amazing Biao truly is as he fights, flips, leaps and tumbles! He certainly doesn’t disappoint in this one and has a long fight sequence where he is fighting the villains who attack the school while Master Wong is away. Sammo goes up against a fighter using the “cat” style. This form is not present very often as it is difficult to make it look cool on the screen. Even in this fight there are humorous moments, however it is one of the more bizarre displays of the Cat Style. Lam must learn a new form if he wants to get revenge while taking out the bad guys.

Along the way there are plenty of action sequences and precision duels. I use the term “precision duels” to describe scenes such as the first confrontation Master Wong has with the villains School Master. It was a fight and a lesson using primarily a writing brush! What some people consider to be the original Wong Fei – hung, (Tak – Hing Kwan) is in the film at the beginning and the very end. Kwan played Wong Fei – hung from the 1940‘s and remains a much loved figure.

JJ Hatfield’s Rating: 7.5/10

By Vic Nguyen

Sammo Hung Kam-bo headlines this incredible martial arts adventure, based on the exploits of Wong Fei-hung student Butcher Wing. Here, Hung stars as the good hearted Butcher, who can never seem to avoid trouble, either with the law, with rival kung fu masters, or with his own legendary sifu. Featuring light doses of comedy, an all star cast (including Lee Hoi-san, Yuen Biao, Lam Ching-ying, and the late, great Kwan Tak-hing), and some of the best martial arts battles you’ll ever see, this is another old school masterpiece that I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend. Directed by the legendary Yuen Woo-ping.

Vic Nguyen’s Rating: 9.5/10

Posted in Chinese, Golden Harvest, Reviews | Tagged , , , , , , , , , |

James Bond on Netflix: The Spy Who Streamed HD

"This never happened to the other fella"

"This never happened to the other fella"

When the HD James Bond Blu-rays were announced a few years ago, die-hard 007 fans went nuts. The pre-Daniel Craig classics (and a few not-so classics) starting hitting shelves one by one (and in sets): From Russia With Love, The World Is Not Enough, Goldfinger, Moonraker, Die Another Day, For Your Eyes Only, The Man With The Golden Gun, Dr. No, License To Kill, Thunderball and Live And Let Die — all restored, all awesome and all looking better than they ever have before…

…Uh, wait a minute. What happened to the rest of the Bond titles?

That’s the question every Bond/Blu-ray fan was asking themselves. Turns out, the remaining Bond Blu-ray titles came to a halt.

Somewhere along the line, MGM (you know, that roaring lion you see before a Bond film starts?) got themselves into serious debt; and on November 3, 2010, the studio filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Bond Blu-ray collectors became restless, especially those who already purchased the first half. Even the production of a new Bond film was put on hold (despite strong box office numbers for Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace).

On April 1st 2011, some Bond titles magically popped up on Netflix’s hugely popular streaming service; but they’re not just Bond titles, they’re mostly the titles that haven’t been released on Blu-ray. Best part: they’re in HD.

With the exception of Goldeneye and Tomorrow Never Dies (I certainly can do without ANY of the Brosnan titles), the remainder of the 007 title are now available to stream for the first time in 720p HD: Diamonds Are Forever, You Only Live Twice, Spy Who Loved Me, Octopussy, The Living Daylights, A View To A Kill, and On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.

Additionally, you also get the following HD titles to stream: Man With The Golden Gun, Thunderball, For Your Eyes Only, License To Kill, Live And Let Die and Moonraker. As a bonus, the unofficial, non-EON Productions Never Say Never Again is available as well (only time will tell if Dr. No, From Russia with Love, Die Another Day, The Word Is Not Enough, and Goldfinger will end up as streaming titles – but again, we have those on Blu-ray so who cares?).

Okay, fine, so the remaining Bond movies on an actual Blu-ray disc still haven’t showed up; but you have to admit, seeing them on Netflix – and in HD – is the next best thing. I don’t know about you guys, but I sure as hell never noticed the birth mark on that babe’s body in the Diamonds Are Forever pre-credit sequence — and is that one of her nipples I see too? With that said, the HD quality, even when streaming, is beautiful.

Blu-ray collectors need not worry. MGM seems to finally have their act together. A new Bond film is in the works and is scheduled for release in 2012. It’s even going to be directed by Sam Mendes (American Beauty). I bet you anything we’ll start seeing the rest of the Bond Blu-rays around the same time.

Until then, experience The Spy Who Loved Me as you’ve never experienced it before (cowbells and all).

Posted in News |

Nowhere to Run Blu-ray (Image)

Nowhere to Run Blu-ray (Image)

Nowhere to Run Blu-ray (Image)

RELEASE DATE: July 19, 2011

Available for the first time on Blu-ray. Nowhere to Run is a 1993 American action film directed by Robert Harmon (The Hitcher). It stars Jean-Claude Van Damme, Rosanna Arquette (Pulp Fiction), Kieran Culkin (Scott Pilgrim vs. the World), Ted Levine (Shutter Island), and Joss Ackland (Lethal Weapon 2). Story by Joe Eszterhas (Basic Instinct).

Posted in DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Martial Arts Titles |

Tetsuo: The Bullet Man DVD (IFC)

Tetsuo: The Bullet Man DVD (IFC)

Tetsuo: The Bullet Man DVD (IFC)

RELEASE DATE: June 28, 2011

Tetsuo the Bullet Man is a 2009 Japanese movie directed by Shinya Tsukamoto (Bullet Ballet). It is the third Tetsuo film Tsukamoto has done, but the first to star an American-born actor, Eric Bossick (Silent Hill 4: The Room).

Read the review. Check out the trailer here.

Posted in Asian Titles, DVD/Blu-ray New Releases |

From Dusk Till Dawn 1 & 2 Double Feature Blu-ray (Echo Bridge)

From Dusk Till Dawn 1 & 2 Double Feature Blu-ray (Echo Bridge)

From Dusk Till Dawn 1 & 2 Double Feature Blu-ray (Echo Bridge)

STREET DATE: May 15, 2011

Finally on Blu-ray! From Dusk till Dawn is a 1996 horror film directed by Robert Rodriguez and written by Quentin Tarantino. The movie stars Harvey Keitel, George Clooney, Quentin Tarantino and Juliette Lewis. Back to back with the original is the straight to video sequel, From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money, starring the T-1000.

Rather have From Dusk Till Dawn on its own?

Posted in DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Other Notable Titles |

Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars | aka The Target (1985) Review

"Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars" Japanese Theatrical Poster

“Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars” Japanese Theatrical Poster

Director: Sammo Hung
Cast: Sammo Hung, Richard Ng, Stanley Fung, Eric Tsang, Michael Miu, John Sham, Jackie Chan, Yuen Biao, Rosamund Kwan, Sibelle Hu, Chung Fat, Yasuaki Kurata, Richard Norton, Philip Ko, Andy Lau, Lau Kar Wing, Dick Wei, Anthony Chan, Charlie Chin, Chin Kar Lok, Kara Hui, Chin Siu-Ho
Running Time: 90 min.

By Numskull

More of the same, but a little better.

I’m a little annoyed that I waited so long to see this one. It suffers from the same pacing problems found in several of Sammo Hung’s other movies, but this time ’round I didn’t mind as much. The humor is still juvenile, but it’s a little funnier. There’s still an agonizingly long scene or two where Sammo and his buddies go to absurd lengths for a couple of cheap thrills, but it’s a little easier to stomach. Yuen Biao still doesn’t have as much to do as his older Peking Opera School brothers, but at least he’s not absent for 95% of the film like he was in My Lucky Stars (which, come to think of it, I’ve never seen in its full length form, having foolishly bought the Arena video tape several years back. Damn…).

Drooling fanboys who think that Jackie Chan and Jet Li are the only significant Chinese superstars there are will most likely sleep through the first half hour as Sammo Hung, Sibelle Hu and company take center stage. Richard Ng (why the hell does this guy ALWAYS wear shorts in Sammo’s movies?) tries to learn black magic so that he can make the chicks hanging out at a resort fall in love with them. Most of the humor is equally lowbrow, without really being vulgar.

Jackie Chan, Yuen Biao, and their new partner Andy Lau make their entrance with a bang, taking on a slew of low-rent thugs in a very nice fight scene set in a warehouse. You can tell this is Sammo’s doing…old school fighting the way it was meant to be, with no wires, none of that fake-looking step-by-step choreography that plagues all those 1970s chop socky movies, none of Jackie’s clowning around and excessive use of props, etc. I’m not saying that these things can’t be amusing, but I prefer my ass-kicking to be a bit more straightforward. The same rules generally apply to the other fight scenes throughout the film, including Jackie’s duel with Richard Norton (the OTHER Richard who’s in lots of Sammo films) and the thrilling finale, which doesn’t cut rapidly back and forth between the various combatants, thus creating an odd sensation that all of this chaos ISN’T happening at the same time, but what the hell, sometimes it’s better to just let the fighting breathe flesh itself out.

Michelle Yeoh makes a cameo appearance as a judo instructor. She makes Richard Ng a lucky man by sitting on top of him. Then Sammo makes Michelle an unlucky woman by doing the same thing to her.

There’s a bit of a plot hole with Jackie and Andy having to protect some bad guy with the matter of “why” not exactly being crystal clear, but it’s not that important. There are a couple of other stupid points, like Ms. Wang failing to notice that there’s no evidence of a fire the morning after Sammo and his friends convince her that the house is ablaze, and the sniper in the bathroom falling for that “blind girl” act (come ON!!!), but the film gets by on the merits of its action and, to a lesser extent, its comedy, and, at the end of the day, is a pretty satisfactory experience.

Numskull’s Rating: 7/10

By Clint

My favorite lucky stars flick due to the great fighting. Sammo finally editied together some great fight scenes in this “Lucky stars” movie. The comedy is just like “My Lucky Stars” because nothing is really funny by itself, but all of the funny scenes combined give a little bit of comedy satisfaction. There are four good fights… JC, Yuen Biao, and Andy Lau vs. many in the warehouse….Samo vs. those chicks, at least I think they were chicks… JC vs. Richard Norton…..and the superb finale with Yuen, Samo, and JC all kicking ass. I actually recommend this “Lucky stars” effort, even though JC is not in it much.

Clint’s Rating: 7/10

By Louis Stevens

This film is excellent, the biggest and most expensive of all the lucky stars movies, the begining has a monster of a fight with Jackie and Yeun Biao taking on about 30 guys in a ware house, the humour is great, the only thing is Jackie was injured so the fight filled ending was done with Sammo intsead, but it’s still a great movie, from what I remember this has more Jackie in it than the other lucky stars flick, yeah watch this!

Louis Stevens’ Rating: 8/10

Posted in Chinese, Golden Harvest, Reviews | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

My Lucky Stars (1985) Review

"My Lucky Stars" Japanese Theatrical Poster

“My Lucky Stars” Japanese Theatrical Poster

Director: Sammo Hung
Producer: Leonard Ho
Cast: Sammo Hung, Yuen Biao, Sibelle Hu, Jackie Chan, Richard Ng, Eric Tsang, Andy Lau, Michiko Nishikawa, Charlie Ching, Stanley Fung, Lam Ching-Ying, Bolo Yeung, James Tien, Yuen Wah, Fruit Chan Gor
Running Time: 84/99 min.

By Numskull

How many people, like myself, saw the Arena Home Video release of this movie in the martial arts section at Media Play and shelled out eight hundred and ninety-nine of their hard-earned cents (plus sales tax where applicable) for it, expecting to see a poorly-dubbed but still watchable ’80s Chan flick superior to Lo Wei’s excrement but second-rate compared to, say, Police Story? A show of hands, please? Ah…I thought so.

Well, as anyone with half the intellect of a furry little forest critter burrowing in its own feces knows, nine bucks isn’t a great deal to pay for a video such as this. However, it would have been nice and fair and decent and honest and ethical and TOTALLY unAmerican if this release had been packaged for what it is…a Samo Hung film which co-stars Jackie Chan…rather than what thousands of action-starved Johnny-come-lately peasants like me were looking for…a Jackie Chan movie that co-stars Samo Hung. There’s about 15 minutes of Jackie and 70 minutes of Samo here. Had I known that beforehand, I would have bought it anyway since Samo kicks ass, but still…15 minutes of Jackie is 15 minutes of Jackie.

Three action scenes in this movie…short one in beginning, short one in middle, long one at end. Most of the comedy scenes are just filler…some, like the Japanese restaurant bit, while not exactly being hysterical, at least work. Others, like the quasi-epic phony burglary scene, do NOT work and will make you want to track down the parties responsible for conceiving such a thing with six rabid bloodhounds and a meat cleaver in each hand (“I’m allergic to rope”?!?).

Remember, though…the longer you suffer, the greater your reward. Sit through the lame frat house humor and you’ll be treated to a really keen funhouse seqence where lots of people sustain grievous bodily injuries. If you didn’t laugh at the plight of five petty crooks torn between copping a feel off a “Daddy got me here, pretty face will get me the rest of the way” pseudo-actress at every opportunity and simply breaking down and gang-banging her, surely you won’t fail to see the humor in watching them administer concussions and spinal damage to a crew of underpaid stuntmen with families to support pretending to be bad guys.

You know, I bet some TV executive looking to capitalize on the popularity of Walker: Texas Ranger had a whipping boy round up all the Jackie Chan movies he could find in hopes of finding bits to steal and drop into a new martial arts based show…and when they saw this, they said: “Hot damn…I don’t have to look for this shit myself…I’ll just hire that guy! Smithers (pointing at TV screen)! Bring me the fat man!” Thus, Martial Law was born.

Oh yeah, Yuen Biao is in this movie too, but I find it kind of odd that he is supposed to be a brother to Jackie and Samo but he gets stuck with a weenie underdog role and has maybe seven minutes of screen time. Oh well…with eight key roles in this puppy, I guess SOMEONE had to be shafted.

Now, with all of that having been said, go to Media Play right now and buy the fucker unless A) you have done so already or B) you can’t afford the $8.99 because you’ve got two kids in college and your car insurance company is hitting you with a late fee since you only paid them ten days in advance and it takes them two weeks to process your check and register the payment. Believe me, I hear you…just like the political prisoner played by Samo Hung, who gets double-crossed and screwed over by the fuckin’ pigs (who else), you’re being hassled by the man (whatever the fuck that means).

Numskull’s Rating: 7/10


By Vic Nguyen

This film was pretty good. It had action, and plenty of good laughs. Jackie plays Muscles, a Hong Kong cop traveling to Japan to bust an ex cop. Along with his partner [Yuen Biao], they follow him to an amusement park, and after an excellant fight with ninjas, they kidnap Yuen Biao. Jackie then enlists the help of his former orphanage gang to help rescue his partner, because he says the kidnappers will recognize all Hong Kong cops. Jackies out of the picture and the camera turns focus to Sammo and crew. This is not a bad thing, because the sequences involving Sammo’s horny crew are hilarious. After that, Sammo and crew re-unite with Jackie for a final assault to rescue Yuen Biao and to catch all the bad guys. Even though Jackies part in this film is limited to an extended cameo, the orphanage brothers really steal the show. Sammo really proves he is capable of directing films in all sorts of genres. Highly Recommended.

Vic Nguyen’s Rating: 8/10

By Yate

My Lucky Stars has to be one of my favorite Samo Hung films. Yeah, it has rather grade school humour and some very stupid scenes, but so what? I think the crude humour was funny as hell. You gotta love a movie in which two of the heroes are a retarded guy and a guy who thinks he has ESP (the scene where he stares at a guy coming after him and says “Don’t hit me, don’t hit me” is priceless). Not to mention the fight scene with Jackie Chan inside of the evil funhouse. If you ask me, it is not only Jackie Chan’s best fight, it has to be my #2 favorite fight ever (I’m still undecided about #1). The fight is almost surreal and looks really cool.

If your still not convinced that this is a really kick ass movie, you gotta love the scene where the retarded guy shows a Japanese waiter his member in order to get a sausage, but instead is brought back a mushroom. Be sure to see the DVD though, the dubbed VHS suck! This is a very underated film and I can’t recommend it enough.

Yate’s Rating: 9.5/10

By Ro

Here goes: Picture a 14 year old boy — with A.D.D. — and an unusual amount of hormones. Now age him about 15 more years, multiply by 5, and you have the pseudo-heroes of this movie. Samo Hung is the head of a gang of ex-orphans, turned con men, thieves, crazies, etc. They are asked to go undercover to help Jackie rescue Yuen Biao from bad guys. As far as I can figure, they are in the movie to slow it down. The scene where they dress up as Ninjas so they can terrorize the girl in the picture and take turns getting tied up to her is so painful, I wished I could have put Ambisol on it (or do I mean Preparation H?). When a guy is turned on, his brain shrinks to the size of a walnut (in direct disproportion to the part of him that’s growing) – and these rocket scientists still manage to put one over on this dimwitted female, who’s dumber than dumb. Who put her in charge of the mission? The Three Stooges? The only time the movie is at all good is the beginning, with Jackie and Yuen and the end fight (again with Jackie), this time in an amusement park Horror House. What a waste of Yuen Biao! I figure he got about 7 minutes of screen time, most of it in a car! I have to admit, I laughed out loud a few times and I love Samo, which is the only reason it got as many stars as it did.

Ro’s Rating: 4/10 (add 3 stars if you’re a 14 year old boy)

By Shazbot

I am creating a new category called “Jackie Chan Charity Films.” That’s where this movie belongs. I haven’t seen a superstar in such a superfluous and tacked on role since Eddie Murphy sold his soul for “Best Defense.” It’s already known that JC did this film to keep visibility while working on other films, and to help Sammo. This film needed him. His contribution includes a great car chase at the beginning, an original piece in a fun house at the end, and a fight in the middle of the movie (which showcases the most overused JC cliche, the “duck in the nick of time as a sharp blade cuts off a lock of his hair.” OK comedy, but not an action film. Why does the little guy (who looks like he has Downs Syndrome) sound like Jerry Lewis.

Shazbot’s Rating: 5/10

By Marcia

Having seen this film all of once, I can’t say I’m impressed. Perhaps I would have liked it better if I’d seen any of the other “Lucky Star” films, but I had definitely been hoping for more of Jackie. The fights are pretty good & the humor is plenty ridiculous, but I’d have to be in a very particular mood to watch this one again. I give it an extra point just for the funhouse scene, though.

Marcia’s Rating: 6/10

By Jan-Michael

After analyzing this film, one know’s that Jackie was ready for Police Story. The opening draws the audience in with non-stop action as Jackie and his partner Yuen Biao chase a renegade HK cop out of a Japanese subway station. An excellent display of daring stuntwork and acrobatics, along with a great car chase precede. Then, Sammo and his buddies are introduced and slow the film down. Now, those who moan drawn out buddy-buddy gag sequences should be forewarned. Sammo and his friends give some comedic relief but it just drags on. Copping feels off of Sibelle Hu gets tired after a while, believe me, I’ve tried it, and she slapped me a couple of good ones as well. And the pantomime at the restaurant was just to much for me.

Finally, Jackie starts mixing it up a bit. Jackie disguises himself as a big-headed mascot (or something) and enters the amusement park’s funhouse, only to find out that the exhibits inside are trying to kill him. My Lucky Stars kicks into gear (finally) as Jackie fights his way through the surrealistic funhouse and into the Scarecrow Club’s headquarters. Jackie really shines in the entire finale; demonstrating his new style that would change cinematic history in Police Story. Chan plunders through his opponents with ease; releasing an explosion of energy that viewer’s really hadn’t seen to much of at this point in his career.

Yuen Biao has basically just a cameo in this three buddies film; and his talents really go to waste. Sammo displays his fast rhythmic bone-crunching style; but his kicks are just sloppy. Sammo’s side blade kicks are thrown practically from the ground, they need to be thrown from your knees for the full impact. Sammo’s crescent kicks are sloppy as well and he doesn’t extend to the fullest mark that a crescent kick needs to be reached; but its mainly because he can’t get his legs around his obese belly that easily. Sorry sammo, but Jackie put you to shame in this film. No wonder why you only allowed Jackie to make a presence of about 1/2 an hour. Overall, this film is pretty well done but its not on my top ten anywhere. I recommend any Chan fan to watch it for at least Jackie’s phenomonal skills.

Jan-Michael’s Rating: 7/10

By EZwalk

This movie was different than any movie I’ve ever seen. One hand it has some great fight scenes and on the other it was filled with really corny humor. All the scenes with Jackie (there aren’t many) were fast moving fights with some cool moves. Some of the scenes with the orphans were funny (like the crazy guy driving the car), but too many were either too long or too stupid. The scene with the fake ninjas was funny at first but went on way to long. So in closing if you like a few fast moving fights with mixed corny humor and a little Jackie, this movie is for you. Other wise this one has a lot of dull moments.

EZwalk’s Rating: 5/10

By Andrew

Not a bad flick overall. This is a B movie from the 80’s with a healthy dose of Jackie Chan action towards the end and one REALLY COOL CAR STUNT in the beginning. This really belongs in a collection of Sammo Hung films (unless you don’t have one) though, the film features the “lucky stars” a group of old orphan buddies who reunite for adventure. They are really only so-so. Granted, they get their chance to shine, but sometimes they are pretty dumb. I’ll go see the other lucky star films, but now I know what to expect…

Andrew’s Rating: 5/10

By Clint

This movie is better than “Winners and Sinners”, but not as great as “Twinkle Twinkle”. Sammo does a better job with his editing in this one, but it still is pretty bad. Jackie actually has some decent fighting in this one. There’s the fight in the beginning when JC and Yuen Biao are chasing the crooked cop. Then the fight where Samo accompanies JC in some ass kicking in Jackie’s house. And the finale is actually quite nice. There’s a cool chick fight. The comedy builds up on you until you start to feel a little bit like blurting out a laugh or to, but none of the comedy scenes really stick out as particularly funny. This is good as long as you don’t mind seeing JC in a small role.

Clint’s Rating: 6/10

By Dusty

This was and is one of the best Jackie/Samo films. I’d have to say Jackie and Samo Hung are the best movie duo ever. Forget Mel and Danny. Forget Bill and Ted. It’s them. This movie features Samo at his best, including a trick the horny guys play on the girl in the apartment (which got a little long). No, Jackie is not the main character in this movie. But if your read the title, it clearly describes the “Lucky Stars” as the stars of the film. Jackie shines in his part, although he plays sort of the straight man. Good movie throughout except a little slow in the middle.

Dusty’s Rating: 8/10

By Sean Johnson

This film is hella funny! the crazy orphanage guys keep the picture moving and the laughs coming. The only problem though is that Jackie isn’t in enough of this movie. He only really shows up at the end for a well executed action scene in a Theme Park Ghost house where he fights ninjas and Samurais. The problem with the American video is that about six minutes of the film are cut out, and it is released on an EP format brought out by Arena Video which is a company that consists of a bunch of con artists. Get the original version and have a good time.

Sean Johnson’s Rating: 7/10

By The Great Hendu

My Lucky Stars was a really funny movie. The five members of the “orphanage gang” were constantly pulling practical jokes and joking with each other. They were really the heart of the story. Jackie wasn’t the star of the movie, but the fight scenes he was in were phenomenal. If only he had been more prominent in this one it would have been a great flick. The Good: Jackie’s walk through the haunted house… The Bad: Not enough Jackie… The End: Good fight scene with the body builder woman!

The Great Hendu’s Rating: 7/10

Posted in Chinese, Golden Harvest, Ninja, Reviews | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The Superman Motion Picture Anthology Blu-ray (Warner)

The Superman Motion Picture Anthology Blu-ray (Warner)

The Superman Motion Picture Anthology Blu-ray (Warner)

RELEASE DATE: June 7, 2011

The 8-disc collection features all five Superman movies (Superman: The Movie, Superman II (also includes Richard Donner’s cut), Superman III, Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (Christopher Reeve), and Superman Returns (Brandon Routh) with 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio sound (Stereo for Superman IV).

It’s also Packed with over 20 hours of bonus features. Includes: Deleted scenes, The Cinematic Saga of Superman, Look, Up in the Sky! The Amazing Story of Superman, Superman and the Mole-Men, the complete Fleischer/Famous Studios 1940’s cartoons and much more.

Click here for more details.

Posted in DVD/Blu-ray New Releases, Other Notable Titles |

Encounter of the Spooky Kind (1980) Review

"Encounter of the Spooky Kind" Chinese Theatrical Poster

“Encounter of the Spooky Kind” Chinese Theatrical Poster

Director: Sammo Hung
Producer: Raymond Chow
Cast: Sammo Hung, Chung Fat, Peter Chan, Huang Ha, Lam Ching Ying, Wu Ma, Tai Bo, Billy Chan, Chin Lung, Cheung Ging Boh, Fung King Man, Fung Lee
Running Time: 98 min.

By JJ Hatfield

The first time I saw this movie it was in the form of a very ancient and quite heavy dusty old VHS tape. The story was immensely confusing because there were no subtitles and the audio was streaming crackles in Mandarin. But I saw enough to know this was a better than average action flick with plenty of Sammo style humor. Sammo has the ability to be very funny and to write and direct comedy. There are times however when he just takes a topic and wrings it out until it loses any capacity for humor. It still is a bit heavy on the hokey side but a definite all around entertaining flick for Sammo fans and those who appreciate “old school” martial arts and comedy.

Sammo plays a character who is called “Courageous” (in some versions “Courage” or “Bold” in the dub) but his real character is almost completely the opposite. Despite his fear of nearly everything for enough money he agrees to stay in a house that is supposedly haunted. In the mean time his wife has been cheating on him with a wealthy lover who decides “Courageous” should be killed to simplify matters and leave his wife open to marriage. Her lover pays an evil Tao priest to kill Courageous by magic.

Fortunately the priest’s brother discovers the sinister plan and helps “Courageous” to stay alive in an environment with all kinds of evil, zombies, ghosts, mummies, more spirits…

Does “Courageous” survive the onslaught of evil unleashed upon him? Well long enough to pull out all the stops in the big fight scene! And what a fight! Sammo looks good and makes his opponent, corporeal or not look good too! Dick Wei gets some well deserved screen time as a Master.

As often with movies, especially Sammo movies the end finale/fight is well worth the wait. And this is very much a Sammo movie – directed, screenplay, lead actor, action choreography. Yuen Biao assisted with choreography and even has a cameo as a vampire but Sammo owns the movie.

He cannot rely on his own skills to survive and is able with the help of the evil priest to take on the aura of the “Monkey God”. (This is a little confusing because it is not the Monkey God *himself* but the spirit/fighting form.) It’s a Sammo style finish to a basic entertaining film.

JJ Hatfield’s Rating: 6.5/10

By Numskull

After hearing this movie favorably compared to Mr. Vampire – one of my top five favorite HK flicks of all time – my expectations were pretty high. Sammo Hung being at the helm only made them higher.

Well, now I’ve seen it, and though it was certainly enjoyable, it did leave me a little disappointed. Why? There was more chop-socky here than I anticipated; that, in and of itself, is not a detriment, but the supernatural element is kind of downplayed. Some more humor would have been nice, too, since the little that IS here ain’t half bad for the most part.

Things start off kind of slow, but I knew Sammo would eventually deliver the goods. The action kicks in when “Courageous” Cheung spends the night in a temple while the sorcerer hired to killl him manipulates a corpse from afar. Sorta like the old Warner Bros. cartoons where Daffy Duck is tormented by an unseen animator. I was hoping the whole movie would play out in similar fashion. No such luck. Sammo defies the odds, escapes the temple shaken but unharmed, and then gets accused of murdering his bitchy, unfaithful wife.

Subsequently, Sammo does some mighty fine fighting but the two magicians just chant their gibberish and control peoples’ bodies. The focus is almost as much on the duel of wizardry as it is on Sammo trying not to get killed. The scene where a corpse mimics his movements may be funny to some, but I thought it was rather pointless. The evil sorcerer enchanting one of Sammo’s arms so it attacks people against his will is splendid, though (and it also proves that the guys who wrote Evil Dead 2 have seen this movie at least once).

A slick and lengthy martial arts battle polishes off the main plot and is followed by a one-two surprise punch. For the first one, my reaction was, “Well, shit, that kinda sucks.” But the final few moments of the entire film had me clapping my hands and squealing with delight. Am I a sick bastard? That’s debatable, but you don’t have to be a warped person to get a charge out of the ending.

I suppose this and Mr. Vampire would make a pretty cool double feature, though folks who have seen both films will no doubt have noticed that the latter owes a debt of gratitude to Sammo’s movie for the “substitute rice” bit. I definitely prefer Mr. Vampire over this, but credit must be given where it’s due.

Not a bad film, not by a longshot…but not quite what I was hoping for. Also, when the chicken gets decapitated…is that for real? Hong Kong, 1980? My gut says yes. Tsui Hark maimed a dog for The Blade 16 years later, so it seems safe to assume that Sammo could’ve gotten away with killing a chicken for this movie without creating too much of a fuss. Oh well, life goes on. Except for the chicken.

Numskull’s Rating: 7/10

By Vic Nguyen

The film that was thought to have revolutionized the Hong Kong horror genre, this Sammo Hung film evenly blends fantastic, acrobatic action, light hearted comedy, and some genuine scares. Hung stars as Courageous Cheung, a coward whose reputation proves otherwise. When he discovers a secret that might destroy the career of a politician, he becomes the target of a taoist priest whom the politician has assigned to kill him. A wonderful all around martial arts/horror piece that is yet another superb film by Sammo Hung.

Vic Nguyen’s Rating: 9/10

By Perkele

This is one of the very best martial arts/fantasy movies there is, and the film that made me a serious HK-movie fanatic. Amazing masterpiece that upstages all Jackie Chan movies in existence and shows us once again the masterful talent of Sammo Hung.

Comedy is funny [but I still can’t figure out the scene where the mirror eats the guy; what’s the point?], special effects are cool and the fighting is Sammo’s best work [this time as a fighter, Yuen Biao did the choreography].

The film has few of the most memorable fight scenes in movie history [for me at least]: the tea-house fight (where Sammo’s arm is possessed and he has to fight with Lam Ching-Yin and his henchmen), the gyonshi fight (where Sammo duels the immortal zombie in the temple; most hilarious fight ever!) and ultimately the final showdown, where the two taoist wizards call spirits and gods to take over their assistans.

Rent it or buy it, I guarantee you’ll be satisfied.

Perkele’s Rating: 10/10

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War | aka Rogue Assassin (2007) Review

"War" Japanese Theatrical Poster

“War” Japanese Theatrical Poster

AKA: Rogue
Director: Philip Atwell
Writer: Lee Anthony Smith, Gregory J. Bradley
Cast: Jet Li, Jason Statham, Terry Chen, John Lone, Devon Aoki, Sung Kang, Ryo Ishibashi
Running Time: 103 min.

By JJ Hatfield

War, uhhh yeah, what is it good for absolutely nothin’… sorry. The song is good. This movie is not. What comes across is rather two dimensional. I felt at times the characters were made of cardboard. I swear they were doing stop animation filming scattered through the movie. This reviewer found it difficult to care about any of the characters. One of the few aspects that is interesting is that viewers seem to have extreme feelings about it’s rating – really like it or hated it. Comments overheard seemed to validate the same response.

One of the complaints heard often was Jet did not do his usual balls to the wall kick ass kung fu action. Folks, Jet said a few years back he was not going to be doing non stop no holds barred kung fu. In a way it is a disappointment. We love to see Jet do his stuff, meaning kicking the living daylights out of bad people. Fans have grown to expect high quality fighting all the time, in every movie. But the only thing that is certain is things will change.

Jet is tired of the same old routine. He has given us so many wonderful films that have stood the test of time and will continue to do so. He has repeatedly stated there would be no more movies like “Fearless”. So while a disappointment upon reflection he is only following through with his plans. Time stops for no one and that includes Jet. He has had numerous injuries and he is, like us all, getting older. Even he can’t defeat the passing of time and the accumulated injuries. We know Jet can act. That being said he didn’t seem to be very interested in his performance. Perhaps that was supposed to be just his character but he seemed …bored? distracted? Whatever the reason we know Jet can act but he doesn’t display it often here.

Jason Statham on the other hand excelled at manic over-acting! It seems he is capable of two facial/body expressions both over the top hyperactive and that is about all. He does have his ardent fans. A little of him is okay but someone please get him some downers! He also needs to have a set “voice” in one movie and stop yelling so much. Motion is not necessarily action. I found it difficult to believe his responses which seemed to escalate every ten minutes. The plot twist at the end was a cheap trick. I suspected something to change but it took the easy way out. I had a difficult time deciding upon a rating. Most of the supporting cast did well but there was a sub plot that seemed unresolved.

If you want Jet kicking ass watch “Fist of Legend”, “Danny the Dog” “Fearless” and many many more. Try to think more along the lines of “Crime Story” starring Jackie Chan. (Jet was actually considered for the role but he passed and it proved Jackie could really act and still entertain.) There is also a logistical difficulty with using kung fu in modern times. People involved with Triads/Gangs/Yakuza/Mafia etc. are usually well armed with guns. Big guns and lots of bullets. Using martial arts against any kind of gun successfully is not likely to happen often. We have to bite the bullet (no pun intended) and accept a different kind of action film with Jet. Different does not necessarily mean bad, but this movie is.

JJ Hatfield’s Rating: 4.5/10

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Winners & Sinners | aka 5 Lucky Stars (1983) Review

"Winners & Sinners" Japanese Theatrical Poster

“Winners & Sinners” Japanese Theatrical Poster

Director: Sammo Hung
Cast: Sammo Hung, Jackie Chan, Richard Ng, Ching Shung Lin, John Sham, Stanley Fung, James Tien, Lam Ching-Ying, Cecilia Yip Tung, Fung Hak-On
Running Time: 95/106 min.

By Numskull

This is generally considered to be the first Lucky Stars film. It isn’t.

It’s a blueprint; a not-quite-ripe-yet predecessor. Director/star Sammo Hung would later use many elements and cast members from this movie in “My Lucky Stars” and “Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars”…and some viewers will no doubt point to the name of the ex-cons’ cleaning service, “Five Stars Cleaning”, and shriek “I told you so, I told you so”…but Winners & Sinners does not fit into the true Lucky Stars continuity. The most obvious differences are the absence of Eric Tsang’s character (“Roundhead”) and the fact that Sammo’s character (“Teapot”) here meets the gung-ho cop played by Jackie Chan for the first time; in the other Lucky Stars films, they’ve known each other since childhood. Charlie Chin (“Vaseline”) is still a womanizing jewel thief and Richard Ng (“Windpipe”) is still nuttier than a Snickers bar, and Stanley Fung (“Ranks”) is here too, but he’s not the same as in the other films. By the way, these are the nicknames given on the Universe DVD; in other versions, they’re a little different (Ranks = Rookie, Windpipe = Exhaust Pipe, etc.).

So, anyway. Our party of five (including “Curly”, played by John Shum Kin-Fun, who appeared in a different capacity in Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars) get out of prison on the same day, crash at Curly’s place, drool over his sister (Cherie Chung), and try to go legit. The plot, such as it is, mostly consists of a series of Sammo-ish comedic situations leading up to the protagonists’ unwitting acquisition of a Triad leader’s briefcase and the ensuing struggle over it. Outstanding among the bits of childish humor are an enormous vehicular pile-up and a scene in which Richard Ng believes himself to be invisible and struts around naked (although you can tell he’s wearing shorts when he peeks at the chick in the bathtub). Action is sparse, but that’s to be expected. Brief appearances are made by Mars, Lam Ching-Ying (R.I.P.), and Yuen Biao (who has a brief fight with Jackie; if this were a real Lucky Stars film, they probably would have recognized each other as cops, even if they weren’t partners yet).

This isn’t what I would call a great film, but the chemistry amongst the actors is certainly there, and it’s a good sign of things to come in MLS and TTLS.

By the way…did I miss something, or did Sammo just immediately guess the briefcase combination?

Numskull’s Rating: 6/10

By Shaol!nDrunkMonk

Sammo’s first in a short series of successful films, Winners and Sinners has energy by the bucket-load, so much so that there was nothing left for the sequel! Anyways, whenever you put a group of convicts together in a Sammo film, good things are bound to happen…

Watching the dubbed version adds to the off-beat energy, and the concept of a bunch of losers getting together and trying to go straight while total chaos erupts around them like Grandpa after a big meal adds to the comedy. This film doesn’t take itself the least bit seriously, and you won’t either. The purpose of the story itself is to tie the comedy scenes in with all the action into a concise and funny approximately 90 minutes of Jackie on roller-blades, Sammo fighting baddies in the fast-food joint, Sammo eating porkchops, and a gang of criminals hitting on the only female lead…

Oh yeah, and Yuen Biao shows up to teach Jackie some manners as the whole group of convicts, cops, and cameo appearances cater to the short-attention-spanned kids in the audience and the action and humor crazed adults waiting for a good laugh and a painful stunt. You have to be in a certain mood to really enjoy this film…It’s full of great stuff that you might miss the first time ’round. Winners and Sinners delivers. And that rhyme is the best thing I’ve come up with to describe this film.

Shaol!nDrunkMonk’s Rating: 10/10

By The Great Hendu

When you’ve got characters named Teapot, Vaseline, Exhaust Pipe, Curly and Rookie, you know it must be a comedy. I certainly laughed a lot during this movie. It really cracked me up. Richard Ng was especially funny. His little scene about trying to be invisible was great.

Having seen the other Lucky Stars movie first, I was a bit lost. Now I understand what is going on. The main stars are all sent to prison for different, individual crimes. They form a friendship while there and are all released on the same day. Jackie is a cop who knows Teapot (Sammo).

Somehow, the group of newly released criminals get accidentally invloved with some counterfeit plates and the fun begins.

Jackie and Sammo collaborate in a small fight scene in a restaurant that turns out to be pretty good, and Yuen Biao makes a cameo very quick fight scene with Jackie. Jackie has a cool rollerskate chase scene in the middle of the film which is classic J.C. and Sammo does a fine job fighting the bad guys at the end. Overall it’s a decent film, but it’s not a Jackie film. He only makes a few appearances.

However, I am rating this film as a whole, not just on Jackie’s part. It’s definately worth the money.

The Great Hendu’s Rating: 8.5/10

By Aloho

I’d like to give this a 0/10. It was a brainless stupid slapstick waste of time. However, There are some cool things:

1) The red cars – the tops come off. I want one.
2) Under the truck rollerskating stunt and 50 car pile up.
3) The “I’m invisible so I’m gonna walk around naked” scene.
4) This one is hard to explain. It’s the scene at the main villian’s house where one of the guys is about to take on two guys. Then another good guy comes with another opponent. And all this stuff happened. I blinked, so I missed a little.

Aloho’s Rating: 4/10

By Eirias

I don’t think Jackie Chan’s ever given a performance I enjoyed more. It lampoons his own image, (though it was made before that image was established). He plays his usual daredevil cop, but he’s incompetent — risking his neck to catch two thieves only to cause a 50 car pile-up, beating up innocents, and generally getting himself swiftly demoted through the ranks. His story barely intersects with the main one, concerning Sammo Hung, Richard Ng, and a whole slew of other character actors you’ve seen before (if you’ve watched enough of these movies), all of whom are good, and all of whom are funny. This comedy part, for once, is very funny, containing several elaborate set pieces, and leaves room for some real sweet character development of Sammo.

Sammo’s character knows kung-fu too, so when the plot appears, to everyone’s surprise, he kicks everyone’s ass until the cop’s get their, and it’s all great fun. Chan gets to fight Yuen Biao (in a cameo), and does the single most amazing stunt I’ve ever seen him do, involving a semi and some roller-skates, followed immediately by a bit with a mini-van. A lengthy set-piece featuring a naked man who thinks he’s invisible goes in my book as one of the funniest of all time. The flaws that bothered me in other Sammo action/comedies don’t bother me at all here, because this film hangs together, works as a whole, and doesn’t belittle any of its characters, even as it makes fun of their quirks. At the end, it’s rousing, and a triumph for the underdogs.

Eirias’ Rating: 8/10

By Andrew

And the oscar goes to… Richard Ng for his portrayal of an idiot who thinks he is invisible in a supporting role. No, this flick couldn’t win too many awards, although it’s slightly better than “My Lucky Stars”. Jackie really didn’t do much in this film. That would be OK with me if the movie was better, but his character was a moron too. Try taking Kevin Chan of the Police Story series and dividing his I.Q. by 3. Then give him the manners of a 2nd grade kid and the voice of a post pubescent chain smoker and you get the Jackie character of this film. It sounds like Eric Cartman did the voice of Jackie in this one.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s decent fighting and a few good sight gags, but this film was just not what it could have been. Some things are truly amazing, like the massive car wreck (you can actually see people inside some of those cars when they crash) and Jackie kicking that stuntman out the window and over a retaining wall. That doesn’t make up for poor acting in general and the plot discontinuity. Watch for Yuen Biao’s cameo.

Andrew’s Rating: 5.5/10


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Invincible Eight, The (1971) Review

"Invincible Eight" Chinese Theatrical Poster

“Invincible Eight” Chinese Theatrical Poster

Director: Lo Wei
Writer: Ni Kuang
Producer: Raymond Chow
Cast: Nora Miao, Billy Chan, Paul Chang Chung, Han Ying Chieh, Sammo Hung, Lam Ching Ying, Lee Kwan, Bruce Leung Siu Lung, Angela Mao Ying, Pai Ying, Lydia Shum, Tang Ching, James Tien, Patrick Tse, Lee Ka Ting
Running Time: 95 min.

By Jeff Bona

A group of eight warriors (Nora Miao, Lee Kwan, Angela Mao, Lydia Shum, James Tien, Tang Ching, Patrick Tse and Paul Chang Chung) band together to assassinate General Hsiao (Han Ying Chieh), a ruthless leader who is responsible for murdering their various family members. It won’t be an easy task, as their target is heavily guarded not only by a standard army, but also by a special group of whip-wielding guards.

1971’s Invincible Eight was the first movie released by the then-newly-formed Golden Harvest Studios. Founded in 1970 by former Shaw Brothers managers Raymond Chow and Leonard Ho, Golden Harvest was the first company to give the Shaw Brothers solid competition. The studio gained ultimate momentum with The Big Boss, Bruce Lee’s first action movie, released the same year.

Invincible Eight is directed by Lo Wei, who most likely switched from Shaw Brothers to Golden Harvest, probably due to greener pastures and more creative control. After all, it was no secret that the Shaws were notorious for having a strict guidelines over their actors, actresses and filmmakers; not to mention paying them measly salaries.

Whatever methods the Shaws had over their filmmakers, worked to their advantage; all you have to do is compare Lo Wei’s Invincible Eight to Vengeance of Snow, his last film for Shaw Brothers — it’s easy to see which film looks better, quality-wise. That’s not to say it was a better film.

This brings us to the main problem with Invincible Eight: The sets are there. The talent is there. The plot is there. But compared to the standard Shaw Brothers swordplay movie, it feels rushed, cheap and the choreography is very loose and dodgy. Even the way it’s filmed and crafted, you can see that it was a step back, with no evidence of any innovative style, whatsoever.

Problems aside, Invincible Eight is very entertaining, which explains why it was well-received by the public. The story is interesting, the characters are memorable and the pacing is decent. The cast is good reason enough to check the film out – most notably the beautiful Nora Miao, in her first role role ever. All the others have been around the block, again, in mostly Shaw Brothers movies.

As long as you’re not in it to see inventive action to top-notch filmmaking, you’ll be pleased. The real treat is the climax, which measures up to a big, bloody battle which can almost be compared to the ultra-violence of a Chang Cheh flick — and that’s a good thing.

Jeff Bona‘s Rating: 7/10

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